IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2024-12-06

*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)00:58
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:10
*** gabriel__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)08:31
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)08:56
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:36
mulbahHi tboimah12:45
GabrielHi mulbah12:48
mulbahHow are you doing12:48
Gabrielit's me Gabriel, what's wrong lately you ain't showing up.12:48
GabrielYou should be checking your email on a regular basis, jeff is getting angry about you not responding to his email.12:49
mulbahI saw the mail12:53
mulbahI even see yesterday own by I was not having data to turn up12:54
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:55
GabrielMulbah, this is about us, I guess we'll take a fees for this, like I do on a regular basis, by activating monthly data that last me for a week, I suggest you do the same no matter what, let's sacrifice today's, Jeff is complaining on us about time, I don't want this to continue next year bro.13:04
mulbahBro you know my phone was stolen I'm trying to get phone 13:05
GabrielYea, I think you might have phone by now, we just got paid this gone Saturday.13:06
Gabrielcan you please reply to the emails?13:07
mulbahI was the first mail I know I was not going to turn up that why I didn't reply to it13:15
mulbahthe one He asking me to join the team I already reply to it13:16
GabrielOkay, I saw it. but did you saw the one he recently sent?13:29
GabrielI think few hours ago?13:29
Gabrielwhat about the server, would you take the responsibility to manage the clean cookie server?13:31
GabrielFor I am planing on studying Django with Tanaka to work on this project too...13:32
mulbahYeah I can manage the clean cookie server13:34
GabrielI hope you're online regularly now?13:40
GabrielFor the bot, how far have you'll go on it, I was trying to participate but each time i tried running the code on my local machine i keeps getting "env error", I don't know why, I have been busy also with my studies so I find no time to sneak into it.. 13:43
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:08
mulbahI'm done with the bot14:09
mulbahLuic and I14:09
mulbahI'm asking he for me to host it14:09
mulbahbut not getting any response from he14:10
mulbahdo you want to see it in action14:11
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:52
*** Gabriel has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:56

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