IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-12-07

*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)07:54
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerGood afternoon dcammue 13:58
jelknerHello tboimah, great to see you13:59
tboimahGood morning jelkner 13:59
jelknerwhat classes do you have for your 2nd term, tboimah?14:00
tboimahProgramming Fundamental and Sociology14:00
jelknerwow, cool!14:01
jelknerprogramming fundamentals uses java, yes?14:01
tboimahWe are using my favorite "Python"14:01
jelknerAh, great! ;-)14:01
jelknerMy favorite language too14:02
tboimahAh, That's good to know14:02
jelknerYou knew that already, right?14:02
jelknerdcammue, do we have a meeting today?14:02
jelkneri saw it mentioned in emails, but i'm not clear on that14:03
dcammueGood morning Jeff 14:10
jelknerGood afternoon dcammue 14:10
dcammueSorry I was off a bit14:10
dcammueYes we have meeting today jeff14:11
jelknerno problem my friend14:11
jelknerwe aren't scheduled to meet until 10 am my time, right?14:11
jelknerwhat is on our agenda for today?14:11
BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:11
dcammue!add agenda. 14:13
BigBrotherSuccess: "agenda." has been added to the agenda.14:13
dcammueadd report on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue14:14
dcammue!add report on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue14:14
BigBrotherSuccess: "report on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue" has been added to the agenda.14:14
dcammue!add report for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue. 14:15
BigBrotherSuccess: "report for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue." has been added to the agenda.14:15
jelknerAwesome. That's the way to do it!14:15
jelknerThe stipend went through, yes?14:15
jelknerBecause I see it leaving my bank14:15
jelknerso I certainly hope it arrived at yours!14:16
mulbahHello Jeff14:16
jelknerGood day, mulbah 14:16
jelknerglad to see you here14:16
jelknersince we have a lot to talk about14:16
jelkneri'm counting on you to join the dev team14:16
dcammue!add discussion about jetroweb office space and office materials14:16
BigBrotherSuccess: "discussion about jetroweb office space and office materials" has been added to the agenda.14:16
mulbahI responded to your mail did you see it14:17
jelknerACTION goes to check his email14:17
dcammue!add AOB14:18
BigBrotherSuccess: "AOB" has been added to the agenda.14:18
dcammueYes jeff14:19
dcammueAny Other Business (AOB)14:19
jelknersuper, thanks for teaching me that14:21
svayeGood morning jelkner 14:21
jelknerHello svaye14:22
freenaGood Morning jelkner 14:25
jelknerGood day, freena 14:25
freenaHow are you doing today??14:27
jelknerI don't know yet, freena, that depends on how our meeting goes ;-)14:27
jelknerBut the emails I'm reading now are making me feel good!14:28
freenaOh, okay 14:28
mulbahJeff can you contact luic for me I been trying to reach he through email but he is not responding to any of my mail14:29
jelknerNow I'm doing very well, freena, since I just read "our business certificate will be ready within the14:30
jelknerperiod of two weeks"14:30
jelknermulbah, ledmer has been dealing with personal business that has kept him out of the loop for a bit14:30
jelknermulbah, to be successful, we need to be a team14:31
jelknerso when someone can't make it, the rest of us move things forward14:31
mulbahI was asking if I should host the bot on the server14:31
jelknerthen when the missing person returns, they will feel energized and empowered because they know they are part of a group of comrades that can carry on the struggle14:31
jelkneranyway, let me call Tanaka to see if he can make it here14:32
*** tbiomah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:34
jelknerHe didn't pick up.14:35
jelknerI left him a text14:35
jelknerhe didn't know we were meeting14:35
*** gabriel has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:35
*** gabriel__ has quit (None)14:36
*** tbiomah has quit (None)14:37
*** Websterss has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:37
mulbahthat is the bot jeff14:38
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:38
BigBrotheragenda. (added by dcammue)14:38
BigBrotherreport on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue (added by dcammue)14:38
BigBrotherreport for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue. (added by dcammue)14:38
BigBrotherdiscussion about jetroweb office space and office materials (added by dcammue)14:38
BigBrotherAOB (added by dcammue)14:38
mulbahwe are done with it14:38
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove14:38
little-websterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove, !settingtime, !startmeeting, !updatetime14:38
jelknercool, mulbah!14:39
jelknerthat is wonderful news!14:39
jelknernow we need to do two more things before you are really "done" with it:14:39
mulbahWe done with it for the pass weeks now14:39
jelkner1. it needs to be tested by the customer14:39
mulbahbut I was just waiting for update to host it14:40
jelkner2. you need to send an invoice for the work14:40
jelknerremember, a business process is not finished until the bill is paid ;-)14:40
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:40
BigBrotheragenda. (added by dcammue)14:40
BigBrotherreport on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue (added by dcammue)14:40
BigBrotherreport for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue. (added by dcammue)14:40
BigBrotherdiscussion about jetroweb office space and office materials (added by dcammue)14:40
BigBrotherAOB (added by dcammue)14:40
jelkner!add Jetro plans for setting up email hosting on May First14:40
BigBrotherSuccess: "Jetro plans for setting up email hosting on May First" has been added to the agenda.14:40
jelknerGood day jkollie 14:41
*** little-webster has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:41
jkollieHi jelkner 14:42
mulbahJeff is it me you are asking to send an invoice14:43
jelknerso here is the deal, mulbah, and we need to figure this out together14:44
jelkneri can't afford too much more than i am sending now14:44
jelknerso per our agreement, i've been sending you a monthly stipend at a fixed amount14:45
jelkneruntil your invoices *exceed* that amount, i won't send additional funds14:45
jelknerbut you need to start invoicing, with the goal of being able to bill for more than i am sending now14:46
jelknerwhen you can do that, Jetro will be in business!14:46
jelknerthen you can start making plans for increased revenue based on the work you can do14:46
jelknermulbah, does that make sense?14:47
jelknersince ledmer does not get a stipend14:47
jelknerhe wil be paid for the invoice14:47
jelknersince you have already been paid, you won't get any additional amount now14:47
jelknerbut you will be starting to work toward the Jetro goal14:48
jelknerwe have some exciting possibilities developing here sustained work14:49
jelknerNOVA Web will want to partner actively with Jetro Web14:49
jelknerso together we need to build our skills14:50
jelknerand SOON!14:50
jelknerEveryone, please let me know if any of that is not clear.14:50
tboimahIt is clear jelkner 14:50
tboimahAnd that is Awesome plan14:51
jelkneroh, btw everyone14:52
jelkneri won't be able to meet on Saturday again until January 1114:53
jelkneralmost a month14:53
jelknernext saturday i have to be with our high school programming team at a contest14:54
jelknerthen my wife and i will be driving to Mexico during our winter break14:54
jelknerso i'll be on the road14:54
jelkneri will still be involved14:54
jelknerbut since i'll be traveling, it will have to be mostly asynchronous14:54
mulbahJeff can you tell Luic for us to meet the time he and I normally meet14:55
jelknerbut, that is the same time Mr. Zawolo will be there with you14:55
jelknermulbah, you and Luis and Tanaka have to work that out among yourselves14:55
jelknerand please do14:55
gabriel__jeff, you shouldn't forget about what i asked you to send by MR. Zawolo, for me...14:56
mulbahI email them but no response 14:56
jelknerwho will be chairing our meeting today, freena?14:56
jelknerLOL, i didn't forget gabriel__ 14:56
mulbahI was thinking when can we start 14:56
freenaI will chair the meeting jelkner 14:56
jelknerPlease welcome Tanaka_ here with us!14:57
gabriel__Greetings, Tanaka..14:58
mulbahHi Tanaka_14:58
jelknermulbah, you can begin to coordinate with Tanaka_ now14:58
mulbahHow are you doing14:58
jelknerthanks freena!14:58
Tanaka_Greetings Mulbah, Gabriel14:58
Tanaka_@Mulbah are we continuing with the tasks14:59
mulbahI was wondering when can we start15:00
jelknerTanaka_, Jetro could use your help setting up their email15:00
jelkneroops, freena 15:00
jelkneryou're on sister!15:00
freenaWhat do you mean jelkner ??15:01
jelknermeeting started ;-)15:01
jelkneryou're chair15:01
freenaOh yeah 15:01
freenaMeeting call to order everyone 15:02
freena! agenda 15:02
jelknerno space15:02
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:02
BigBrotheragenda. (added by dcammue)15:02
BigBrotherreport on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue (added by dcammue)15:02
BigBrotherreport for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue. (added by dcammue)15:02
BigBrotherdiscussion about jetroweb office space and office materials (added by dcammue)15:02
BigBrotherAOB (added by dcammue)15:02
BigBrotherJetro plans for setting up email hosting on May First (added by jelkner)15:02
jelknerand if mulbah is write15:02
*** tbiomah has quit (None)15:02
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove15:03
jelkneroh not yet15:03
jelknernever mind15:03
freenaGood day everyone 15:03
freenadcammue: 15:04
freenaPlease go with the report first 15:04
dcammueOkay, thanks 15:05
dcammueMadam chair for this opportunity 15:06
jelknerlet's move folks, only 24 minutes left15:06
dcammueFirstly,  I will like to thank Jeff for everything going on here15:06
dcammueJetroweb received a donation of 2500 USD on November 30th 202415:07
dcammueAnd Jetroweb did sign for 2300 USD on that same day15:07
jelknerit's not a "donation", its a business development grant15:07
dcammueHere is the brake down of the money or donation 15:08
dcammueOkay grant15:09
jelkneropps, page not found15:10
jelknerdcammue_, don't use spaces in file names15:10
jelknermulbah, will be able to help you more with that15:11
jelknerGUIs use them15:11
jelknerbut CLIs don't like them15:11
jelknerso let's learn not to use them15:11
jelknerThere are so many skills to learn15:12
jelknerand you are making excellent progress15:12
dcammueme done15:12
jelkneryour markdown looks nice15:12
jelknerACTION done15:13
dcammueACTION done15:13
freenaDaniel and I visited the Liberia business registry and started the process but unfortunately for us, we were send back because of your article of incorporation. The guy said that the Article wasn't complete and for it to be complete there should be shareholders and their percentage but we were asked to go back on Monday to re-varify the article. 15:14
jelknerfreena, this is important15:15
jelkneri know we want 30 minute meetings, but since i'll be traveling15:15
jelknermaybe we can take extra time today15:15
jelknerMadam chair, may i ask a very important question?15:15
freenaThe guys said that after the verification of the article, the business certificate will be ready in two weeks starting Monday.15:15
freenaGo ahead jelkner 15:16
jelknerThank you15:16
jelknerEveryone, who will be the original worker / owners of Jetro Web?15:16
jelknerYou need to think about this *very* seriously15:16
jelkneronce you decide, each of them should be listed in the operating agreement as having an equal share15:17
jelknerGreat, Stephen has joined us15:17
StephenSorry, everthing is out here...15:18
freenaThat's the motorized copy of the Article of incorporation 15:18
jelknerno problem15:18
jelknerfreena, i don't see the names of the worker / owners15:18
jelknerThere we go!15:20
jelknerSo, let's talk about this15:20
jelknerI see 5 names15:20
jelknerWhere is Mulbah?15:20
jelknerI understand svaye is too young15:21
mulbahyeah I'm 15:21
dcammueThe business registry is only excepting five maximum 15:21
jelknerand what is jkollie's role in all this?15:21
freenaThe Liberian law say that only 3 to 5 incorporators 15:21
jelkneryou need to talk to mr. zawolo about that15:21
dcammueThat's the law in liberia 15:21
jkollieHow do you mean jelkner ?15:22
jelknerso, that is a huge discussion!15:22
dcammueA cooperative business has the maximum of five owns15:22
jelknera worker cooperative is a democratic organization owned and operated by *all* its members15:22
jelknerreally dcammue?15:22
jelknerThis is a problem15:23
dcammueBut we all know that everyone is hold ownership to the business 15:23
jelknermost of the successful web tech coops i know about (in Argentina, mostly) have 30 to 40 members15:23
dcammueOnly for the business to be registered under the Liberian business registry 15:23
jelknerdcammue, how are the rights of the members not listed protected?15:24
jelknerlet me just say this before we go on15:24
jelkneri fully understand what what we are doing will take many years15:25
freenaThe corportive can have up to 100 and above but the incorporators maximum is 5 jelkner according to Liberia law 15:25
jelknerthank you freena 15:25
jelknerfreena, you have a new task15:25
StephenTHis is probably due to what they can handle with paper forms...15:25
jelkneryou need to teach me about Liberian law regarding cooperatives15:25
jelkneri need to understand it15:25
freenaAlright 15:26
jelknerok, for now, we move ahead with what we've got15:26
freenaShould I do it now??15:26
jelknerwe can set up a time to talk15:26
jelkneron Telegram15:26
jelkneri'll also ask Isaac about this on Monday15:27
jelknerlet's move on15:27
jelknerACTION done15:28
StephenOk, I've got to run.  Bye...15:28
freenaThe next items has to do with office material 15:28
freenaAnd office space 15:28
jelknerbye Stephen 15:28
*** Stephen has quit (Quit: Page closed)15:28
jelknerwill fill you in15:28
freenadcammue: please take the lead 15:28
dcammueWe do see the office space that scooper recommended to us15:29
dcammueSo we need the funds for the rent and additional funds for office materials 15:30
dcammueBut the invoice will be send later today after the meeting 15:31
jelknerIsaac Zawolo will be bringing that with him15:31
jelknerso we need all arrangements made before he leaves15:31
dcammueJelkner that will be long time 15:31
jelknerno dcammue two weeks15:32
freenaOkay jelkner 15:32
dcammueOkay oo but it will be next year before we  move there that all.15:33
*** Tanaka_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:33
jelkneryes dcammue 15:33
dcammueACTION done15:33
jelknerwe are heading into the holiday season15:33
jelknerwe should plan well now, and "hit the ground running" in 2025!15:34
jelknerACTION done15:34
tboimahjelkner, is there anything I can help with? since my course this term are light wight.15:34
jelkneryes tboimah 15:34
jelknerlet's wait for my agenda item on that15:34
tboimahWhat is it my friend.15:34
BigBrotherThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:35
BigBrotheragenda. (added by dcammue)15:35
BigBrotherreport on business registration process, by Freena Koikoi and Daniel Cammue (added by dcammue)15:35
BigBrotherreport for December and January stipend by Daniel Cammue. (added by dcammue)15:35
BigBrotherdiscussion about jetroweb office space and office materials (added by dcammue)15:35
BigBrotherAOB (added by dcammue)15:35
BigBrotherJetro plans for setting up email hosting on May First (added by jelkner)15:35
jelknertboimah, i'm waiting for Tanaka to return15:36
freenathe next items is AOB15:36
dcammueJeff is there any other Business 15:38
jelkneri'm talking to Tanaka15:38
jelknerhold on15:38
jelkneryes, there is a very important item15:38
dcammueOKAY 15:39
jelknergreat, Tanaka_ is back15:40
jelknerok, tboimah 15:40
jelkneri emailed about this, but let me say it again here15:40
jelknersince we *definitely* could use your help!15:40
jelknerwe now have 4 organizations in "our circle" that are members of May First:15:41
jelkner1. NOVA Web15:41
jelkner2. Jetro Web15:41
jelkner3. Social Justice Computing (SJC)15:41
jelkner4. SECOSOL15:41
jelknerMay First is a tech hosting cooperative15:41
jelknerthat provides:15:41
jelkner1. Web hosting15:42
jelkner2. Email hosting15:42
jelkner3. Nextcloud hosting15:42
jelknerother things too, but those are the things we need most immediately15:42
jelknerSo, tboimah, Tanaka_, mulbah, and ledmer were asked to learn to use that infrastructure as soon as possible15:43
jelknertboimah, you could join them15:43
dcammueI did the email aspects 15:43
jelknersince we need that badly15:43
tboimahOkay my friend15:43
jelknerdcammue, when you are done, i will be able to email you at members@jetroweb.org15:44
Tanaka_@ledmer and I already started on setting up the DNS and fixiing the broken url on Friday 15:44
jelknerTanaka_, excellent15:44
jkolliejelkner: can I join them also?15:44
jelknerTanaka_, tboimah is a very skilled member of the Jetro team15:44
jelknerplease update him on what you are doing15:44
jelknereffective communication is a crucial problem to solve15:45
jkollieOkay 15:45
jelknerand we will be using May First for our shared infrastructure to support that15:45
Tanaka_For sure15:45
mulbahIs there anything I can be a help with too Tanaka_15:45
jelknerjkollie, let's talk after this agenda item15:45
Tanaka_So ledmer and I went throught the May first documentation15:46
jkollieOkay jelkner 15:46
jelknerTanaka_, just so you know, NOVA Web currently hosts its own email server15:46
jelknerWe don't want to do that anymore15:46
jelknerwe want to move to May First hosting15:46
jelknerso we can hire you to help us move15:46
tboimahTanaka_, when did you guys meet to talk about this project?15:46
jelknerbut first, Jetro and SJC should be set up15:46
jelknertboimah, last Thursday15:46
Tanaka_We met on Thursdsay15:47
Tanaka_from 4pm - 7pm EDT15:47
*** dcammue_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)15:47
jelkner8 pm to midnight UTC15:47
tboimahSo is there a fix time we are going to be meeting?15:47
jelknerthat is our meeting time, tboimah 15:47
jelknerit has been for a long while15:47
jelknerwe will meet again next thursday15:47
mulbahso one time in a week which is Thursday15:47
jelknerbut then be off for the holidays15:48
Tanaka_So it means for now we will be working on transferring Nova web to May firs15:48
jelknerTanaka_, yes, but I want to make sure you know what you are doing first!15:48
jelknerSo set up Jetro and SJC, which don't currently have email15:48
jelkneryou can't break those ;-)]15:48
jelknersince they don't exist yet15:49
jelknerNOVA Web can't afford to break its email15:49
jelknerso we should do that one last15:49
Tanaka_Alright I will start by  working on those two15:49
jelknerTanaka_, help tboimah get a Jetro Web login15:49
jelknerso he can join you15:49
jelknerok, that's all i have15:50
Tanaka_Let me work on that 15:50
jelknerjkollie, what have you been working on?15:50
tboimahYou can send it privately Tanaka_ 15:50
jkollieOkay jelkner 15:50
jelknerfreena, dcammue, and svaye, please join me in this last topic15:51
jelknertech team, you can all go and do your thing!15:52
jelkneri need to chat with the business team15:52
jelknerand don't want to take up any more of your time15:52
jelknerone thing you might do is move over to #novawebdev channel15:52
jelkneror stay here, suit yourselves15:52
jkollieFor the past time I have been working on webpages, and studying and studying on HTML and CSS lessons 15:53
Tanaka_@tboimah can we move to #novawebdev channel to discuss more15:53
tboimahsure Tanaka_ 15:53
jelknerdo you have a git repo you are putting your work in?15:53
jkollie I have a git repo I was using but I lost it since I forget the password and haven't been able to add to it 15:55
jelknerfreena, dcammue, svaye, are you all here?15:55
jelknerdcammue, what about you?15:56
jelknerso let me be crystal clear15:57
jkollieBut recently scooper, Fkoioi dcammue and I created a git repo that we decided to add repo to15:57
jelkneri will stop sending stipends for people who have no concrete product to show me15:57
jelknerwe have limited resources, and can't afford at this point to carry "dead weight"15:57
jelknerso, jkollie, if you want to continue receiving a stipend15:58
jelkneri need you to make an agreement with me on what you will deliver15:58
jelkneri have a task for you that would be of help15:58
jkollie I apologize about this jelkner 15:59
jelknermy colleague Chris Jones and I are exploring a new HTM / CSS curriculum15:59
jelkneri could use your help testing it out15:59
jkollieBut I'm willing to go with your agreement 15:59
jkollieOkay 15:59
Tanaka_I have a quick question Jeff, I think I only have the login credentials for sjc not for novaweb16:00
jelkneryes, Tanaka_ 16:00
Tanaka_not for jetro I meant16:00
jelknerno NOVA yet, Tanaka_, but work with Jetro to get credentials16:00
jelknerthey emailed me they have a loging16:01
jelknerthey told me they were going to send it to me, but i don't want it16:01
jelkneri want you all to handle this!16:01
jelknernot put it on me, i have too much to do already! ;-)16:01
Tanaka_Alright that is now clear 16:01
Tanaka_we will handle it Jeff 16:02
jelknergive me a minute jkollie freena svaye and dcammue 16:02
jkollieokay 16:03
svayeOkay 16:03
jelknergo to this website16:04
jelknerDo you see the Web Dev Essentials: HTML Essentials course?16:05
jelkneri want you to enroll in that course16:06
jelkneri am very busy16:07
jelknerbut my colleague Chris Jones is teaching our web course this year16:07
jkollieAlright 16:07
jelknerand we have been communicating regularly with the vendor that makes these courses16:07
jelknerthey have offered us free vouchers to test these materials this year16:08
gabriel__Tanaka, did you saw my email?16:08
jelknerif you do your task well, i will introduce you into our conversations with them16:08
jelknerand take some time to help guide you16:08
jelknerbut *YOU NEED TO DO THE WORK*, not me!!!!16:08
jelknerACTION waits for the +1s that will go in the log ;-)16:09
tbiomahhere is the login credential for the MayFirst account16:09
jelknerno tbiomah 16:09
jelknernot here!16:09
jelknersend that privately16:10
dcammue_sorry is me16:10
jelknerdon't put secrets here16:10
jelknerwell, jkollie svaye dcammue_?16:10
jelknerfreena, 16:10
jelknerok, this is a great thing for you to work on during the disruption of the holidarys16:11
jelknerwe can email about it16:11
jelknerbut i can model getting started16:11
jelknerwhenever i take on a new learning task like this16:12
jelknerthe first thing i do is ....16:12
jelknercreate a git repo for it!16:12
svayejelkner, I want to know how we will meet with Ved and Devesh as it relates to the business16:12
jelknersince this is a website16:12
jelkneri would recomment github16:12
jelknersince github pages enables you to publish your site16:12
jelknersvaye, they meet on Thursdays from 4:30 to 7 pm EST16:13
jelknerthat's why i am pushing for you to get an office16:13
svayeAre we all taking HTML and CSS lessons16:13
jelkneri think you should do that during the holidays16:13
jelknerand show me what you can do16:14
jelknernext term svaye and dcammue will be returning to UoPeople16:14
jelknerbut between now and then they can learn more front end web skills16:14
jelkneryou are a web dev coop16:14
jelkneryou need to develop broad skills among your team16:15
freenaOkay 16:16
svayeWell understood jelkner 16:16
jelknerOpenEDG is developing a new web certification connected with this16:16
jelknerIt would be great if several of you could earn it16:17
jelknerin hindsight, i wasted a lot of our scarce resources paying for CIW16:17
jelknerbecause we are switching to OpenEDG16:17
jelknerbut that's the way it goes sometimes16:17
jelknerthings change fast in this industry16:17
jelknerfreena, svaye, dcammue, jkollie that's all i have16:18
jelknerlet's communicate by email16:18
jelkneri'll take a peak at the curriculum today16:18
freenaAlright, thanks jelkner 16:18
jelknerand set up my own little repo16:18
dcammue_okay jelkner thanks for the day16:18
jelknerto model what i am hoping you will do16:18
svayeAlright jelkner, thank you16:19
jelknerbut again, YOU NEED TO LEAD!16:19
dcammue_and we will do just what you want16:19
jkollieOkay thanks jelkner 16:19
jelknertalk soon16:19
jelkneri need to get to work16:19
jelknerACTION signs off for the day16:19
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