IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2025-01-11

BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:23
freenaGood afternoon tboimah 14:17
tboimahHow are you freena ?14:18
freenaI'm good and you 14:18
tboimahI'm good14:20
freenaOkay 14:22
jelknerGood afternoon, tboimah!15:04
jelknerHow is your mom?15:04
tboimahGood day jelkner 15:04
tboimahMY is trying all thanks to God!15:04
jelknerGlad to hear it.15:04
jelknerAnd good to see you.15:04
tboimahjelkner, Thanks for the concern for my mom.15:08
jelknerof course, my dear friend!15:08
BigBrotherWarning: There are no items on the agenda!15:11
jelknerPlease feel free to add something tboimah 15:18
jelknerwe need to get the new bot deployed15:18
jelknerthat is one of the tasks15:18
jelknerit still hasn't happened15:18
jelknerdo you know who will be coming?15:19
tboimahfreena, was here not too long. I think the other team member will join soon.15:20
shmohamudGood day all15:22
tboimahGood day shmohamud 15:22
shmohamudhow have you been Thomas?15:22
svayeHello  jelkner, freena, tboimah, shmohamud 15:22
tboimahGreat! and YOu?15:23
shmohamudGood to hear. I am well.15:23
tboimahGood afternoon svaye 15:23
jelknerGood afternoon, svaye!15:23
jelknerI just got off the phone with Mr. Zawolo15:23
tboimahthat's good to know shmohamud .15:23
jelknerhe is waiting for you to set up the meeting with him15:23
jelknerGood morning Dr. Hubbard!15:23
freenaGood morning jelkner 15:24
StephenGood morning too.15:24
jelknerfreena, good afternoon!15:24
jelknerthanks for agreeing to move this meeting to 10:30 btw.15:24
StephenSo far, we have avoided being evacuated due to the fires, but yesterday was a close call.  A fire started just 2 miles away, but they were able to put it out...15:24
jelknerThat enables shmohamud to participate15:25
jelknerand he will be a *huge* help to us15:25
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:25
jelknerStephen, is Tanaka going to join?15:25
jelknerI sent his laptop on Tuesday15:26
jelknerby UPS15:26
jelknerdon't know how long it will take to arrive15:26
jelknerSahnun had a really good conversation with him on Thursday15:26
jelknerabout the UCCA15:26
jelknerSahnun, Blu and Marin will be working on that project each Thursday15:27
jelknertogether with others who want to join them15:27
StephenDo you have the tracking number?15:27
jelknerat home15:27
jelkneri'll get it to you later15:27
StephenWhen you have the chance, Email it to him and CC me...15:28
jelknerwill do15:28
jelknerscooper, i just talked to Mr. Zawolo15:28
StephenThe mail room is almost a 1 mile hike from his "winter" inter-term room.  Such fun in blowing snow...15:28
jelknerhe said he is waiting for you to set up the meeting with him15:28
scooperGood morning shmohamud, Stephen and jelkner 15:28
StephenJust did...15:28
scooperAnd Good afternoon svaye, freena and tboimah 15:29
dcammueGood day everyone 15:29
shmohamudGood morning Scooper. Apologies for not replying to your message from a while back. Will get back after this meeting.15:29
tboimahGood day scooper 15:29
scooperand what was his response jelkner??15:29
scooperOk shmohamud 15:30
jelknerscooper, he said he is waiting for you to set up the meeting with him15:30
svayeHello Scooper 15:30
jkollieGood day everyone 15:30
jelknergood morning Tanaka 15:30
jelknerok, let's get started15:30
TanakaGood morning Jeff15:30
jelknersince the new irc bot is not running yet15:30
scooperHe asked me for everyone whatapp number which I have already did15:30
jelknertboimah, are you working on that?15:30
jelkneri didn't add things to the agenda15:30
scooperSo he should start the ball rolling not me15:30
jelknerscooper, you need to!15:31
tboimahI was not task to do that.15:31
jelknerlet's not block15:31
jelknerwe need to move forward15:31
tboimahit wan mulbah and louis15:31
scooperI will done it after this meeting15:31
tboimahthat was working on that15:31
jelknergot you15:31
jelknerok, mulbah has the most challenges with connectivity15:31
jelknerour solution to that is the new office15:32
jelknerhere he is15:32
jelkneranyway, you all need to talk with Mr. Zawolo about the office15:32
jelkneri sent an email pleading with you not to delay15:32
scooperjelkner, did you see my email??15:32
jelknerso PLEASE DON'T DELAY!15:32
mulbah_Hello everyone 15:33
jelknerscooper, this is in your hands, not mine15:33
jelknerso you either move or you don't15:33
jelkneri'm waiting for you to move15:33
jelknerbtw, for folks who haven't been following this15:33
jelknerwe are trying to find office space for jetro web15:34
jelknerso they can set up the generator and the wifi15:34
jelknerand have reliable infrastructure to work15:34
jelknermr. zawolo suggested something near the new university campus15:34
jelkneri love that idea15:34
jelknerbecause i'm still dreaming of building the school15:34
jelknerand that would be an ideal location for it15:35
jelkneri don't want to get carried away15:35
jelknerbut shmohamud and i were talking about big dreams this morning15:35
mulbah_We found a place that was okay 15:35
jelknerof a long term vision to create a cooperative economic community around jetro web and the school for social justice computing15:36
jelknerwhere mulbah_?15:36
mulbah_In Congo town 15:36
jelknerif you are talking about the one that required $3500, that is not ok15:36
jelknertoo much15:36
jelknermr. zawolo says so15:36
mulbah_The area is big have running water bathroom 15:36
jelkneri won't move on this without his approval15:36
mulbah_And not far from the road 15:36
jelknerthat sounds good15:37
jelknerdoes mr. zawolo approve?15:37
mulbah_Nope 15:37
jelknerso you need to talk with him, my friend!!!!!15:37
jelknerwhat's holding you up?15:37
freenaIf Mr. Zawolo already have a place than we should contact him to get more details 15:37
jelknerfreena, please call him15:37
jelkneri just got off the phone with him15:37
jelknerwhy don't you take the lead on that?15:38
jelknerhe would love to hear from you15:38
dcammuejelkner: the house rent is not $350 is less then that15:38
jelknergive him a call today15:38
freenaI should call him now or after the meeting jelkner ??15:38
jelknerok, let's bring closure to this item15:38
freenaAlright 15:38
jelkneryou can call him now freena 15:38
jelknersince he doesn't do irc15:38
freenaOkay 15:38
dcammueBut there are other things that we needed to buy that's what makes the money upto $350015:38
jelknerhe's a phone guy15:38
jelknerso we need to call him ;-)15:39
jelknerplease call him15:39
jelknerand report back to us by the end of the meeting15:39
jelkneryou can read the logs for the rest15:39
jelknerwhat other items to people have?15:39
scooperI have something to say15:40
scooperit relate to your last mail on item 315:40
freenaI just spoke with Mr. Zawolo 15:40
scooperIs right to discuss it now??15:41
jelknergreat freena, and spencer, keep typing15:41
jelknertwo people can type at once in irc15:41
jelknerit will help learning how to use it effectively15:41
jelknereverything goes in the log15:41
jelknerand we can keep our meetings short that way15:41
freenaHe said that he already created the WhatsApp group chat and we are going to have the meeting today 15:41
jelknerperfect freena, thank you!15:41
freenaBut he said he will give me a call when it's time for the meeting 15:42
dcammueMr. Zawolo is on the WhatsApp chat right now15:42
jelknerso y15:42
jelknery'all need to handle that15:42
freenaAlright 15:42
dcammuejelkner: 15:42
scooperIt has to do with Social Justice computing website15:42
jelkneryou know i avoid survailance capitalist corporate tech ;-)15:42
freenaWhile Mr. Cooper is still typing 15:43
jelknerscooper, can you show up virtually on Thursdays?15:43
scooperyou came in yesterday asking Jetro web to handle the social justice website15:43
freenaDcammue and I have  good news guys 15:43
jelkneror ask another jetro webster to do that?15:43
jelknerthey did work last thursday15:43
dcammueWe have a great news for you all15:43
jelknerStephen, did you see it?15:43
StephenSorry, see what...?15:43
scooperat what time?15:44
freenaThere is actually a good news. Daniel and I will like to announce to everyone here that Jetro Web Development is finally a registered business in Liberia. The copy of the certificate will be sent to everyone mail after the meeting. 15:44
scooperGreat news15:44
jelkneri think the main thing that needs to go here now is info about UCCA15:44
scooperthat guys15:44
scooperthanks guys15:44
jelknerand Stephen and Tanaka are the customers for trhat15:44
svayeThanks everyone 15:45
jelknerscooper, does that answer your question?15:45
jkollieThat's awesome 15:45
shmohamudGreat news!! Well done!15:46
jelknerscooper, why?15:46
StephenMy person opinion is I would change the clenched fist to either a hand with a two-fingered "V" for victory or shaking hands or something that implies collaboration and progress rather than anger...15:46
jelknerStephen, I hear you15:46
jelknerbut that is the classic black power symbol15:46
StephenThere are too many pictures of people with guns and a clenched fist in the air.  But I do like the 1's and 0's.  That's a good touch...15:47
jelknermost of the young folks in my school love it when they see it15:47
jelknerit resonates with young folks "in the struggle"15:47
jelknerbut i'm glad you are bringing it up15:47
StephenWell, if you are trying to get money from a mostly white establishment, it will put them off as it's used by many radical groups now...15:48
jelknerto be honest, Stephen, I am our biggest funder now15:48
jelknerand I'll be turned off if we don't stand for the principles i so deeply hold15:48
StephenWell Ok, you asked for my opinion...15:48
jelknerthat said15:49
jelknermy biggest principle is democracy15:49
jelknerso if i get out voted, i'll happily go along with it15:49
StephenThe problem is what other groups see in the symbol, not you or 18 year olds.15:49
jelkneryes, i understand15:49
jelknerStephen, you and i will have a lot of fun debating this in the period ahead15:50
jelkneri'm convinced that the liberals of whom you speak are the reason we have Trump15:50
jelknerthey don't want to justice15:50
jelknerjust benefits for themselves15:50
StephenI would just recommend rethinking it and see if we can come up with something that implies solidarity, determination, but also collaboration and progress that can't be misinterpreted...15:50
jelknerso i want to be a bit in your face with them15:50
jelkneri really want to work with people who have a deep commitment to change15:51
StephenI will see what I can come up with as I'm the one objecting...15:51
jelknerplease do15:51
jelknerbut just to warn you, the current symbol is popular with me and my students, and i think we will defend it ;-)15:52
jelknerACTION done15:52
jelknerwe have only 8 minutes left15:52
jelknercan i ask a favor?15:52
freenaSure 15:52
jelkneri think we need to make these weekly meeting a regular thing15:52
dcammuejelkner: you get the news, no!!15:52
jelknermy 84 year old aunt passed away15:53
jelknerso i will be at her funneral service next week15:53
dcammueMy condolences 15:53
jelknerwho can chair the meeting, since we should still have it?15:53
freenaSorry for your lost jelkner 15:53
jelknerthank you15:53
svayeMy condolences jelkner 15:53
jelknershe had a great life15:53
tboimahMy condolences to you and the family.15:53
jelknerand lived to 8415:53
jelkneryou can't ask for more than that15:53
jkollieHave my sympathy jelkner 15:54
jelknerwho can chair next week?15:54
StephenSo sorry to hear that Jeff...15:54
freenaAre you talking about Saturday meeting jelkner 15:54
mulbah_Have my sympathy oo jelkner 15:54
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:54
jelknerStephen, you can put the logo thing on the agenda and have the opportunity to argue your case when your loud mouthed board member is absent ;-)15:55
TanakaMy condolences Jeff15:55
jelknerthanks, everyone15:55
jelknerbut who can chair?15:55
dcammueAfter the meeting, Jetroweb members please lead to the WhatsApp chat room Mr. Zawolo awaiting!!15:55
jelknershmohamud, can you?15:55
StephenDid Scooper ever get to discuss his item?15:55
shmohamudYes I can15:56
jelknerhe dropped off Stephen 15:56
jelkneri don't know what happened15:56
jelknerthanks shmohamud!15:56
StephenHe might have gotten frustrated...15:56
shmohamudNext Saturday correct?15:56
jelknerok shmohamud will chair the SJC meeting next week15:56
jelknerperhaps Stephen 15:56
jelknerbut it is probably a technical issue15:57
jelkneryes shmohamud 15:57
freenaDid you get the announcement jelkner ??15:57
shmohamudOk sounds good15:57
jelknersame time same place each saturday15:57
jelkneranything else before we go?15:57
freenajelkner: 15:58
freenaDid you see the announcement 15:58
jelknerwhich announcement?15:58
jelknerno i guess15:58
jelknerhold on15:58
dcammueGood news for you jelkner 15:58
jelknerwe should end the meeting at 1115:59
jelknerso people can go15:59
freenaThis 15:59
jelkneri can stay to talk to you freena 15:59
freenaThere is actually a good news. Daniel and I will like to announce to everyone here that Jetro Web Development is finally a registered business in Liberia. The copy of the certificate will be sent to everyone mail after the meeting. 15:59
jelknerthat is great news15:59
jelknerand a great way to end the meeting15:59
jelknersee y'all in two weeks15:59
StephenOk, folks, I'm off.  Bye & have a good weekend everyone...15:59
freenaAlright 16:00
jelknerI'll send you the tracking number Stephen 16:00
dcammueHave a nice two weeks break off meeting 16:00
shmohamudTake care everyone16:00
freenaSame here shmohamud 16:00
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TanakaBye everyone16:00
svayeHave a nice day everyone 16:00
dcammueThanks Tanaka see you too16:01
dcammuesvaye: 16:01
*** Tanaka has quit (Quit: Page closed)16:01
jkollieHave a great day everyone 16:01
dcammueDon't forget 16:01
jelknerfreena, please organize that meeting with mr. zawolo today16:01
dcammue Jetroweb Please find yourself in the WhatsApp chat room16:02
svayeMr Zawolo is already waiting for us jelkner 16:02
jelknersvaye, go do that then16:03
jelknerand let me know what you all decide16:03
svayeAlright jelkner have a nice day 16:03
jelkneryou too svaye 16:03
scooperSorry guys16:04
jelknernp scooper 16:04
scooperhave a internet issue16:04
jelknerthat's what i thought16:04
jelknerso, meeting is over16:04
jelknerbut i want to answer you question if i can16:04
jelkneryou never typed it16:05
scooperOK I m listening or waiting16:05
jelknerbut you also have a meeting with mr. zawolo16:05
jelknerlistening for what?16:05
jelkneri'm confused16:05
scooperI m on the whatapp already16:05
svayescooper: please join the WhatsApp group chat 16:05
jelknerthen focus on that16:05
jelknertalk later16:05
svayeMr Zawolo is asking for you16:05
jelkneri can't do whatsapp svaye 16:08
gabrielGreeting, everyone;16:08
gabrielI am sorry for attending late, I slept off......16:09
scooperjoin the whatapp16:10
gabrielI'm in.....16:12
jelknerscooper, it's against my religion to use whatsapp16:12
jelknerso you will have to do that without me ;-)16:12
gabrielHe was talking to me jelkner...16:13
jelkneroh, ok16:13
jelknerthanks gabriel!16:13
gabrielyea, we're on a meeting with Mr. Zawolo there..16:13
jelknerscooper, 16:34
scooperare you still there16:34
jelknernope ;-)16:34
scooperWe are done already16:34
scoopercan we talk??16:34
jelknersure, get everyone to come back here16:34
jelknerand we can discuss it16:34
scooperjust wait a minute16:35
jelkneri have students coming in 25 minutes16:35
jelknerso i need to leave then16:35
scooperthey are here16:35
jelknerwhere is freena 16:36
dcammueHere we are16:36
jelknerfreena, are you here?16:36
freenaYes, I am here16:36
dcammueShe will be here soon16:36
jelknerlet's chat16:36
jelknerwhat did you decide?16:36
scooperwe have two options16:37
freenaWe agreed on two things for now jelkner 16:37
scoopereither take the place at Congo or go for the University place when the area at congo is already taken16:38
freenaOne, paying for the place at Congo Town and two, The team looking for place around the University side 16:38
jelknerso here is the most important things you need to discuss with me - what will you expect me to provide?16:39
jelknerthat's the big question16:39
jelkneri can't do $350016:39
jelkneri told you that16:39
jelkneri don't have it16:39
freenaYou won't be sending $3500 jelkner 16:39
jelkneri can send it over a year16:39
jelknermonth by month, if you will16:40
jelknerbut not all at once16:40
jelknersince i don't have it16:40
jelknerso what will you need on February 1?16:40
jelknerthat's the thing you need to figure out now16:40
jelknerso i can get ready in time16:40
jelknerfreena, you said you would take charge of that16:40
jelkneri basically need a financial proposal for the next transfer16:41
jelknerit needs to include:16:41
jelkner1. stipends16:41
dcammueWe will email you what we need on February 1 when we get the clearity of the place 16:41
jelkner2. fees for UoPeople16:41
jelkner3. rent for the office16:41
jelkneri need to total16:41
jelknerso i can make the transfer in time16:41
jelknerdcammue, that sounds good16:41
jelknerok, i'll wait to hear from you16:41
freenaYou will get an email before Saturday jelkner 16:42
jelknerthe sooner you have a place, the better16:42
jelknermulbah_, i'm ready to study Linux+ with you16:42
dcammueAnytime this week or before Friday we will let you know16:42
jelknerbut i think that will work much better when you can hang out at the office16:42
jelknerand we can make flexible meeting arrangements16:42
freenaWe firstly want to to have a final decision on the office space before sending the report jelkner 16:42
jelkneryes, freena 16:42
jelknerthat is true16:43
jelknerso, like i said, i will wait on you16:43
jelknerlet me know when you're ready16:43
jelknerthis is good, everyone16:43
mulbah_Jeff you side you was going to send computer with a lot of Linux distribution install on it16:43
freenaOkay 16:43
jelkneri am super happy to hear that Jetro is an officially registered business now!!!16:43
jelknermulbah_, i had one16:43
jelknerbut Mr. Zawolo didn't go16:44
jelknerso he still has them16:44
jelkneri have no way to get them there16:44
jelknersorry about that16:44
mulbah_So how will I get it16:44
jelkneryou tell me, my friend16:44
jelkneri can't do magic ;-)16:44
jelkneri think you have to use what you have16:44
jelknermr. zawolo says he is going in june16:44
jelknerask him if he has any other way to send things16:45
jelknerthat is for him to figure out16:45
jelknernot me16:45
jelknerhonestly, mulbah_ 16:45
jelkneri've been going through the turial16:45
mulbah_So I should ask he if he have another way to send things 16:46
jelkneryou all have linux laptops16:46
jelkner they will do most of what you need already16:46
jelkneryou can ask him mulbah_ 16:46
jelknerand you can investigate16:46
jelknermulbah_, this is a good "teachable moment" as we say16:46
mulbah_Alright 16:46
jelkneryou are used to being helpless16:46
jelkneryou need to change that16:47
jelknerto take charge16:47
jelkneri was so happy last saturday when freena showed me she is "getting it"16:47
jelknerdon't ask me to solve your challenges16:47
jelknerwe need to work together to solve things16:47
jelkneryou can investigate how to ship things from the u.s. to liberia as easily as i can16:48
jelknersince you can contact the folks in liberia and get to know them16:48
jelkneras your power grows16:48
jelkneryou will create a bigger nextwork of people you know who can do things that you need done16:48
jelknerthanks freena!!16:49
jelknermulbah_, make sense?16:49
jelknermulbah_, i just finished chapter 3 of the book16:50
jelkneri'm looking at the practice questions at the end of the chapter now16:50
jelkneri want to try to keep pace with you16:50
jelknerso i'm hoping you will be at the office regularly so we can meet on irc once a week16:51
jelknerok, scooper freena mulbah_, anything else before i go?16:51
jelknergo for it scooper 16:51
scooperYou came through again asking Jetro web to revamp the Social Justice Website right???16:52
jelknerwell, the main task i had was the about us page16:52
jelknerand Blu, Sahnun, and Marin did that on Thursday16:53
scooperIf so please make a short note thing you expect to be on the website.16:53
jelknernext item i have is a UCCA page16:53
jelknerhere is the note scooper:16:53
mulbah_I check it, it's not responsive 16:53
mulbah_The about page 16:54
jelknerI want a page about the Ubuntu Clean Cooking Alliance16:54
jelknerwhat is it?16:54
jelknerwhat are it's goals16:54
jelknerTanaka is the main customer16:54
mulbah_You want us to work on the clean cooking website 16:54
jelknerhe shows up Thursdays16:54
jelknermulbah_, you can help with that16:55
jelknerbut you would need to know Django16:55
gabrielcan i join too?16:55
jelknerOf course, gabriel!16:55
jelknerAll the Jetro devs need to learn Django16:55
gabrielso what will be my task?16:55
mulbah_Sure I can I will be glad to 😘😘16:55
scooperThe web team will help with the fontend design16:55
jelknermy colleague Chris Jones and I are learning it along with our students this Spring16:56
jelkneryou should be following along with us16:56
mulbah_I can help with the backend 16:56
mulbah_I was reading on Django but I haven't gone deep into it16:56
jelkneryou should be watching that class16:57
jelknerstarting in February, we will move to this one:16:57
mulbah_I'm going with the documentation and Moch tutorial 16:57
jelknerthe main resource we are using is Dr. Chuck's Django for Everybody:16:58
jelknerChris and I are working with Dr. Chuck to help him test his course16:58
mulbah_But Jeff I'm fine with the documentation 16:58
jelknerhe would love it if you all would do that too16:58
jelknerwhatever floats your boat mulbah_ ;-)16:59
jelknerbut i find the documentation doesn't explain the "big ideas" well16:59
mulbah_Okay jelkner 👍16:59
jelknerit shows how to do things16:59
jelknerbut Django is a huge application16:59
jelkneri want to understand it more deeply17:00
jelknerwhat are the "big ideas" behind it17:00
jelknerhow does it work?17:00
mulbah_Then I will go with both the documentation and the video tutorial you recommend 17:00
jelknerDr. Chuck is trying to help students understand that17:00
jelkneryes mulbah_ 17:00
jelkneryou can't have too many good resources17:00
jelknerok, i have to go17:01
jelkneri'll be looking for your emails17:01
jelknergreat work Jetro Websters!17:01
jelknerACTION signs off17:01
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:01
dcammuemulbah_: 17:01
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