freena | Hi gabriel and svaye | 19:51 |
svaye | Hi freena | 19:51 |
freena | What time will the meeting with Jeff start svaye | 19:52 |
svaye | Jeff said 8 pm our time | 19:53 |
freena | Okay, thanks | 19:53 |
freena | How was your day svaye ?? | 19:56 |
svaye | It was okay how was your day | 19:57 |
freena | Mine was awesome | 19:58 |
svaye | Did Jeff forget about the meeting | 20:01 |
freena | Let me check if he's active on zulip | 20:02 |
freena | He's not active ooo | 20:05 |
tboimah | Good day folks | 20:06 |
tboimah | you guys should also join #novawebdev | 20:07 |
svaye | How are you tboimah | 20:07 |
tboimah | channel | 20:07 |
tboimah | that is where Jeff will be | 20:07 |
dcammue | Hi guys | 20:18 |
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 20:24 | |
tboimah | Good day dcammue join the #novawebdev | 20:28 |
tboimah | channel | 20:28 |
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tboimah | Good day jelkner | 21:20 |
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freena | Good day jelkner | 21:28 |
*** jamesoconnr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 21:59 | |
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 22:00 | |
jelkner | hi all | 22:00 |
scoooper | Hello jelkner | 22:01 |
jelkner | so, scoooper | 22:01 |
jelkner | what do you need exactly? | 22:01 |
scoooper | thanks | 22:02 |
scoooper | You need Jetro web team to make the sjc website about page responsive right?? | 22:02 |
jelkner | scoooper, blu is here with us | 22:03 |
scoooper | It's has been handle but unfortunately I done have write access to merge what was done into the repository. I every share with Sahnun and he promised to ask you on this | 22:03 |
jelkner | let's figure out what you need | 22:04 |
jelkner | before sahnun gets here at 5:30 pm | 22:04 |
jelkner | our time | 22:04 |
scoooper | Is Sahnun coming over today? if yes | 22:04 |
jelkner | he comes every thursday | 22:05 |
scoooper | he will be in better position to explain because I have already informed him and also send images of what is happening | 22:05 |
scoooper | since you recommend that the web team should also confront Sahnun on web related issues | 22:05 |
jelkner | scoooper, blu and i just came up with a "hello world" project that will make sure you have what you need to work on the site | 22:06 |
jelkner | vrishin doesn't have a picture yet | 22:07 |
jelkner | blu, has the picture | 22:07 |
jelkner | your task will be to add it to the site | 22:07 |
jelkner | after that, i have a much bigger task | 22:07 |
jelkner | SJC has two projects it is working on at present: | 22:08 |
scoooper | Thanks, but my major concern here is how can we include the modified version of the about page that was done??? | 22:08 |
jelkner | 1. Supporting development of tech worker coops in Liberia (aka Jetro Web Development ;-) | 22:08 |
jelkner | 2. The Ubuntu Clean Cooking Alliance | 22:08 |
jelkner | which is Tanaka's project | 22:09 |
jelkner | we want information about those project to be on our webiste | 22:09 |
jelkner | website | 22:09 |
jelkner | they aren't now | 22:09 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 22:09 |
jelkner | scoooper, let me say what i *hope* we can do | 22:10 |
jelkner | we want to use this opportunity to build our skills | 22:10 |
jelkner | the proper way to do this is for you to make a branch of the repo | 22:11 |
jelkner | make your changes to the branch | 22:11 |
scoooper | Jeff, who is Medina | 22:11 |
scoooper | I do have a branch on the sjc project called spencer | 22:11 |
jelkner | and when you are ready, do a merge request | 22:11 |
blu | thats me | 22:11 |
jelkner | nice! | 22:12 |
scoooper | can you view my code and give me write access?? | 22:12 |
jelkner | scoooper, i'm so glad to hear you are a step ahead of me on this! | 22:12 |
jelkner | we aren't sure what you mean by "write access" | 22:13 |
jelkner | you can commit to your branch, yes? | 22:13 |
jelkner | i am not a git expert | 22:13 |
jelkner | but we have a git expert who usually comes here each week | 22:13 |
jelkner | mattva01 | 22:13 |
jelkner | he isn't here tonight | 22:13 |
jelkner | but he will be next thursday | 22:13 |
jelkner | so we can ask him for help then | 22:13 |
jelkner | so by then, you should have the new "projects page" | 22:14 |
scoooper | this is my branch url | 22:14 |
jelkner | ready | 22:14 |
jelkner | scoooper, does it have a projects page with the two projects i listed? | 22:14 |
jelkner | oh joy | 22:14 |
jelkner | blu just told me her mother is also a git expert | 22:15 |
jelkner | and blu sees her all the time ;-) | 22:15 |
jelkner | so scoooper are you ready to request a merge? | 22:15 |
jelkner | or pull | 22:15 |
jelkner | i am not totally clear on the difference | 22:16 |
jelkner | i need to ask mattva01 or blu's mom | 22:16 |
scoooper | I did since time Jeff and I was told I done have a "write access" | 22:16 |
scoooper | Sahnun even tried along with me yesterday as well after I explained what is happening.. | 22:17 |
jelkner | ok, we don't need to keep you too much longer now | 22:17 |
scoooper | Did you see my branch called "spencer" | 22:17 |
jelkner | when sahnum gets here | 22:17 |
jelkner | he can explain to blu what the problem is | 22:17 |
jelkner | and she can ask her mother about it | 22:17 |
jelkner | step-by-step | 22:17 |
jelkner | first we identify the problem clearly | 22:18 |
jelkner | then we propose a solution | 22:18 |
jelkner | then we try it out | 22:18 |
jelkner | ok, it's late there | 22:18 |
jelkner | i won't keep you | 22:18 |
jelkner | one last thing | 22:18 |
jelkner | did you see my email? | 22:18 |
scoooper | -1 for me | 22:18 |
scoooper | -1 from me | 22:18 |
scoooper | ACTION going to check jeff mail | 22:19 |
svaye__ | jelkner, | 22:19 |
jelkner | title: | 22:19 |
jelkner | February / March stipend and agreements made yesterday about it. | 22:19 |
jelkner | yes, svaye__? | 22:19 |
svaye__ | Did you see the mail I sent you | 22:20 |
jelkner | just read it now svaye__ | 22:20 |
jelkner | i made the wire transfer yesterday | 22:20 |
jelkner | so hopefully you'll have it by 1/19 | 22:21 |
svaye__ | Thank you | 22:21 |
freena | Where did you send the mail jelkner ?? | 22:21 |
jelkner | it will be *so* important in the future for jetro to have a savings | 22:21 |
scoooper | ACTION back after reading jelkner mail | 22:21 |
jelkner | freena, i will be sending all these emails from now on to: | 22:21 |
scoooper | Thanks jelkner | 22:21 |
scoooper | I saw your mail | 22:22 |
jelkner | | 22:22 |
jelkner | and ccing | 22:22 |
freena | Alright, thanks | 22:22 |
jelkner | so if you don't get it, talk to your team | 22:22 |
jelkner | tboimah set that up | 22:22 |
jelkner | and administers it | 22:22 |
freena | Okay | 22:23 |
jelkner | anyway, you should make it a goal to have at least $1000 saved in your account | 22:23 |
jelkner | so that when you need short term cash flow | 22:23 |
jelkner | like meeting a payment deadline when you know a payment from a customer is coming | 22:24 |
jelkner | you can use the saving to make things happen | 22:24 |
jelkner | and recharge it when the payment comes | 22:24 |
jelkner | it's how you do business | 22:24 |
jelkner | svaye__, and dcammue need to learn to do that soon | 22:24 |
jelkner | understand svaye__ and dcammue? | 22:25 |
jelkner | svaye__, look at the irc logs | 22:26 |
dcammue | +1 | 22:26 |
jelkner | i was typing to you, but you lost your connection | 22:26 |
svaye_ | +1 | 22:26 |
jelkner | ok, i don't need to keep you any longer | 22:26 |
jelkner | i won't be at the meeting on saturday | 22:26 |
jelkner | but sahnun will chair it | 22:26 |
jelkner | see y'all next week | 22:27 |
scoooper | jelkner, | 22:27 |
dcammue | jelkner: | 22:27 |
dcammue | You saw my email | 22:27 |
dcammue | ? | 22:27 |
scoooper | are you going offline or you will be online on the novaweb channel still Sahnun come?? | 22:27 |
scoooper | *till Sahnun come?? | 22:28 |
jelkner | scoooper, i'm here meeting with ved and devesh | 22:29 |
jelkner | i'll stay in the channel, but i can't pay attention | 22:29 |
jelkner | i'll let you know when sahnun arrives | 22:29 |
jelkner | if you plan to stay | 22:29 |
jelkner | but let folks go who need to go | 22:29 |
scoooper | OK I will stay till he come.. | 22:29 |
svaye_ | I have a low battery so I can't stay | 22:30 |
scoooper | tboimah, | 22:30 |
svaye_ | Good night scoooper,tboimah, freena , dcammue gabriel | 22:31 |
tboimah_ | scoooper, | 22:31 |
svaye_ | have a nice day jelkner and blu | 22:31 |
scoooper | I have a little concern | 22:31 |
tboimah_ | Go ahead my friend | 22:32 |
blu | thank you, you too! | 22:32 |
scoooper | First thanks once again for setting jetro web mail | 22:32 |
tboimah_ | Good night svaye_ | 22:32 |
freena | scoooper: | 22:32 |
scoooper | but I have navigated the mail and not seeing any option to reset your password | 22:32 |
*** svaye__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 22:32 | |
scoooper | yes | 22:32 |
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 22:33 | |
*** svaye_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 22:33 | |
freena | Good night | 22:33 |
scoooper | ok Freena | 22:33 |
tboimah_ | scoooper, You can do that, when you login jetro mayfirst account | 22:33 |
*** svaye has left #jetrowebdev (None) | 22:34 | |
scoooper | I can recall having credential on the mayfirst account | 22:34 |
tboimah_ | url: i will send you the mayfirst login credential for jetor privately | 22:36 |
scoooper | Thanks | 22:37 |
tboimah_ | You're welcome | 22:38 |
*** jelkner_ has quit (None) | 22:40 | |
tboimah_ | ACTION is going to bed. Good night team. | 22:40 |
jelkner | Good night tboimah_ | 22:41 |
tboimah_ | Good night jelkner | 22:41 |
dcammue | jelkner: | 22:44 |
*** blu has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 22:48 | |
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jelkner | | 23:14 |
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