IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2025-01-15

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jelknerGood morning gabriel and svaye!11:46
svayeGood morning 11:46
svayeDid you see the email I sent you jelkner 11:46
tboimahGood day folks11:46
jelknerGood morning tboimah!11:46
jelknerGreat to see you. Your absence was felt yesterday.11:47
jelknerSince we have such important things to do, it is important to have the whole Jetro Web team in on the decisions.11:47
svayeHow are you tboimah 11:47
svayejelkner: 11:47
jelknersvaye, 11:48
svayeDid you see the email I sent you 11:49
jelknernot yet, i get to work at 6 am, and i needed to run off a test11:49
jelknerACTION goes to read email11:49
jelknerGreat svaye 11:51
jelknerlet's talk about that first when the meeting starts11:51
jelkneri hope dcammune is here11:51
svayeAlright 11:51
jelknersince you two should both be in on that discussion11:51
freenaGood morning jelkner 11:52
jelknerGood morning freena!11:52
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dcammueGood morning and good afternoon to all11:58
svayeGood morning dcammue 11:58
tboimahGood morning dcammue 11:58
gabrielGood morning 11:59
tboimahGood morning svaye: I notice that you guys are not using jetroweb mailing system instead you guys are still using novaweb why?12:00
gabrielI don't have the login details 12:00
tboimahThat question is for everyone of the team member12:00
jelknerOK, time to start12:00
jelknerwe only have 5 of 812:01
jelknerbut we'll have to go with that12:01
jelknerfirstly, thank you svaye for your email12:01
jelknerit brought good news12:01
jelknerdcammue, you and svaye need to cooperate!12:01
jelkneryou are both business majors, so you should be planning your courses together12:01
jelknerif you do, i can work with you12:01
svayeI am sorry tboimah, I don't really understand it yet 12:02
jelknersvaye, told me she would take two classes next term:12:02
jkollieGreetings everyone 12:03
jelknerBUS 1102: Basic Accounting12:03
jelknerBUS 1104: Macroeconomics12:03
jelknerI am particularly excited about the first one.12:03
jelknerIn the shorter term, learning bookkeeping skills will generate real revenue potential for Jetro Web!12:04
jelknerI know many, many small businesses in the U.S. that need bookkeeping help.12:04
jelknerI'm thinking we can learn to provide that at very competitive rates12:04
jelknerSo the accounting classes are key.12:04
jelknerUoPeople uses all OER or at least freely available educational materials12:05
jelknerthat means i can easily access whatever course materials you will be using12:05
jelknerand study that class along with you12:05
jelkneri took basic accounting myself, but back in 1984!12:05
jelknerI'm *really* old ;-)12:06
jelknerSo i could use a refresher12:06
jelknerWe can use that course to set up our own bookkeeping12:06
jelknerand begin to "learn by doing"12:06
jelknerI was also delighted that the cost is a bit lower than we thought12:06
jelknersvaye says she and dcammue need a total of $$560, not $960, to cover UoPeople fees.12:07
jelknerSo here is my proposal for today:12:07
svayeFor last term jelkner 12:07
jelkneryes, svaye 12:08
jelknerbut you don't need to pay the new term until it is over, yes?12:08
jelknerif you pay the last term, you can sign up for the 1/30 term12:08
jelkneris it too late to register?12:08
jelkneryou should email your advisor about that12:08
jelkneryou have to keep me informed about what is happening12:09
jelknerso we can plan together12:09
jelknerok, SJC will send $300012:09
jelknerthat includes $2000 for stipends12:09
jelknerfor 2 months12:09
svayeAlright jelkner, will do that today and email you 12:09
jelknerFebruary and March12:09
jelknerthanks svaye 12:09
tboimahThanks you jelkner and Sjc12:09
jelknerand the $560 that svaye just told me about12:09
tboimahfor the support12:10
jelknerit also includes $440 extra12:10
jelknerJetro should save that $44012:10
jkollieThanks a lot jelkner and Sjc we appreciate 12:10
jelkneri want to see that Jetro can learn to manage financial resources12:10
jelkneri know how hard it is, since needs are great and resources are small12:10
jelknerbut you need to learn12:10
jelkneror we can't succeed12:11
jelkneryou need to learn to SAVE12:11
jelknerso that you can accumulate surplus little by little until you can affort to purchase something you need12:11
jelknerhere i'm talking about the office12:11
jelknerso i'm going to want to see bank statements12:11
jelknershowing savings growing12:12
jelknerthis is about building trust, always remember that12:12
dcammueThanks to jelkner and SJC12:12
jelknerthe more i feel you can manage resources, the harder i'll work to get you more resources to manage!12:12
jelknermake sense?12:12
tboimah+1 thanks12:12
jelknerthat's 3 of 512:13
jelkner4 of 5 ;-)12:13
jelkneri guess gabriel doesn't agree?12:13
jelknerpay attention, gabriel!12:13
tboimahConcerning the office I send an email make proposer did you guy see it?12:14
gabrielBut I would like to say something, Jeff 12:14
jelknertboimah, we can't afford the office now12:14
jelkneryou missed the discussion yesterday12:14
tboimahcheck you email jelkner 12:14
jelknerwe just don't have the funds12:14
tboimahI mean the jetroweb mail12:14
tboimahI send an email making a proposer to the team12:14
tboimahit is not about money12:15
dcammueI saw it tboimah 12:15
tboimahI am will to offer my apartment to the team if they are willing free of charge from now to July12:15
jelknerhold on, tboimah 12:15
dcammueThanks so much 12:15
jelkneri'm looking12:15
jelknerthat sounds like the perfect plan12:15
tboimahuntil July then i think you will be able to have more time12:16
tboimahto help us with the office12:16
jelknertboimah, let's do this...12:16
jelkner1. to keep communication clear and easy12:16
jelkner*all* communication should go to two addresses:12:17
tboimahjelkner, did you check you jetroweb mail?12:17
jelkner1. members@jetrowebdevelopment.org12:17
jelkner2. board@sjcompute.org12:17
jelknerthat will reach the 8 members of the coop and the 6 members of the board12:17
jelknerincluding Sahnun (who is now on the board) and Mr. Zawolo12:17
jelknerdon't use any more12:18
tboimahthat is not what i use jelkner 12:18
gabrielAt this moment, I believe it might not be prudent to seek office space that far away, especially since our resources are limited. From my perspective, the distance from my location to the proposed office is quite significant, and the transportation costs could be higher than what we'd incur if we were situated closer to town.12:18
jelknerwe are going to remove that as we migrate to May First email12:18
dcammueOkay can I come in?12:18
tboimahI mean the may first mailing system for jetroweb12:19
jelknergabriel, i need to ask the 8 of you to meet together and decide things together12:19
tboimahwhich is members@jetrowebdevelopment12:19
tboimahthat is what i use12:19
jelknerand then meet with me to figure out how i can help12:19
jelknerkeep the following in mind gabriel:12:20
jelknerSJC has *big*, ambitious plans12:20
jelknerWe want to build the school12:20
jelknerand i dream of forming a large multi business cooperative (maybe it could even be called a commune) that can help Liberia build its economy in a just way12:21
jelknerMr. Zawolo convinced me that being near the new University makes the most sense12:21
jelknerfor two major reasons:12:21
jelkner1. Land is cheaper there12:21
jelkner2. It make it possible to be part of a growing intellectual center for Liberian thought12:22
jelknerWe can contribute to that12:22
jelknerso gabriel, if transportation becomes a problem12:22
jelkneri have the same thing to say that i just said12:22
jelknerthis is about building trust12:22
jelknerthe more i believe i am working with a dedicated team of people who will do what is needed to be sucessful12:23
jelknerthe more motivated and willing i am to work hard and make sacrifices myself12:23
jelknerso we could talk about transportation funds12:23
jelknerwe can plan to have some of you live at the new place12:23
jelknerso you don't need to transport yourselves at all12:23
gabrielSure, Jeff. We have decided to move there for that reason, but since we don't have many resources, I think we should use Spencer's old place until July. That's what I'm trying to say.12:24
jelknerI will be relying on Mr. Zawolo's guidance for all that12:24
jelknersince he knows Liberia and I don't12:24
jelknergabriel, take that up with tboimah and the others12:24
dcammueACTION wants to do his report. If Jelkner is done, please let him do his last report on the December and January stipend and the extra 500 that were sent to Jetroweb.12:24
tboimahWhat resources are you talking about gabriel ?12:24
jelknertboimah, instead of emailing me with proposals12:24
jelknertalk to Mr. Zawolo and let me know when you all agree on a plan12:25
jelkneri can't help you decide that12:25
jelkneri don't have the information12:25
tboimahThat is the team choice i am just trying to help here12:25
jelknerso my input is not valuable12:25
tboimahI did not need you guys money12:25
jelknerok when do we meet next?12:25
tboimahI will give the place free of charge12:26
jelknerseems like tboimah is making a huge offer!12:26
tboimahbut it left with the team12:26
jelkneri will be talking to Mr. Zawolo in a few minutes12:26
gabrieltboimah: he had a meeting yesterday, if you check the IRC log you'll know what I'm trying to say.12:26
jelknerand will ask him to talk to you all again12:26
tboimahI read that gabriel 12:26
jelknerok, in need to teach12:26
tboimahthat is why i am making this offer12:26
jelknerwhen do we meet again?12:26
gabrielOhk Jeff have a nice day 12:27
dcammuejelkner: 12:27
jelknerwhen do we meet again?12:27
tboimahanytime for me jelkner 12:27
gabrieltboimah: ok12:27
dcammuePlease let me tell how the extra 500 was spent 12:27
jelkneremail me dcammue 12:27
jelkneri have to go12:27
dcammueOkay oo12:27
jelknerok, how about tomorrow at 8 pm your time?12:27
jelknerthat's when we have our weekly NOVA Web work session12:28
dcammueFor what?12:28
svayeAlright 12:28
jelknerlast question12:28
jelknerwho has access to the bank account?12:28
jelkneri believe it to be tboimah dcammue and scooper, is that correct?12:28
jelknerso dcammue, can i get you to promise to send me the monthly bank statements?12:29
jelknerthis is important dcammue 12:29
jelknersince if you don't send me the statements, SJC won't send stipends12:29
jelkneronce a month12:29
dcammueOkay 12:30
jelkneri don't know how things work there12:30
jelknerhere, statements are monthly12:30
jelknermy bank sends a statement each month12:30
jelknerhow does it work there?12:30
jelknerfind out12:30
jelknerand let's plan accordingly12:30
jelknerok, bye for now12:30
dcammueYou can get bank statement once you do transaction 12:30
jelkneri'm going to see mr. zawolo...12:30
svayeHave a nice day jelkner 12:30
jelkneri'll make the bank transfer today12:30
jelknerACTION done12:30
dcammueIf you request for it12:30
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svayeACTION signs off 12:32
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