IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2025-01-27

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gabrielGreetings, Jeff;11:49
svayeGood morning jelkner and gabriel 11:53
gabrielHow're you, svaye 11:53
svayeI am good how are you gabriel 11:54
svayejelkner, 11:54
jelknerGood morning svaye and gabriel!11:55
jelknerWhile you still have 5 minutes of morning ;-)11:55
jelknerI just sent a loooong email summarizing what I read in the irc log from your meeting Saturday.11:55
jelknerGreat work using that meeting time effectively, btw.!11:56
svayeI sent you a mail on Saturday, but you haven't responded jelkner 11:56
jelknersvaye, i read it, but my response is in the loooong email i just sent11:56
jelkneri am doing soooo many things, svaye 11:56
gabrielYeah Jeff and we're excited to have you here with us today, how your health?11:56
jelkneri need to try to combine communication to make it more effecient11:57
jelknerif i don't find a way work efficiently, i will collapse :-(11:57
jelkneri'll be at next Saturday's meeting11:57
jelknerbut then the one on 2/8 i will miss again, since i'll be heading to a wedding in NYC11:58
jelknerthis week is the end of the semester11:58
jelknerso i do not have students on thursday or friday this week11:58
jelknerwe can use that time to meet in the morning if you all are available11:59
jelkneryou can read and respond to my email11:59
jelknersvaye, my biggest concern was the confusion around where to meet11:59
svayeThat's great, jelkner, I will also start studying on Thursday January 30th 202511:59
jelknerSuper, svaye 12:00
jelkneri saw that12:00
jelkneri'm so glad that worked out12:00
jelknerand the two classes couldn't be better to prepare you to be a co-author of a bookkeeping book, right? ;-)12:00
jelkneri mean accounting and English12:00
jelknerthat's a great match!12:00
jelknerback to the meeting space12:01
jelkneri am relying on Mr. Zawolo to be the main guide in this12:01
svayeScooper should have been in the meeting this gone Saturday so we could discuss how we were going to meet at his old resident because he's the one who has connection with the owner, but sadly he wasn't there so it wasn't finalize.12:01
gabrielJeff sorry I didn't send my grades yet hopefully I'll do that today and I'm glad I didn't better than first term 🥰12:01
jelknerExcellent gabriel!12:02
jelknerNow you need some "hands on work"12:02
jelknerI'm glad you're taking on the irc challenge with Mulbah12:02
jelknerback to the location discussion12:02
jelknerboth Mr. Zawolo and I keep the "big dream" in our minds all the time12:02
svayeI just sent a reply about the location jelkner 12:03
jelknerWe want to help start something that will have a real positive impact on Liberia12:03
jelknerwe want to build the school12:03
jelknerand we think being near the university is the way to go12:03
jelknersince we are looking to help create a "tech hub"12:03
jelknerwhere research and development happen12:04
jelknerhaving the university nearby is a great way to do that12:04
jelknerJetro could grow into a solid, effective, solidarity economy business12:04
jelknerso for now, if scooper is not showing12:05
jelknerand Thomas is12:05
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jelknerwhy not take up Thomas on his kind offer?12:05
jelkneryou need reliable infrastructure12:05
jelknerit is *SO* important12:05
jelkneryou can' have batteries die and connections drop regularly in the middle of planning12:06
jelknerit won't work12:06
jelknerlike i often say12:06
jelkneryou are very fortunate to have SJC helping you12:06
jelknerwe want to continue to support your development12:06
jelknerbut you all need to do your part12:06
jelkneryou know that, so i'll stop now ;-)12:07
jelknerACTION done12:07
jelkneranything else before i go?12:07
jelknerwhen should we meet next?12:07
jelkneri'll talk to Mr. Zawolo today12:07
jelknerand wait for one of you to reply to my email.12:07
gabrielJeff once again we're glad for this dream and I can assure you we'll make it counts 💖12:08
jelkneri know you will, my friend!12:08
svayejelkner, 12:08
jelknersvaye, 12:08
jelkneror should i call you "my co-author friend"? ;-(12:09
svayeDo you have a schedule for us to start the bookkeeping with you and the others12:09
jelknergreat question12:09
jelknerVed is the only one of us with prior bookkeeping experience12:09
jelknerand he and Devesh are working on taxes until the end of the month12:10
jelknerso i think we can start in early February12:10
jelknerafter they finish with taxes12:10
jelknerin the mean time, svaye, i'll put a PDF of "Bookkeeping for Dummies" in our Nextcloud and send you a link.12:11
jelkneri've been reading that12:11
jelknerto get started myself12:11
jelkneryou can i can do that together12:11
jelknerand meet to talk about what we learn12:11
svayeI will be looking forward to an email on when we will get started as team.12:11
jelknerok, gotta go12:12
jelknerwhen do we meet next?12:12
svayeThat's a great a idea jelkner, I can't also share what I learn at UoPeople when we meet12:12
jelknerbut you mean "can", not "can't"12:12
jelkneri want to see the book you are using for your accounting class12:13
svayeYeah sorry about that "can"12:13
jelknerwe can use that too12:13
jelknerin our study together12:13
jelknerso let me know as soon as you know12:13
jelknerwhen do we meet next?12:13
jelkneri have to go!12:13
svayeWe will start classes on Thursday, so I will sent it to you on Thursday12:14
gabrielOhkay.. have a nice day Jeff, so when you'll show up for next meeting?12:14
jelknersoooo.... WHEN DO WE MEET NEXT?12:14
jelkneryou have to tell me when we meet next before i go12:14
jelkneror i don't know when to be here next12:14
svayeI am available anytime jelkner 12:15
gabrielWhat about tomorrow?12:15
jelknertomorrow it is, gabriel!12:15
gabrielsvaye: same with me 12:15
dcammueGood morning and good afternoon guys12:15
jelknerthanks for "taking the bull by the horns"12:15
jelknersee you tomorrow at 12 noon your time right here.12:16
jelknerACTION logs off12:16
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svayeGood afternoon dcammue 12:16
dcammueWhat Jeff said 12:16
gabrielMorning dcammue 12:16
dcammueYes good morning gabriel 12:17
gabrielCheck the log 12:17
svayecheck your mail dcammue, and we talk about so many things so I guess it will be better if you just read the logs12:18
freenaGood morning guys 12:18
svayeGood morning freena 12:19
freenaIs the meeting over svaye ??12:20
svayeJeff sent an email, check it12:20
svayedcammue, 12:20
freenaOkay 12:21
freenaWhere are the others??12:21
svayeThey've not joined yet12:21
freenaWe need to discuss about starting regular work 12:22
freenaScooper said that the place is available from Monday to Saturday, 7:00am - 9:00pm 12:23
svayeThat's great12:24
freenaSo we need to discuss on the Time and day that people will be attending 12:25
freenaBut Saturday is composure for everyone to attend 12:26
freenaWhile people can choose two or three days in a week to be there 12:27
svayeAlright, but everyone is not here12:27
freenaOkay 12:28
freenaLet's schedule a day to meet here and discuss it12:28
svayeSaturday would be good12:29
svayedcammue, are you here?12:29
freenaHave a nice day svaye 12:30
svayeYou too freena 12:30
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