IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2025-01-28

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dcammueGood morning svaye 11:51
svayeGood morning dcammue 11:52
svayeHow are you doing 11:52
dcammueCool and you?11:52
svayeI am good 11:53
jelknerGood morning svaye and dcammue!11:54
jelknerWhile you still have 6 minutes of morning left.11:54
svayeGood morning jelkner 11:55
jelknerwho else is coming?11:57
jelknerwe need to make this quick.11:57
jelknera 10 minute "stand up meeting" starting exactly at 7 am (12 noon UTC).11:57
svayeFreena and Gabriel should be here11:58
jelknerI did not see any replies to my email.11:58
jelknerThat was disappointing.11:58
jelknerWe need to move things forward to succeed.11:58
svayeI am sorry about that jelkner, I ran out of data yesterday, but I will send a reply today11:59
jelknersvaye, it doesn't have to be you11:59
jelknerbut it should be someone who can speak for the whole coop11:59
jelknerso y'all need to talk with each other first12:00
jelknerthat's why we have to get a place for you to work together12:00
jelknerJetro can't effectively operate a tech business if you don't have a shared space to work, i think12:00
jelknerok, it's time to start12:00
jelkneri was hoping to discuss the reply to my email12:01
jelknerbut since we don't have that, there isn't much to discuss yet12:01
jelknerso unless you have something, do we want to try again tomorrow?12:01
svayeThat's why we plan to meet on Saturday and decide when we'll be meeting during the week at scooper old resident.12:01
jelknersvaye, once a week isn't going to be enough12:02
jelknerremember, this is a business you are trying to start here!12:02
svayeWe plan to do it everyday jelkner 12:02
jelknernot every day, but how about 5 days a week ;-)12:03
svayeWe are going to set the schedule on Saturday 12:03
jelkneryou need time for yourselves and your family12:03
jelknerin 2021, an 8 hour day and a 40 hour week should be the norm to start12:03
svayeYeah. What I meant was every working day, which is Monday to Friday 12:04
jelknerok, so let's meet again on Saturday12:04
jelkneri'm only disappointed we are loosing a whole week here12:04
jelknerwe can't keep doing that12:04
dcammueJeff, if you ask me why we have not start regular work like what you are saying,  I will tell you is scooper the hold on12:04
jelknerdcammue, in my email, i suggested you take up Thomas on his kind offer12:05
jelknerLet me *STRONGLY* suggest it here!12:05
dcammueHe is the one that we are waiting for to give us the go ahead so we can start regular work 12:05
jelknerMr. Zawolo thinks so too.12:05
jelknerThomas is showing leadership and initiative12:05
jelknerall the coop members need to learn to recognize and encourage leadership and initiative12:06
jelknerif you want to succeed, that is12:06
dcammueI was for Thomas offer, but the others did not so my one can nor change things around. 12:06
jelkneri felt bad for Thomas12:06
jelknerhe is trying to step up12:06
jelknerand ya'll did not support him12:06
jelknerthat's how i see it from here12:06
jelkneri realize i'm not there12:06
jelknerso i don't understand everything12:07
jelknerbut that's what it looks like to me12:07
jelknerACTION done12:07
jelkneri asked Mr. Zawolo to help get this "unstuck"12:07
jelknerplease call him today if you can12:07
dcammueI was full in support of that jelkner,  but it is team decision. 12:07
jelkneryes dcammue, i understand12:08
dcammueOkay 12:08
jelknerok, i'll wait for an email12:08
jelkneri can meet any day this week12:08
jelknerit would be better not to wait until saturday12:08
jelknersaturday should be about working on web projects12:08
jelknerSahnun will be there12:09
jelknerit shouldn't be about internal Jetro business12:09
jelkneror Sahnun is wasting his time12:09
jelknerlet's get that internal business done *BEFORE* saturday!12:09
jelknerok gotta go12:09
dcammue Okay 12:10
jelkneri won't come here tomorrow unless you email me telling me to12:10
jelknerbut i hope you will ;-)12:10
dcammueThanks 12:10
dcammueWe will12:10
svayeAlright jelkner 12:10
jelknerACTION signs off until the Jetro Websters email him...12:10
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svayeHave a wonderful day 12:10
*** svaye has left #jetrowebdev (None)12:40
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