IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Thursday, 2025-02-06

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jkollieHi jelkner 19:55
scooperGood afternoon anthony_p, gabriel , jelkner, and jelkner 20:08
gabrielGood afternoon scooper20:10
gabrielplease join us in the meeting at #novawebdev channel20:11
jelknerit's ok20:13
jelknerlet's talk here20:13
jelknersince anthony_p is working on decidim with johan on the other channel20:14
jelknermore than one conversation can be in a chat at the same time20:14
jelknerbut it might be clearer if we chat here20:14
jelknerlet me think how to put this out there20:15
gabrielokay, jelkner20:15
jelkner*if* jetro web is going to succeed, i think you all should figure out who among you is ready to do this as a FULL TIME JOB starting now20:15
jelknerby "full time" i'm thinking of a 40 hour week20:16
jelknermaybe more20:16
jelknersince we're starting a business20:16
jelknerand sometimes you have to put in the time needed to get the job done20:16
jelknerso, each of you should search your hearts and think about whether you want to do that20:16
jelknerif you have other things you need to do instead, and you think of this as a part time gig20:17
jelknerwe can't do that at the moment20:17
jelknermost of you are very young20:17
jelknernot you, scooper ;-)20:17
jelknerbut the rest of the folks20:17
jelkneri'm a teacher20:17
jelkneri know how it is for young folks20:18
jelkneryou're not sure what you are going to do with your lives20:18
jelknerand sometimes you jump from one thing to another20:18
jelkneryou are young20:18
jelkneryou will have lots of different experiences in your lives20:18
jelknerand you will have time to explore different things20:19
jelknerat this moment, however, if you want to be part of a web development business20:19
jelknerthis needs to be your only immediate career focus20:19
jelknerif you want to do something else, i understand20:19
jelknerin fact, we love you all20:20
jelknerso you could come back to us later if whatever else you are doing doesn't work out20:20
jelkneri notice the pattern20:20
jelkner*EVERYONE* shows up when its time for me to send a stipend20:20
jelknerand then folks drift off, and make lots of excuses, until the next time a stipend is due20:21
jelkneryou see all the emails i send20:21
jelknernovaweb is making real progress20:21
jelknerwe might be able to turn it into a successful business20:21
jelkneri have only limited resoources20:21
jelkneri need to apply them where i believe they have the best chance of creating a success20:22
jelknerthis week i'm not feeling that is jetro20:22
jelknersince jetro is not producing any results20:22
jelknerACTION done20:22
gabrielsure jelkner, I have more time to put into work but the problem i am having mostly is the electricity situation here in Liberia that slow my ambiguity but I promise if there could be a stable electricity and internet I will be as far as you want be be in less the two months.. 20:22
scooperThanks for pointing these things up20:23
jelknergabriel, you told me when i was there last that you are *really* into this20:23
jelkneri believe you20:23
jelknerso what i need is for you to get together with a few other jetro websters who are also into this20:23
jelkneri am aware of the challenges20:24
jelknerelectricity, bandwidth20:24
jelknermr. zawolo and i talk about that all the time20:24
scooperbut can you please be more specific and identify some of us who you think are not doing well as you expect???20:24
jelknerwe both want to help you solve those challenges20:24
jelknerscooper, you tell me20:24
jelknerdo this please20:24
jelkner1. take a look at the tasks assigned a few weeks back20:25
jelkner2. look at each task, and determine what has been done20:25
jelknerthen you tell me20:25
scooperOK let start with me20:25
jelknerscooper, you have a pull request20:26
jelknerblu is here now talking about it20:26
svayeI understand what you are saying jelkner, it'a true that some of us have different career goals an example would be me, but regardless of that I am commited to Jetrowebdevelopment and you jelkner. I might not be able to give 40 hours a week but I will do my best to support the organization.20:26
jelknerso you have met your task20:26
scooperYou ask me to collaborate with BLu on making the sjc website responsive20:26
scooperI did it and send her a code review 20:26
jelknersvaye, i know how talented you are20:26
scooperand even told Sahnun about this but to no avail has blu response to my review20:27
jelknerbut my suggestion for you now as a young, talented, very bright young person is to make a choice20:27
scooperand anyway I m hoping to chat with her on this20:27
jelkneryou have a long life ahead of you20:27
jelknerif you want to become a scientist, you should follow your dreams20:28
jelkneri believe your heart is in the right place20:28
jelknerbut you are not helping either yourself or jetro web development if you are not fully on board20:28
jelknerso svaye, i would recommend you take a leave of absence from jetro20:29
jelknerso we can pull together a team ready to give 100% and full time to the business20:29
jelknerit won't succeed otherwise20:29
jelknersimple as that20:29
jelknerback to you scooper 20:29
jelkneryes, you delivered last week20:29
jelkneryou're the only one who did as far as i can tell20:29
jelknerthat won't cut it20:29
jelknerand i can't try to raise the funds to help with an office20:30
jelkneruntil you can earn my trust20:30
jelkneryou are asking a lot20:30
jelkneryou need to give a lot if you want me to do so20:30
jelknerremember, change happens all the time20:31
jelknerit is the norm20:31
jelknerso i am suggesting the following plan:20:31
jelkner1. identify a group of you ready to give full time 100% effort to this business20:31
jelkner2. tell me who that group is20:31
jelkner3. we plan together how to move forward and meet our goals20:32
jelknercan you all do that?20:32
scooperjelkner, For the look of thing you have already shared the group20:32
jelknerreally, who?20:32
scooperbase on our participation you should also be able to figure out20:33
scooperwho is in or not20:33
jelknernot really scooper, since that is so uneven20:33
jelknerin the past tboimah has been the top performer20:33
jelknerhe isn't here now20:33
jelknerdcamunne is not here either20:34
jelknerbut he has done great work sometimes in the past20:34
jelknermulbah is most MIA (missing in action) these past few weeks20:34
scooperThomas will turn up today20:35
scooperhe is coming by 10:00pm liberia time20:35
jelknerwhy that time?20:35
scooperI think that is the reason he is not here yet20:35
scooperbecause it's when Sahnun20:35
scooperusually come online20:35
jelknerwe meet each week from 8 pm to 12 midnight your time20:36
scooperif I stand to be corrected20:36
scooperthought it was 10:00pm liberia time20:36
jelknerscooper, i understand this is very confusing20:36
scooperjelkner, 20:36
jelknersince so much is going on here20:36
jelknerand you aren't here20:36
scooperplease make some clarity here20:36
jelkneri will try scooper 20:37
scooperAre we meeting from monday to friday??20:37
scooperor only thursday at 8:00pm20:37
jelkneri showed up several days this week at 7 am (12 noon your time)20:37
jelknerand no one was there20:37
jelknerno one messaged me either20:37
jelkneri am *so busy*20:37
jelkneri work constantly20:37
jelknerand i need to make efficient effective use of time20:38
jelknerthat is how success happens20:38
jelknerand i want *very badly* to succeed20:38
jelknerwe (NOVA Web folks and others) meet in my classroom from 3 pm to 7 pm EST (8 pm to 12 midnight UTC)20:39
jelknerthat's when we meet20:39
jelknerthe purpose of the meeting is to check-in with each other and to help resolve issues from our work duing the week20:40
jelknerbut if there is no work during the week, there is nothing to meet about!20:40
scooperThough the folk at jetro is not online at 7:00am your time, they are usually busy trying to meeting at our new temporary workshop20:41
scooperfrom monday to saturday20:42
scooper*meet at our new temporary work station20:42
scooperAny way guy when you all emerge at the new work place please make it your due to check on about this time (12:00) liberia time with jelkner 20:43
scooper*your duty to check on about this time20:44
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jelknerscooper, i really don't want to discuss excuses at this point about why things don't work20:46
jelkneri want to work with a group of folks dedicated to do whatever needs to be done to make them work!20:46
jelkneri have a long list of things that need to be done20:47
jelkneri started with a short, simple list20:47
jelknerand we met20:47
jelknerand ya'll told me those things would be done20:47
jelknerthey weren't done20:47
jelknerso what am i to do?20:47
jelknertime is running out20:48
jelknerscooper, you and thomas are going to work on the websites, yet?20:48
jelknerso you did your part20:48
scooperjelkner, 20:48
scooperwe are willing to work on the sjc website20:49
fatimahello 20:49
scooperall we need is for blu to be prompt in reviewing our code20:49
jelknerscooper, i'm talking to blu right now20:49
fatimai just wanted to ask scopper20:49
scooperi m here20:49
jelknershe listed reasons why she rejected your pull request20:49
fatimai am reviewing the code alongside blu 20:50
jelknerand she is telling me you haven't fixed them20:50
jelknerdr. hubbard still has my bio20:50
fatimathe code is the exact same from beforehand 20:50
fatimaVed is still on here twice, , Dr. Hubbards bio has Jeffs bio and Vrishin isn't on here anymore. Please make sure to fix these changes so your request is approved. 20:50
jelknerso we need to learn this workflow20:50
jelknera professional workflow20:50
scooperfatima, 20:51
jelkneryou should address the issues the content issues20:51
scoopercan you please tell me the commit message??20:51
jelknerlet's figure that out20:51
jelknerok, gabriel 20:51
bluthe message with the commit was "about section cards is fully responsive"20:51
jelkneryou and mulbah are supposed to fix irc20:51
scooperBecause it's something she mentioned earlier and I did fixed it20:52
fatimait's not the functionality of the code, it's the bio's and making sure the correct stuff is there. 20:52
jelknerwhy is mulbah not here?20:52
scooperthat is it20:52
jelknerare you two working together?20:52
jelknerthat's what we need20:52
jelknerremember, when you are ready20:52
scooperand it working perfectly on my computer20:52
jelknercustomers will come to us jobs20:52
jelknerwe need to complete the work they want to their satisfaction20:53
jelknerand then bill them20:53
gabrieljelkner, I don't know, I contacted Mulbah several time about the project but he said he'll reach out to me when he's ready20:53
jelknergabriel, you can tell him that the customer isn't willing to wait until *he is ready*!20:53
fatimaagain scopper, it's not the functionality it is the bio's and the things blu & i commented on your request.20:53
jelknersvaye, you and i can talk off line if you like20:54
gabrielokay, jelkner, I'll contact him again after this meeting20:54
jelknerbut i really think you should make your plan and follow your dream20:54
jelknerthere may be many things you want to do20:54
scooperfatima, blu did mentioned previously that some photos and bio was not placed at the right location....20:55
jelknerbut in terms of your study, you should choose ONE thing (for now at least - you can change later if you want to)20:55
jelknerif you want to learn to run a business20:55
jelkneryou can choose that20:55
scooperI review it carefully, and rearrange then before committing..20:55
fatimablu did not mention any photos, the issue is the the bio's not being placed correctly and people being there twice20:55
gabrieljelkner, I have made up my mind so i am following my dream, I am willing to put my all into Jetro Web Development20:55
jelknerif you want to study science (a noble goal)20:56
jelkneryou should do that20:56
jelkneryou can't do both20:56
jelknerit won't work20:56
jelkneryou will get the team upset20:56
jelknersince you won't have the time to run the business20:56
fatimathe issue is the fact that this is a public website, if we want to present this, things must be looking professional.20:56
jelknerif you are off doing something else for much of the time20:56
jelknerbusinesses don't work that way20:56
jelknerthey fail that way20:56
jelknerscooper, where is daniel?20:57
fatimascooper, please tell me from your end what bio dr. hubbard has.20:58
scooperfatima, what is the way forward??20:58
scooperok let me do that quickly20:58
jelknerscooper, CHANGE the bio of Dr. HUBBARD!20:58
jelknerfreena, can we talk?20:58
jelknerfreena, are you here?20:59
jelknerjkollie, are you here?20:59
jelkneroh well, i don't have time for this20:59
jelknerscooper, i'm sorry, you said we knew who the group is20:59
jelknerbut i'm not seeing it20:59
jelknerfreena, and jkollie were supposed to work with decidim21:00
scooperfatima, right now the bio of each member is in hidden, you have to click on it before it display21:00
jelknercan we talk freena 21:00
jkollieYes jelkner 21:00
jelknerare you ready to commit to this as your full time job?21:00
jelknerthis question is for both of you21:00
scooperSO Right now if you click on it from your side it will not sure because I didn't implement that functionality21:01
fatimascooper, we are looking at your code, we CANNOT see how the website looks. on our end there are errors that need to be fixed, please fix this.21:01
jelknerok, freena, you have done nice work in the past, but we really need you to step up now21:01
jelknerDecidim will hopefully be a core part of our business plan21:02
scooperThe only thing you will see if you run that about page on your computer will be the image, name, location and a  read more button21:02
jelknerit is a huge web application21:02
jelknerit will take us about a year to learn just to use it21:02
freenaI'm willing to commit jelkner 21:02
jelknerbut we will never learn if we don't put in the time21:02
jelknerLOTS OF TIME!21:02
jelknerfreena, i just asked johan_f to join us21:03
bluscooper: heres a link to what we see when we go to review your code ( As you can see Dr. Hubbards bio has Jeffs bio21:03
jelknerhe has been doing great work with Decidim21:03
jelknerso if you are serious21:03
jelknerwe need you to help him21:04
jelknerwe want to start using decidim to keep track of these tasks we are talking about21:04
freenaOkay 21:04
jelknerso that when we meet on thursdays we can look at our decidim and see who has been doing what21:04
jelknerjkollie, what about you?21:05
jkollieOkay jelkner 21:05
jelkneryou didn't answer my question about whether you wanted to do this full time?21:05
scooperblu 21:05
jkollieYes I want to 21:05
scooperbut this is absolutely different from what I have here21:05
scooperlet me share with you through the same medium you just use to see what I m talking about???21:06
jelknerok jkollie 21:06
jelknerdo you have an account on our decidim?21:07
johan_ffreena, are you familiar with ruby on rails?21:07
jelknerjohan_f, NO21:07
jelknerdon't ask them that21:07
jelknerthe are doing user testing21:07
jelknernothing more21:07
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scooperyou are right21:08
scoopercan you please give me Hubbard bio21:09
jelknerok, i just had a conversation in person with johan_f 21:09
jelknerhe didn't understand your task21:09
jelknernow he does21:09
jelknerso, let me come back to this21:10
jelknerfreena and jkollie do you have accounts on our decidim?21:10
jkollieI have an account on decidim which is the one I was using when I was partnering with Kei21:10
freenaSame here 21:10
jelknerthat's great21:10
jelknerkei isn't here today21:10
bluyes i can! now hopefully you can see that Ved is on there 2 times, and Vrishin is missing completely. If you can fix all these and commit it, I will happily approve it. here is Dr. Hubbards bio: Dr. Stephen Hubbard brings over 33 years of experience to Social Justice Computing Board of Directors across a number of technical fields as well as education. Dr Hubbard also mentors U.S. and African students in STEM.21:10
jelknerbut johan_f is21:10
jelknerit's a challenge freena and jkollie, i understand21:11
jelkneryou need to get to know the people21:11
jelknerand you don't get to see them in person21:11
jelknerhopefully, someday we will all meet in Barcelona! ;-)21:11
jelknerfor now, i can help make introductions21:12
jelkneranthony, johan, and kei are the decidim team for nova web21:12
jelknerthey will normally be here in irc each thursday at 8 pm your time21:13
jelknerthat is the best way to find them synchronously21:13
jelknerbut between weekly meetings, you should use email21:13
jelkneror even better Decidim! ;-)21:13
jelknerso freena and jkollie here is your task21:14
scooperjelkner, 21:14
scooperplease tell blu to check for this new commit message "replacing Dr. Hubbard rightful bio"21:14
jelknerjohan_f, can you please describe to freena and jkollie what they should do by next week?21:15
bluIll check right now21:15
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johan_fThe main way that Decidim does project management is through the accountability, proposals, & meeting modules21:15
johan_fHere is how the NOVA Web's Accountability module looks like
jelknerfreena and jkollie_ by next week, you should read up on accountability, proposals, and meeting modules21:16
jelkneryou could create a shared git repo for your notes21:17
freenaOkay 21:17
johan_fYou can find a lot of information here:
bluOkay! everything looks great, i just have one more request, I need Vrishin to have a bio and photo scooper. Do you need his bio and photo or do you already have it?21:18
jelknernext week when we meet, freena and jkollie_, i expect you to be able to report on what you did during the week21:18
jelknerand it should look like you put in 40 hours doing it21:18
johan_fHowever, for the accountability module I will be writing a blog post under the NOVA WEB assembly as the actual documentation doesn't state much21:18
jelkneronce i know there is a group of you ready to put in full time dedication to this21:19
freenaSure jelkner 21:19
scooperNo, Vrishin do not have a photo here21:19
scooperhis bio is lorem ipum text21:19
jkollie_okay jelkner21:19
bludo you need the photo and bio? I have both and can give it to you scooper 21:20
jelkneri'll work with mr. zawolo to get you all an office21:20
jelknerbut we can't do that until we know you are ready to use it21:20
scoopersure I will  appreciate21:20
jelknerwe can't afford to waste resources21:20
jelknergabriel, please reach out to mulbah21:20
jelkneri talked with ledmer 21:21
jelknerhe did the same task i assigned you21:21
jkollie_That's right21:21
jelknerso he DELIVERED21:21
jelknerthat's what we need to do21:21
jelkneri have to go now21:21
jelknernova web meets in 9 minutes on the other channel21:21
scooperjelkner, 21:21
freenaThanks for the time jelkner and everyone 21:22
jelknerthanks freena 21:22
scoopershould we stay here up till 12:00??21:22
johan_ffreena, jkollie_, this link should also help:
freenaAlright, thanks jelkner 21:23
svayeMy computer battery is low now 21:23
svayeHave a wonderful evening everyone21:23
jkollie_okay thanks johan_f21:23
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bluokay heres the bio: Vrishin is a dedicated college student passionate about creating affordable, impactful solutions. Committed to advancing nonprofit development, he is an advocate for sustainable practices that inspire long-term growth and meaningful change in communities. And a link to his photo:
scooperI m on it21:27
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TanakaGreetings Team21:28
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gabrielGreetings, Tanaka, I am happy to see you here again, how was your year end21:29
TanakaIt was a bit hectic, but I am glad to be joining you again21:29
bluhey Tanaka! Sahnun should be here around 5:30, we will definitely have some questions!21:30
scooperyou did not mentioned his location? it's Arlington 21:31
TanakaThat is alright21:32
bluyou can put Blacksburg, VA scooper 21:32
scooperI m done21:36
scooperthis is the commit message "added Vrishin info"21:36
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bluokay awesome! i will check it out!21:37
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bluscooper i approved the request. how come the read more buttons wont work?21:48
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scooperI said it that the read more is not working as I expect it... I will need Sahnun help on this21:50
bluokay, Sahnun will be here around 5:30 to help!21:51
jkollieOkay everyone l have to go with 21:52
jkollieYou all have a great day 21:53
scooperVrishin picture is not displaying21:53
scooperCan you see it from your end??21:54
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blui noticed when i looked at it that it wasnt displaying. ill check and see where the mistake is21:54
scooperPlease test the responsive as well and let me know21:56
bluit seems like you didnt put the photo into the media folder which means it cant find the photo. You need to actually put the photo into that folder and then it should work. Also make sure the extension is right, check that the photo you added and the code have the same one (example: .jpg or .png).21:57
bluIll test the responsiveness right now21:57
bluthe responsiveness looks good!21:58
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scooperThe photo is in the media directory22:00
scooperit's even working on my computer presently22:01
bludid you commit it?22:02
scooperyou are right22:03
scooperI only commit the about.html22:03
scooperI see the problem22:03
scooperlet me figure out how to make the read more button work, once I get it done I will commit the media directory along22:05
bluokay awesome! thank you!22:05
scooperI m still here still Sahnun come around22:06
scooperPlease let me know when Sahnun arrive??22:06
bluhe got pulled into an emergency meeting at work, he wont be able to make it today. I have one question with the buttons, are they really necessary? The bios are fairly short, so is the button needed? Im just thinking about it in a way that makes the life of the user a bit easier  22:08
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scooperThe reason I thought of using the bio here to keep each member detail even. Exposing the bio along with the image, name and location will take up more space22:13
scooperBy clicking on the button will bring each member information  one at a time instead of showing it all at once...22:15
blui think the buttons should be called "about jeff" or "about ved", i think that makes a bit more sense, if that makes sense? and your reasoning for the buttons makes sense22:15
scooperHmmm you are right22:16
scooperI will do just as you said22:16
scooperApart from Thursday can we plan to meet another day regularly??22:25
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bluhey scooper, sorry was working on something. what other day would work for you?22:35
scoopercan we do thursday and friday about this same time??22:36
scooperit's 10:36pm in Liberia right now22:36
bluthursday and friday? okay.22:39
blumeet at 4:30 on fridays?22:39
scooper4:30 your time right??22:42
scoopersee you tomorrow by 4:30 your time22:43
scooperjelkner, 22:43
scooperare you still there??22:44
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