IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2025-02-07

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scooperGood morning jelkner 11:47
jelknerHello scooper 11:47
scooperthanks for coming through11:48
jelknerI've got to get ready for class, so I only have 10 minutes11:48
jelknerwhat would you like to discuss?11:48
scooperSJC Website11:48
scooperwhat are some pages you might need to be added??11:48
jelknermy main need now is not for the SJC website11:49
scooperyesterday blu finally merge my commit11:49
jelkneryes, i heard11:49
jelknera victory!11:49
scooperthat is the work flow we need11:49
jelknermy main need right now is the about us page for the SECOSOL website11:49
jelknerI want a page with pictures and bios of each of the SECOSOL board members11:49
jelknerthat is my next "User story"11:50
jelknerSince the SECOSOL site is LibreOrganize11:50
scooperis the site build using djano?? or it's plain html and css without framework11:50
jelknerit is hosted on May First11:50
jelknerand it is bilingual11:51
jelknerso you can click on the language button to change from English to Spanish11:51
scooperWho is the administrator to that repository??11:51
jelknernot sure11:51
jelkneri'm just the customer, my friend11:51
jelkneri rely on the coops to do the work11:51
jelknerthen send me the bill ;-)11:51
scooperI can handle it Jeff11:52
jelknerthis is a process11:52
jelknerbut i like the way it is going11:52
scooperjust explain to me how exact you want it be11:52
jelknerit's partly about learning to communicate11:52
jelkneryou need to learn who in NOVA Web you can reach out to11:52
jelknerblu is a good bet11:52
scooperI will ask BLu on this11:53
jelknersince you already have working relationship11:53
scoopersince she and myself planned to be meeting every thursday and friday11:53
scooperto have a working session11:53
jelknerscooper, please work with thomas11:53
jelknerwe need to develop teams11:53
jelknerpair programming is a best practice11:53
jelknerand makes jetro more reliable and professional11:54
scooper+1 I will11:54
jelkneri look forward to meeting with both of you next week!11:54
jelkneri'll be heading out of town for the weekend11:54
jelknerbut i'll be back on monday11:54
jelknerhave a great weekend11:54
scooperthat mean you will not attend our saturday meeting right??11:55
scooperok my dear friend11:55
jelkneri am going to a wedding in NYC11:55
scooperWe will chat through email11:55
jelkner(New York City)11:55
scooperEnjoy yourself my friend11:55
jelknerwill do11:55
scooperone day I will invite too to my wedding in MOnrovia11:55
jelkneri'll call dr. hubbard today11:55
jelknerit is a challenge to get Tanaka communicating effectively with us11:56
jelknerperhaps tomorrow you all can look at the work blu and fatima did on the UCCA site11:56
jelknerthey are making it in Django11:56
jelknerand they got a nice start yesterday11:56
jelknerbut they had to do it without Tanaka11:56
jelknersince he dropped off11:57
jelknerthis is the part of remote working that is most challenging11:57
jelkneri can imagine how hard it is for him11:57
jelknerhe is all by himself in Indiana11:57
jelknerhe gets on irc11:57
jelknerbut doesn't see any chatter11:57
jelknerthat's because we are here in person talking11:58
jelknerand don't notice11:58
jelknerso he drops off11:58
jelknerand the communication gets broken11:58
jelknerwe need to figure this out11:58
scooperI noticed him yesterday11:58
scooperbut was busy with Blu that why I didn't response to him11:58
jelknerlearning to communciate effectively remotely is a huge challenge11:58
jelknerbut we MUST figure it out!11:58
jelknerif we want to succeed.11:59
jelknerok, gotta go11:59
jelkneri'll follow up later today11:59
scooperok jelkner 11:59
jelknerexpect and email before i leave11:59
jelknergreat chatting with you my friend11:59
scooperthanks for coming through11:59
scoopersame here11:59
jelknerACTION signs off11:59
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:59
scooperACTION signs off11:59
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:08
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BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove19:48
LittleWebster_Available commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove19:48
*** LittleWebster_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:50
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)19:56
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*** blu has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:46

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