IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2025-02-08

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BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
mulbah /msg mulbah Mulbah07@15:26
mulbah /msg nickserv identify mulbah Mulbah07@15:27
mulbah /msg mulbah identify Mulbah07@15:28
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TanakaGreetings everyone15:32
shmohamudGood day all15:33
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jkollieGreetings Tanaka and shmohamud 15:34
shmohamudWho is chairing this meting?15:34
svayeHello shmohamud and Tanaka 15:34
tboimahHI shmohamud and Tanaka 15:35
shmohamudShouldn't have started?15:35
tboimahHI ledmer !15:35
svayeHi ledmer 15:35
ledmerI was having some issues joining 15:35
mulbahHello ledmer15:35
mulbahoh shmohamud how are you doing long time no see15:36
ledmerAs you may or may not know Jeff is going on a trip 15:36
shmohamudGood good Mulbah, how're you?15:36
ledmerso he is not going to be very available15:36
mulbahI'm good15:36
ledmerWell going on with the meeting15:37
ledmerhe gave me some points of discussion 15:37
ledmer1. Spencer and Thomas should reach out to NOVA Web to find out how they15:38
ledmercan help with the SECOSOL website ( ).  You should15:38
ledmeralso check out what Blu and Fatima did yesterday with the UCCA website.15:38
ledmerThey will need Tanaka to look at that soon and give his input.15:38
ledmer2. Freena and Janet should create accounts for themselves on the15:38
ledmerDecidim we will be using to plan the DNOVA Summit 2025:15:38
ledmer .  It looks like we will15:38
ledmerhave an active group of user planning a real event on this instance. I15:38
ledmerhope it will provide us with just the real world use case we need to15:38
ledmerbegin wrapping our heads around this huge application.15:38
ledmer3. Gabriel and Mulbah should complete their task on the #jetrowebdev15:38
ledmerirc channel. They need to investigate how to manage the channel, and15:38
ledmerhow they can become channel ops.  We will expect to see green circles15:38
ledmerby their names in Hexchat when we meet on Thurday.15:38
ledmer4. Shallon and Daniel should arrange a phone call with Mr. Zawolo to15:38
ledmertalk about the concrete needs the coop has for full time business15:38
ledmermanagers, and to decide whether they are available for that task.  I'll15:38
ledmerbe checking in with Mr. Zawolo early in the week to see if this has15:38
ledmerSo let's start out with the first point 15:39
tboimahFor agenda # 1 I have already send an email to novaweb team but they have not responed yet.15:39
tboimahSo ledmer can you do a follow up please?15:40
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ledmerI will after the meeting15:40
ledmerso we have to integrate the blog with Secosol's existing website15:41
TanakaI will be waiting to give feedback on the UCCA website15:41
tboimahI will be happy to see their respond to my mail15:41
ledmerI was working on specific tasks for spencer and you and that is why I hadn't responded just yet15:41
tboimahOkay but can you please responed to my mail after the meeting.15:42
ledmerTanaka what kind of contact do you have with blu and fatima15:42
ledmeryes tboimah 15:42
tboimahThanks man15:42
TanakaFor now I have no contact at all15:43
ledmerOk for now I can be your point of contact15:43
TanakaI have been trying to attend their Thursday meetings, but somehow there was no communication in the irc chat15:43
ledmerthis is my novaweb email luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org15:44
ledmer 15:44
TanakaThank you Ledmer15:45
ledmerI will try to keep you uptodate with the progress, and request information needed15:45
ledmerlet's move to the next point 15:45
ledmer Freena and Janet should create accounts for themselves on the15:45
ledmerDecidim we will be using to plan the DNOVA Summit 202515:45
ledmerare Freena and Janet here?15:46
freenaWe already have an account on Decidim 15:46
ledmerboth of you?15:46
freenaI'm here ledmer 15:46
jkollieI have an account on decidim 15:46
freenaYes both of us 15:46
jkollieCan I ask a question?15:47
ledmerok sounds good15:47
jkollieIf I got you clear, you mean we should create another account with the Dnova?15:47
ledmerFreena and Janet should create accounts for themselves on the15:48
ledmerDecidim we will be using to plan the DNOVA Summit 2025:15:48
ledmer .  It looks like we will15:48
ledmerhave an active group of user planning a real event on this instance. I15:48
ledmerhope it will provide us with just the real world use case we need to15:48
ledmerbegin wrapping our heads around this huge application.15:48
ledmerthis is the exact message jeff gave me15:48
ledmerSo I think you have to create accounts for dnovadecidim15:48
ledmerdo you have already have that?15:49
ledmerok so then work on it15:49
ledmeragain any questions 15:49
jkollieAlright 15:49
ledmerI have my email to ask me 15:49
ledmerfor now lets move to the next point15:50
freenaYes, question 15:50
ledmerwrite me an email 15:50
freenaAlright ledmer 15:50
ledmerI will be responding as quick as I can today15:50
freenaOkay 15:51
ledmerNow the Irc channel bot15:51
ledmerwe have to set that up here15:51
ledmerI already did on novaweb15:51
ledmerand also you both (+ anyone else that needs it) needs to have channel op15:52
ledmerWe can discuss that on the side on the #accict channel15:52
ledmerafter the meeting15:52
ledmersounds good?15:53
ledmermulbah, gabriel?15:54
ledmerok next point 15:54
ledmerthis is the one I know less off 15:54
ledmerShallon and Daniel should arrange a phone call with Mr. Zawolo to15:55
ledmertalk about the concrete needs the coop has for full time business15:55
ledmermanagers, and to decide whether they are available for that task.15:55
ledmerAre you both here?15:55
ledmerI still haven't placed all the names to the nicknames15:55
ledmeryou have to be checking the chat to move on quickly with the meeting '15:56
dcammue_we are here my friend15:57
ledmerok so when are you doing the task?15:58
ledmeror when do you plan on doing it15:58
svayeWe plan to have a meeting with Mr Zawolo today15:58
ledmerokay great at what time (specify time zone)?15:59
svayeI just texted and I am awaiting his respond, so we can plan the time15:59
ledmerOk let's do this 16:00
ledmeremail me when you get his response telling me when are you meeting 16:00
ledmerand after the meeting 16:01
ledmerto let me know the progress that you have made16:01
ledmertry to get that meeting done by the end ok the weekend 16:02
ledmerOk I feel good about this meeting16:02
ledmerunless someone wants to ask or say something 16:02
ledmerI think we can wrap it up16:02
svayeledmer, can you please send your email16:05
ledmersure 16:05
ledmerbut remember if you miss some of the conversation16:05
ledmeryou can always go back to the logs16:05
shmohamudgreat meeting. Well done ledmer. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions friends. Signing off now.16:05
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freenaThanks ledmer 16:06
ledmermulbah and gabriel_jetro please stay in the #accict channel 16:06
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ledmerno problem16:06
tboimahACTION will be waiting for ledmer respond to my mail16:06
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tboimahThank for chairing the meeting ledmer , i will be getting back to Uopeople work now.16:08
tboimahACTION sign off16:08
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svayeThanks for chairing the meeting ledmer I will email about the meeting with Mr Zawolo16:09
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jkollieThanks for chairing ledmer 16:13
jkollieHave a great day everyone 16:14
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