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tboimah | Good morning jelkner | 11:32 |
jelkner | Good morning tboimah | 11:33 |
freena | Good morning jelkner | 11:37 |
jelkner | Good morning freena | 11:37 |
freena | How are you this morning? | 11:37 |
jelkner | LOL, answering emails | 11:38 |
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dcammue_ | Good morning freena and jelkner | 11:49 |
jelkner | Good morning dcammue_ | 11:52 |
jelkner | dcammue_, try to figure out why you have an _ following your nick | 11:52 |
jelkner | it may mean you haven't registered it | 11:53 |
freena | Good morning dcammue_ | 11:53 |
jelkner | tboimah, i am still waiting for you all to have a green circle next to your users | 11:53 |
jelkner | that's a doable tech task i've given you | 11:53 |
jelkner | when you figure it out | 11:53 |
jelkner | you will be helping build my confidence in your capacity to learn new things and solve tech challenges | 11:54 |
jelkner | when you can do that, you will be able to pave the road to your success | 11:54 |
tboimah | I am already busy work on the SECOSOl project jelkner , I tough it was mulbah and Gabriel task | 11:56 |
jelkner | yes tboimah it is | 11:56 |
jelkner | but if they don't do it | 11:56 |
tboimah | Do you want me to join them | 11:56 |
jelkner | let's talk about that | 11:57 |
jelkner | actually, in a sense that is an example of what i'm trying most earnestly to communicate at this stage in your development | 11:57 |
jelkner | you all know me by now | 11:58 |
tboimah | Louis Give Scooper and I a task, Concerning the blog integration for for SECOSOL | 11:58 |
tboimah | Do You know about that? | 11:58 |
jelkner | i have a deep belief (an almost religious conviction you could say) to human equality and solidarity | 11:58 |
jelkner | i believe that humans can (and should) organize social production in a democratic way, respecting the dignity of all | 11:59 |
jelkner | and not requiring some people to be *above* and others *below* | 11:59 |
jelkner | well, it is not easy to create such social dynamics | 12:00 |
jelkner | we are used to living in an oppressive system where rulers (and bosses) tell us what to do | 12:00 |
jelkner | and we listen | 12:00 |
jelkner | or risk punishment! | 12:00 |
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jelkner | anyway, jetro web will not be a viable business until it can figure out how to operate together | 12:01 |
jelkner | tboimah, you missed my last comment | 12:01 |
jelkner | anyway, jetro web will not be a viable business until it can figure out how to operate together | 12:01 |
jelkner | there is is again ;-) | 12:01 |
jelkner | i'm not there day in and day out | 12:01 |
jelkner | but we can share the process we are undergoing here at NOVA Web | 12:01 |
jelkner | which is a very similar struggle | 12:02 |
jelkner | we need to be able to trust each other and depend on each other | 12:02 |
tboimah | sure | 12:02 |
jelkner | let me tell you, it feels REALLY GOOD to me when my comrades take initiative and I do too, and I feel like we are pulling the cart in the same direction | 12:02 |
jelkner | it gives us the collecive power to change the world | 12:03 |
jelkner | that's what i'm in this for, if truth be told | 12:03 |
jelkner | that feeling of being able to change the world together | 12:03 |
jelkner | anyway, while we will all need to take on responsibilities for particular tasks | 12:04 |
jelkner | we at the same time need to be "responsible" for the overall success of our coops | 12:04 |
jelkner | so "that's not my job" is not usually a helpful attitude | 12:04 |
tboimah | Sure jelkner | 12:04 |
jelkner | since if gabriel and mulbah fail | 12:04 |
jelkner | it makes all of jetro look bad | 12:05 |
jelkner | dcammue, i'm sorry that svaye is not here | 12:05 |
dcammue | jelkner: if you done talking with tboimah , I would like too ask you. | 12:05 |
jelkner | but i was hoping to have this same conversation with her | 12:05 |
jelkner | this is for tboimah, dcammue, it is for ALL OF JETRO! | 12:05 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:06 |
dcammue | Have you communicate with ved | 12:06 |
jelkner | i don't know what you mean | 12:06 |
dcammue | Concerning the bookkeeping starts | 12:06 |
jelkner | i communicate with ved all the time | 12:06 |
jelkner | dcammue, he has all the information you have | 12:06 |
jelkner | i don't know how that is going to go | 12:07 |
jelkner | ved works with devesh | 12:07 |
jelkner | and he did get the taxes done | 12:07 |
jelkner | the problem is, he is a busy student trying to keep all this going | 12:07 |
jelkner | if we are asking him to do something else | 12:07 |
jelkner | that is stressful for him | 12:07 |
jelkner | dcammue, what we need is for Jetro to lighten our load, not add to it! | 12:08 |
jelkner | i don't know how to get from here to there | 12:08 |
jelkner | but Jetro has to contribute, not be an additional burden | 12:08 |
jelkner | or we won't succeed | 12:08 |
jelkner | so, i sent you links to some books | 12:08 |
jelkner | did you get them? | 12:08 |
jelkner | you can start reading | 12:09 |
jelkner | you can take notes | 12:09 |
jelkner | you can show up one day and say "Hey comrades, look what I've done!" | 12:09 |
jelkner | and make us all feel *very* happy | 12:09 |
jelkner | or, you can wait around and say "I won't do anything until YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO" :-( | 12:10 |
jelkner | that won't work | 12:10 |
jelkner | that's what i was trying to tell svaye | 12:10 |
jelkner | we need to train leaders | 12:10 |
jelkner | not followers | 12:10 |
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jelkner | i don't want to be one sided | 12:10 |
jelkner | we all need to be both leaders and followers | 12:11 |
jelkner | since that is the only way collective action works | 12:11 |
gabriel | Greetings jelkner and everyone | 12:11 |
jelkner | but it is clear that jetro does way too much following, and not nearly enough leading | 12:11 |
jelkner | that needs to change | 12:11 |
jelkner | if we are to succeed | 12:11 |
jelkner | gabriel, take a look at the irc logs | 12:12 |
jelkner | i need to go | 12:12 |
jelkner | but please read | 12:12 |
jelkner | we are waiting for you gabriel and mulbah to finish your challenge | 12:12 |
jelkner | i'll keep bugging you about it until it is done | 12:12 |
gabriel | Send you mail, jelkner and I am waiting on your response | 12:12 |
jelkner | don't bother me about it gabriel | 12:13 |
jelkner | that's got to be part of your challenge | 12:13 |
tboimah | jelkner, | 12:13 |
jelkner | tboimah, since i get the sense that you probably understand this better than most of your jetro comrades | 12:13 |
jelkner | i am way too over extended | 12:13 |
jelkner | i just bcc'd you all on an email i sent to Nairuti | 12:14 |
gabriel | But I try to, I even contacted Luis and he said I should email you about it because you was the one that also give him access to the novawebdev channel | 12:14 |
jelkner | i'm working on getting customers, and building organizational relationships | 12:14 |
jelkner | gabriel, if you contacted Luis, good job | 12:14 |
jelkner | that's what you need to do | 12:14 |
jelkner | i don't have the bandwidth to micro manage this process | 12:15 |
jelkner | we either develop the collective power to work together | 12:15 |
jelkner | or we fail | 12:15 |
tboimah | jelkner, you need to give gabriel admin access to #jetrowebdev | 12:15 |
jelkner | tboimah, great | 12:15 |
tboimah | that is the only way that they will be able to complete the task | 12:15 |
jelkner | good work | 12:15 |
jelkner | well, we have a problem | 12:15 |
jelkner | since i don't know how to do that | 12:16 |
jelkner | you may need to contact OFTC | 12:16 |
tboimah | He send you an email with the instruction | 12:16 |
jelkner | adrian and stefan set that up | 12:16 |
tboimah | On how to do so. | 12:16 |
jelkner | did he? | 12:16 |
tboimah | Yes! | 12:16 |
gabriel | Yes I can | 12:16 |
tboimah | That is what he is talking about. | 12:16 |
gabriel | I just need your login details | 12:16 |
jelkner | gabriel, did you email me instructions? | 12:17 |
jelkner | if you did, i will certainly try to follow them | 12:17 |
gabriel | Yes I did since last week | 12:17 |
jelkner | do again, now | 12:17 |
gabriel | Ohkay | 12:17 |
gabriel | Done ✅ | 12:21 |
gabriel | Subject: Channel Management Request | 12:21 |
freena | ACTION signing out | 12:22 |
jelkner | Hmmm... it hasn't arrived yet | 12:22 |
jelkner | which email did you send it to? | 12:22 |
gabriel | My mayfirst email that Thomas setup | 12:24 |
jelkner | Hmmm? | 12:24 |
tboimah | jelkner, | 12:24 |
jelkner | what address? | 12:24 |
tboimah | it I think he send it to your: jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org | 12:25 |
jelkner | so that is *not* a May First address | 12:25 |
jelkner | not yet | 12:25 |
tboimah | sure | 12:25 |
tboimah | it is novawebdevelopment | 12:25 |
jelkner | gabriel, use this one: jeff.elkner@sjcompute.org | 12:25 |
gabriel | Okay. | 12:25 |
jelkner | that is a May First address, so i should get it immediately | 12:25 |
jelkner | better to avoid novawebdevelopment.org for a while | 12:26 |
tboimah | Sure! let make us of mayfirst | 12:26 |
tboimah | 12:26 | |
jelkner | we are waiting for Luis to migrate our mail from our own hosting to May First hoting | 12:26 |
jelkner | that's a big task | 12:26 |
jelkner | and it will take him awhile | 12:27 |
jelkner | things may break while he does it | 12:27 |
jelkner | hopefully not to long | 12:27 |
jelkner | but they might | 12:27 |
jelkner | Got it! ;-) | 12:27 |
gabriel | Done | 12:28 |
jelkner | Awesome email, gabriel! | 12:28 |
gabriel | With the same subject | 12:28 |
jelkner | super, let's talk | 12:28 |
jelkner | gabriel, tboimah we need a plan | 12:28 |
jelkner | i don't want to be "channel master" of anything ;-) | 12:29 |
jelkner | so we need to change that, especially for #jetrowebdev | 12:29 |
jelkner | that means you all need to do a bit more investigation | 12:29 |
jelkner | gabriel, tboimah i will be happy to give you my login credentials | 12:29 |
jelkner | no problem there | 12:29 |
jelkner | but this is a big responsibility | 12:30 |
gabriel | Ohkay, I also want to work with Luis on novawebdev and he said he's happy with my proposal. | 12:30 |
jelkner | you want to fix things, not break them | 12:30 |
jelkner | :-) | 12:30 |
dcammue | I am back | 12:30 |
jelkner | you first need to figure out how to change the channel master | 12:30 |
dcammue | Current left my place | 12:30 |
jelkner | do you need to write to OFTC about that? | 12:30 |
jelkner | or can you do it with my credentials? | 12:31 |
jelkner | ok, here is the plan | 12:31 |
tboimah | I think it is only you credential | 12:31 |
jelkner | hold on... | 12:31 |
gabriel | No, you can make me but if you want me to write to OFT I can. | 12:31 |
tboimah | no need to email OFTC | 12:31 |
gabriel | Sure, there's no need to since we already know how to do it ourselves | 12:32 |
jelkner | gabriel, tboimah just sent you an email | 12:33 |
gabriel | Okay | 12:33 |
jelkner | super | 12:33 |
tboimah | Got it ! | 12:33 |
jelkner | don't mess with #novawebdev | 12:33 |
jelkner | that is for luis and tony and kei to figure out | 12:34 |
tboimah | Don't worry my friend we will be careful | 12:34 |
jelkner | you take away channel master from me | 12:34 |
gabriel | Got it, I'll start working after this meeting. | 12:34 |
jelkner | on #jetrowebdev | 12:34 |
jelkner | and give it to yourselves | 12:34 |
jelkner | sweet! | 12:34 |
jelkner | progress | 12:34 |
jelkner | nice work gabriel! | 12:34 |
jelkner | your email was terrific | 12:34 |
jelkner | ok, i gotta go | 12:34 |
jelkner | talk to you soon... | 12:35 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off | 12:35 |
tboimah | Okay, jelkner have a nice day teaching | 12:35 |
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