IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2025-02-12

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jelknerGood morning svaye and mulbah 11:57
svayeGood morning jelkner 11:58
jelknerI'm home from school today because of snow.11:58
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:58
mulbahHow are you11:58
jelknerI'd be better if I saw a green circle next to your user mulbah 11:58
dcammueGood morning,  jelkner and mulbah 11:58
jelknerGood morning dcammue 11:59
jelknerGood, i have both svaye and dcammue 11:59
jelknersvaye, i had a good conversation with dcammue yesterday morning11:59
jelknerand i spoke with both ved and mr zawolo yesterday12:00
jelkneri think we are all on the same page12:00
jelknerlet me summarize how i see our task12:00
jelknernova web will get its first contract with CPA12:00
jelknerif we can handle it professionally, and deliver real value, there will be more12:01
jelknerso now it is up to us12:01
jelkneri asked tboimah to look into CPA12:01
jelkneri think you all should12:01
jelknersince you need to understand what is going on12:02
jelknerCPA *could* be the relationship that launches NOVA Web as a viable business12:02
jelknerok, that's item 112:02
jelkneritem 212:02
jelkneryou can't run a business without bookkeeping, payroll, and tax filing12:03
jelknerved has been doing all of that12:03
jelknerFOR FREE!12:03
jelknerhe doesn't charge for his service12:03
jelknerhe is doing it because he wants to learn business12:03
jelknerand hi *IS* learning business!12:03
jelknerbut, he will be moving on soon12:04
jelknerand even now, he is a full time senior who needs to attend to his studies12:04
jelkneri've been saying for awhile to him that in my view, we will only be able to successfully have full time business managers12:05
jelknerif we can subcontract them from jetro web12:05
jelkneri didn't know exactly what the time line would be, and how long it would take12:05
jelknerbut that was the plan12:05
jelknerand that was why i talked to you two, svaye and dcammue about majoring in business if you were interested in learning that12:06
jelknerbut it is taking a longer than i hoped12:06
jelknerand our need is now more urgent given the CPA development12:06
jelknerthat's why i've been saying, "all hands on deck", "time to step up or step out", etc.12:07
jelknerdcammue, ved said he chatted with you last saturday12:07
dcammueYes 12:07
jelknerhe told you the same think i told you yesterday12:07
dcammueYeah 12:07
jelkneri've already sent you two pdfs (one of them is for shallon's class)12:08
jelkneryou need to take action and be proactive if you want to be part of this now12:08
jelkneryou need to be able to take over the tasks that ved has been doing12:08
jelknerbut first you need basic skills12:08
svayeI also chatted with Ved on Saturday, he told me to learn the basic and get back to him in two weeks jelkner 12:08
jelknerthat's what he told me yesterday12:09
jelknerso that's what i mean12:09
jelknerwe are on the same page12:09
jelknerbasics in this case i think would be reading (with understanding) the "Bookkeeping for Dummies" book i sent12:09
jelknerwe are going to use a spreadsheet for our accounting system12:10
jelknerso learning that will be necessary too12:10
dcammueWe in progress already 12:10
svayeWe already started reading the book, and we are getting a little understanding of it12:10
jelknerlet's meet again in two weeks12:10
jelkneractually, a week and a half12:11
dcammueAnd getting some ideas of how financial statements need to be arrange12:11
jelknerlet's make the SJC meeting on Saturday, 2/22 all about that12:11
jelknersound good?12:11
jelknerACTION waits for a +1 from svaye and dcammue 12:12
dcammueSo,  you will not meet till a week and half?12:12
jelknerdcammue, i need to work like you need to work12:12
jelknerwhat will we meet about?12:12
dcammueOkay 12:12
jelknerwe need to WORK!12:12
jelknerand LEARN!12:12
svayeI won't be in the meeting on the 22 jelkner, My uncle passed away and that day is the funeral12:12
dcammueSure 12:12
jelknerwell, svaye dcammue will be there12:13
jelknerand he can report for the both of you12:13
jelkneri am intentionally trying to get you all to work in pairs12:13
jelknerso that you can learn to collaborate, AND so that we have a bit of redundancy that makes us more resilient12:14
jelknermulbah, you will be failing until there is a green circle next to your user12:14
jelknerGet to it, my friend!12:14
jelknerDon't keep failing12:14
mulbahI'm working on it12:14
jelknertalk to tboimah and gabriel12:15
jelknerthey may have it figured out12:15
mulbahI and Luic working on the bot12:15
jelknerthey asked the right questions yesterday12:15
jelknerfine, mulbah 12:15
mulbahHe give my own of part to do12:15
jelknerbut you need to get channel privilages12:15
mulbahwe can meet every night by 10:00PM my time to work12:16
jelknerok, i have to prepare for my Eco Radicals course at 12:10 pm my time (5:10 pm your time) today12:16
jelknersee you all later...12:16
jelknermulbah, that's good12:17
jelknermake sure you show12:17
jelknertalk soon, my dear friends12:17
jelknerlet's do this!12:17
jelknerACTION signs off for the say12:17
svayeHave a nice day jelkner 12:17
jelkneryou too svaye 12:18
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svayeACTION signs off12:18
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gabriel_jetro /msg ChanServ ACCESS #jetrowebdev LIST20:37
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