IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2025-02-14

shmohamudOh.. I'm sorry about that. We need to get better at communicating!00:00
TanakaI am not yet one but I am trying my best to familiarise myself with developing concepts as I aspire to be one00:00
shmohamudSo, we would like to meet with you weekly so we can share progress updates and get feedback. We will do better at being available.00:01
MarinWe keep happening to miss you. Whenever we log on you happen to just be logging off.00:01
shmohamudIs weekly too much? We can adjust based on your needs.00:01
TanakaMaybe is there a wireframe that you have so that I can suggest something as well ?00:02
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TanakaWeekly is okay for me00:02
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bluokay! thank you so much, well be here thursdays as usual. were getting kicked out of our room, so we have to go. have a great night! and thank you again!00:04
TanakaI just need an exact time frame you will be active on the iirc chat as  I am also a college student here so I have class, club meeetings and community sessions . So if I know an exact time frame that will significantly help to create a protected time slot to meet with yopu guys 00:04
TanakaAlright it was nice talking with you00:04
blu5:30-7pm est on thursdays! is that good?00:05
TanakaMeet next Thursday00:05
TanakaThat is good for me Blu00:05
bluawesome! have a great night!00:05
TanakaIt was nice chattin gwith you00:05
TanakaHave a great night00:06
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mulbahHey gabriel_jetro00:16
mulbahgabriel what happen my computer is low oo00:17
mulbahlater if you ready you will give me it00:20
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*** ledmer has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)01:33
*** gabriel_jetro has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)03:05
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*** blu has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:43

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