*** scooper has quit (None) | 12:10 | |
BigBrother | Tick Tock! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | It's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting. | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Uh-oh! That is embarassing... | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Unfortunately, there are no items on the agenda! | 13:00 |
BigBrother | Have a nice day, Websters! | 13:00 |
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:34 | |
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 13:34 | |
*** mulbah has quit (None) | 13:42 | |
*** mulbahkolleh_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:43 | |
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:43 | |
scooper | Good morning jelkner | 13:58 |
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: No route to host) | 14:01 | |
*** jkollie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 14:20 | |
ledmer | hi! | 15:01 |
scooper | Hi ledmer | 15:03 |
ledmer | Hi guys | 15:06 |
ledmer | how are you doing | 15:06 |
scooper | fine and you? | 15:06 |
ledmer | fine | 15:07 |
jelkner | Good afternoon everyone! | 15:07 |
ledmer | do you guys know if gabriel is joining? | 15:07 |
scooper | Good morning jelkner | 15:07 |
jelkner | Do y'all meet at 10:30 or 10 EST? | 15:07 |
jelkner | i was surprised (and delighted) to see so many folks here now! ;-) | 15:08 |
tboimah | Good morning jelkner | 15:08 |
dcammue | Good afternoon jelkner | 15:08 |
jelkner | Good after tboimah | 15:08 |
jelkner | morning for me dcammue | 15:08 |
jelkner | afternoon for you | 15:08 |
dcammue | *Good morning* | 15:08 |
jelkner | just to let everyone know, i have to leave in about 30 minutes | 15:08 |
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 15:09 | |
*** jkollie has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 15:09 | |
jelkner | my wife and i celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary yesterday | 15:09 |
jelkner | and we are in a hotel | 15:09 |
jelkner | we need to check out soon | 15:09 |
ledmer | congratulations | 15:09 |
jelkner | but i can stay until 10:45 am my time | 15:09 |
jelkner | thanks ledmer | 15:09 |
jkollie | Happy belated anniversary jelkner | 15:09 |
jelkner | thanks jkollie | 15:09 |
scooper | wow, happy belated anniversary jelkner | 15:10 |
jelkner | thanks scooper | 15:10 |
jelkner | so since we have ledmer tboimah mulbah and scooper | 15:12 |
jelkner | we are only missing gabriel for the "dev team" | 15:12 |
jelkner | let's use this time wisely | 15:12 |
ledmer | yeah | 15:12 |
ledmer | It would be great if he joined | 15:12 |
tboimah | ledmer, did you see scooper mail? | 15:12 |
ledmer | since he already completed his task | 15:12 |
jelkner | tboimah, mulbah, and scooper, ledmer has really been *stepping up*! | 15:13 |
ledmer | nope | 15:13 |
ledmer | I haven't received that email | 15:13 |
dcammue | Congratulations to both of you jelkner | 15:14 |
jelkner | i'm looking to him for leadership in helping get us to the point where we are a viable software development business | 15:14 |
scooper | It's there | 15:14 |
scooper | can you please refresh your email again | 15:14 |
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 15:14 | |
jelkner | so please continue to coordinate with him on a continual basis | 15:14 |
jelkner | the plan is to work on several customer projects and really get them improved: | 15:14 |
ledmer | scooper probably sent it but I have been having issues with email | 15:14 |
jelkner | 1. SECOSOL website | 15:15 |
jelkner | 2. SJC website | 15:15 |
ledmer | so try sending it again please at my personal and at members | 15:15 |
jelkner | 3. UCCS website | 15:15 |
scooper | ok | 15:15 |
jelkner | i'll be the customer on the 1st two | 15:15 |
jelkner | Tanaka and Stephen will be the customer on the 3rd | 15:15 |
ledmer | ok! | 15:17 |
dcammue | jelkner: I did send you an email this morning. Please check it up. | 15:17 |
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 15:17 | |
jelkner | i don't see anything from you dcammue | 15:18 |
ledmer | It may be for the same reason I don't see scooper's email either | 15:18 |
ledmer | we copied your user to mayfirst too | 15:19 |
*** devesh has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 15:20 | |
dcammue | Check again jelkner | 15:22 |
*** Ved has quit (Quit: Page closed) | 15:23 | |
jelkner | just got it, dcammue | 15:23 |
jelkner | let's talk about that. | 15:23 |
jelkner | Here is the workflow we want: | 15:23 |
dcammue | Okay | 15:23 |
jelkner | 1. You upload the monthly statement to the Jetro Web Nextcloud | 15:23 |
jelkner | 2. You send me an email *with a link* to the document | 15:24 |
jelkner | Don't attach it | 15:24 |
jelkner | just sent the link | 15:24 |
scooper | please check again ledmer | 15:24 |
dcammue | Okay | 15:24 |
jelkner | you didn't attach it in any case | 15:24 |
jelkner | i got an email | 15:24 |
jelkner | but no attachment | 15:24 |
jelkner | don't attach | 15:24 |
jelkner | it fills up eveyone's storage | 15:25 |
jelkner | instead, you use Nextcloud so there is only one copy | 15:25 |
jelkner | and send a link to it | 15:25 |
jelkner | dcammue, is svaye coming today? | 15:25 |
ledmer | uff im not getting it | 15:26 |
dcammue | I am hoping to see her too. | 15:26 |
dcammue | But I have not received a communication from her since this morning | 15:26 |
jelkner | ok, my friend | 15:27 |
jelkner | good morning Tanaka | 15:27 |
jelkner | so good to see you | 15:28 |
Tanaka | Good morning Jeff | 15:28 |
jelkner | ledmer, you are a crucial connection here | 15:28 |
jelkner | since most of the work on UCCA will be Thursdays | 15:28 |
jelkner | but blu and fatima won't be here on saturdays | 15:28 |
ledmer | ok | 15:29 |
jelkner | Good morning shmohamud | 15:30 |
shmohamud | Good day alll | 15:30 |
Stephen | good morning/afternoon all... | 15:30 |
jelkner | ledmer, spencer.cooper@jetrowebdevelopment.org | 15:30 |
tboimah | Good morning shmohamud | 15:30 |
tboimah | and also Stephen | 15:30 |
jelkner | if you email members@jetrowebdevelopment.org | 15:30 |
jelkner | you get all 8 coop members | 15:30 |
jkollie | Good day shmohamud and Stephen | 15:30 |
Stephen | hey... | 15:31 |
jelkner | everyone, do you need me for anything now? | 15:31 |
jelkner | i'm in a hotel with my wife and need to check-out soon | 15:31 |
Stephen | You wanted to talk about my proposal for Tanaka's work... | 15:32 |
jelkner | so if you need anything from me, i've got 10 minutes | 15:32 |
jelkner | yes | 15:32 |
Stephen | We can do it off line if you like... | 15:32 |
jelkner | no, now is great for that | 15:32 |
jelkner | We are going to try to learn to use an agile development process | 15:32 |
Stephen | Ok, Tanaka said he did not know what people were working on, so it was hard to be part of the team. | 15:32 |
Stephen | Hence my proposal to set up a dev. path so that each week, everyone knows what's being worked on... | 15:33 |
jelkner | if it helps you to think about a "big design" that's fine | 15:33 |
jelkner | but what we will want from you is us "User Stories" | 15:33 |
jelkner | that focus on iterative development | 15:33 |
jelkner | we will want short iterations (two weeks, perhaps?) | 15:34 |
jelkner | with deliverables each iteration | 15:34 |
jelkner | so that Tanaka can begin using the site | 15:34 |
jelkner | soon | 15:34 |
jelkner | and through interacting with it | 15:34 |
Stephen | Ok, he and I can be the users to test the system out. I used to do SW Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V), so its no problem... | 15:34 |
jelkner | +1 | 15:34 |
jelkner | Exactly! | 15:34 |
Tanaka | +1 | 15:35 |
jelkner | Blu brought up an early concern we need to resolve | 15:35 |
jelkner | we need to deploy iot | 15:35 |
jelkner | it | 15:35 |
jelkner | she is working on her laptop | 15:35 |
shmohamud | Tanaka mentioned he wants us to take the lead in development. Tanaka - are you comfortable writing User Stories for us? | 15:35 |
jelkner | and does not have experience yet with deployment | 15:35 |
jelkner | ledmer, do you think you can learn to do that? | 15:35 |
jelkner | we need to: | 15:36 |
jelkner | 1. choose a server on which to deploy it | 15:36 |
jelkner | (NOTE: I am struggling with the NOVA Web crew to get a handle on our servers) | 15:36 |
jelkner | 2. deploy it | 15:36 |
ledmer | jelkner sure I can deploy it | 15:36 |
jelkner | sweet | 15:37 |
Stephen | I don't think for the initial version we need "user stories". What we need is to decide what is the minimum set of capabilities that you want to show off at PyCON. | 15:37 |
jelkner | ledmer, can you and i talk monday about this? | 15:37 |
ledmer | sure | 15:37 |
Stephen | Then decide on a development path with deliverables tied to dates to get it done in time... | 15:37 |
jelkner | Stephen, PyCon is too far away | 15:37 |
ledmer | but I would rather speak with the main team developing that | 15:37 |
ledmer | website | 15:37 |
jelkner | i want minimal viable capabilities for two week! | 15:38 |
jelkner | weeks | 15:38 |
jelkner | we will want to figure out the most important first things the site should do | 15:38 |
Stephen | Are you saying you want the minimum system to be up in 2 weeks? | 15:38 |
jelkner | Stephen, can i send you some links? | 15:38 |
Stephen | Yes. | 15:39 |
jelkner | with info about the process i am hoping we can learn | 15:39 |
jelkner | cool, i'll do that by tomorrow | 15:39 |
Stephen | ok, links tomorrow... | 15:39 |
jelkner | ok, i have to go | 15:39 |
Stephen | Ok, bye... | 15:39 |
jelkner | let me just say that we are really moving forward lately! | 15:39 |
jelkner | it is awesome to look back and see how far we've come | 15:39 |
jelkner | now we just need to keep on keeping on! ;-) | 15:40 |
jelkner | ok all | 15:40 |
ledmer | ok as Jeff leaves ther is some stuff we haven't solved or looked at yet | 15:40 |
jelkner | have a great rest of your meeting | 15:40 |
Stephen | Who is working on developing the clean cooking website? | 15:40 |
dcammue | Have a nice day | 15:40 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off | 15:40 |
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 15:40 | |
ledmer | so please scooper mulbah and tboimah stay | 15:40 |
scooper | Ok | 15:40 |
scooper | we are here | 15:41 |
mulbah | Alright | 15:41 |
tboimah | sure! | 15:41 |
ledmer | Stephen that would be Blu Medina | 15:41 |
ledmer | ok | 15:41 |
Stephen | Ok, Blu how do you want to develop the CC website? | 15:41 |
ledmer | Blu is not here at the moment | 15:42 |
Stephen | Oh, ok. Yes, I see that. Ok, I'll contact her via Email. | 15:42 |
ledmer | sounds good | 15:42 |
ledmer | I think I proposed this to Tanaka before | 15:43 |
Stephen | Ok, that was my main issue. Thanks... | 15:43 |
ledmer | but I could be your point of contact | 15:43 |
Stephen | Ok, well good ideas always return... | 15:43 |
ledmer | whenever I have new or you feel like it we can exchange emails | 15:43 |
ledmer | news* | 15:44 |
Stephen | To be clear, what did you propose to Tanaka? | 15:44 |
ledmer | to be his point of contact | 15:44 |
ledmer | with the development team | 15:44 |
ledmer | to improve the communication between customer and developers | 15:45 |
Stephen | for you or for Blu to be the point of contact? | 15:45 |
ledmer | me | 15:45 |
ledmer | contact me using luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org | 15:46 |
ledmer | or members@novawebdevelopment.org | 15:46 |
Stephen | Ok, So we'll put together a minimum speck for the CC website, and then can you layout an implementation path with what's being developed when so Tanaka knows what's happening? | 15:46 |
ledmer | sounds perfect | 15:47 |
Stephen | Otherwise, Tanaka is sort of floating in free space, unsure of what's happening... | 15:47 |
ledmer | yeah I understand | 15:47 |
Stephen | Ok. Then I don't need to take up any more time... | 15:47 |
Stephen | We'll get the spec to you. | 15:47 |
ledmer | Perfect | 15:48 |
shmohamud | I'm working on Clean Cooking site with Blu, Marin, Tanaka and Sofia (?) | 15:48 |
ledmer | You could give Stephen and Tanaka some updates then | 15:49 |
ledmer | right? | 15:49 |
freena | Good day shmohamud, ledmer | 15:49 |
shmohamud | Yes I can | 15:49 |
ledmer | what are you guys working on right now and what do you guys plan to do | 15:49 |
ledmer | specially what have you progressed on so far | 15:50 |
shmohamud | We currently have the Django scaffolding | 15:50 |
shmohamud | We have wireframes of the two sites. One for the actual App and one for potential donors and the public. | 15:50 |
shmohamud | We've only coded a single page, it offers two buttons that route either to the app or the public facing site. | 15:51 |
Stephen | Do you have a written development plan of any sort? | 15:51 |
Stephen | Or a written design...? | 15:52 |
shmohamud | Unfortunately we have not written a development plan. We were waiting for Tanaka to give us guidance, however, he has asked us to take the lead and he will give the OK after it's complete. | 15:52 |
shmohamud | We have no design, just wireframes. Should we work through designs and create a development plan before continuing? We were going to just hack something together. | 15:52 |
Stephen | Yes, lets get a minimal design put together so the approach is more directed... | 15:53 |
shmohamud | Ok, what tools should we use? Paper and pencil? | 15:53 |
Stephen | We will get that off to you in the next 2 days if that's ok? | 15:53 |
shmohamud | We don't have access to Figma or anything | 15:53 |
Stephen | Or type something up... | 15:54 |
shmohamud | Oh, ok. Sure thing - that would be great. | 15:54 |
shmohamud | We have a features list already | 15:54 |
Stephen | Ok. We well get you the minimal spec, and then stuff beyond that as additions. | 15:54 |
shmohamud | Not much of a design, though | 15:54 |
shmohamud | We have specs. We could send that to you if I can get a hold of Blu | 15:55 |
Stephen | We'll look to you then to tell us what order the development is in, as some stuff we put for later may be easy to build first, and vice versa... | 15:55 |
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 15:56 | |
Stephen | Ok, then first send what you have, and then will send stuff back and go from there. | 15:56 |
shmohamud | Ok, I'll email Blu and ask her to send the specs | 15:56 |
ledmer | Try to include me in those emails | 15:56 |
Stephen | Ok, thanks again. I think we lost Tanaka... | 15:57 |
shmohamud | Will do Ledmer. | 15:57 |
Stephen | So I don't need to burn up any more time. Thanks folks... | 15:57 |
ledmer | As I work closest with Blu | 15:57 |
shmohamud | No problem. | 15:57 |
ledmer | sure | 15:57 |
ledmer | Thank you for your time | 15:57 |
Stephen | NP... | 15:57 |
ledmer | I hope we can deliver what you are expecting | 15:58 |
shmohamud | ledmer and stephen can you please share your preferred emails? | 15:58 |
Stephen | Stephen - SMHubbardpp@Gmail.com | 15:58 |
ledmer | I already did | 15:59 |
Stephen | I'm on WhatsApp @ 01 (626) 399-6276 | 15:59 |
ledmer | contact me using luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org | 15:59 |
ledmer | or members@novawebdevelopment.org | 15:59 |
Stephen | 01 or whatever the US code is.... | 15:59 |
shmohamud | got it, sorry about that | 15:59 |
ledmer | +1 571 490 5695 | 16:00 |
ledmer | ok so I think we can move on with Secosol development right? | 16:03 |
ledmer | scooper and tboimah | 16:03 |
ledmer | what are the knews on that | 16:03 |
tboimah | sure! | 16:03 |
scooper | +1 | 16:03 |
tboimah | Have you get scooper mail now? | 16:04 |
ledmer | no | 16:04 |
ledmer | I sent another one | 16:04 |
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 16:04 | |
ledmer | could you try responding to it | 16:04 |
ledmer | its called try responding to this email | 16:04 |
scooper | I just did | 16:06 |
scooper | please check ledmer | 16:06 |
ledmer | still | 16:07 |
ledmer | nothing | 16:07 |
ledmer | could tboimah try sending me the same mail | 16:07 |
ledmer | because i did get Sahun's message | 16:09 |
Stephen | Bye folks... | 16:10 |
*** Stephen has quit (Quit: Page closed) | 16:10 | |
shmohamud | Take care everyone | 16:11 |
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 16:11 | |
ledmer | or instead scooper and tboimah | 16:12 |
ledmer | try adding me to whatsapp | 16:12 |
tboimah | Check you mail please | 16:13 |
tboimah | *your | 16:13 |
scooper | that will be done later.. my phone is off right now there is no current | 16:13 |
ledmer | yeah nothing | 16:13 |
ledmer | I can try to fix that later | 16:13 |
scooper | +1 | 16:13 |
ledmer | try telling me right now | 16:13 |
scooper | ok | 16:14 |
ledmer | the same thing you told me in the email | 16:14 |
tboimah | Hello Luis, | 16:14 |
tboimah | First, sorry for the late response we were trying to set up a working | 16:14 |
tboimah | project from the repository we cloned. Now the clone was successful | 16:14 |
tboimah | and we now have a libreOrganize app running on our computer. | 16:14 |
tboimah | Mean while I want to understand something here, base on your | 16:14 |
tboimah | instruction given previously is this project relating to the sesocol | 16:14 |
tboimah | website or it's about the Clean Cooking Project? If it's about the | 16:14 |
tboimah | clean cooking project can you share the user story with us? because | 16:14 |
tboimah | it will give us a clear picture on how to proceed. | 16:14 |
tboimah | Respectfully submitted, | 16:14 |
tboimah | That was scooper mail | 16:14 |
ledmer | Secosol | 16:14 |
ledmer | is what we are working on | 16:15 |
ledmer | integrating the blog with secosol's website | 16:15 |
ledmer | ok since you have libreorganize running | 16:15 |
ledmer | lets now have Secosol's website running in your computer | 16:16 |
ledmer | but before that let me check that you have eveything working correctly | 16:16 |
tboimah | sure | 16:16 |
ledmer | do you have a theme directory inside of the libreorganize one? | 16:16 |
tboimah | yes | 16:17 |
ledmer | you cloned that theme directory from the repo i sent you right? | 16:18 |
ledmer | if yes then | 16:18 |
ledmer | do the following command | 16:18 |
ledmer | inside theme/ do $git checkout (and press tab) | 16:19 |
ledmer | press multiple times | 16:19 |
ledmer | to display all the branches | 16:19 |
ledmer | inside of theme | 16:19 |
ledmer | do that and paste in this chat | 16:20 |
ledmer | what appears in your terminal | 16:20 |
scooper | please whole on | 16:20 |
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 16:21 | |
scooper | please hold on a little bit | 16:22 |
ledmer | sure | 16:22 |
scooper | this is my directory structure | 16:22 |
scooper | apps core libreorganize.sqlite3 locale manage.py static tests | 16:22 |
ledmer | so you don't have a theme directory | 16:23 |
ledmer | as the .md files say | 16:24 |
ledmer | do git clone git@gitlab.com:novawebdevelopment/libreorganize-customization/libreorganize-themes.git theme | 16:25 |
ledmer | $ git clone git@gitlab.com:novawebdevelopment/libreorganize-customization/libreorganize-themes.git theme | 16:25 |
tboimah | he already let move on | 16:26 |
scooper | we have it already | 16:27 |
ledmer | where is it then | 16:27 |
ledmer | can we use tmate | 16:27 |
scooper | apps core libreorganize-custom-themes libreorganize.sqlite3 locale manage.py static tests | 16:27 |
scooper | that is the directory structure presently | 16:28 |
ledmer | ok change librorganize-custom0themes | 16:28 |
ledmer | to theme | 16:28 |
scooper | apps core libreorganize.sqlite3 locale manage.py static tests theme | 16:30 |
scooper | is that what you want?? | 16:30 |
ledmer | yeah | 16:30 |
ledmer | of so now go into theme | 16:31 |
tboimah | ACTION following | 16:31 |
ledmer | and do the command I gave you above | 16:31 |
ledmer | <ledmer> inside theme/ do $git checkout (and press tab) | 16:31 |
scooper | base HEAD origin/base origin/HEAD | 16:32 |
ledmer | git checkout secosol_home | 16:33 |
ledmer | It should show secosol_home | 16:33 |
ledmer | but whatever | 16:33 |
ledmer | you do git checkout secosol_home to change the branch | 16:34 |
ledmer | from main to secosol_home | 16:34 |
scooper | the is not secosol_home | 16:34 |
scooper | fixtures settings.py static templates urls.py | 16:35 |
ledmer | what error showed when you did git checkout secosol_home? | 16:36 |
scooper | error: pathspec 'secosol_home' did not match any file(s) known to git | 16:37 |
scooper | are you still there?? | 16:39 |
scooper | ledmer, | 16:39 |
scooper | if I follow the readme instruction | 16:39 |
scooper | can this be done?? | 16:39 |
ledmer | yeah | 16:40 |
scooper | ok | 16:40 |
ledmer | delete the theme file | 16:40 |
scooper | so let me try it later and let you know | 16:40 |
ledmer | and try following the docmunetation | 16:40 |
scooper | ok | 16:42 |
ledmer | specifically the README.md | 16:42 |
ledmer | file | 16:42 |
scooper | ok | 16:42 |
scooper | we will get to you when done via email | 16:42 |
scooper | Are we done?? | 16:43 |
scooper | now | 16:43 |
ledmer | sure | 16:47 |
ledmer | but since | 16:48 |
ledmer | I cant get email from you | 16:48 |
ledmer | send me a Whatsapp message | 16:48 |
ledmer | scooper, tboimah | 16:51 |
scooper | please text me your whatapp number through my email | 16:53 |
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 16:53 | |
scooper | I m about to leave now | 17:11 |
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 17:15 | |
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 17:31 | |
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 18:08 | |
*** jkollie has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | 18:08 | |
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