IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2025-02-15

*** scooper has quit (None)12:10
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:34
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scooperGood morning jelkner 13:58
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: No route to host)14:01
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scooperHi ledmer 15:03
ledmerHi guys 15:06
ledmerhow are you doing15:06
scooperfine and you?15:06
jelknerGood afternoon everyone!15:07
ledmerdo you guys know if gabriel is joining?15:07
scooperGood morning jelkner 15:07
jelknerDo y'all meet at 10:30 or 10 EST?15:07
jelkneri was surprised (and delighted) to see so many folks here now! ;-)15:08
tboimahGood morning jelkner 15:08
dcammueGood afternoon jelkner 15:08
jelknerGood after tboimah 15:08
jelknermorning for me dcammue 15:08
jelknerafternoon for you15:08
dcammue*Good morning*15:08
jelknerjust to let everyone know, i have to leave in about 30 minutes15:08
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jelknermy wife and i celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary yesterday15:09
jelknerand we are in a hotel15:09
jelknerwe need to check out soon15:09
jelknerbut i can stay until 10:45 am my time15:09
jelknerthanks ledmer 15:09
jkollieHappy belated anniversary jelkner 15:09
jelknerthanks jkollie 15:09
scooperwow, happy belated anniversary jelkner 15:10
jelknerthanks scooper 15:10
jelknerso since we have ledmer tboimah mulbah and scooper 15:12
jelknerwe are only missing gabriel for the "dev team"15:12
jelknerlet's use this time wisely15:12
ledmeryeah 15:12
ledmerIt would be great if he joined15:12
tboimahledmer, did you see scooper mail?15:12
ledmersince he already completed his task 15:12
jelknertboimah, mulbah, and scooper, ledmer has really been *stepping up*!15:13
ledmernope 15:13
ledmerI haven't received that email15:13
dcammueCongratulations to both of  you jelkner 15:14
jelkneri'm looking to him for leadership in helping get us to the point where we are a viable software development business15:14
scooperIt's there15:14
scoopercan you please refresh your email again15:14
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:14
jelknerso please continue to coordinate with him on a continual basis15:14
jelknerthe plan is to work on several customer projects and really get them improved:15:14
ledmerscooper probably sent it but I have been having issues with email15:14
jelkner1. SECOSOL website15:15
jelkner2. SJC website15:15
ledmerso try sending it again please at my personal and at members15:15
jelkner3. UCCS website15:15
jelkneri'll be the customer on the 1st two15:15
jelknerTanaka and Stephen will be the customer on the 3rd15:15
dcammuejelkner: I did send you an email this morning. Please check it up.15:17
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:17
jelkneri don't see anything from you dcammue 15:18
ledmerIt may be for the same reason I don't see scooper's email either15:18
ledmerwe copied your user to mayfirst too15:19
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dcammueCheck again jelkner 15:22
*** Ved has quit (Quit: Page closed)15:23
jelknerjust got it, dcammue 15:23
jelknerlet's talk about that.15:23
jelknerHere is the workflow we want:15:23
dcammueOkay 15:23
jelkner1. You upload the monthly statement to the Jetro Web Nextcloud15:23
jelkner2. You send me an email *with a link* to the document15:24
jelknerDon't attach it15:24
jelknerjust sent the link15:24
scooperplease check again ledmer 15:24
dcammueOkay 15:24
jelkneryou didn't attach it in any case15:24
jelkneri got an email15:24
jelknerbut no attachment15:24
jelknerdon't attach15:24
jelknerit fills up eveyone's storage15:25
jelknerinstead, you use Nextcloud so there is only one copy15:25
jelknerand send a link to it15:25
jelknerdcammue, is svaye coming today?15:25
ledmeruff im not getting it15:26
dcammueI am hoping to see her too. 15:26
dcammueBut I have not received a communication from her since this morning 15:26
jelknerok, my friend15:27
jelknergood morning Tanaka15:27
jelknerso good to see you15:28
TanakaGood morning Jeff15:28
jelknerledmer, you are a crucial connection here15:28
jelknersince most of the work on UCCA will be Thursdays15:28
jelknerbut blu and fatima won't be here on saturdays15:28
jelknerGood morning shmohamud15:30
shmohamudGood day alll15:30
Stephengood morning/afternoon all...15:30
jelknerledmer, spencer.cooper@jetrowebdevelopment.org15:30
tboimahGood morning shmohamud 15:30
tboimahand also Stephen 15:30
jelknerif you email members@jetrowebdevelopment.org15:30
jelkneryou get all 8 coop members15:30
jkollieGood day shmohamud and Stephen 15:30
jelknereveryone, do you need me for anything now?15:31
jelkneri'm in a hotel with my wife and need to check-out soon15:31
StephenYou wanted to talk about my proposal for Tanaka's work...15:32
jelknerso if you need anything from me, i've got 10 minutes15:32
StephenWe can do it off line if you like...15:32
jelknerno, now is great for that15:32
jelknerWe are going to try to learn to use an agile development process15:32
StephenOk, Tanaka said he did not know what people were working on, so it was hard to be part of the team.15:32
StephenHence my proposal to set up a dev. path so that each week, everyone knows what's being worked on...15:33
jelknerif it helps you to think about a "big design" that's fine15:33
jelknerbut what we will want from you is us "User Stories"15:33
jelknerthat focus on iterative development15:33
jelknerwe will want short iterations (two weeks, perhaps?)15:34
jelknerwith deliverables each iteration15:34
jelknerso that Tanaka can begin using the site15:34
jelknerand through interacting with it15:34
StephenOk, he and I can be the users to test the system out. I used to do SW Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V), so its no problem...15:34
jelknerBlu brought up an early concern we need to resolve15:35
jelknerwe need to deploy iot15:35
jelknershe is working on her laptop15:35
shmohamudTanaka mentioned he wants us to take the lead in development. Tanaka - are you comfortable writing User Stories for us?15:35
jelknerand does not have experience yet with deployment15:35
jelknerledmer, do you think you can learn to do that?15:35
jelknerwe need to:15:36
jelkner1. choose a server on which to deploy it15:36
jelkner(NOTE: I am struggling with the NOVA Web crew to get a handle on our servers)15:36
jelkner2. deploy it15:36
ledmerjelkner sure I can deploy it 15:36
StephenI  don't think for the initial version we need "user stories".  What we need is to decide what is the minimum set of capabilities that you want to show off at PyCON.15:37
jelknerledmer, can you and i talk monday about this?15:37
ledmersure 15:37
StephenThen decide on a development path with deliverables tied to dates to get it done in time...15:37
jelknerStephen, PyCon is too far away15:37
ledmerbut I would rather speak with the main team developing that15:37
jelkneri want minimal viable capabilities for two week!15:38
jelknerwe will want to figure out the most important first things the site should do15:38
StephenAre you saying you want the minimum system to be up in 2 weeks?15:38
jelknerStephen, can i send you some links?15:38
jelknerwith info about the process i am hoping we can learn15:39
jelknercool, i'll do that by tomorrow15:39
Stephenok, links tomorrow...15:39
jelknerok, i have to go15:39
StephenOk, bye...15:39
jelknerlet me just say that we are really moving forward lately!15:39
jelknerit is awesome to look back and see how far we've come15:39
jelknernow we just need to keep on keeping on! ;-)15:40
jelknerok all15:40
ledmerok as Jeff leaves ther is some stuff we haven't solved or looked at yet15:40
jelknerhave a great rest of your meeting15:40
StephenWho is working on developing the clean cooking website?15:40
dcammueHave a nice day 15:40
jelknerACTION signs off15:40
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:40
ledmerso please scooper mulbah and tboimah stay15:40
scooperwe are here15:41
ledmerStephen that would be Blu Medina15:41
ledmerok 15:41
StephenOk, Blu how do  you want to develop the CC website?  15:41
ledmerBlu is not here at the moment 15:42
StephenOh, ok.  Yes, I see that.  Ok, I'll contact her via Email.  15:42
ledmersounds good 15:42
ledmerI think I proposed this to Tanaka before15:43
StephenOk, that was my main issue.  Thanks...15:43
ledmerbut I could be your point of contact15:43
StephenOk, well good ideas always return...15:43
ledmerwhenever I have new or you feel like it we can exchange emails 15:43
StephenTo be clear, what did you propose to Tanaka?15:44
ledmerto be his point of contact 15:44
ledmerwith the development team15:44
ledmerto improve the communication between customer and developers 15:45
Stephenfor you or for Blu to be the point of contact?15:45
ledmercontact me using luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org15:46
ledmer or members@novawebdevelopment.org15:46
StephenOk, So we'll put together a minimum speck for the CC website, and then can you layout an implementation path with what's being developed when so Tanaka knows what's happening?15:46
ledmersounds perfect15:47
StephenOtherwise, Tanaka is sort of floating in free space, unsure of what's happening...15:47
ledmeryeah I understand 15:47
StephenOk.  Then I don't need to take up any more time...15:47
StephenWe'll get the spec to you.15:47
ledmerPerfect 15:48
shmohamudI'm working on Clean Cooking site with Blu, Marin, Tanaka and Sofia (?)15:48
ledmerYou could give Stephen and Tanaka some updates then15:49
freenaGood day shmohamud, ledmer 15:49
shmohamudYes I can15:49
ledmerwhat are you guys working on right now and what do you guys plan to do15:49
ledmerspecially what have you progressed on so far15:50
shmohamudWe currently have the Django scaffolding15:50
shmohamudWe have wireframes of the two sites. One for the actual App and one for potential donors and the public.15:50
shmohamudWe've only coded a single page, it offers two buttons that route either to the app or the public facing site.15:51
StephenDo you have a written development plan of any sort?15:51
StephenOr a written design...?15:52
shmohamudUnfortunately we have not written a development plan. We were waiting for Tanaka to give us guidance, however, he has asked us to take the lead and he will give the OK after it's complete.15:52
shmohamudWe have no design, just wireframes. Should we work through designs and create a development plan before continuing? We were going to just hack something together.15:52
StephenYes, lets get a minimal design put together so the approach is more directed...15:53
shmohamudOk, what tools should we use? Paper and pencil?15:53
StephenWe will get that off to you in the next 2 days if that's ok?15:53
shmohamudWe don't have access to Figma or anything15:53
StephenOr type something up...15:54
shmohamudOh, ok. Sure thing - that would be great.15:54
shmohamudWe have a features list already15:54
StephenOk.  We well get you the minimal spec, and then stuff beyond that as additions.15:54
shmohamudNot much of a design, though15:54
shmohamudWe have specs. We could send that to you if I can get a hold of Blu15:55
StephenWe'll look to you then to tell us what order the development is in, as some stuff we put for later may be easy to build first, and vice versa...15:55
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:56
StephenOk, then first send what you have, and then will send stuff back and go from there.15:56
shmohamudOk, I'll email Blu and ask her to send the specs15:56
ledmerTry to include me in those emails15:56
StephenOk, thanks again.  I think we lost Tanaka...15:57
shmohamudWill do Ledmer. 15:57
StephenSo I don't need to burn up any more time.  Thanks folks...15:57
ledmerAs I work closest with Blu15:57
shmohamudNo problem.15:57
ledmerThank you for your time15:57
ledmerI hope we can deliver what you are expecting 15:58
shmohamudledmer and stephen can you please share your preferred emails?15:58
StephenStephen - SMHubbardpp@Gmail.com15:58
ledmerI already did15:59
StephenI'm on WhatsApp @ 01 (626) 399-627615:59
ledmercontact me using luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org15:59
ledmer or members@novawebdevelopment.org15:59
Stephen01 or whatever the US code is....15:59
shmohamudgot it, sorry about that15:59
ledmer+1 571 490 569516:00
ledmerok so I think we can move on with Secosol development right?16:03
ledmerscooper and tboimah 16:03
ledmerwhat are the knews on that 16:03
tboimahHave you get scooper mail now?16:04
ledmerI sent another one16:04
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:04
ledmercould you try responding to it 16:04
ledmerits called try responding to this email16:04
scooperI just did16:06
scooperplease check ledmer16:06
ledmernothing 16:07
ledmercould tboimah try sending me the same mail16:07
ledmerbecause i did get Sahun's message 16:09
StephenBye folks...16:10
*** Stephen has quit (Quit: Page closed)16:10
shmohamudTake care everyone16:11
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:11
ledmeror instead scooper and tboimah 16:12
ledmertry adding me to whatsapp16:12
tboimahCheck you mail please16:13
scooperthat will be done later.. my phone is off right now there is no current16:13
ledmeryeah nothing 16:13
ledmerI can try to fix that later16:13
ledmertry telling me right now16:13
ledmerthe same thing you told me in the email16:14
tboimahHello Luis,16:14
tboimahFirst, sorry for the late response we were trying to set up a working16:14
tboimahproject from the repository we cloned. Now the clone was successful16:14
tboimahand we now have a libreOrganize app running on our computer.16:14
tboimahMean while I want to understand something here, base on your16:14
tboimahinstruction given previously is this project relating to the sesocol16:14
tboimahwebsite or it's about the Clean Cooking Project? If it's about the16:14
tboimahclean cooking project can you share the user  story with us? because16:14
tboimahit will give us a clear picture on how to proceed.16:14
tboimahRespectfully submitted,16:14
tboimahThat was scooper mail16:14
ledmeris what we are working on 16:15
ledmerintegrating the blog with secosol's website16:15
ledmerok since you have libreorganize running 16:15
ledmerlets now have Secosol's website running in your computer16:16
ledmerbut before that let me check that you have eveything working correctly16:16
ledmerdo you have a theme directory inside of the libreorganize one?16:16
ledmeryou cloned that theme directory from the repo i sent you right?16:18
ledmerif yes then16:18
ledmerdo the following command16:18
ledmerinside theme/ do $git checkout (and press tab) 16:19
ledmerpress multiple times 16:19
ledmerto display all the branches 16:19
ledmerinside of theme16:19
ledmerdo that and paste in this chat 16:20
ledmerwhat appears in your terminal16:20
scooperplease whole on16:20
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:21
scooperplease hold on a little bit16:22
scooperthis is my directory structure16:22
scooperapps  core  libreorganize.sqlite3  locale  static  tests16:22
ledmerso you don't have a theme directory16:23
ledmeras the .md files say16:24
ledmerdo git clone theme16:25
ledmer$ git clone theme16:25
tboimahhe already let move on16:26
scooperwe have it already16:27
ledmerwhere is it then16:27
ledmercan we use tmate16:27
scooperapps  core  libreorganize-custom-themes  libreorganize.sqlite3  locale  static  tests16:27
scooperthat is the directory structure presently16:28
ledmerok change librorganize-custom0themes16:28
ledmerto theme16:28
scooperapps  core  libreorganize.sqlite3  locale  static  tests  theme16:30
scooperis that what you want??16:30
ledmerof so now go into theme16:31
tboimahACTION following16:31
ledmerand do the command I gave you above 16:31
ledmer<ledmer> inside theme/ do $git checkout (and press tab) 16:31
scooperbase          HEAD          origin/base   origin/HEAD16:32
ledmergit checkout secosol_home16:33
ledmerIt should show secosol_home 16:33
ledmerbut whatever16:33
ledmeryou do git checkout secosol_home to change the branch 16:34
ledmerfrom main to secosol_home16:34
scooperthe is not secosol_home16:34
scooperfixtures  static  templates  urls.py16:35
ledmerwhat error showed when you did git checkout secosol_home?16:36
scoopererror: pathspec 'secosol_home' did not match any file(s) known to git16:37
scooperare you still there??16:39
scooperledmer, 16:39
scooperif I follow the readme instruction16:39
scoopercan this be done??16:39
ledmerdelete the theme file16:40
scooperso let me try it later and let you know16:40
ledmerand try following the docmunetation16:40
ledmerspecifically the README.md16:42
scooperwe will get to you when done via email16:42
scooperAre we done??16:43
ledmerbut since16:48
ledmerI cant get email from you 16:48
ledmersend me a Whatsapp message16:48
ledmerscooper, tboimah 16:51
scooperplease text me your whatapp number through my email16:53
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:53
scooperI m about to leave now17:11
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:15
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