IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Sunday, 2025-02-16

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gabriel_jetroHi, Luis23:35
ledmercan you make yourself operator?23:36
ledmernext time you meet with jeff its going to be the visual proof of your progress 23:36
gabriel_jetrosure, I can.23:36
gabriel_jetrocheck, I did23:37
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ledmerwhat was the command i forgot23:38
gabriel_jetro#/msg ChanServ ACCESS #jetrowebdev ADD gabriel_jetro23:39
gabriel_jetroat jeff username23:39
ledmerI found it */msg ChanServ INFO #jetrowebdev*23:39
ledmerif you run this23:39
ledmeryou will be able to see the channel information23:39
ledmertry it out23:40
ledmerI see jelkner and you as channel masters23:40
ledmerthat is great!23:40
ledmernow you have to make yourself operator23:40
ledmerthose are different roles23:40
gabriel_jetroI also did, but I don't know why I just log-in and it is not showing.23:41
ledmeryeah that is also 23:41
ledmersomething I solved23:41
ledmeryou have to add a little something to the command and you should be good to go23:42
gabriel_jetrookay. I'll try if I don't get it I'll let you know in 5mins time.23:42
gabriel_jetrolet me go through with the documentation again.23:43
ledmerI could just give you the command, but it would be better for you to find it23:43
gabriel_jetroGreat, I also loving trying to solve things on my own._)23:44
ledmerok try getting out and come back23:47
ledmerto see if it works 23:48
*** gabriel_jetro_ has quit (None)23:49
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ledmertry using half completed commands23:53
ledmerthe ones that sound like could be of help23:53
gabriel_jetro#/msg ChanServ ACCESS #jetrowebdev ADD gabriel_jetro CHANOP 'this was what I use'23:53
ledmerthat would give chan op23:54
ledmerbut not Auto chan op23:54
ledmerthat is the key word23:54
ledmerdo "/msg ChanServ"23:54
ledmeryou will see a list of commands 23:54
ledmerof those try 23:54
ledmerdoing 23:54
ledmerdo "/msg ChanServ command"23:54
ledmerto see which one can help you out23:55
gabriel_jetroI did but the green-light not turn on23:57
ledmerwhat I mean is 23:57
ledmer"/msg ChanServ"23:58
ledmerand tell me what you see23:58
gabriel_jetro You are successfully identified as gabriel_jetro.23:59
gabriel_jetro>ChanServ< ACCESS #jetrowebdev ADD gabriel_jetro CHANOP23:59
gabriel_jetro-ChanServ- gabriel_jetro added to #jetrowebdev access list as CHANOP.23:59

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