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ledmer | hi | 01:10 |
gabriel_jetro | Hi | 01:10 |
gabriel_jetro | check what i am talking about, let me /part and /join | 01:10 |
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gabriel_jetro | see what i am talking about but if i quit hexchat it does not appear anymore | 01:11 |
gabriel_jetro | but at mulbah end its working fine, I guess | 01:12 |
ledmer | weird | 01:12 |
ledmer | you will have to look into it I guess | 01:12 |
gabriel_jetro | haha, okay | 01:12 |
ledmer | It was working fine for me too | 01:13 |
ledmer | as I told you before | 01:13 |
gabriel_jetro | +1 | 01:13 |
ledmer | Mulbah did you get to push your code? | 01:13 |
mulbah | No | 01:13 |
mulbah | I think you need to recopy my ssh key to the gitlab | 01:14 |
ledmer | recopy? | 01:14 |
mulbah | yeah | 01:14 |
ledmer | try making a new key | 01:14 |
mulbah | Like what you did the last time for gabriel tboimah and I | 01:14 |
ledmer | and set that one with gitlab | 01:15 |
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ledmer | I don't follow | 01:17 |
ledmer | I used your keys for the server | 01:17 |
ledmer | but not for gitlab | 01:17 |
ledmer | try creating a new ssh key | 01:17 |
ledmer | and use that for your gitlab | 01:17 |
ledmer | ok? | 01:17 |
mulbah | okay | 01:17 |
mulbah | I understand something now | 01:18 |
mulbah | I was confusing I thought you did it for both the server and gitLab | 01:18 |
ledmer | nope | 01:18 |
ledmer | the only thing I can do in gitlab is give your user access | 01:19 |
mulbah | I normally use https to work with git | 01:19 |
ledmer | or remove it | 01:19 |
ledmer | yeah | 01:19 |
ledmer | but you should use ssh | 01:19 |
mulbah | I use https the last time to push | 01:19 |
ledmer | I'm honestly not sure how to solve | 01:20 |
ledmer | your issue | 01:20 |
mulbah | I can | 01:20 |
ledmer | usually using ssh solves it | 01:20 |
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mulbah | give me a mins I will solve it | 01:21 |
ledmer | sure | 01:21 |
mulbah | I was lacking something that why | 01:21 |
mulbah | but I understand now | 01:21 |
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mulbah | check | 01:48 |
mulbah | I did it ledmer | 01:48 |
ledmer | great | 01:48 |
ledmer | I had to leave | 01:48 |
ledmer | for a sec | 01:48 |
ledmer | Try to improve your comment next time | 01:49 |
ledmer | but given the circumstances its fine | 01:49 |
mulbah | okay Sir | 01:49 |
ledmer | how did you fix it mulbah? | 01:49 |
mulbah | the problem was the sudo I was using on it to push | 01:50 |
mulbah | I change the permission of the file and push nominal without sudo | 01:50 |
ledmer | that makes sense | 01:51 |
ledmer | ok so did you fix the issues it was having last time? | 01:51 |
ledmer | if you did I will review it | 01:51 |
mulbah | No I was busy trying to push | 01:51 |
ledmer | otherwise fix those issues | 01:51 |
ledmer | and then I'll review | 01:51 |
ledmer | remember | 01:51 |
mulbah | I can start working on it now | 01:51 |
ledmer | using git you can always go back | 01:52 |
mulbah | and push later on | 01:52 |
ledmer | sounds good | 01:52 |
ledmer | I'm going to send an email to jeff reporting of your progress | 01:52 |
ledmer | you guys have been doing great | 01:52 |
ledmer | gabriel_jetro, you are done so you may want to help mulbah with the bot | 01:53 |
ledmer | up to you guys | 01:53 |
gabriel_jetro | yes, I want to... | 01:53 |
gabriel_jetro | Mulbah, will we meet tomorrow at thomas place? | 01:54 |
mulbah | clone the project | 01:55 |
gabriel_jetro | okay | 01:55 |
mulbah | https://gitlab.com/novawebdevelopment/little-webster.git or git@gitlab.com:novawebdevelopment/little-webster.git | 01:55 |
gabriel_jetro | what code editor you guys working in? | 01:55 |
ledmer | vscode | 01:56 |
mulbah | it will be okay if you use the ssh stuff | 01:56 |
mulbah | git clone git@gitlab.com:novawebdevelopment/little-webster.git | 01:56 |
gabriel_jetro | okay, I coming download it | 01:56 |
mulbah | but you can use any code editor of your choice | 01:56 |
mulbah | It should just work so you are not force to vs code | 01:57 |
gabriel_jetro | I am downloading git on my computer because it was peppermitos and I change it to ubunto | 01:58 |
gabriel_jetro | os | 01:58 |
mulbah | okay | 01:59 |
ledmer | I'll leave you guys to keep developing | 02:00 |
gabriel_jetro | sure. | 02:00 |
ledmer | if you need me or find any impasses don't hesitate to reach out | 02:00 |
ledmer | I'll try to focus my work now on the secosol-blog development | 02:01 |
mulbah | gabriel_jetro join #accict | 02:08 |
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mulbah | Jeff we have everything working now | 12:53 |
jelkner | Yes! | 12:57 |
jelkner | That is awesome!!! | 12:57 |
jelkner | Good afternoon mulbah and gabriel_jetro | 12:58 |
jelkner | can i make a request of the two of you? | 12:58 |
jelkner | as part of the dev team | 12:58 |
gabriel_jetro | sure | 12:59 |
jelkner | i asked dcammune to do something very important | 13:00 |
jelkner | 1. To upload the monthly Jetro Web bank statement to your Nextcloud | 13:00 |
jelkner | 2. To create a "Share Link" | 13:00 |
jelkner | 3. To send me that link | 13:00 |
jelkner | he hasn't done that | 13:00 |
jelkner | i keep talking with Mr. Zawolo about getting the apartment for Jetro to operate out of | 13:01 |
jelkner | he doesn't want to wait 6 months | 13:01 |
jelkner | i agree with him | 13:01 |
jelkner | but i want to wait a few months at least to determine if Jetro can continue to operate at the level you have been at lately | 13:02 |
jelkner | to make sure your ready to make use of the space | 13:02 |
jelkner | and not waste it | 13:02 |
gabriel_jetro | +1 | 13:02 |
jelkner | the 4 of you on the tech side are rocking it! | 13:02 |
jelkner | but the business team is lagging behind | 13:02 |
jelkner | that will be important too | 13:03 |
jelkner | since you can't run a business if you can't handle finances | 13:03 |
mulbah | okay | 13:04 |
gabriel_jetro | I spoke with shallon and she said she was waiting on you to discuss your plan and for the finances dcammune said he was working on it, I think you should check your email he do send you details. | 13:04 |
gabriel_jetro | He send you a pdf of the detail via email. | 13:06 |
gabriel_jetro | with the heading "Jetroweb Bank Account Statement" | 13:07 |
gabriel_jetro | jeff | 13:18 |
svaye | Hi jelkner | 13:21 |
*** gabriel_jetro has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 13:22 | |
freena | Good day jelkner | 13:23 |
ledmer | Hi Jeff | 13:26 |
ledmer | I don't want to interrupt what they are doing | 13:26 |
ledmer | but as you can see both mulbah and gabriel_jetro | 13:26 |
mulbah | Hey ledmer | 13:26 |
ledmer | are already fully set up | 13:26 |
ledmer | Hi mulba | 13:27 |
jelkner | gabriel_jetro and mulbah | 13:30 |
jelkner | congratulations on getting channel op status! | 13:31 |
jelkner | i'm confused though, now i'm channel op here, but not on #novawebdev | 13:31 |
jelkner | i need to talk to ledmer about that | 13:31 |
jelkner | but he is in class | 13:31 |
jelkner | freena, did you see my email about the Decidim instances in Ivory Coast? | 13:32 |
jelkner | gabriel_jetro, just read your email | 13:34 |
jelkner | yes, i should not be a channel op here | 13:35 |
jelkner | it's your channel, not mine ;-) | 13:35 |
jelkner | in fact, we should make sure the coop controls this channel | 13:35 |
jelkner | so my name should be removed everywhere from official documentation for this channel | 13:36 |
jelkner | and replaced by one or more of you all | 13:36 |
jelkner | svaye, great to see you here! | 13:36 |
jelkner | do you have a minute? | 13:36 |
svaye | How are you doing jelkner | 13:36 |
jelkner | i'm ok | 13:36 |
jelkner | i'm home sick | 13:36 |
svaye | Of course jelkner | 13:36 |
jelkner | with a cough mainly | 13:37 |
jelkner | but i don't feel too bad | 13:37 |
jelkner | i just didn't want to cough all over my students | 13:37 |
jelkner | anyway, i asked gabriel_jetro and mulbah to help dcammue post the monthly bank statement | 13:37 |
jelkner | svaye, when do you become 18? | 13:37 |
svaye | I am sorry hope you get well soon | 13:37 |
jelkner | you know what | 13:38 |
svaye | March 31st I will 18 | 13:38 |
jelkner | i should put all of you birthdays in my contact list | 13:38 |
svaye | *turn* | 13:38 |
jelkner | so in April you could become a signer on the bank account, yes? | 13:38 |
svaye | Yes | 13:38 |
jelkner | just added march 31, 2007 | 13:40 |
jelkner | now i'll remember to wish you a happy b'day! ;-) | 13:40 |
jelkner | gabriel_jetro, what is yours? | 13:40 |
gabriel_jetro | jeff, ca you grant my excuse | 13:41 |
jelkner | ?? | 13:41 |
jelkner | you mean you don't want to say? | 13:41 |
jelkner | that's ok | 13:41 |
gabriel_jetro | mine is "july 26" | 13:41 |
jelkner | lol | 13:41 |
jelkner | what year? | 13:41 |
gabriel_jetro | 2004 | 13:41 |
jelkner | you know july 26 is a big holiday in Cuba | 13:42 |
jelkner | now i'll think of you on that day too ;-) | 13:43 |
jelkner | mulbah, what's yours? | 13:43 |
jelkner | mine is October 31, 1960 btw, so i'm OLD ;-) | 13:43 |
svaye | It's also Liberia independence day too jelkner | 13:43 |
jelkner | mulbah? | 13:43 |
gabriel_jetro | it's also liberia independt day | 13:43 |
jelkner | oh wow | 13:43 |
jelkner | i forgot that | 13:43 |
jelkner | i was there in 2022 | 13:44 |
mulbah | may 17 2006 | 13:44 |
gabriel_jetro | haha | 13:44 |
jelkner | i'll be back, marin is sending me links on the other channel | 13:45 |
jelkner | svaye, i'm back | 13:52 |
jelkner | ok, so before you where here | 13:53 |
jelkner | i asked gabriel_jetro and mulbah to help daniel complete his very important task | 13:53 |
jelkner | it is really a task for you and him | 13:53 |
jelkner | which i'll state again now for your benefit (so it will be in the log twice ;-) | 13:54 |
jelkner | 1. upload the Jetro Web monthly bank statement to you Nextcloud | 13:54 |
jelkner | 2. Create a shared link to it. | 13:54 |
jelkner | 3. send me the link | 13:54 |
jelkner | got that, svaye? | 13:54 |
svaye | Got it | 13:55 |
jelkner | sweet | 13:55 |
jelkner | i will await the completion of your task then | 13:55 |
jelkner | ok, last thing before i log off | 13:55 |
svaye | Alright | 13:55 |
jelkner | where is freena? | 13:55 |
jelkner | since she isn't here, let me pass on some information that she and Janet should follow up on | 13:56 |
jelkner | btw, of everyone's benefit, we are working hard to learn Decidim | 13:56 |
jelkner | we plan to make Decidim support part of the core business of NOVA Web | 13:57 |
jelkner | and since we are working together, Jetro Web can join in on that too, if we continue to succeed with it | 13:57 |
freena | I'm here jelkner | 13:57 |
jelkner | freena, did you see my email yesterday? | 13:57 |
jelkner | with the link to the Decidim instance in Ivory Coast? | 13:58 |
freena | Yes, I did | 13:58 |
jelkner | great! | 13:58 |
jelkner | i don't know if language will be a barrier, since it is a French speaking community | 13:58 |
jelkner | but you should reach out to other people doing similar things to what we are doing in Africa | 13:59 |
jelkner | and that definitely counnts! | 13:59 |
jelkner | in the mean time, freena | 13:59 |
jelkner | DNOVA will be using the Decidim that Tony set up for them to plan the Summit 2025 | 14:00 |
jelkner | so this is a real opportunity for us to learn the platform | 14:00 |
jelkner | freena, you and Janet should be paying close attention to this process as it unfolds | 14:01 |
jelkner | since your task will be to help Jetro Web learn to use it as a tool for your own organization | 14:01 |
freena | +1 jelkner but | 14:01 |
jelkner | lol, but? | 14:01 |
jelkner | tell me, my friend, what's the but? | 14:02 |
freena | Who are those working on the the project?? | 14:02 |
jelkner | on the NOVA Web side? | 14:02 |
freena | Janet and I will connect with them | 14:02 |
freena | +1 jelkner | 14:02 |
jelkner | the main person is Anthony | 14:03 |
jelkner | Kei is part of that group too | 14:03 |
jelkner | and Johan | 14:03 |
freena | Okay, can I please get Anthony email from you after the meeting?? | 14:04 |
jelkner | Johan is in my classroom each day from 2:30 to 3 pm your time | 14:04 |
jelkner | so it may be easiest to reach him on irc during that time | 14:04 |
jelkner | if i know you are trying to reach him | 14:04 |
jelkner | i can let him know | 14:04 |
jelkner | since i see him in person ;-) | 14:04 |
freena | That's will be great | 14:04 |
jelkner | freena, here is a good protocol | 14:05 |
freena | I will email him after the meeting | 14:05 |
freena | I'm listening jelkner | 14:05 |
jelkner | 1. you send an email to johan.francocampos@novawebdevelopment.org | 14:05 |
jelkner | cc members@jetrowebdevelopment.org and members@novawebdevelopment.org | 14:06 |
jelkner | 2. ask in the email to meet on irc on a *specific* date at a *specific* time | 14:06 |
jelkner | i'll get the cc | 14:06 |
jelkner | and will check with Johan verbally to make sure he sees it too | 14:07 |
jelkner | make sense? | 14:07 |
freena | +1 jelkner | 14:07 |
jelkner | excellent | 14:07 |
freena | I'm going to do just that | 14:07 |
jelkner | ok, i'm going to log off | 14:07 |
freena | Thanks | 14:08 |
jelkner | wonderful freena | 14:08 |
jelkner | this is great everyone! | 14:08 |
jelkner | we are making real progress | 14:08 |
jelkner | today is a big day btw. | 14:08 |
jelkner | Ved and James have the meeting with CPA | 14:08 |
jelkner | if this first CPA project goes well | 14:08 |
jelkner | they have been very clear with us that they want us to do many more projects with them | 14:09 |
jelkner | it could honestly be the thing that launches us as real businesses | 14:09 |
jelkner | so pray for them! | 14:09 |
jelkner | ok, i'll sign off now | 14:09 |
jelkner | chat with you soon | 14:10 |
freena | Okay jelkner | 14:10 |
svaye | Have a nice day jelkner | 14:10 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off | 14:10 |
freena | They will surely get the project | 14:10 |
gabriel_jetro | okay | 14:10 |
freena | Have a nice day jelkner | 14:10 |
gabriel_jetro | freena | 14:11 |
freena | Yes | 14:11 |
gabriel_jetro | I put in my excuse and jeff said it's fine, check the log | 14:11 |
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freena | Which excuse?? | 14:11 |
freena | Alright, I will check it | 14:12 |
svaye | ACTION signs off | 14:12 |
gabriel_jetro | I won't make it to the office today due to my work i | 14:12 |
*** svaye has left #jetrowebdev (None) | 14:12 | |
gabriel_jetro | I am working from home. | 14:13 |
ledmer | Hi guys I'm trying to reach out to Thomas and Spencer | 14:13 |
ledmer | what do you guys think its the best way to do so? | 14:13 |
gabriel_jetro | I'll let thomas through phone call | 14:14 |
ledmer | thanks! | 14:15 |
ledmer | also | 14:15 |
ledmer | can you send me thomas email | 14:15 |
ledmer | for some reason I can't email him directly | 14:15 |
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