IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2025-02-19

*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)00:15
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jelknerhello fkoikoi and mulbahkolleh_ 13:01
jelknermulbah, you should look into registering your nick13:02
jelknerwith OFTC13:02
jelknerthat way no one else can take it13:02
jelknerand you need to do that if you are a channel op anyway13:02
jelknerright now, i am a channel op here13:02
jelknerbut i shouldn't be13:02
mulbahAnytime she want me register her I can13:03
jelknerI don't understand13:03
jelknerTalk to Gabriel and Thomas13:03
jelknerI should not be a channel op on this channel13:03
jelknerbut YOU SHOULD!13:03
jelknerAnyway, great things are happening with our organizational development13:04
jelknerI'm SO HAPPY about it!13:04
jelknerWhen I log in to our irc these days, I usually find folks here13:05
jelknerthat is the way it will be in the future13:05
jelknereven more13:05
fkoikoiGood morning jelkner13:05
jelknersince we will have full time work, an office, and members will be here most of the time13:05
jelknerWe have come a long way!13:06
jelknerGood morning jkollie 13:06
jelknerI mean good afternoon ;-)13:06
mulbahmy nick name is register13:06
jelknerhmmm... mulbah 13:07
jkollieGood morning jelkner 13:07
jelknerGood afternoon svaye 13:07
svayeGood morning jelkner 13:07
jelknerWhy don't i see a green circle next to your user?13:07
svayeHow are you doing13:07
jelknerI'm sick13:07
jelknerbut i'm not feeling too bad13:07
jelkneri slept a lot yesterday13:08
jelknerso i'm going to try to get some work done now13:08
svayeIt's good to know that you are feeling much better now jelkner 13:08
jelknerwe finalized the first contract with CPA!13:08
jelknerso now it's up to James to deliver13:08
jelknerthis could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship13:09
jelknerHeylin from SECOSOL has a phone call with CPA next week.13:09
jelknerTo discuss the possibility of Mujeres Manos a la Obra doing cleaning work for their members13:10
jelknerAll that makes me incredibly happy, since it is starting to look like the beginnings of a solidarity economy in the DMV13:10
dcammueGood morning jelkner 13:11
jelknerSECOSOL has its monthly board meeting this Sunday13:11
jelknerGood afternoon dcammue 13:11
jelknerWe will be talking about a possible trip on July 9th to:13:12
jelknerand to:13:12
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:46
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svayeACTION signs off14:49
*** svaye has quit (None)14:49
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:59
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:06
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ledmeris spencer joining us too?20:39
ledmertboimah, 20:39
tboimahspencer will here.20:39
tboimahACTION give scooper a call20:42
tboimahspencer will be with us soon20:43
scooperHello guys20:44
scoopersorry for being four minutes later20:44
ledmerno problem20:45
tboimahledmer, if it is possible can we do tmate20:45
tboimahthat way you will be able to see our directory20:45
tboimahand what is going on?20:46
tboimahshould i start the tmate20:46
scooperdid you see my problem20:46
scooperwith the models?20:47
ledmerbut I can't quite tell what the issue is 20:47
tboimahssh cDN2ugj4zuK5tnzWE6A6He3F5@lon1.tmate.io20:47
scooperShould I share a tmate20:47
ledmerlet me see what thomas wants to show me20:47
tboimahOkay then let going with scooper 20:48
ledmeryou should join his session too20:48
tboimahscooper, share the link to join please20:48
ledmerso you can follow and not just wait20:48
ledmerlets do you first tboimah20:48
ledmerhe can share his after20:48
ledmerwe are done with you20:49
tboimahI already share the link please past that in the terminal to join20:49
tboimahssh cDN2ugj4zuK5tnzWE6A6He3F5@lon1.tmate.io20:49
ledmerits better if you write trough hexchat20:52
ledmeras it would be stored 20:52
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)20:52
ledmerand you guys can come back to it 20:52
ledmerif you forget steps of how we solved the issue20:52
ledmertry describing or show me your issue20:53
tboimahnow we are in the libreorganize directory, I want to get direct access to the SECOSOL website code20:53
tboimahThat is the issue here20:54
ledmerok pay attention20:54
ledmercommit 6b413101fce06a8efc15ab7cf43bff4a98e1ae71 (HEAD -> base, origin/base, origin/HEAD)20:54
ledmerAuthor: Edzon Quinteros <>20:54
ledmerDate:   Thu Jul 2 15:40:21 2020 -040020:54
ledmer    Add urls setup20:54
ledmerthis shows me which branch im looking at20:54
tboimahledmer, 20:57
ledmeryou aparently have the wrong theme file20:57
ledmerthat might be on me 20:57
tboimahSo, can you please send the correct link to clone20:58
*** scooper has quit (None)20:58
ledmercan you delete the theme file20:59
ledmergit clone
ledmeryour session closed21:01
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)21:01
scooperyes i had a internet issue21:03
scooperbut I m back now21:03
ledmeri got kicked out tboimah  21:03
tboimahsorry my connection drop21:04
ledmersame happened to scooper 21:04
tboimahplease past the link to join back21:04
tboimahI meant in the terminal21:04
tboimahIt is taking long to clone, I gust it is the internet21:08
scooperlet be patience and see the out come tboimah 21:08
ledmerscooper, if you don't have that directory 21:14
ledmerdo the same thing 21:14
ledmerto save some time21:14  docker-compose.yml  libreorganize         venv21:15   Dockerfile     requirements.txt21:15
scooperthis is my directory structure21:15
scooperapps  core  libreorganize.sqlite3  locale  static  tests  theme21:16
ledmergo inside the theme directory 21:16
ledmerand check for 21:16
ledmerthe logs 21:16
ledmerdo 21:16
ledmergit log -121:16
scooperthis is the theme directory structure21:17
scooperfixtures  __pycache__  static  templates  urls.py21:17
ledmercopy and paste what it shows21:17
scooperis it minus one21:18
scoopercommit 6b413101fce06a8efc15ab7cf43bff4a98e1ae71 (HEAD -> base, origin/base, origin/HEAD)21:19
scooperAuthor: Edzon Quinteros <>21:19
scooperDate:   Thu Jul 2 15:40:21 2020 -040021:19
scoopercommit 6b413101fce06a8efc15ab7cf43bff4a98e1ae71 (HEAD -> base, origin/base, origin/HEAD)21:19
scooperAuthor: Edzon Quinteros <>21:19
scooperDate:   Thu Jul 2 15:40:21 2020 -040021:19
scooper    Add urls setup21:19
scoopercommit 6b413101fce06a8efc15ab7cf43bff4a98e1ae71 (HEAD -> base, origin/base, origin/HEAD)21:19
scooperAuthor: Edzon Quinteros <>21:19
scooperDate:   Thu Jul 2 15:40:21 2020 -040021:19
ledmeryeah that is not the one21:19
ledmerdelete that file and run 21:19
ledmergit clone
ledmerare you following thomas?21:21
ledmertboimah, 21:21
ledmerok just making sure21:21
ledmerit didn't clone appropriately 21:22
scoopererror21:23 Permission denied (publickey).21:23
scooperfatal: Could not read from remote repository.21:23
scooperPlease make sure you have the correct access rights21:23
scooperand the repository exists.21:23
scoopercan you give me the https link21:23
scooperthat is the only way it will clone21:23
ledmersend me your gitlab user21:24
ledmerand make sure your ssh is working as it should21:24
ledmerok check your email associated with that account21:26
scooperI received a email21:27
scooperwith the following instruction21:27
scooperYou have been granted access to the NOVA Web Development group with the following role: Developer. This is a default role.21:27
scooperIf this was a mistake you can leave the group.21:27
scoopershould I clone again??21:28
ledmerif it doesn't work 21:28
scooperstill not working21:29
ledmerthen check if you have the right ssh configuration21:29
ledmerok go into gitlab21:29
scooperand look for what??21:29
ledmergo to preferences21:30
ledmerand then go to ssh keys21:30
scooperthis is what I got21:32
scooperThere are no SSH keys with access to your account21:32
ledmeryeah 21:32
scooperI m seeing add ssh key21:32
ledmerclick there21:32
scooperadd new ssh key21:32
scooperjust did21:33
scooperAdd an SSH key21:33
scooperAdd an SSH key for secure access to GitLab. Learn more.21:33
ledmerif you did everything right21:33
ledmeryou should be able to clone21:33
ledmer90% tboimah 21:34
ledmerits taking its sweet time21:34
ledmerit didn't clone 21:37
tboimah100% now21:38
tboimahi was able to clone it21:38
tboimahlet me start the tmata againg21:38
tboimahplease join the tmate please21:38
tboimahssh kJVHgemz5n6A4CSpZkrgbW3Xn@lon1.tmate.io21:38
tboimahledmer, please join the tmate21:39
ledmerim in21:39
ledmerit didn't kick me out21:39
ledmerits at 67 % right now21:40
tboimahI just start a new link21:40
tboimahssh kJVHgemz5n6A4CSpZkrgbW3Xn@lon1.tmate.io21:40
scooperledmer, 21:40
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)21:40
scooperbeen a while now can you please help me contact my ssh key with gitlab??21:41
ledmeryou probabbly added your ssh wrong21:41
ledmertry making a new one 21:42
ledmerremove the old one from the website21:42
ledmerand  copy the .pub file21:42
ledmerdo 21:42
ledmercat .ssh/nameoffile.pub21:42
tboimah ssh kJVHgemz5n6A4CSpZkrgbW3Xn@lon1.tmate.io21:44
ledmerok im in21:44
tboimahthe flood is yours21:44
scooperhmmm I didn't add any ssh key to gitlab. It's because of this project I created a gitlab account21:45
ledmerthat's it then21:45
ledmeradd one 21:45
tboimahIt is the wrong link you send again ledmer ?21:46
ledmernono its all good21:46
ledmerim just showing you how we have two different git repositories21:46
ledmerdo you see how the logs changed ?21:48
ledmerwe switched from the main branch to the secosol_home branch21:49
tboimahgot you21:49
ledmerand that is where the secosol project is hosted21:49
ledmernow 21:50
ledmerwe are only missing 21:50
ledmerthe apps 21:50
ledmerdo you see this error21:52
ledmerthe connection closed21:52
ledmer[server exited]21:53
ledmerConnection to closed by remote host.21:53
ledmerConnection to closed.21:53
ledmersend another link21:53
tboimahssh bGEka2JVKHySW9fP44U4eD3Pb@lon1.tmate.io21:54
ledmerok you are missing the blog app 21:56
ledmeras you can see21:56
tboimahthat is the place we was at21:56
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:57
ledmergo here 21:57
ledmerand try finding the blog app21:57
tboimahshould I clone that?21:57
tboimahACTION waiting for ledmer to respond before going ahead21:58
tboimahjust a min please21:59
ledmerthat is not 21:59
ledmerthe right link21:59
ledmeryou have to clone 21:59
ledmereach app individually 21:59
ledmerinside of the apps21:59
ledmerthat wont work22:00
ledmergo to thath link22:00
ledmerin your browset22:00
tboimahOkay 22:00
ledmerand find the repository called blog22:01
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)22:01
tboimahI'm on it22:01
ledmerwhat happend with scooper22:02
tboimahMaybe his connection drop22:02
ledmerhi mulbah 22:02
tboimahAfter I locate the repository what next?22:02
tboimahI meant the blog.22:03
ledmertry running it again22:03
tboimahrunning what?22:03
ledmerdo runserver22:04
tboimahAre you still in the tmate session22:06
ledmerlike that22:07
ledmergo into
mulbahHi ledmer22:07
tboimahI am seeing Libreorganize page22:07
ledmerthat site is currently hosted in your computer22:08
tboimahledmer, I thought i suppose to see SECOSOL website?22:08
ledmerwhere is the theme file now22:09
tboimahBut it is not SECOSOL website? I don't know22:09
ledmerwithout the theme file 22:10
ledmerthe SESCOSOL website won't show22:10
tboimahit is LIbreorgnize page i am seeing22:10
ledmerI know22:10
ledmerwhere is the theme file22:10
tboimahI don't know ledmer 22:10
tboimahIt lost22:11
tboimahI'm confuse here22:11
ledmerhow so22:11
ledmerok I'll explain22:11
ledmerwhat you are seeing right now is the default page22:11
ledmerwhen no theme file is found 22:11
ledmerthat jumps out22:11
ledmerAnd since your theme file disappeared 22:12
ledmerit did22:12
ledmerchange the name of the directory22:18
ledmerto theme22:18
ledmerand change the branch the repo is accessing22:18
ledmerto home_secosol22:18
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:19
ledmerits the other way around22:19
ledmerit has autocomplete if you press tab22:19
ledmerinside theme22:20
ledmerotherwise you will be accesing the libreorganize repo22:20
ledmernow do 22:20
tboimahDid you see error22:21
ledmeryou are missing the blog app22:22
ledmerdid that get deleted too?22:22
tboimahI don't know22:23
ledmerinside the apps directory22:25
ledmeryeah its not there22:25
ledmerinstall it a gain22:25
ledmerthe blog app from the link i sent22:26
ledmergo to this link in your browser22:27
tboimahI'm there22:27
ledmeris one of them called the blog22:28
ledmeror blog22:28
ledmerclone that one into app22:28
ledmerok get into blog 22:29
ledmerand change the branch 22:30
ledmerto MixinUpdate 22:30
ledmertry doing runserver again22:31
tboimahStill giving error22:31
ledmerinstall ckeditor_522:31
ledmermaybe is not apt install22:33
ledmerthink what else it could be22:33
ledmerits a module22:33
ledmernow it works22:33
ledmerok runserver again22:34
ledmerit looks like the default port 22:35
ledmeris already in use22:35
ledmerchange the port22:35
tboimahAre you following the issue?22:37
ledmerim letting you figure it out22:37
ledmerthat is django standard 22:37
tboimahStill having issue22:39
ledmersudo wont work btw22:39
tboimahYOU can come in now 22:41
ledmercheck the django doc22:42
ledmerpress ctrl+f22:42
ledmerand type in runserver 22:42
ledmerdjango-admin runserver [addrport]¶22:45
ledmerStarts a lightweight development web server on the local machine. By default, the server runs on port 8000 on the IP address You can pass in an IP address and port number explicitly.22:45
ledmerIf you run this script as a user with normal privileges (recommended), you might not have access to start a port on a low port number. Low port numbers are reserved for the superuser (root).22:45
ledmerThis server uses the WSGI application object specified by the WSGI_APPLICATION setting.22:45
ledmerthis is what appears on the website I sent22:46
ledmerbasically your numbers are too low22:46
tboimahAhhh got you22:47
ledmerwhen you find this problems 22:47
ledmeryour first instinct should be 22:47
ledmerlook it up online22:47
ledmerif you dont find it check the Readme 22:48
ledmerif you dont find it 22:48
ledmerask me22:48
ledmerand if I don't find it 22:48
ledmeryou go back to the internet again22:48
ledmerso what do you see22:48
tboimahsecosol website22:49
ledmerit should be the secosol website now22:49
ledmeryeah letsgo22:49
ledmerok now we have to deploy the blog which im unfamiliar with22:49
ledmerare you feeling well to do that now?22:49
ledmerok lets try it out22:50
ledmerstop it 22:50
ledmergo to the novaweb git page22:50
ledmerand lookup the-blog22:50
ledmeryou also should learn how to find stuff in our gitlab22:51
tboimahthe-blog or blog22:52
ledmerthe blog22:52
ledmerthose are different22:52
tboimahyou mean the the-blog right22:52
ledmerthe one that we are trying to implement22:53
ledmerto the secosol website22:53
tboimahI'm not seeing the-blog, I am only seeing blog22:54
ledmeryou have access to it right?22:56
tboimahgot it22:56
ledmertry cloning it without my help this time22:56
ledmeras I know as much of the blog as you do22:56
tboimahI hope it is the right directory i clone it in22:58
ledmerdont clone it inside libreorganize22:58
ledmermove it outside22:58
ledmeras its a separate app22:58
ledmerand doesn't interact just yet22:58
ledmersee how I did it23:00
ledmeryou can move it from the directory you are 23:01
ledmerto previous ones 23:01
ledmerwithout doing cd23:01
ledmernow I'm not sure where exactly you want it 23:01
ledmerits that fine?23:01
ledmerok go into the-blog23:02
tboimahwhat next?23:04
ledmertry running it23:04
ledmeras we did before23:04
tboimahAre you seeing the error23:05
ledmerinstall the module23:05
ledmeryou already know how to fix this issues23:05
ledmerthe error23:07
ledmerwas a bit different than the last one23:07
ledmerif you noticed23:07
ledmereven though it says No module found23:07
ledmerthe format is different23:07
ledmerbecause the origin of the problem is different23:07
ledmerdid you install the requirements?23:08
tboimahwhen i look up the server this is the error I'm seeing OperationalError at /23:11
tboimahno such table: django_session23:11
tboimahRequest Method: GET23:11
tboimahRequest URL:
tboimahDjango Version: 3.0.1423:11
tboimahException Type: OperationalError23:11
tboimahException Value: 23:11
tboimahno such table: django_session23:11
tboimahException Location: /home/tboimah/libreorganize/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3/ in execute, line 39623:11
tboimahPython Executable: /home/tboimah/libreorganize/env/bin/python23:11
ledmeryou didnt migrate23:11
tboimahPython Version: 3.10.1223:11
tboimahPython Path: 23:11
tboimah '/usr/lib/',23:11
tboimah '/usr/lib/python3.10',23:11
tboimah '/usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload',23:11
tboimah '/home/tboimah/libreorganize/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages']23:11
tboimahServer time: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 18:10:30 -050023:11
tboimahnow I migrate it is still showing the same error23:12
ledmercheck your documentation23:13
ledmerspecifically the file23:14
ledmeri see another issue23:18
tboimahwhat is it?23:19
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)23:26
tboimahNow it work!23:27
tboimahNow it work!23:28
ledmerim back23:28
ledmeroh nice23:28
tboimahNow it work!23:28
tboimahI can see the blog page23:29
ledmerThe lights on my apartment went out23:29
ledmerok perfect23:29
ledmernow what we will need to work on will be 1. styling the blog to secosol's design23:29
ledmer2. set up a shared database23:30
ledmerbetween the projects 23:30
ledmer3. adjust the blog as necessary to accomplish the 2nd without any issues23:31
ledmerfor now what I want you to do is a bit unrelated 23:32
ledmerto our cause 23:32
ledmerbut it will prove very helpfull23:32
ledmertry automatizing the deployment of secosol23:32
ledmerare you following?23:33
ledmertboimah, 23:33
ledmeryou saw how we had to run 10 thousand commands to deploy it 23:33
ledmerlocally  23:33
ledmerI want you to make a program23:34
ledmerso we can just run one command 23:34
ledmerand its done23:34
ledmerthere are multiple ways in which you could do this23:34
ledmerI recommend using docke23:36
ledmerlookup what docker is and how does it work 23:36
ledmerand how you can apply it to this taks23:37
ledmerall good tboimah?23:37
tboimahledmer, can we meet againg tomorrow, just please tell what you want me to do, i will start working on it tomorrow before we meet please I am sleepy now23:38
tboimahIs that good with you?23:38
ledmerI already told you what i want 23:38
ledmertry writting it down 23:38
tboimahI will try to do that before we meet tomorrow23:40
tboimahthe same time23:40
tboimahI need to sleep now, Thanks for today.23:40
tboimahACTION is going to get some rest23:42
tboimahledmer, are you there?23:43
tboimahGood night23:43
ledmersee you tomorrow then23:43
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)23:43
ledmermulbah, 23:51

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