IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-10-29

*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev02:09
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Revisiting time on LO calendar. (jelkner)02:17
Old friend advice (nrcerna)02:17
Donate request form CJS (nrcerna)02:17
Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia (jelkner)02:17
SITarabuta!remind Adventures in Gallaudet Land02:18
'Adventures in Gallaudet Land' added to message queue02:18
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev08:57
Revisiting time on LO calendar. (jelkner)08:59
Old friend advice (nrcerna)08:59
Donate request form CJS (nrcerna)08:59
Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia (jelkner)08:59
Adventures in Gallaudet Land (SITarabuta)08:59
jelkner!remind Two unrelated FYIs and timeanddate.com09:00
'Two unrelated FYIs and' added to message queue09:00
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:56
Revisiting time on LO calendar. (jelkner)14:56
Old friend advice (nrcerna)14:56
Donate request form CJS (nrcerna)14:56
Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia (jelkner)14:56
Adventures in Gallaudet Land (SITarabuta)14:56
Two unrelated FYIs and (jelkner)14:56
nrcerna!remove Donate request form CJS14:59
'Donate request form CJS' removed from the message queue14:59
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev15:12
nrcernaACTION AWAY brb before our IRC meeting17:28
nrcernaACTION back18:34
nrcernahello jelkner 18:58
nrcernaAgaric change the time and day for the Show and Tells18:58
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Revisiting time on LO calendar. (jelkner)19:37
Old friend advice (nrcerna)19:37
Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia (jelkner)19:37
Adventures in Gallaudet Land (SITarabuta)19:37
Two unrelated FYIs and (jelkner)19:37
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amina : SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : nrcerna : +jelkner : @ChanServ : @mjsir911 : wolcen20:00
Good afternoon everyone!20:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.20:00
This is the agenda for today:20:00
Revisiting time on LO calendar. (jelkner)20:00
Old friend advice (nrcerna)20:00
Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia (jelkner)20:00
Adventures in Gallaudet Land (SITarabuta)20:00
Two unrelated FYIs and (jelkner)20:00
Have a nice day!20:00
nrcernaHello everyone!20:00
lelkneralfarohello everyone!20:00
*** zOnny has joined #novawebdev20:00
nrcernaHope everyone is doing good :-)20:01
nrcernaalright, let's start20:01
nrcernafirst item: Revisiting time on LO calendar20:01
jelknerhi nrcerna 20:02
jelkneri wasn't watching the clock20:02
nrcernanp jelkner 20:02
jelknerso, we had a partner request from the MSP for time zone appearing in the calendar20:03
jelkneri don't actually think they want UTC20:03
jelknerthey just want it to say "EST"20:03
jelknerbut i thought i should put in a quick comment about making the calendar better looking and more useful over time20:03
jelknerit is a really important feature of LO20:04
jelknerACTION done20:04
nrcernaFiling an issue about this would be better I guess jelkner 20:04
jelknerthey emailed you, nrcerna 20:05
jelknerdidn't they?20:05
jelknerwe have said we need to file issues ourselves20:05
jelkneruntil we get the "report feature" think to work without a gitlab account20:05
nrcernaI'm going to do it, I received on of CJS, not sure about MSP20:05
jelknerah, my bad20:06
jelkneris was CJS20:06
nrcernaSo if it was CJS, zOnny took care of that20:06
nrcernaI removed an item regarding that today20:06
nrcernaACTION done20:06
nrcernaNext item: Old friend advice20:07
nrcernaAs you all know, replaceafill is always thinking about our coop *its a joke*20:07
nrcernaWell, he has always been trying to help and he sent this thread:20:07
nrcernaHe said: "Think about LibreOrganize 🙏"20:07
nrcerna"And aswers like this:"
nrcernaSo I'm bringing it up because I think that is very interesting and it would be a discussion that we could have on Sunday or later.20:08
nrcernaACTION done 20:08
jelknernrcerna, thanks for bring this up20:09
jelknerand thank replacefill for thinking of us20:09
nrcernaI will20:09
jelknermaking the "right" decisions will make or break us20:10
jelknerand it ain't easy knowing when a decision is "right"20:10
jelknerso we learn, we grow, we make mistakes, but hopefully not *too many* mistakes20:10
jelknerACTION done20:10
nrcernaThat's why team discussions are great jelkner 20:10
jelknerIt's PD20:11
nrcernaeventually to get to the point to decide well20:11
jelknerwe need to do more of it20:11
nrcernaACTION done20:11
jelknerACTION done20:11
nrcernaNext item: Looking long term to both El Salvador and Liberia 20:11
jelknerreal quickly20:11
jelkneri had a great conversation with Isaac Zawolo yesterday20:12
jelknerhe is starting his own high school in his home town in Liberia20:12
jelknerwe've been talking for years about this20:12
jelknerhe wants to build an IT program20:12
jelknerand he wants me to help him with that20:12
jelknerwhich i want to do20:12
jelknerso i really, really hope we can keep this co-op going20:13
jelkneri told him next summer i'll be in el salvador20:13
jelknerbut the summer after that i would go to liberia20:13
jelknerand i will start training two of his teachers now20:13
jelknerlike GFbot is doing20:13
jelknerso over time, we will grow our own team20:13
jelknerACTION done20:13
nrcernathank you jelkner 20:14
nrcernanext item: Adventures in Gallaudet Land20:14
nrcernathat's SITarabuta ;-)20:14
SITarabutaOh yeah20:14
SITarabutaWell I think the book's finally done for this year20:14
SITarabutaIt was messy and I was having issue sleeping last night20:14
SITarabutaBut it's done20:14
SITarabutaso that's good20:15
SITarabutaI was going to talk about it a bit20:15
SITarabutaBut eh20:15
SITarabutaIt works now20:15
SITarabutaso thank goodness20:15
SITarabutathat's about it20:15
SITarabutaACTION done20:15
nrcernanice SITarabuta 20:15
jelknerSITarabuta, over time you need to share lessons20:15
jelknerthat's part of the PD we were talking about a bit earlier20:15
jelknerwe need to get good, if we are going to thrive20:15
jelknerbut i understand your crashing from the anxiety high right now20:16
jelknerso we can reflect later20:16
jelknercongrats on getting us successfully through another year20:16
jelknerthey will be back again next year20:16
nrcernacongrats SITarabuta!20:16
nrcernalast item on the agenda: Two unrelated FYIs and 20:17
jelknerme again20:17
nrcernayou again jelkner 20:17
jelkneri signed up to attend the happy hour celebration of vulk.coop20:17
jelknerthey are celebrating 7 years20:17
jelknerthey are in san antonio, texas20:18
jelkneri'll report back if i learn anything interesting20:18 is just a really nice website20:18
nrcerna:O I didn't know it jelkner, btw their website redesign is one of Agaric's projects20:18
nrcernawhere I'm going to help with jelkner 20:18
jelknerthat's awesome20:19
nrcernaI thought you knew it 20:19
jelknerok, that's all for me20:19
jelkneri didn't20:19
nrcernathanks jelkner 20:19
jelknerlet's talk a bit on planning after20:19
nrcernaanyone has anything to add?20:19
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel20:20
nrcernaThanks everyone!20:20
jelknergreat job, nrcerna!20:20
nrcernahave a great weekend20:20
SITarabutaYou all as well20:21
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