IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2022-12-06

*** jkoleah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:56
jelknerGood morning!12:00
jelknerWhat happened yesterday?12:00
jelknerI was alone.12:01
jkoleah_good morning jeff12:01
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:01
jelknerIt made me think we should try to get on of you to install an irc client on you phone.12:02
jelknerI assumed the power was out.12:02
jelknerWhen that happens, someone could join from their phone and let me know.12:02
scooperI told you yesterday12:03
scoopergood morning Jeff12:03
jelknerAnyway, the good news is that I see both scooper and jkoleah logged on to the remote server.12:03
jelknerThat's great!12:03
jkoleah_yeah 12:04
jelknerI saw fkoikoi try to join us here12:04
scooperDid you see my message yesterday Jeff12:04
jelknerbut she dropped.12:04
jelknerNo, scooper 12:04
scooperIn this Hexchat I send you message yesterday informing you about the power shortage12:04
scooperthat MCSS was face with12:05
jelknermy bad, scooper 12:05
jelkneri should have looked12:05
jelknernext time i will12:05
jelkneris it fixed?12:05
scooperNO 12:05
scooperwe running on battery right now12:05
scooperThe Generator just when off not to long12:06
jelknerWhen do you think it will be fixed?12:06
jelknerLet's not plan to meet until you have a reliable connection.12:06
jelknerIt is too frustrating12:06
scooperNO let studies for today12:06
scooperwhat do you have for us to learn12:06
jelknerWell, I want to start using GNU Screen12:06
jelknerand Wall to send messages on the server12:07
jelknerWe should get Toby and Aaron in on that12:07
jelknerwill you be available between 9:30 and 10 my time today?12:07
scooperAaron have not yet responded to my message since SUnday12:07
jelknerThey will be here at 9:30 am12:07
jelknerwe can talk real time then12:07
jelknerSave your battery12:08
scooperHow many hours from now we should resume12:08
jelknerLet's meet at 9:30 am my time (2:30 pm your time)12:08
jelknerDoes that work?12:08
jelknerI'll prepare12:08
scooperThat mean Freena and Jallah would be around12:08
jelknerI hope so!12:09
jelknerWe can have the 6 of us who will be working on this.12:09
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi, jkoleah, jelkner, thehedgeh0g, and tmickelson12:09
jelkneri got to get ready for class now12:10
jelknersee you at 2:30 pm your time.12:10
jelknerACTION logs off until 2:30 pm Monrovia time.12:10
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:11
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:11
*** jkoleah_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:20
jelknerjkoleah, is scooper going to be here?14:28
jelkneror fkoikoi14:28
jelkneri just found out tmickelson needs to make up a math test, so he won't be here.14:28
jelkneri haven't seen thehedgeh0g yet.14:29
jkoleahyes jeff, they're trying to connect to the internet14:29
fkoikoiHi Jeff14:31
jelknerok, fkoikoi, jkoleah, let's talk14:36
jelknerthehedgeh0g is here with us14:36
jelknerwhat we are going to want to do is:14:37
jelkner1. learn to use wall (or some similar tool) to message each other on the server14:37
jelkner2. learn to use screen to share terminal sessions.14:37
jelknerwe need that so that i can watch what you are doing14:38
jelknerand help figure things out when something isn't working14:38
jelknerbtw. We won't be meeting tomorrow14:38
jkoleahwhy jeff14:38
jelknerit is a half day for us, so the schedule is altered.14:38
jelknerwe will meet again on Thursday at 2:30 pm your time.14:39
jelknerWhen hopefully both thehedgeh0g and tmickelson can both be here.14:39
jelknerso please plan on joining us then.14:39
jelknerwe will try to test screen sharing with screen before then14:39
jkoleahon Thursday right ?14:40
jelknerYes, jkoleah 14:40
jelknerat 2:30 pm your time14:40
jelknerthat gives us 30 minutes14:40
jelkneri'll ask thehedgeh0g if wall is the messaging tool we should use14:40
jelkneror if they recommend something else14:40
jelknerand we will try that out too14:41
jkoleahso what are we going to do now jeff ?14:41
jelkner!add Discuss budget for next few months.14:41
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss budget for next few months." has been added to the agenda.14:41
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:41
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)14:41
jelknerfkoikoi, can you log in to the student server please?14:43
fkoikoiI'm already there14:44
fkoikoiYes Jeff, I saw your message.14:48
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah, i just messaged you on the server14:48
jelknerdid you see it?14:48
jelknernow you get to try to send a message to us14:49
fkoikoican I ask a question Jeff14:49
jelknerfirst you need to enable messaging, only once14:49
jelknersure, fkoikoi 14:50
jelknerbut wait until we finish this14:50
jelknertype "mesg y"14:50
jelknerat the bash prompt14:50
jelknerthen try to message me14:50
jelkneryou need to see which tty i am using, so you run:14:50
jelknerand see a list of folks logged in14:50
jelkneryou'll see their user and tty14:51
jelknerto message someone14:51
jelknerwrite username tty14:51
jelknerThen type what you want to write14:51
jelknerthen ^C (^ means the Ctrl key)14:51
jelknerto break out14:52
jelknertry it14:52
jkoleahwhat do you mean by tty14:53
jelknera tty is a virtual terminal14:54
jelknerwhen i type who, i see14:54
jelknerjkoleah  pts/0        2022-12-06 14:21 (
jelknerarabach  pts/1        2022-12-06 14:49 (
jelknerjelkner  pts/2        2022-12-06 14:43 (
jelknerfkoikoi  pts/3        2022-12-06 14:44 (
jelknerso your tty is pts/014:55
jelknerand to message you i used:14:55
jelknerwrite jkoleah pts/014:55
jelknerand then typed my message14:55
jelknerfkoikoi, go ahead and ask your question while jkoleah tries to message me14:56
jelknerwe only have 5 minutes left14:56
jelknerwe meed to move fast14:56
fkoikoiWhat does the pts in the server means?14:56
jelknerit is the virtual terminal14:56
fkoikoiAlright, Did you received my message?14:57
jkoleahjeff, can you please resend the instructions because I'm confuse14:57
jelknerno, i did not14:58
jelknerjkoleah, here are the steps:14:58
jelkner1. you type "write jelkner pts/2"14:58
jelkner2. you type "Hi Jeff!"14:58
jelkner3. you type: "^C"14:58
jelknerI should see Hi Jeff14:58
jelknerbell rang14:59
jelknerwe have to go14:59
jelknerlet's continue on Thursday14:59
jkoleahwill I hate enter when I write jelkner pts/2 ?14:59
jelkneryou mean press or hit, jkoleah 15:00
jelkneryou don't want to hate it ;-)15:00
jelkneryou hit (or press) Enter15:00
jelknerfkoikoi, did it!15:00
jelkneri see a message from her15:00
jelknernice work, fkoikoi 15:00
fkoikoiThanks 15:01
jelknerok, cool15:01
jelknerwe are making progress15:01
jelknersee you both Thursday at 2:30 pm.15:02
jelkneruntil then...15:02
jelknerACTION logs off for class.15:02
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:02
*** scooper has quit (None)15:05
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:10
*** jkoleah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:19
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:19:14
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)19:14
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:25
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:50
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)21:50
jelkner!add Talk about expectations for three weeks holiday21:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Talk about expectations for three weeks holiday" has been added to the agenda.21:51
jelkner!add Mention aciinema (
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Mention aciinema (" has been added to the agenda.21:52
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:52
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)21:52
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)21:52
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)21:52
*** jelkner has quit (None)21:52

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