IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2022-12-08

sysadminnick /scooper11:50
jelknerGood morning scooper and jkoleah11:58
jkoleahgood morning Jeff11:59
jelknerI have a question for you, jkoleah 12:00
jelknerAre you interested in / planning on applying to University of the People?12:00
jelknerscooper, i just re-enrolled.12:00
jkoleahyes 12:00
jelknerscooper can help you through the process12:00
jelknerand i already told you i will cover the cost12:01
jkoleahokay, thanks12:01
jelknerthe agreement i want with you is the same one i have with scooper 12:01
jelkneri will continue to support your studies as long as you earn passing grades in the courses you take12:01
jkoleahwhich agreement jeff ?12:01
jelkneri just wrote it12:02
jelknerso you should start by taking one course12:02
jkoleahokay jeff, I'll12:02
jelknerand study hard so you pass12:02
jelkneri don't know if you are too late for the next term12:03
jelknerit starts on january 2612:03
jelknerit will be fun to be in school togeter12:03
jelkneri'll be taking class there too12:03
jelknerok, let's talk about plans for 2:30 pm12:04
jelknerthehedgeh0g needs to help our new teacher here set up her lab.12:04
jelkneri'm going to ask tmickelson to work with us12:04
jkoleahI can enroll if the time comes jeff12:04
jelknertry to enroll now, jkoleah 12:04
jelknerok, i'm going to get ready for class12:05
jkoleahokay, I'll ask scooper for direction12:05
jelkneri'll see you at 2:30 pm, and hopefully tmickelson will be here with us12:05
jkoleahokay jeff12:05
jelknerwe want to learn to use screen to share a terminal session12:05
jelkneri have another tool i found out about yesterday that could help also12:06
jelkneryeah, it lets you easily record your terminal session12:06
jelkneri'll email you about that12:06
jelknerthe big idea is that now that we have a shared server on which we can work12:07
jelknerwe need to learn to use it to collaborate12:07
jkoleahyes of course12:07
jelknerjkoleah, you can host your website there too12:07
jkoleahwow, so great12:08
jelknertalk to you at 2:30 pm your time...12:08
jelknerACTION signs off to get ready for class.12:08
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:29
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jelknerhello jkoleah 14:27
jelknerwho is sysadmin_?14:28
jkoleahI guess it's scooper jeff14:28
jelknerdon't think so14:28
jelknerwhois says they are in Sweden14:28
jelknerfkoikoi, so good to see you14:29
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?14:29
jelknerok, here is our plan for the next 30 minutes14:29
jelknerfkoikoi, jkoleah, and tmickelson will practice sending each other messages on our server using write14:30
jelknertoday is the day we here at ACC stay after school14:30
jelknerso tmickelson can use that time to look into using screen to share a terminal session14:30
jelknerwe can use that to help each other learn unix14:31
jelknersince we will be able to see what we other folks are doing14:31
jelknerwe need to do something else also14:31
jelknerwe should change the server to allow *only* ssh login14:31
jelknernot password login14:31
jelknerthat will help keep it secure14:31
jelknerits not a huge deal, since there is nothing that really needs to be "secure" on that machine14:32
jelknerbut it would be a hassle if malicious actors tried to use it to send spam or something14:32
jelknerso we should try to keep it reasonably safe14:32
jelknerok, jkoleah has already messaged me14:35
jelknerand i messaged back14:35
jelknertmickelson is working on allowing ssh access14:35
jkoleahsure jeff14:35
jelkneri want him to work with the two of you on this14:37
jelknersince he is here each school day from 2:30 to 3 pm.14:38
jelkneryour time14:38
jelknerand he can focus, where i can't, since i'm a teacher and students come here during this time to get help from me14:39
jelknerso, jkoleah and fkoikoi, you will be working with tmickelson on learning to use this server14:39
sysadmin_nick /scooper14:39
scooperHello Jeff14:40
tmickelsonjeff should be back in a few minutes14:41
scooperhello tmickelson14:43
tmickelsonhello scooper14:43
jelkneri'm back14:43
scooperwelcome Jeff14:44
jelknerbut i am intentionally trying to stay in the background14:44
jelknerlike i said, we need to get you working with tmickelson 14:44
jelknersince he can give you his undivided attention each school day from 2:30 to 3 pm14:44
jelkneri can't14:44
jelknersince at any moment someone might come in and ask me for help14:45
jelknerthink of scooper 14:45
jelknersame thing happens to him all the time14:45
scooperis tmickelson is the same as Aaron?14:45
jelknerno, scooper 14:45
tmickelsonno i am not aaron14:45
jelknerAaron is thehedgeh0g 14:45
jelknerthehedgeh0g is a 12 grader14:46
jelknerand won't be here next year14:46
jelknertmickelson is a 9th grader14:46
jelknerA *very* bright and talented 9th grader!14:46
jelknerwho will be here for 3 1/2 more years14:46
scooperso which one of them are to help me with the server migration jeff??14:46
jelknersince ours is a multi-year project14:46
jelknerwe want to work with tmickelson as much as possible14:46
jelknerthehedgeh0g helped you, scooper 14:47
jelknerthehedgeh0g is our top sys admin14:47
jelknerand will help us with lots of stuff14:47
jelknerbut like i said, they won't be here after june14:47
jelknerso we need to make sure we don't do anything that requires them beyond that point14:47
scooperJeff I need to talk with thehedgeh0g today is urgent. can you approve that??14:48
jkoleahso what's the work for today jeff?14:50
tmickelsonhow could I help14:54
scooperMay we could learn some basic instruction on how to operate some task on the server since the three of us have assess. 14:56
jkoleahyea tmickelson14:57
fkoikoithat's right14:57
tmickelsonwhat things would you like to learn how to do14:58
scooperSome base command like but not limited to; copy files or folders from my computer and upload it to the server, upload some basic html and css template on the server14:59
fkoikoisome of the commands that can be used on the server14:59
scooperor how to upload a project on the server15:00
jkoleahhow to use the server and which command can we use15:02
scooperIf you intended to send instruction about the server please send it to our various private inbox15:02
scooperBase on Jeff recommendation only the three of us have access to the server right now. and was warned strongly not to give sensitive information out to those who have not yet been approved. 15:04
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tmickelsonto copy files between servers use `scp /local/file/location user@server:/path/to/location` where first argument is the original file and the second one is the copied file15:10
tmickelson`user@server:` is used to identify which server to copy from/to15:11
tmickelsonif `user@server:` is not added, the path is on your local computer15:12
jkoleahare we going to put all these command at once ?15:14
tmickelsonexample (copy from local to server): scp ~/text.txt
tmickelsonexample (copy from server to local): scp ~/Documents/text.txt15:18
tmickelsonuse `scp -r` to copy folders15:19
jkoleahI try running the first instruction but it's not going through15:24
jkoleahI mean this :scp/local/file/location user@server:/path/to/location15:25
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sysadmin_nick /scooper17:37
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:37
*** tmickelson has left #novawebdev (None)18:31
LittleWebsterTick Tock!19:00
LittleWebsterIt's 19:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.19:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:19:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)19:00
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)19:00
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)19:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!19:00
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