IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2022-12-12

jelknerGood morning fkoikoi11:59
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fkoikoi_Hi tmickelson12:12
tmickelsonhello fkoifkoi_12:12
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jelknerHi jkoleah 14:29
jelknertmickelson had to finish a math test.14:29
jelknerHe said he will be back shortly14:29
jelknerthat probably means in about 15 minutes.14:29
fkoikoiHi Jeff14:30
jkoleahOkay jeff14:30
jkoleahI have question jeff14:30
jelknerHe and you can then work on learning to use screen14:30
jelknerask, jkoleah 14:30
jelknerhello, fkoikoi 14:30
jelknerfkoikoi, jkoleah has now applied to UoPeople14:31
jelknerand i was able to submit payment for his application14:31
jkoleahI'm going through the process but they are asking if I have any transfer from an accredited institution14:31
jelknerdon't know if you saw my response to your question, but basically you should seek help with the application process there14:32
jelknerand come to me when you figure that out14:32
fkoikoiI just finish the first step and I am trying to do the second14:32
jelknerwell since jkoleah just finished with that14:33
jelknerhe would be the best person to ask about it14:33
jkoleahI'm sorry jeff14:34
jelknerLoL, i just ran who on the server14:34
jelknerand i'm the only one there ;-)14:34
jkoleahI'm in Jeff14:35
fkoikoiI'm there too Jeff14:36
jelknerYes, I just messaged each of you.14:38
jelknerDid you see my "Hello" messages?14:38
jkoleahYes jeff14:38
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah, thehedgeh0g is here14:39
jelknerthey are going to work with you to test screen14:39
fkoikoiokay 14:39
jelkneron the server14:39
jelknertmickelson will normally do that14:39
jkoleahJeff, did you reply to the mail that I sent you?14:40
jelknergreat fkoikoi 14:40
jelknerwhen jkoleah?14:40
jelknerAh, about transfer credit14:41
jelkneri'm seeing that now14:41
jkoleahyes 14:41
jelkneryou don't have any14:41
jelknerthat would mean you have credits from another college14:41
jelknerthat you want to apply toward your degree program at UoPeople14:42
jelkneryou don't14:42
jelknersince you just finished high school14:42
jelknerand you all don't have a dual-enrollment program yet ;-)14:42
jkoleahOkay, but I don't have any credit from college14:42
jelknerI know the Supe would like to do that one day14:42
jelknerbut it hasn't happened yet.14:42
jelkneranyway, jkoleah 14:42
jelknerplease work with thehedgeh0g to test screen14:43
jelknerthat's our next step14:43
jelknerwe need that working so we can share tty sessions14:43
jkoleahso should I say no to the transfer credit ?14:44
jelknerYes, say no ;-)14:44
jkoleahokay, thanks14:44
jkoleahCan we proceed now thehedgehog ?14:49
thehedgeh0gwe can. Let me get set up.14:50
fkoikoialright 14:51
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah, can you be here at this time tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday?14:53
jelknerThis is going to be a process14:53
jelknerwe will move forward 30 minutes at a time14:53
jelknerso we need to keep at it14:53
thehedgeh0gok, please open a terminal connected to the server14:54
jkoleahokay, it's open14:54
thehedgeh0gand then type "screen -x testing"14:54
thehedgeh0gwithout the quotation marks14:54
thehedgeh0gplease let me know if you can see a prompt with the username arabach14:55
jkoleahthe feedback is "no screen session found"14:56
fkoikoiIt say that there is no screen attached14:56
thehedgeh0galright, please try "screen -x 799570.testing"14:58
thehedgeh0gok, I have to go now. Let's continue tomorrow!14:59
jelknerok, see you tomorrow at the same time14:59
jelknerbye for now...14:59
jelknerACTION signs off14:59
jelkneri have to go, jkoleah 15:00
jelknerlet's continue tomorrow15:00
jelknersee you then...15:00
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fkoikoiwhat should we do next thehedgeh0g?15:03
*** tmickelson has quit (None)15:09
jkoleahwhat should we do now, because we're trying the command but it's not going through15:10
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*** jkoleah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)19:42
*** jkoleah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:14
*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:56

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