IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2022-12-13

jelknerGood morning scooper 12:00
jelknerHow was the retreat?12:00
jelknerGotta go.  Be back at 2:30 pm Monrovia time...12:12
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:16
sysadminGood morning Jeff12:35
sysadminI'm sorry for the late response12:36
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:08
jelknerhello jkoleah 14:30
jelknertmickelson is here14:31
jkoleahhow are you doing jeff ?14:31
jelknerdon't mean to be rude, jkoleah, but we have no time14:31
jelknerit doesn't matter how i am14:31
jelknerwe need to get word14:31
jkoleahokay, lets get started14:32
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jkoleahCan we start now please ?14:34
tmickelsonwhat would you like to do14:34
jelknerhold on14:34
jelkneri'm so sorry, we need to get this working14:34
jelknerif you depend on me14:35
jelknerthings won't work14:35
jelknersince my situation here is like scooper14:35
jelknerjkoleah will understand that14:35
jelkneri'm always doing 3 things at once14:35
jelknerand then people show up and ask me to do something else14:35
jelknerso tmickelson, you need to understand the problem14:36
jelknerand work with jkoleah to solve14:36
jelknerjkoleah, i guess you don't understand what we are trying to do yet?14:36
jelkneri'll explain now14:36
jelknerso hopefully you both will understand14:36
jelknerthe goal is to setup a teaching / learning environment where i can work with the students in monrovia14:37
jelkner1. *very* little bandwidth14:37
jelkner2. the ability for me to "watch" what students are doing14:38
jkoleahwe was doing something yesterday but we didn't completed it so can we complete it tmickelson ?14:38
jelknerthe solution is screen14:38
jelknerwhich is a terminal multiplexer14:39
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jelknerhere is how things till go down when we have this working14:39
jelkner1. jkoleah will be working on his website14:39
jelkner2. he will be having an issue he wants to share with me14:39
jelkner3. i will say to him, start a screen session and tell me what it is14:40
jelknerso i can connect to it14:40
jelkner4. he will, i will, and i can watch him type14:40
jelknerand see what he sees14:40
jelknerwe will have to do this on the same machine14:40
jelknerwhich is what is for14:41
jelknerdoes that make sense?14:41
jelknertmickelson, do you understand the goal?14:41
jelkneronce you and jkoleah get it working14:41
jelkneri can use it with him (and all the other students)14:41
jelknerto move their git repos to the student server14:42
jelknerand do their work there14:42
jelknerso when they have issues14:42
jelkneri can watch14:42
jelknerand provide guidance14:42
jelknerthat's the goal14:42
jelkneryou'll need to research how to do this, tmickelson 14:42
jelknerthe issue will be permissions14:42
jelknerwhich is a standard issue on unix systems14:43
sysadminnick/ scooper14:43
jelknerscooper, so good to see you14:43
scooperYes Jeff14:43
scooperhow are you doing??14:43
jkoleahtmickelson can we start working now ?14:44
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jkoleahokay, so where are we starting from?14:45
tmickelsonjkoleah try runnign this command "screen -x tmickelson/multisession"14:46
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jkoleahthis is the feedback: Cannot identify account 'timckelson'.14:47
tmickelsonswitch the 'i' and 'm'14:48
scooperI did what you told me to do in your Friday mail concerning reaching to Aaron directly on Hexchat but unfortunately for me he didn't response to my message since last week thursday14:49
jkoleahthis is what I got: Must run suid root for multiuser support.14:49
jelknerscooper, thehedgeh0g is here now14:51
jelknerlooking at your email14:52
jelknerwe only have 10 minutes14:52
jelknerbut this is the right place to ask for help14:52
scooperPLease tell him to response to my private message14:52
thehedgeh0gscooper: I have just responded, did you get the message?14:52
thehedgeh0gi responded to your IRC message14:53
jkoleahdid you see what I said to you previously ?14:53
tmickelsonabout screen and root?14:53
tmickelsonim currently trying to fix it14:54
jkoleahokay, waiting to hear from you soon14:54
tmickelsontry again14:57
jkoleahthe same command right ?14:58
jkoleahthis again: Must run suid root for multiuser support.14:59
tmickelsoni have to go now, i will continue to help tomorrow14:59
jkoleahokay, see you tomorrow15:00
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*** jkoleah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:12
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:12
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*** jkoleah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:58
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:59

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