IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-04-28

*** tboimah has quit (None)08:52
scooperHello Jeff13:38
jelknerscooper, hello13:38
scooperand tmickelson13:38
scooperCan I ask you something??13:38
tmickelsonhellp scooper13:38
jelknerof course13:38
jelknerthat's why we meet here13:38
jelknerto communicate13:38
scooperThe gitea you created should I use it for my python progress and also ask question???13:39
jelkner*Please* use it.13:40
scooperand also use that media to send the report you asked about???13:40
jelknerYou can ask questions in markdown files13:40
scooperOk thanks13:40
scooperI know you mentioned md before13:40
jelknerlearning to use this tool effectively is one of my top goals13:40
jelkneri'm trying to model the use of it by putting many of my personal project repos on that server13:41
jelknerso everyone can "watch me" use it.13:41
scooperDid you saw my first push to the repository on gitea????13:41
jelknerno, but that's only because i didn't look13:42
jelknerACTION goes to look13:42
scooperBeen a week now, please confirm because I will like to do more13:42
jelkneri see it now13:43
jelkneryou created a subheading named "Testing our plan"13:43
jelknerWhich looks nice when you view:
jelknerThat url displays the file, rendered as HTML.13:44 servers the same purpose as index.html13:44
jelknerit is the "homepage" for the directory it is in.13:44
jelknerEvery directory can have one13:45
scooperThe next thing you mentioned was how to use gitea merge and branch. When will this begin???13:45
jelknerand you can include other markdown files, too, with names other than "", and link to them from the README.13:45
jelknerscooper, i got together with my friend kevin cole yestersday13:46
jelknerand we discussed our plan to seek the help of a non-profit organization in DC to build a small school in Monrovia13:46
scooperWow that is a good plan Jeff thank in advance....13:47
jelknerThe Supe met with the owner twice on his visits here.13:48
scooperSo if it work where exactly are your target location in Liberia??? It's in Monrovia or out of Monrovia???13:48
jelknerHe selects projects based on the local communities willingness to contribute to the effort13:48
jelknerso that it is a "solidarity project", not a "hand out"13:48
jelkneras soon as school let's out, i plan to talk with him again.13:49
jelknerwhat we need is a small information tech school with solar power and good internet13:49
jelknerwhere we can meet and work together13:50
jelkneranyway, we can create a git repo for our notes, discussions, and plans13:50
jelkneronce everyone learns how to use git and markdown effectively13:50
jelknerscooper, i think we can accomplish some wonderful things if we can keep working, learning, and growing13:52
scooperJeff sure but what is your rating on the progress of the interns and I???13:53
jelkneri am very pleased with our progress, but as you know, we have a *long way* to go!13:53
jelknerso we need to keep adjusting to our conditions, and changing what we do based on our needs13:54
jelknerright now you need an assistant13:54
jelknerany luck with Jallah and Freena?13:54
scooperYes.. Freena and I been together this week only yesterday and today I didn't see because We are faced with current issue at MCSS13:55
jelknerwill she be here tomorrow?13:56
scooperI expecting Jallah to be present as well13:56
jelknerscooper, let's think about what she should earn as a full time assistant13:56
jelknerand try to work that into our budget13:56
scooperI send information that Jeff need to see him and ask him about his way forward13:57
jelknerwhat i am asking for now is the first "NOVA Web Development Fellowship" in Monrovia13:57
jelknerI think we can only afford one at this point13:57
jelknerso we need to select wisely13:57
jelkneryou should take the lead, but the whole team should be involved in the selection process13:58
jelknerso we end up selecting someone we all trust13:58
jelknerwe would require the selected person to come to the lab *each day*, Monday to Friday13:59
scooperLet I said earlier Jeff the incoming graduate are the one I think I can select one person from among but if you insist we can select her13:59
jelknerand to attend meetings at this time13:59
jelknerwe need someone available now13:59
jelkneror we will be 2 months behind14:00
jelknerwe can select a 2nd fellow later14:00
jelkneri gotta go14:00
scooperOK Jeff I agreed with your plan14:00
jelknerstudents coming14:00
jelknerlet's talk more tomorrow14:00
jelknerACTION signs off14:00
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:00
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:14
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:17
*** scooper has quit (None)15:23
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:12

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