IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-04-29

jelknergood day, scooper 12:30
scooperGood morning Jeff12:30
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:30
LittleWebsterNeed for an assistant coordinator to aid Spencer (added by jelkner)12:30
LittleWebsterDiscuss budgeting, accounting, and reporting (added by jelkner)12:30
scooperhow was your night???12:30
jelknervery restful, scooper, thanks for asking, and yours?12:31
scooperJallah will be here today12:31
jelknerand Freena?12:31
jelknerSahnun and I had a great opportunity to talk this morning over our "first face" ;-)12:32
scoopersound good12:33
jelknerso he is prepped on our discussion today12:33
scooperMy regards to him12:33
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:33
LittleWebsterNeed for an assistant coordinator to aid Spencer (added by jelkner)12:33
LittleWebsterDiscuss budgeting, accounting, and reporting (added by jelkner)12:33
jelknergood day, tboimah 12:34
tboimahgood day to everyone12:34
shmohamudgood day everyone12:34
dcammueGood day Jeff12:36
jelknerGood day, dcammue 12:36
mulbahGood morning jeff12:36
dcammueHow are you?12:36
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jelknergood day, mulbah 12:37
mulbahHow are you doing12:37
jelknerGood day janet 12:37
janetHi Jeff12:37
shmohamudGood day Mulbah12:38
mulbahGood day shmohamud how are you doing12:39
dcammueGood day shmohamud12:40
dcammueHow are you12:40
shmohamudDoing well, thank you for asking :)12:40
shmohamudHow are you both doing?12:40
dcammuedoing fine12:41
mulbahI'm doing good12:41
jelkneryes, scooper 12:43
scooperI m experieing error why pushing the report to gitea can use the email and cc everyone12:44
scoopererror: failed to push some refs to 'origin'12:44
scooperfrom both repository12:45
jelknerso, scooper, we really need to use the 1:30 to 2 pm daily work sessions to resolve things like that12:45
jelknerone of the reasons i think we need a full time assistant now12:45
jelknerthehedgeh0g or tmickelson are your best resources for resolving that12:45
jelknerwe hope tboimah and mulbah will focus on learning these skills12:46
scoopercan I try github for now12:46
jelknershmohamud was talking about how long it took him to learn IT skills12:46
jelknerit's *a lot* of work12:46
jelknerit won't happen overnight12:47
jelknerwe need years to become a viable business12:47
jelknerbut step-by-step12:47
jelknerwe'll get there12:47
scooperI have some question in that report as well for you......12:47
jelkneranyway, mulbah and tboimah- you should work with thehedgeh0g and tmickelson to learn git12:47
jelknershoot, scooper 12:48
mulbahOkay 12:48
scooperWhat is the different between the return and print statement? and return only work in a function body??12:48
scooperand why * return12:49
jelknerso, print sends text to standard output12:50
jelknerquestion: what do computers do?12:50
jelkneranswer: input, storage, processing, out12:50
jelknerthat's what they do12:51
jelknerif you think about *all* the things computers do, it boils down to those things12:51
jelknerPython's print function is about output12:51
jelknerit sends strings to what is called "standard output"12:52
jelkneror just standard out12:52
jelknerwhich by default is the computer screeen12:52
jelkneri won't get into it now, but unix allows you to change where standard out goes12:52
jelknerbut for now, let's just think of it as the computer monitor12:53
jelknerthe return statement, on the other hand12:53
jelkneris more about processing12:53
jelknera function "returns" a value to the part of the program that "called" it12:53
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jelkneri can create put examples in our git repo, scooper 12:55
jelknerthat will be my homework for this weekend12:55
scooperOK I use another method to upload and it work.....12:55
scooperOk it there now the three files added are, Budget, programmingMenu and which is the program12:59
LittleWebstershmohamud : thehedgeh0g : scooper : jelkner : mulbah : janet : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterNeed for an assistant coordinator to aid Spencer (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss budgeting, accounting, and reporting (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
scooperhow are you doing???13:02
shmohamudDoing well Scooper13:03
shmohamudHow are you?13:03
scooperI m fine13:03
scooperSorry for the late reply to your mail13:03
shmohamudGood to hear!13:03
jelknerscooper, do you have an ETA (estimated time of arrival) for Freena and Jallah?13:03
shmohamudNo worries at all - we'll surely link up this week if you're available.13:03
scooperI m expecting Freena any movement from now13:04
scooperBut Jallah give me the assurance that he will connect from home today13:04
scoopersince he has a little family issue13:04
scooperShmohamud did you see my mail yesterday13:05
shmohamudI did. I understand there were some technical difficulties.13:06
jelknerso we can start talking now13:06
jelknerso that tboimah mulbah dcammue and janet can weigh in13:06
jelknereveryone, i put two items on the agenda for today13:06
jelknerand they both relate to the gradual "professionalization" of our project13:07
jelknerthe goal from the beginning, which i shared with you in august last year before i left13:07
jelknerand invited you all to join13:07
jelkneris a project to create a worker cooperative business in Monrovia to provide web development services13:08
jelknerto make this possible, we will eventually need all the skills involved in that project13:08
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jelknerincluding business and management in addition to our core "product skills" - web development and system administration13:09
jelknerour dear leader scooper, who i like to call "the most popular man in Monrovia" ;-)13:10
jelknerhas too many responsibilities13:10
jelknerwe need to provide him assistance13:10
jelkneror he becomes the bottleneck blocking our progress together13:10
jelknerso he needs and assistant13:10
jelknersomeone who can:13:10
jelkner1. Show up *every* day at our 1:30 to 2 pm meetings13:11
jelkner2. coordinate communication with the other members of the team13:11
jelknerthose are the two most essentail tasks13:11
jelknerbut if it is a full time job13:12
jelknerothers will emerge as we start the process13:12
jelknerso, i'm hoping we can find such a person now13:12
jelknerwhat do you all think?13:12
scooperLike I said and continues to say Jeff13:13
mulbahIt's cool13:13
mulbahI think that is a great idea13:13
scooperthe incoming graduate are the  one I think I can really count on13:13
scooperlike I told you previously........ they all are very reliable 13:13
tboimahThat is cool but i suggest we wait ontill June them we all will be free by that time13:13
jelknertboimah, i hear you13:14
jelknerbut that means another month delay13:14
jkoleahHello everyone 13:14
jelknermaybe we have to do that13:14
scooperSince our goal is to select one or two person we have a way of doing selection here13:14
jelknerGood day, jkoleah 13:14
scooperwelcome jallah13:14
shmohamudHi Jkoleah13:14
jkoleahhow are yoiu doing Jeff?13:14
jelkneri'm really excited we have shmohamud with us13:15
scooperThat keep us together without hard feeling13:15
jkoleahhow are you doing also shmohamud13:15
jelknersince he can help provide us with the real world industry perspective that help us set our goals13:15
jelknerwe talked this morning13:15
shmohamudDoing well jkoleah thanks for asking13:15
scooperBut if you insist I have no option Jeff13:16
shmohamudI'm excited to be here jelkner13:16
jelknerhe agrees with me that we have a long way to go and need to move with all deliberate speed13:16
mulbahjeff I think what tboimah is saying is true because we will be taking our WASSCE and we will not be having time to come to the lab13:16
jkoleahyou're welcome shmohamud13:16
jelknerwe obviously can't move faster than we can13:16
jelkner(or like a rocket, we might explode ;-)13:16
jelknerbut we need to approach that speed13:16
jelknerif we move too slow, the world will pass us by13:17
jelknerso, my proposal is this13:17
jelknerwe agree to hire someone who is availble now13:18
jelknerand "try them out"13:18
jelknerwe are going to run this business democratically13:18
jelknerwe will all decide together how to allocate our resources13:18
jelknerand we will succeed or fail together13:18
jelkner(i'm sure we will succeed! ;-)13:19
scooperBy God grace13:19
jelknermost days of the week thehedgeh0g, tmickelson, and i get on irc at 1:30 pm13:19
dcammueJeff, I think what tboimah and scooper are saying will be the best for us because we have no time in school only one month left for us. So that will be the best and I support that suggestion.13:19
jelknerand no one is there13:19
jelknerdcammue: yes, i want you to graduate13:20
jelknerthat is the top priority13:20
jelknerbut we can't wait13:20
jelknerfor a whole month and half of wasted opportunity13:20
jelknerby june 7, thehedgeh0g and tmickelson will be leaving for the summer13:20
jelknerthey won't come any more13:20
jelknerand we will miss the chance to learn from them13:21
scooperOk let go with Freena13:21
dcammueSo who do you think will be the best for that position13:21
jelknerwhere is Freena?13:21
jelknerOnly Freena and Jallah are available now, yes?13:21
jelknerSo we have a few possibilities13:22
jelkner1. we could choose one of them to try this out13:22
jelkner2. they could both share the responsibility half time each13:22
jelkner3. something else i'm not thinking of?13:22
jelkneralso, i need guidance from everyone on what the salary should be13:23
dcammueFor now you will do the selection and we will support it.13:24
shmohamud3. Why don't we start by asking the two of them if they're interested13:24
dcammuewe need to do that first13:24
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shmohamudIf one of them is not interested, then the problem is solved. If both of them are interested, we can ask them to either work together or decide who it should be.13:25
tboimahthe two them can share the responsibility, if one if then not show up the other will be able to show up13:26
jelknerthe problem, tboimah, is if none of them show up13:27
jelknerso we need to be clear that our expection would be that one of them is there *every day*!13:27
jelknerso why don't we ask them if they are interested?13:28
scooperIf we are using the two of them that mean they have to show up everyday13:28
jelknerso let's ask jkoleah 13:28
scooperskipping day will affect our progress still13:28
jelknerwhat do you think of this, jkoleah?13:28
tboimahthat can be posible the two of them will sat and plan it better, i don't think the two of them will have the same busy time13:29
jkoleahI'm interested Jeff13:30
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jelknerjkoleah: can you make it to MCSS office each day and be there at 1:30 pm when we have our daily meeting?13:30
mulbahbeen interested is that you should be able to come everyday to the lab ooo13:31
scooperis this the plan we talked about 13:31
jelknerdo you think it isn't scooper?13:31
scooperonly showing up by 1:30 and end 213:31
scooperthe plan was full time13:32
jelknersorry, scooper 13:32
scooperBut I m seeming only 1:3013:32
jelkneri did not mean to imply that was the only task at all13:32
jelknerbut it is crucial13:32
jelknersince we are mainly loosing opportunity now because no one is there most of the time to work with the mentors during that time13:33
scooperSecondly I they transitioning from Python to Sys Admin13:33
jelknerwho is transitioning?13:33
jelkneri'm confused13:33
scooperbecause we want someone who will use they system admin skill learn from Aaron and Tmickeson13:34
jelknerah, i see your point13:34
jelknergreat question, scooper 13:34
jelknerbut it isn't as much of problem as you think13:34
jelknerwe will *all* need to learn a little bit about all these related skills13:35
jelknereven though we will specialize in the ones that interest us the most13:35
jelknerevery python programmer needs to understand the basicis of configuring python applications13:35
jelknerwhich involves some system administration13:35
jelknerso, while the sys admins will take on the task of setting up a gitea server, for example13:36
jelknerwe all need to learn how to use it13:36
jelknerin reccent conversations with thehedgeh0g and tmickelson13:37
jelkneri identified learning git as the primary task13:37
jelknersince we will be using our gitea host for most of our communication13:37
shmohamudI can help teach git in addition to thehedgeh0g and tmickelson13:37
jelknerso we need people who understand:13:37
scooperThough we will learn this system admin skill our goal is to learn from Aaron and Tmicker before they leave us right???13:37
jelkner1. ssh key generation and authentication13:38
scooperThanks shmohamud13:38
jelkner2. markdown13:38
jelkner3. basic git workflow13:38
shmohamudyou're welcome scooper13:38
jelknerthose are the things that have been blocking us the most recently, scooper 13:38
scooperGot you13:38
jelkneryour questions, for example, have mostly been about not being able to manage commits13:39
jelknerwe need folks on your side of the pond, as the brits say, to know how to do that13:39
jelknerdoes that answer your question, scooper 13:40
jelknerjkoleah is learning python13:40
jelkneryou can't be a python developer without knowing git workflow13:40
jelknerso this isn't "switching focus"13:40
jelknerjust using the available opportunity - thehedgeh0g and tmickelson's availblility - to our best advantage13:41
jelknermake sense, scooper?13:41
scooperYes Sir13:41
tboimahwe that sound good because we all need a full start web developer13:41
jelknerso that brings us back to the main discussion13:41
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jelkneryes, tboimah full stack is what we want to be!13:42
jelknerso, if Freena coming?13:42
jelknerwe need her to conclude this discussion13:43
tboimahshe is in trafic Jeff13:43
jelknergot it13:43
jelknerwhile we wait for her13:43
jelkneri need help from you all13:43
jelknerwhat is a fair and just salary for this based on Monrovia norms?13:43
jelknerin other words, how much should this position pay?13:44
jelknerwe will have conversations like this a lot in the years ahead13:44
jelknerwe'll start with what is fair and just13:44
jelknerand also look at our ability to pay13:44
jelknerwhat are our available resources?13:44
jelknerthen we will work to arrive at a plan13:45
jelkneri can't do this13:45
jelkneryou all know, i don't13:45
jelknerspeak up, my dear friends, what do you think?13:46
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scooperwill this person be pay from our budget13:47
jelknerscooper, at least partly13:47
svaye Are we going to pay the person from the monthly budget?13:48
jelknerthat comes down to availble resources13:48
shmohamudWhat does the average teacher make per month in Monrovia?13:48
jelknersvaye, i'm glad you asked that13:48
shmohamudOr more specifically, private tutor salary per month13:48
jelknerbecause that is the 2nd item on our agenda13:48
scooperbase on qualification13:49
shmohamudWhat are our available resources, total resources, not just to allocate to paying this salary?13:49
jelknergreat, shmohamud and svaye 13:50
jelknerlet's take a few minutes to talk about agenda item number 213:50
jelknerDiscuss budgeting, accounting, and reporting13:51
shmohamudMaybe we should appoint someone in this group to be our chief financial officer?13:51
jelknerat present, i am sending $650 per monthy13:51
shmohamudWho is responsible for doling out salaries and paying bills?13:52
jelknerthat is our monthly budget13:52
jelknerwe want to increase our monthly budget13:52
jelknerthis summer i plan to launch a non-profit organization, Social Justice Computing13:53
jelknerin part so that other folks can support our effort13:53
jelknerand increase our budget13:53
jelknerin the short term, you all might be able to negotiate with me to increase our budget now13:54
scooperJeff thanks for the input13:54
jelknernot a lot, since i can't afford it13:54
jelknerbut perhaps a bit13:54
jelkneri want you to negotiate with e13:54
jelknerwhat am i getting for that $650 per month?13:54
shmohamudDo we have a breakdown of our current expenses? Like how the existing 650 is being spent13:54
jelkneryou know my motivation, i want to change the world ;-)13:54
jelkneris that happening?13:55
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jelknerare we moving toward creating a group that can positively impact the future of Liberia?13:55
jelknerwhat are we doing each month with the amount i send now?13:55
jelknerit's time we had some reportingt13:55
jelknera monthly report13:55
jelknerhere is what came in13:56
jelknerhere is where it went13:56
jelknerwe all need access to that13:56
scooperPlease paste the gitea link so every body can view13:56
jelknerwe are building a democratic business13:56
jelknerso we all get a say13:56
jelknerif you can start producing a monthly financial report for me, i bet svaye could persuade me to up the amount a bit ;-)13:57
jelknerso do we want to decide now or next week?13:57
jelknerif you think you all need more time to discuss this locally, we can wait a week13:58
jelknerto give you the time you need to process13:58
jelknerit's 10 o'clock our time, friends13:59
jelknerlet shmohamud and me know what to do13:59
scooperplease rephrase the question14:00
shmohamudDo we want to decide who and how to prepare a monthly financial report?14:00
shmohamudNow or next week?14:00
scooperwith the present budget???14:01
jelkneri have no idea how the $650 i send each month gets spent14:01
svayeI think it will be better if we discuss now shmohamud14:01
scooperThe link I send you has it all14:02
shmohamudok svaye14:02
scooperin a markdown file called budget14:02
jkoleah_So I'm to be at the office from morning to evening everyday right?14:02
shmohamudHas anyone here taken an accounting course?14:02
jelknerscooper: that is a great idea14:02
jelknersvaye: i'm not sure what step to take next14:03
jelknerscooper has a proposal to put our monthly expense report on our git repo in markdown14:04
scooperJeff if assistant will be pay them you need to have some consideration on me14:04
jelkneri love that idea, because:14:04
scooperbecause I too work tireless to make this happen14:04
jelkner1. it will be public, so that all our future funders can know what they are helping with14:04
jelkner2. it will help us learn the skills we are focusing on14:04
jelknerscooper: +114:05
jelkneri've said that for a long time14:05
jelkneri totally agree14:05
shmohamudscooper +114:05
jelkneryou all need to decide that together14:05
jelknersvaye: you can help with the discussion14:05
scooperI been tapping from the 650 budget that on a monthly basis right, it is not support to be that way14:05
jelkneri'm picking on you because you spoke up, which is great14:05
jelkneryou all have to think about this together if we are going to be successful14:06
jelknerthis will be a common story for us14:06
jelknerwe have needs, and we have resources14:06
jelknerhow do we most effectively use our limited resources to most effectively address our needs14:06
jelknerin a way that helps us thrive into the future14:06
jelknerso, svaye, do you all want to disucss this locally and talk about it next week?14:07
jelkneror do you think we can do here and now?14:07
jelknerif here and now, you need to start throwing out some numbers14:07
scooperfor let discuss right now14:07
scooperfor * me14:08
svayeJeff I think we should discuss it now and be done with it 14:08
svayeEveryone can give their point of view 14:08
jelknerthat sounds great, svaye 14:08
jelknerso, what is a fair, just, and reasonable salary?14:09
fkoikoiHi Jeff, sorry I'm late14:09
jelknerfkoikoi: we heard about the traffic14:09
jelknerglad you could make it14:09
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shmohamudHi fkoikoi glad you could join us14:11
fkoikoiYes, how are you?14:12
jkoleah__Jeff, I asked a question and you haven't response yet14:12
shmohamudGood good fkoikoi14:13
jelknersorry jkoleah__ 14:13
jelkneri don't see the question14:13
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jelknersvaye: it doesn't look like anyone has any numbers to suggest14:14
jelknerwithout that, we are stuck14:14
jelknerso maybe we need to wait until next week?14:14
jelknerand you can come with numbers in mind?14:14
scooperWhat it's Jeff14:14
jelkneror, can you start now?14:14
shmohamud+1 next week with numbers in mind14:15
scooperThe question will I be include why my assistance get pay???14:15
svayeThomas is writing something14:15
tboimahscooper from the budget i am seeing 100USD For Spare parts and workmanship for the generator so i am getting confuss can you explain it better14:15
jelknertboimah: where are you seeing the budget?14:16
tboimahis that every month14:16
tboimahfrom the link scooper send14:16
scooperJanuary we had14:16
scoopera Damage generator which I told you about14:16
scooperand you inform me to go ahead let you know what the cost is14:17
svayeJeff this is the link Scooper sent
scooperso I spent 100 on the generator starter, another item that is reponsible to send current and the guy workmanship14:18
jelknerok, this is great14:18
jelkneri didn't know this existed14:18
jelknerwe are in much better shape14:18
jelknerscooper, i am going to edit this14:19
jelknerto put the new stuff on top14:19
scooperI  told you before and you even recommend to me if the need being of buying another generator wihtin our budget14:19
jelknerand the old stuff on the bottom14:19
jelkneri'll work on that on monday14:19
jelknerbut now we have numbers14:19
jelknermy understanding is that a full time teacher earns about $200 per month14:19
jelknerthat's what the Supe told me14:20
tboimahbut in the budget i am seeing january to present 100Usd for generator that is why i am asking14:20
scooper240 with 10000LD14:20
jelknerso, we need to talk about what a full time assistant should earn14:20
scooperNO It 240 plus 10000LD14:20
jelkneroh, ok14:21
jelknergot you14:21
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jelknerthat is good data to help frame our discussion14:21
scooperActually it 375 when tax deduction take place it reduce to 240USD  Plus 1000014:21
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jelknerok, that is most helpful, scooper 14:22
jelknernow, what does a full time person make hawing Orange and Lonestar data?14:22
jelkneror driving a Keke?14:22
jelknermeaning selling14:23
scooperkeke rider, excluding gasoline keke rider make 3500LD it equivalent is 20.00USD14:24
jelknerper month?14:25
svayePer day14:25
jelknerthat's $400 per month14:25
jelknermore than a teacher!14:25
scooperyes business pay then teaching14:26
jelknerso scooper, help me understand what we should pay for a full time assistant14:26
jelkneri asked these questions to give some context14:27
jelkneri need to leave in 30 minutes14:27
jelknerso let's see how far we can get by then14:27
jelknerscooper: do you have a proposal?14:28
jelknerthen we can ask the rest of the group what they think about it14:28
jelknerplease, scooper, present your proposal14:28
svayejanet freena and i agree on $100USD per month14:28
jelkneri like that, svaye 14:28
jelknerthat seems very reasonable14:29
scooper150 for assistant and 250 for me... that mean I m my assist will not touch the interns pay14:29
shmohamud+1 scooper14:29
jelknergood, we are getting somewhere14:29
jelknersvaye: let's review some history before we decide14:30
jelkneri originally proposed $100 back when we started14:30
jelkneryou can see that in the budget scooper just shared14:30
jelknerbut the understanding was that folks would put in 20 hours per week *in the lab*14:31
jelknerthey could not14:31
jelknerand did not14:31
jelknerthat slowed us down14:31
jelknersince the only way to develop our skills is with a lot of time14:31
jelknerso i like scooper's proposal14:31
jelknerscooper is already putting in the time14:31
jelknerthe assistant would have to do the same14:32
jelknerif they don't show up14:32
jelknerwe should not pay them14:32
jelknerwe need them in the lab, putting in the time to learn, and helping us with the things we need14:32
jelknerso here is my proposal14:32
jelknerbetween now and august, that means for may, june, and july14:33
jelkneri will up our budget to $800 per month14:33
dcammueI'm going out of current Jeff14:33
jelkneronly for those three months14:33
dcammueanytime from now14:33
jelknerif we go with scoopers proposal14:33
jelknergot you, dcammue 14:34
jelknerwe can finish this next saturday14:34
jelknerbut may 1 is monday14:34
mulbahjeff i want to ask you how are we doing the certificate test for august14:34
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dcammueso may first the person needs to start?14:35
jelknerdcammue: +114:36
jelkneror, we can delay a week14:36
jelknerand decide next saturday14:36
jkoleah_Is it I and Freena needs to be at the office everyday from morning to evening?14:36
jelknerand they can start may 814:36
jelknerif you want the job, jkoleah_ 14:36
jelknerthat's what we are discussing14:36
jelknerso to be clear, here is scooper's proposal14:38
jelknerwith my addendum14:38
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jelknerWe up the monthly budget to $800 for may, june, and july14:38
jelkner(to be reevaluated after that)14:38
jelkner2. Scooper will draw a salary of $250 and the assistant a salary of $150 from that amount14:39
jelknerthat means half will go to the two full time jobs14:39
jelknerwith the rest divided up to meet other needs14:39
jelknerso, that's the proposal14:40
jelknerwhat to people think?14:40
scooperCan we conclude next week14:40
jelkneri think that is best14:40
scooperor tomorrow at this time14:40
jelknersince you all need to be united14:40
jelknerwe don't want angry members14:41
jelknerso you disucss this during the week14:41
jelknerscooper: i will delay this months payment until next saturday14:41
svayeJeff almost everyone laptop is down so I think it will be better if we discuss this next week14:41
jelknersee you next week14:41
svayeTake care Jeff14:41
jelkneryou too, svaye 14:42
svayeAnd have a blessed weekend14:42
jelknerthanks for your help!14:42
jelknerACTION signs off14:42
shmohamudHave a blessed week everyone14:42
jkoleah_Have a great weekend Jeff14:42
shmohamudACTION signs off14:42
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svayeHave a blessed weekend shmohamud14:42
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