IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-05-27

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:25
LittleWebsterDiscuss Jeff's proposal for a Summer study (added by jelkner)12:25
scoopergood morning Jeff and Shmohamud12:50
shmohamudGood morning guys12:51
jelknerGood day scooper and mulbah12:51
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dcammueGood day Jeff and shmohamud12:53
tboimahGood day everyone12:53
jelknerGood day dcammue and tboimah 12:53
dcammueHow are you?12:54
dcammueHope you doing well12:54
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff and shmohamud12:54
jelknerGood day, fkoikoi12:55
shmohamudGood day fkoikoi12:55
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?12:57
jelknerLOL, fkoikoi12:57
fkoikoiHow are you shmohamud?12:58
jelknerI don't mean to be stubborn, but I'm trying to not answer that question ;-)12:58
shmohamudSame :D12:58
jelknerI received your email, fkoikoi 12:59
jelknervery nice!12:59
fkoikoithanks 12:59
LittleWebstershmohamud : tboimah : scooper : thehedgeh0g : jelkner : fkoikoi : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss Jeff's proposal for a Summer study (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerAlrightly everyone13:00
jelknerwe have only one agenda item13:00
jelknerso this doesn't need to be a long meeting13:00
jelkneri emailed fkoikoi, shmohamud, and scooper yesterday13:00
jelknerwith a proposal13:00
jelknerfkoikoi: can you take this from here?13:01
fkoikoidcammue, tboimah and mulbah are also interested 13:01
fkoikoisure jeff13:01
svayeGood morning Everyone13:01
jelknerGood day, svaye 13:01
shmohamudGood day svaye13:02
scooperGood morning svaye???13:02
dcammueGood morning svaye13:02
scoopermy condolences to you and the family13:02
jelknermine too, svaye 13:02
shmohamudmine as well, svaye.13:03
dcammuemine too13:03
jelknerfkoikoi: can you please tell us about the plan?13:03
fkoikoiJeff said that he will be teaching a python course for the summer and he wants to know if the we are interested in attending the class. 13:03
svayeThanks everyone for the love and consern i appreciate it alot13:03
jelknerfkoikoi, not exactly "attending"13:04
jelknerthat's not really possible, since the class is in person13:04
jelknerbut what i am proposing is that we do an online version of the class at the same time13:04
jelknerover the summer13:04
jelknersince i'm working on a book to use in the Summer class13:05
jelknerthose of you who are interested could help me "test the book"13:05
janetHi Jeff and Shmohamud13:05
jelknerhi janet 13:06
shmohamudHi Janet13:06
svayeThat's a great idea Jeff I am interested 13:06
jelkneri figured we could begin around June 12th13:06
jelknersince you will all be finished with your West African exams by then, yes?13:06
jelknerlet's try to create a plan now13:07
jelknerfkoikoi will be responsible for coordinating the activity for you all13:08
jelknersince she is our full time assistant13:08
jelknerfkoikoi, can we start on June 12th?13:08
dcammueOkay Jeff thanks for the great idea, and I am willing to work with you.13:08
jelknersuper, dcammue, but please coordinate with fkoikoi 13:09
jelkneri'll work directly with her13:09
jelknerto keep me from having to send many many messages13:09
jelknerand she will communicate with everyone else13:09
svayesounds great13:09
jelknerwould you all be available for 30 minutes each day at 1 pm beginning June 12?13:10
fkoikoisure Jeff, we can start on June 12 if everyone will be ready or available by that time13:10
jelkneroops, i mean 12 pm13:10
jelknermy day at work begins a 8 am my time13:11
jelkneri come in early13:11
jelknerso i can meet with you for 30 minutes each day between 7 and 7:30 am my time13:11
jelkner12 to 12:30 pm your time13:11
jelknerwe can discuss goals and answer questions each day13:11
jelknerlater in the day, since he'll still be asleep when we meet ;-)13:12
janetI really want to work as well, but i still dont have a laptop13:12
jelkneryou can ask shmohamud for help as well13:12
jelknerscooper: why doesn't janet have a laptop?13:12
scooperhuge question Jeff13:13
scooperJanet told me that her was computer was stolen......13:13
jelknerjanet: i'll you what i said to gabriel13:14
jelknerhe has been messaging me asking to join the group13:14
scooperThe only alternative I give her is for Janet to visit the lab and study........13:14
jelkneri told him it's not my decision in the first place13:14
jelknerbut i recommended to him that he show up in the lab each day to study13:14
jelknerand show you all what he can do13:14
jelknerand how serious he is13:15
jelknerthen he could have a good chance to "earn a place"13:15
jelknerjanet their are machines in the lab13:15
jelknerthat are safe and will be available to you13:15
jelknerscooper: you have budgeted to help janet with the cost of transportation, yes?13:16
jelknersince she comes from farther away13:16
jelknerjanet: that's your plan then13:16
jelknerif you are serious, you need to get into the lab13:16
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jelkneri understand during the school year that may be hard13:16
jelknersince your school is further away from the mcss office13:17
jelknerbut during your time off, you should do that13:17
jelknerjanet, one more thing13:17
jelkneri promise to bring you a little laptop when i come next Summer13:17
jelknerok, i think we have a plan13:18
jelknerfkoikoi here's how you can help now13:18
janetI understand I will do what I can to be in the lab13:18
jelknergreat, janet, thanks!13:18
janetThanks Jeff13:18
jelknerfkoikoi: here's how you can help now13:18
jelknerwork with scooper to start reading the book13:19
jelknerif you two are ahead of the rest, you can help guide them13:19
jelknershmohamud and i help you and scooper, and you two help teach everyone else13:19
jelknerso anything else before we end the meeting today?13:20
fkoikoiyes Jeff13:20
dcammueyes, can I ask?13:20
jelknerplease, dcammue 13:20
dcammueHow long the python program study will last for?13:21
jelknergreat question, dcammue 13:22
jelknerhere's my honest answer: Years!13:22
jelknerlet me explain13:22
jelknerby telling you a quick story13:22
jelknerNOVA Web Development has a customer13:22
jelknerfor which we built a custom web application13:22
jelkneri want the coop we start in Monrovia to take over that customer13:23
jelknerbut that will take years13:23
jelknerso we will start13:23
jelkneron june 1213:23
jelknerwe will move as fast as you are able13:23
jelknerwhen i go back to school in august13:23
jelkneri won't be avaible every day any more13:23
jelkneri will be available most days between june 12 and around august 613:24
jelknerother questions?13:25
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dcammueAre we going to start right after the end of our exam with the website?13:26
jelknerfkoikoi and scooper will start now13:27
jelkneryou can all start today right after this meeting if you want to13:27
jelknerremember, we are a learning community13:27
jelkneryou should all study whenever you can13:28
jelknerand help each other learn13:28
dcammueACTION done13:28
jelknernot everyone will be at the same place at the same time13:28
jelknerthat would not be good13:28
jelknerbecause then we would only move at the pace of the slowest person13:28
jelknerpeople who can move fast, should move fast!13:28
jelknerthey can help bring others along later13:28
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jelknerany other questions?13:29
fkoikoiI have something to say Jeff13:29
jelknerplease, fkoikoi 13:29
fkoikoibut it is not a question13:29
jelknerthe meeting is yours fkoikoi 13:29
jelknerACTION done13:29
fkoikoiThanks so much for such a wonderful opportunity. Reading the book, Practicing and Understanding it will really help me improve my study at Uopeople since I will be starting python (programming fundamentals) next term.13:30
jelknerit will totally prepare you, fkoikoi 13:30
fkoikoiand will also help my colleague improve their programming skills 13:31
fkoikoiIt is our pleasure working with you, shmohamud and the rest of the team13:33
jelknerwe are very fortunate to have shmohamud with us!13:33
shmohamudThanks for your kind words fkoikoi13:33
fkoikoiACTION done13:34
jelknerfkoikoi: unless there is anything else, you should close the meeting so folks can get to learning!13:34
fkoikoithere is nothing to say again Jeff13:35
jelknerlet's close the meeting13:35
jelknerthanks everyone!13:35
jelknersee you all next Saturday13:35
fkoikoiThank you Jeff13:35
shmohamudSee you all next Saturday13:35
scooperBy God grace 13:35
dcammuethanks Jeff13:36
fkoikoiHave a nice day Jeff and shmohamud 13:36
dcammueTell the family good day13:36
janetTake care everyone13:36
scooperThanks fkoikoi for taking the lead today, it's pleasure working with you....13:36
scooperand there other13:37
fkoikoiit's my pleasure working with you too scooper 13:37
jelknerACTION logs off for the day13:38
shmohamudACTION logs off for the day13:38
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