IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-05-26

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jelknerGood day, fkoikoi and tmickelson!12:43
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:43
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jelknerfkoikoi, i'm reading the irc logs from yesterday12:46
jelknervery interesting discussion12:46
jelknerlearning to program is *hard*!12:47
jelknerthe first language, at least12:47
jelkneronce you learn one programming language, the second one is *so much easier*!12:47
jelknerafter that, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. become something you can do i a few weeks12:48
fkoikoisure Jeff, That's the same thing shmohamud said yesterday12:48
jelknerthe first one, could take a loooong time12:48
jelkneryes, because we both know what we are talking about ;-)12:48
jelknerPython is the best first language12:49
jelknerso we should focus on that12:49
jelknerfkoikoi, how are your git skills coming along?12:49
jelknerthe reason i am asking is that as your python questions become more complex, we will need to share code some other way besides pasting it here12:50
jelkneri want us to learn to use git to communicate12:51
fkoikoiso are you saying that I should focus on git too12:51
fkoikoialright 12:51
jelknerthe reason i am saying that is because irc and git are going to be the ways we communicate12:52
jelknerabout python and programming12:52
jelknertmickelson can help with git training12:53
fkoikoiSpencer and tmickelson was helping me out with git12:53
jelknerwe only have a few weeks left until the end of school here12:53
jelknerdo you have a clone of our shared PythonStudy repo?12:54
fkoikoiWelcome back tmickelson12:55
jelknerWe are all students and we are all teachers, fkoikoi 12:55
jelknerright now, tmickelson will be learning from thehedgeh0g how to set up a git server12:55
jelknerlike thehedgeh0g did for us12:56
jelknerso tmickelson will manage git.gctaa.net12:56
jelkner*and* git.mcssliberia.org12:56
jelknerthat's the plan12:56
fkoikoiJeff, please give me 2minutes, I want to restart my computer. I am noticing something on my screen12:56
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fkoikoiI'm back13:03
scoopergood morning Shmohamud13:09
scooperGood morning Jeff, Aaron and tmickelson13:10
jelknerHello, scooper!13:14
jelknerSahnun isn't here yet.13:14
thehedgeh0ggood morning, scooper13:14
jelknerBut fkoikoi and i have been chatting13:14
jelkneri read the log from yesterday13:14
jelknervery interesting discussion13:14
scooperHow are you doing Aaron??13:15
scooperbeen a while now, hope you are doing good???13:15
thehedgeh0gI'm doing well, scooper. How are you, and how are your projects coming?13:18
scooperIt's connecting gradually by God grace....13:19
scooperare you in the mood for us to chat for few minutes concerning the MCSS domain name which will expired by July 2023???13:21
scoopertmickelson is there any lesson for us today????13:24
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tmickelsonhello scooper 13:29
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tmickelsonscooper, did you reciece an email from adrian about transfering control of the domain13:32
jelknerfkoikoi, i just sent you an email (along with Spencer and Sahunun)13:35
jelknercould you please confirm that you received it?13:35
jelkneri sent it to your novawebdevelopment email address, fkoikoi 13:36
fkoikoiokay, let me check13:39
scooperI m just from the supe office let me check my email Jeff13:40
fkoikoiI receive you mail Jeff13:41
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi 13:41
jelknershmohamud, i'm chatting with fkoikoi about an email i just sent13:42
jelknerwith a proposal13:42
jelknershmohamud, you and i can talk more about it tomorrow at 7:30 am over breakfast ;-)13:42
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:42
jelkner!add Discuss Jeff's proposal for a Summer study13:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss Jeff's proposal for a Summer study" has been added to the agenda.13:43
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:43
LittleWebsterDiscuss Jeff's proposal for a Summer study (added by jelkner)13:43
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scooperJeff I received the mail you send a minutes ago. Thanks13:44
jelknergreat, scooper 13:44
jelkneri just added discussion of it to our agenda for tomorrow13:44
scooperwow great13:44
fkoikoiJeff, should I respond to you through my novawebdevelopment mail?13:45
scooper+1 freena13:45
shmohamudjelkner: sounds good :)13:46
tmickelsonscooper, did you reciece an email from adrian about transfering control of the domain13:48
scooperexcept I checking my gmail but nothing like that in my novaweb mail13:55
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tmickelsonthe email that your namecheap account is set up with14:01
tmickelsonscooper ^14:01
tmickelsonACTION leaves14:01
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shmohamudgood day spencer and freena14:02
scoopergood morning shmohamud14:02
shmohamudscooper, how far in the py4e curriculum are you? I'm thinking about working through lists today but don't want to waste your time14:03
scooperJeff not yet concerning the mail you asked about14:03
scooperI have a little knowledge on list in python, so testing me will prove to me if I m getting better14:04
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud14:04
scooperso go ahead shmohamud14:04
shmohamudok, freena, how familiar are you with lists in python?14:05
scoopershmohamud the question you threw at me yesterday was a list related question14:06
shmohamudyes you printed out names from a list14:07
shmohamudscooper, are lists mutable?14:07
scooperyes it's14:08
shmohamudwhat's one data type that's immutable in python?14:08
scoopertuple, diction ans set 14:08
shmohamudare you sure dicts are immutable?14:09
fkoikoiThe one I have here is a LibreOffice impress (power point) document which talks about strings14:09
shmohamudand sets14:10
shmohamudyes, strings are immutable, dicts and sets are mutable.14:10
shmohamudCan you explain in your own words, what does mutable mean scooper and freena?14:10
scooperdictionary have keys and value parts so I think they are immutable14:11
scooperwhat a value can be replace with another value14:11
shmohamudlet's take a step back, what does it mean to say a data structure is immutable?14:11
shmohamudok, good answer scooper. Mutable means we can change a value of it without creating a new variable14:12
shmohamudscooper can you write me an example of a dict with three names as keys and three ages as values?14:12
shmohamudfreena, can you write me a list of three different fruits14:13
scooperhope I follow the instruction14:17
scooperemployee_bio = {"Spencer": 2, "Shmohamud" : 3, "Jeff": 4}14:17
fkoikoimy_fruits = ["orange, grape, lemon"]14:18
shmohamudperfect, both of you. I didn't ask you to print but that's a bonus :)14:19
shmohamudSo scooper, mutate the dict so shmohamud's age is 3014:19
shmohamudfkoikoi, mutate the list so that the first value is "apple"14:19
shmohamudshow me how to do that programmatically, not by editing the data directly14:20
shmohamudshould be one line of code each14:20
fkoikoimy_fruits = ["apple, grape, lemon"]14:23
shmohamudfkoikoi, can you do it by replacing the 0 index fruit with another fruit? Not by editing it directly14:24
shmohamudusing code, have you ever mutated a list?14:24
shmohamudok, let me demonstrate14:25
shmohamudfruits[0] = "mango"14:26
scooperThe is a little problem shmohamud14:26
scooperemployee_bio = {"Spencer": 2, "shmohamud" : 30, "Jeff": 4}14:26
scooperfor value in employee_bio:14:26
scooper    print("shmohamud")14:26
shmohamudmy_fruits[0] = "mango"14:26
scooperplease hold on let me try again14:27
shmohamudok, try again14:27
shmohamudfreena, do you see how I just add brackets, place the index I want to modify the element at, and set it equal to the new value?14:28
shmohamudok so here's a list. heroes = ["batman", "superman", "wonder woman"]14:29
shmohamudcan you write me a line of code that will change superman to "thor" ?14:29
fkoikoilet me try14:30
shmohamudif not, we will review how to index a list :)14:30
scooperemployee_bio = {"Spencer": 2, "shmohamud" : 30, "Jeff": 4}14:32
scooperfor value in employee_bio:14:32
scooper    print("shmohamud")14:32
scooper    14:32
scoopernot working14:32
scooperit printing shmohamud out three times14:33
shmohamudthat's because you're printing "shmohamud" not the value. But even then, we don't need to loop through this list to mutate one key!14:33
shmohamuddo you know how to mutate a dict using one line of code?14:34
scooperIf I print the variable it will print all14:34
scooperprint the value will print everything that is in the dictionary14:34
shmohamudRemember the question: mutate the dict so the key "shmohamud" changes from age 3 to 3014:35
scooperthe question was print 3014:35
shmohamudnope, not the question. The question was to simply mutate the dict so "shmohamud" would have a changed value of 30. Are you familiar with mutating dicts programmatically?14:35
scoopershmohamud dictionary are keys and values pairs can it work that way??14:36
shmohamudyes dicts are keys and values, and they can be mutated! You just have to specify the key you want to mutate instead of the index like a list. Does that make sense?14:36
scooperI Can't do it for now14:38
scooperI will need your help14:38
shmohamudThat's fine! Let's discuss.14:38
shmohamudSo, the question was how to mutate the dict to set shmohamud's age to 3014:38
shmohamudemployee_ages = {spencer: 2, shmohamud: 3, "jeff":4}14:39
shmohamudto mutate shmohamud to be 30, we use the following syntax:14:39
shmohamudemployee_ages["key"] = New Value14:39
shmohamudemployee_ages["shmohamud"] = 3014:39
shmohamudnow shmohamud should have an age of 30. Can you try it on your system and let me know if that works?14:40
shmohamudfreena, how're you doing on mutating "superman" to "thor"?14:41
fkoikoiheroes = ["batman", "superman", "wonder woman"]14:42
fkoikoiheroes[1] = "thor"14:42
shmohamudfkoikoi, you've done it. Great job! :)14:42
shmohamudway to find the correct index and modify it to the proper value. Not an easy task!14:42
shmohamudfkokoi, do you hav experience modifying dicts?14:43
shmohamudok, do you know what a dict is?14:43
shmohamudas scooper said, it's a collection of keys and values.14:44
shmohamudNormally we have variables that can hold one value.14:44
shmohamudfruit = "apple"14:45
shmohamudcollections are variables that store multiple values, like lists and dicts14:45
shmohamudfruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]14:45
shmohamudemployee_ages = { "scooper":1, "shmohamud":2, "jelkner":3 }14:46
scooperemployee_ages = {"spencer": 2, "shmohamud" : 3, "jeff" : 4}14:47
scooperemployee_ages ["shmohamud"] =3014:47
scooper    14:47
shmohamudas you can see, dicts are powerful because they have keys and values, and unlike a list which is stored sequentially in memory, dicts let us access values more quickly in many instances14:47
shmohamudscooper, great job! Looks perfect. Did you notice how the value for shmohamud changed?14:47
scooperI did understand the question right14:48
scooperbut while write the code you give me the concept came in14:49
scoopercalled updating a variable 14:49
shmohamudyes, you were updating the employee_ages dict14:49
shmohamudfew quick questions about lists14:50
shmohamudwhat values are allowed in a list?14:50
shmohamudwait did you have a question fkoikoi?14:51
fkoikoiyes but will ask later14:51
shmohamudno please ask now, we can do this other stuff later14:51
fkoikoilet me try to answer your question first14:52
fkoikoiStrings and objects which are written in a brackets []14:54
shmohamudgood, anything else can be stored in a list?14:55
shmohamudanything else ?14:56
fkoikoiintegers 14:56
shmohamudgood good, anything else?14:57
fkoikoithat's all I know about14:57
shmohamudok, scooper, would you like to help here?14:57
shmohamudWhat can be stored in a python list?14:57
scooperwith what programmer???14:57
scoopermix data type can be store in a list14:58
shmohamudlol with an answer to: What can be stored in a list?14:58
shmohamudgood good. So I'm pushing you guys because the answer is: Any python object!14:58
scooperlike, string, integer, float, 14:59
shmohamudints, strings, floats, dicts, even other lists14:59
shmohamudlists are able to hold them all, an equal opportunity data structure~14:59
fkoikoiwhat do you mean by "even other lists?14:59
scoopermean 15:00
scooperhaving list store in another list15:00
shmohamudscooper can you write us an example of a list storing another list?15:00
shmohamudplease do15:00
shmohamudafter that, I want you to tell me how to access the "batman" in this list of lists: 15:03
scooperlist = ["spencer", "freena", [1,2,3,]]15:04
shmohamudsuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman, wonder woman"]]15:04
shmohamudgreat job spencer, exactly right. Now can you write me a line that will print out "superman" from my above superheroes? This is a challenge question :D15:05
shmohamudfreena feel free to try too, since you got the index correct earlier this is one step deeper15:05
scooperI you asking me???15:06
shmohamudI'm asking both of you. I made one typo though15:06
shmohamudsuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]] 15:07
shmohamudcan you write a line of code that prints out "superman" ?15:07
scooperok consider it a deal15:07
scoopersuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]]15:09
shmohamudok, good attempt, but did I ask to print "batman" or "superman" ?15:09
scooperyou said batman15:09
shmohamudwe have logs ... :D15:10
scooperit's not a problem i can give you that still15:10
scooperonce I m dealing with index15:10
shmohamudOk, go for it!15:10
shmohamudremember this is a challenge question so if you don't get it, it's fine, this will be a learning experience15:10
fkoikoisuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]]15:13
fkoikoiprint(superheroes[2] [0]) 15:13
shmohamudwell done fkoikoi!!!!15:14
shmohamudSpencer, were you thinking along the same lines?15:14
scoopersuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]]15:15
scooperit challenging now15:15
scooperbut way a little while15:15
scooperthe question say I should print superman right15:15
shmohamudDo you see how freena broke the problem down, and first indexed the array, and then added the index for "superman"?15:16
shmohamudan array is another word for list *15:18
scoopersuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]]15:19
scooper        15:19
shmohamudremember this is a list of lists, so to access the child list, we have to use at least two indices 15:20
shmohamuddoes that make sense?15:20
sysadmin_Oh freena you did extremely well15:22
sysadmin_you have a cold bottle of soft drink on me15:23
fkoikoi_Wow, thanks scooper15:23
shmohamudI love it :) 15:23
shmohamudbut spencer, do you want to walk through how she did it now?15:23
sysadmin_I m super proud of what she did15:23
shmohamudMe too! I'm impressed.15:23
sysadmin_I know what she did15:23
shmohamudOk, do you care to explain or would you like another similar challenge question?15:24
sysadmin_I can explain it15:24
sysadmin_first the question is nested like15:25
sysadmin_and list have an index number which start from zero when coming from the left side15:25
sysadmin_and negative value when counting from the right side15:25
sysadmin_since we are having a list nested in another list15:26
sysadmin_the entire list will be treated as one whole list in terms of their number position15:27
sysadmin_so freena checking the list from zero to two15:27
sysadmin_the second list that was nested have an index value of two15:28
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sysadmin_Am I still connected??15:28
shmohamudI'm following 15:29
sysadmin_looking at the index of two which have a value of "superman", "wonder woman"15:29
sysadmin_will not be called with a zero index value15:30
sysadmin_when counting the second nested value, will now start from zero which happen to be "superman" index in the nested list15:31
shmohamudbingo. You've got it!15:31
shmohamudfirst, she accessed the index of the list ["superman", "wonder woman"]15:31
shmohamudsecond, she accessed the "superman" which is at index zero15:32
shmohamudWe've had a great session today, what do you guys think?15:32
sysadmin_Yes it was.... What I notice here is that every day is interesting and challenging.......15:32
shmohamudThat's really good to hear spencer, I'm keeping you guys on your toes, that's how you grow!15:33
shmohamudAre there any further questions before we call it a day?15:33
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sysadmin_No from end but before you leave, can you please tell me as a programming what can you do if you feel reluntant about coding that will reenergize you???15:35
shmohamudSpencer, I still feel that way all the time, especially when I was just starting out because it takes so much mental energy15:36
shmohamudThe way I stay productive is by working on a problem until I'm not making any progress, 10-20 minutes at a time, and then take a 5 minute break and let my mind wander15:37
shmohamudI also have a secret weapon against feeling low energy and tired: splash cold water on the face. It wakes me up15:37
sysadmin_hahaha that is one of my technique too especially at night15:38
shmohamudWhen you feel reluctant, remember it's natural to feel that way, because we're working through very challenging information. Be kind to yourself.15:38
shmohamudIt's a good trick right? :D15:38
shmohamudkeep using that trick, and break up your study sessions into blocks, usually no more than 30m at a time unless we're doing class like now15:39
shmohamudFreena, you had a question too?15:39
fkoikoi_What is the difference between a list and a loop? Can you also remove items from a list?15:39
shmohamudspencer, would you like to assist here?15:40
shmohamudHow would you explain the difference?15:40
scooperWhen I feel reluctant.... I think about someone like, Jeff, shmohamud and my family and really believe in me that I can do this..15:40
scooperooh list and loop15:40
shmohamudYou're motivating me all the way from there more than you know, it's a deep pleasure to be on this journey with you.15:41
scoopera list is a data type that store multiple information in a single variable15:41
scooperwhy a loop navigate or goes through these value search for a particular condition15:42
shmohamudloops and lists are different concepts. You don't store information in a loop, you process information15:43
scooperin this manner freena they are not the same at all15:43
shmohamudLoops are manipulating the information, lists store multiple pieces of possibly different data types in one variable15:44
shmohamudCan we remove values from a list? Well, lists are mutable, so in python we can also delete 15:45
shmohamudusing the remove() built-in function.15:45
shmohamudreally a great question, because you don't want to mix the two concepts up. Loops operate on lists, lists do not operate on loops.15:46
shmohamudfreena try this code for more practice:15:47
shmohamudsuperheroes = ["thor", "batman", ["superman", "wonder woman"]]15:47
shmohamudReally good questions, keep them coming. Any more good questions?15:47
fkoikoi_none for now but15:49
fkoikoi_will we continue with list on Monday?15:49
shmohamudwe will continue with lists, yes. We will revisit loops and manipulating files too15:50
shmohamudscooper, any more great questions like yesterday?15:51
scooperno Programmer15:51
shmohamudhehe alright, would you guys like some homework?15:51
shmohamudscooper, write a nested list and print out one of the values, similar to what we did today15:52
shmohamudfkoikoi, write a for loop that loops through a list of names ["freena", "jeff", "spencer", "sahnun"] and prints out "Hello from Monrovia {name}"15:53
shmohamudDoes this seem good?15:53
shmohamudCool. Alright well great job today guys, remember to try and put in more study between classes so we can achieve our goal of building epic web applications :D15:56
scooperok 15:57
shmohamudYou're doing great, keep up the good work.15:57
shmohamudHave a great rest of the day :)15:57
fkoikoi_Thanks shmohamud15:57
shmohamudyou're welcome :D15:57
fkoikoi_alright 15:58
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