IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-06-02

*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)00:01
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fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:55
jelknerGood afternoon, fkoikoi!13:25
jelknerfkoikoi, is scooper around?13:27
jelkneri was hoping to chat with the two of you13:29
jelknerfkoikoi, are you here?13:40
fkoikoiI'm here Jeff13:41
fkoikoiSpencer is here too13:41
scooperGood morning Jeff13:41
jelknerGood afternoon, scooper13:42
jelknerGlad you could make it.13:42
jelknerWe need to talk planning13:43
scooperI m here Jeff13:43
scooperSahnun is not well13:43
jelkneryes, he told me13:43
scooperok you are update sir13:43
jelkneri am13:43
jelkneri sent the email to the Supe this morning13:44
scooperok did you cc me too???13:44
jelknerof course13:44
scooperThanks I will check after our discussion here13:44
jelknertmickelson will not be available during this time any more13:45
jelkneruntil next school year13:45
scooperWhen will next school year begin???13:45
jelknerAugust 28th13:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:46
LittleWebsterResume discussion of Summer plan and schedule (added by jelkner)13:46
jelknerscooper, this will be the last Saturday before the rest of the team is available, yes?13:47
scooperOK wonderful13:47
jelknerthey finish June 613:47
jelknerfkoikoi, do you need me to fill in for Sahnun in terms of Python help?13:48
jelkneri really want to get you using our git repo13:49
scooper+1 you can Jeff13:49
jelknerso what do you need?13:49
scooperI will be glad if you do that for us today13:49
fkoikoisure 13:49
jelkneri still have students13:49
jelknerall day13:49
jelknerbut they are working on their final projects13:49
scooperFirstly how long do have here13:49
jelkneri don't understand13:50
jelkneri have 10 minutes until the next class arrives13:50
scooperFirstly how long do you intend of being here with us13:50
scooperFor today13:50
jelknerscooper, i am here until 3 pm my time (8 pm your time)13:50
jelknerbut i have students13:51
jelknerso there will be frequent interruptions13:51
jelknerthat makes it challenging13:51
scooperIf that is the case I advise we practice what sahnun left with us13:51
jelknerso it does provide us with an opportunity to practice more asynchronous style of communication13:51
jelknerwhat is that?13:52
jelkneri want to teach you to use our git server as a tool13:52
scoopergreat idea Jeff13:52
jelknerso we need an assignment problem you want to work on13:52
jelknerdid Sahnun give you any?13:53
scooperThat mean we should post our question there right13:53
fkoikoiyes he did13:53
jelknerhmmm, we have a difference of opinion here ;-)13:53
jelknerfkoikoi, since you are saying yes, what is it?13:53
scoopermine is not a home work13:54
jelknerlet me try to clarify what i am asking13:54
scooperbut I was told by practice deeper in dictionary13:54
scooper*shanun 13:55
fkoikoiIt is an assignment in the form of a presentation. We were ask to read on the methods of dictionary13:55
jelkneri asked if you would help me "test" this book13:55
jelknerit has *lots* of exercises13:55
jelknerif you are working on dictionaries, that would be chapter 613:56
scooperI just click the link13:56
jelknerLook at the exercise sets at the bottom13:57
jelknerlots of practice13:57
jelknerand i would be happy to add more13:57
jelknerthat's what i am hoping you will help me test13:57
jelknerthe place to start is with Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review13:57
jelknerSo now lets talk about process14:00
jelknerfkoikoi, do you have a clone of our PythonStudy git repo?14:00
scooperWhy are  you saying no?? freena14:01
jelknerscooper, my students are here and i have to take attendance and talk to them14:03
scooperOK Jeff14:03
jelknerbut they are working on projects, so i can stay here, its just that i will come and go14:03
scooperWe are here 14:03
jelknercan you help fkoikoi clone the PythonStudy repo?14:03
scoopertill you ask us to leave14:03
jelkneri want her to have it on the computer where she is working14:03
scooperJeff freena know how to clone already14:04
scooperbut if she forget I will assist14:04
jelknerfkoikoi, let me know when you are ready14:06
fkoikoiI'm ready14:06
jelknergreat, fkoikoi 14:19
jelknerchange into the directory (cd PythonStudy)14:20
jelknerare you here, fkoikoi?14:20
fkoikoiI'm here14:20
fkoikoiI firstly created a directory called "PythonStudy"14:21
jelknerwhen you clone the repo, you will get a directory with that name14:23
jelknergit clone
jelknerno i wan to clone with ssh, *not* https14:23
jelknerotherwise i'll have to enter my password every time i make a commit14:24
jelknergit clone
jelkneryes, scooper?14:24
scoopercloning with https only ask you once for a password14:24
jelknerwell, if it works, then fine14:25
scooper+1 if it's your first time pushing the repo14:25
jelkneri'll have to try that14:25
scooperbut I could mine learning ssh from you14:26
jelknersince i always use ssh14:26
jelknerwe can use ssh for remote login14:26
jelknerif we don't need it here14:26
jelknerACTION deletes his PythonStudy repo to try recloning with https14:26
jelknerok, fkoikoi are you in the repo directory?14:28
jelknerPythonStudy ?14:28
jelknerok, i'm going to make a new directory for our excersies14:31
scooperFreena did you noticed the pushing I did few second ago???14:33
scooperTo python-team/PythonStudy"14:34
fkoikoiI didn't notice it Jeff14:35
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: No route to host)14:38
fkoikoiJeff, I just clone my PythonStudy repo14:40
scooperls on the repos14:41
scooperand tell me what you see14:42
scoopercd in the Python14:42
scooperafter you have cd in to "Python" directory.. ls and tell me what you see14:43
fkoikoiin the Python directory, I have another directory called "PythonStudy"14:45
jelknerour Internet went down14:49
jelkneri'm back14:50
fkoikoi_there is another directory called "Python" and its empty14:50
jelkneryou made it?14:50
fkoikoi_Am I the one you are asking Jeff?14:50
sysadmin_is it the name of the folder/directory you just created????14:50
jelkneri don't see a Python directory14:50
sysadmin_all I should come over to your computer freena???14:51
sysadmin_Freena have push it yet14:51
sysadmin_Freena have not yet push the directory she created14:51
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:53
sysadmin_Great I just saw it14:53
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:53
jelknerok, let me try to finish this next step ;-)14:56
jelkneri'm going to create a new subdirectory14:56
jelknermkdir -p bpp4awd/ch0614:58
jelknerdon't do that14:58
jelkneri will14:58
jelknerthen i cd into that directory14:58
jelknerand since this exercise set asks questions, but create a markdown file14:59
jelknervi exset0.md14:59
jelknergit add .15:00
jelknergit commit -m "Add file with bpp4awd ch6 exercise set 0 solutions"15:01
jelknergit push15:01
jelknerLOL asking me for password15:01
fkoikoi_Yes, I was also ask for password when i try pushing my directory into my git account15:02
jelknerscooper says next time we won't15:03
jelknerfkoikoi_, try git pull now15:03
fkoikoi_okay jeff15:04
jelknerdo you see what i did?15:04
sysadmin_I m back 15:12
scooperis there any stuff for me???15:12
jelknerscooper, we're working through this process15:16
jelknerbut i'm in class15:16
jelknerand my students have a lot of questions15:17
jelknerso i keep having to switch tasks ;-)15:18
scooperok copy that Jeff15:18
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:19
jelknerfkoikoi_, still here?15:30
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:31
*** janet has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:31
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:26

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