IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-06-03

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jelknerGood afternoon scooper and mulbah!12:47
scooperGood morning Jeff12:47
mulbahGood morning jef12:48
scooperhow are you doing this morning12:48
jelknerready to plan, scooper 12:48
mulbahHow you and your family doing jeff12:48
scoopersorry for not replying to your mail yesterday12:48
jelknerbtw. https won't work for me12:48
jelkneri have to enter my password each time12:49
scooperBut I when thought it12:49
jelkneri think it is because i'm using the cli12:49
jelkneryou must be using vscode?12:49
scooperbut way12:49
jelkneri don't use any gui tools12:49
jelknerjust cli12:49
scooperI try it but it only asked me for user name and password once12:50
jelknerfrom the cli?12:50
scooperand vscode too12:50
jelkneranyway, i'll ask my friend matt about that12:50
jelknerbut for now, i will continue to use ssh12:50
jelknerwhich always works12:50
scoopervscode work12:51
scoopercli work too12:51
jelkneri hear you12:51
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:51
jelknerbut not for me12:51
scoopersound strange.....12:51
jelknernot at all12:51
jelknerif it works, it means your "secrets" are being stored somewhere12:52
jelknersince we don't know where they are being stored, i can't predict the behavior12:52
jelknerwith ssh, i understand the process12:52
jelkner1. you put your public key on the server12:53
jelkner2. you have your private key12:53
jelknerauthentication is confirmed using "private key cryptography"12:53
jelkneranyway, i'll stick to that12:53
jelknerbut if it's working for you, keep doing https12:53
scooperWhen I first clone a directory from the remote server12:54
jelknerwhen i teach students, i'll tell them about ssh, since i can reliably reproduce the behavior i want12:54
scooperand add folder or files when pushing for the first time12:54
scooperIt when I being asked for user credentials12:55
scooperafter ward I don't experience addition request for user credentials12:55
dcammueGood day to you Jeff.12:56
tboimahGood day Jeff12:56
jelknerGood afternoon all!12:59
scooperGood morning Jeff12:59
LittleWebstertboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : jelkner : mulbah : janet : fkoikoi : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterResume discussion of Summer plan and schedule (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerGreat, let's get started13:00
dcammueGood morning Jeff13:00
jelkneryou are all near the end of your exams, yes?13:00
jelknernext Saturday, you'll be graduates!13:00
jelkneris that true?13:00
jelkneri hope the exams are going well for everyone13:01
tboimahyeah thanks God13:01
jelknerso, we only have one agenda item this morning13:01
jelknerfinishing our discussion of our Summer plan13:01
jelknerwhich begins next week13:01
jelknermy last day at work for this school year is June 1613:02
jelknermy wife and i will be traveling from June 17 to June 2313:03
jelkneri begin teaching a Summer class at the community college on June 2613:03
jelknerthe PRIME interns begin working with me July 1013:03
jelknerand I start back at APS for the new school year on August 1713:04
jelknerso we need to plan what we are going to do between now and August 1713:04
jelknerwe will need a new plan once the school year starts13:04
jelknerthere are two main questions to answer:13:05
scooperIf you done kindly allow me to submit my view???13:05
jelknerplease, scooper 13:05
jelknerit's not my show ;-)13:05
jelknertake it away13:05
scooperFinish first Jeff13:05
jelknerok, i was going to finish with the "framing questions"13:06
jelkner1. How do we best organize our human resources (ourselves, in other words), so that we can increase our collective skills as fast as we can?13:06
jelkner2. How do we organize our time (a related, but particular question) so that we can work together?13:07
jelknerACTION done13:07
scooperThanks Jeff13:07
scooperI m in13:08
scooperFirstly by visiting the lab or increasing our time toward constant practices13:09
scooperTwo: By demonstrating what was learned from the book in the lab, since we have a whole lab to experiment with13:09
jelkner+2 ;-)13:10
jelknerscooper, let's talk in more detail about that13:11
scooperBy posting frequent question in our gitea if  we had a situation that was not resolve or solve doing our practices13:11
mulbahI think we can by spending more time to computer because we will not be in school and you helping us of the thing that will be giving us hard time and teaching us with voice not just only texting13:11
scooperLast Jeff13:11
scooperLast Jeff13:12
scooperLastly Jeff I recommend:13:12
scooperThat you ask Cole to schedule time with out Sys Admin team 13:12
scooperJust the same way Shanun is always online with us by keeping us on our toes13:13
jelknerI can ask Kevin13:13
jelkneri bet he would enjoy that13:13
scooperWill this I  strongly believe it will definitely help our Sysadmin team... before from the look of the future there is alot need to be learn and the only way13:14
jelknerscooper, the sys admin team needs to learn to use the lab as their "playground"13:15
jelkneronly when they feel comfortable doing that will they break out13:15
jelknerand move forward fast13:15
jelkneryou have *a lot* of available resources13:15
jelknerbut you need to learn to use them13:15
jelknerscooper, can we back up and talk in more detail please?13:16
jelknerabout our financial resources...13:16
jelknerit looks like APS will ask me to teach an extra class next year13:17
jelknerthat means i can keep sending $800 per month during the next school year13:17
jelknerbut, we need more than that!13:17
jelkneri want to say how happy i am with having fkoikoi at work each day!13:18
jelknerthis is now a job for her13:18
jelknerthat is our goal13:18
jelknerwe need to do the math13:18
jelknerand make our business plan13:18
jelknerhow many of you want to do what fkoikoi is doing - make this your job?13:18
jelknerhow much will that cost?13:18
jelknerhow do we work toward being able to bring in the revenue we need?13:19
jelknerwe can't answer all these questions now13:19
jelknerand the immediate steps that scooper presented are what we need to focus on now13:19
jelkneri am working on keeping nova web development going at the same time we are working in monrovia13:20
jelknerthe goal, as i have said from the beginning, is for you to develop the skills you need to take over most of the paid work that nova web development currently has13:21
jelknerthat will produce the revenue we need for a successful business in monrovia13:21
jelknerbut you need *a lot* more skills13:21
jelknerso we need to focus on getting them13:21
jelknerACTION done13:21
scoopergo ahead programmer13:23
jelknerscooper, how are you going to make do with only $800 now that everyone is graduated and looking for a job?13:23
shmohamudlol I meant I am following and thot was a helpful breakdown of questions we're facing13:23
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jelknerquestion: how many of you want to do what fkoikoi is doing - have this be your full time job at $150 per month, if we could afford it?13:25
dcammueme / me13:26
jelknerthanks, dcammue!13:26
jelkneranyone else?13:26
tboimahI'm in13:26
tboimahyes I'm in13:26
jelknerthat's 213:27
mulbahi'm in to13:27
mulbahi'm in too13:27
jelkneri just counted you, mulbah ;-)13:28
jelkneralright, we can talk about this again next week13:28
jelknerhere is why i am asking13:28
jelkneri mentioned to you earlier that i will have 5 full time interns during the month of july13:28
jelknerone of our top goals will be to get "Social Justice Computing" established as what we call in the US a 501(c)3 non-profit organization13:29
jelknerwhen we have that, we can apply for grants13:29
jelknerand ask for other folks to contribute to our effort13:29
jelknerso we need to begin to think of what are budget is13:30
jelknerso we can state clearly what we are asking for and what we intend to use it for13:30
jelknerscooper, shmohamud, and fkoikoi, this should be our job for now13:31
jelknerthe rest of the folks need to focus 100% on skills building13:31
jelknerso, last question for today - when should we hold our weekly meeting during the Summer - Saturday or Friday?13:32
scooperSaturday if it's inline with your schedule Jeff13:32
jelkneri can do either13:32
scooperSaturday for me13:33
jelknerthe only reason i'm asking is that i thought friday would be easier since MCSS is open13:33
jelknerbut if saturday works for you13:33
jelknerlet's keep saturday13:33
scooperSaturday is a quit day it MCSS13:33
jelknerit will need to be saturday after august 17 in any case13:33
jelknereveryone agree?13:33
scooperIt is opinion oooo13:34
jelknerit's unanimous13:35
jelknerwe keep meeting saturdays as usual13:35
jelknerthat means we don't need to reprogram LittleWebster13:35
jelknerthat's nice13:35
jelknerfkoikoi: can i ask you to be the chair of our meeting next week?13:36
jelknerso you need to:13:36
jelkner1. talk with scooper, shmohamud, and jelkner during the week to plan the agenda13:36
jelkner2. add items to the agenda using LittleWebster 13:37
jelkner3. lead the discussion when the meeting starts next week13:37
jelknerthose are your tasks for the coming week13:37
jelkneranything else to discuss today?13:38
fkoikoiJeff can I say something about the questions you ask when we first started the meeting?13:38
fkoikoiI think with Jeff, shmohamud, and tmickelson around we can work on our skills faster 13:40
fkoikoibecause you all are always willing and ready to share your ideas with others 13:41
jelknerkeep in mind that tmickelson may not be regularly available during the Summer13:41
jelknerthey'll be back on august 2813:41
jelknerbut we are hoping kevin cole can fill in during that time13:42
jelkneri'll ask him13:42
fkoikoiand make sure that people can learn something from you guys. if you can just have two of Jeff and shmohamud here and by us focusing on our studies and practicing more than we can move faster13:42
jelkneractually, fkoikoi, we need to constantly strive to make the learning community in Monrovia self-sustaining13:43
jelknerI have a dream that three years from now i will be asking you to mentor my students here13:44
jelknersince you will be professionals working in the business13:44
jelknerso for now, yes, we need to be available to help13:44
jelknerbut we need to teach you how to use the Internet and your own initiative to figure things out13:45
scooperLastly before fkoikoi climax13:45
jelknerthat's how it's done in thie business13:45
scooperShmohnamud, since you are a professional web developer and can please help us mentor our web team just how you consistently engage us during the course of the week???13:46
shmohamudscooper, how can I help besides what we already do?13:47
scooperNot for freena and me but we have the other, which include svaye and dcammue13:47
jelknerscooper, this is exactly what i am saying13:48
scooperWho Jeff selected to focus on web development13:48
shmohamudI'm happy to help them too. Would they join our sessions at the same time?13:48
jelknershmohamud, be mindful of your boundaries ;-)13:48
jelkneryou are a volunteer13:48
scooperdcammue can you respond on behalf of you and svaye???13:48
shmohamudI'm fine doing so :) I am mindful, I think we can take on two more during the week13:49
jelknerand we need to teach them how to help each other13:49
jelknerthe whole "learn how to learn" thing13:49
shmohamudUnderstood. I'll start leaving more resources for them to self-study13:50
scooperThanks shmohamud that will definitely help dcammue and svaye13:50
fkoikoithank you shmohamud13:50
shmohamudyou're welcome!13:50
scooperHOw are you doing now in health shmohamud???13:51
dcammuewe are willing for shmohamud to helps us monitor our web when ever we make new progress.13:51
shmohamudI still have a cough but it's getting better every day13:51
fkoikoithat's good13:52
dcammuethat will be a great appreciation to shmohamud when he helps us build more skill in our field.13:53
shmohamudyou're most welcome dcammue13:54
dcammueI say sorry to shmohamud for the cough.13:54
jelkneranything else, comrades?13:55
shmohamudthank you13:55
jelknerif there is nothing else, let's call this meeting to a close13:55
jelkneri'll be available during the week from 1:30 to 2 pm your time each day13:56
jelknersee you all next saturday13:56
scooperbefore you leave13:56
jelknerfkoikoi, let's talk during those times13:56
jelkneryes, scooper?13:57
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:57
scooperIt's possible that I have a time with Adrain13:57
scooperany time in next week???13:57
jelknerAdrian will be back in Arlington, and he is coming to my classroom at 3 pm my time (8 pm your time) on Thursday13:58
jelknerbut we are there to plan the Summer NOVA Web schedule13:58
jelknerwhy not message him?13:58
jelknerAsynchronous is best to reach hime13:58
jelkneremail or Zulip13:58
scooperI need your permission before doing so????13:58
jelknerNo, my friend13:59
jelknerI was (half) joking about being his guardian :-)13:59
jelknerthis is an important lesson13:59
jelkneryou can't exhaust your volunteers13:59
jelknerif you want them to stay around for a long time, you need to be *very* mindful of their time!14:00
jelknerAdrian is young, and didn't know how to set boundaries14:00
jelknerthat often leads to problems14:00
jelknerfrank, clear, and honest communication is the best way to handle those situations14:01
jelknerhe is available to help, and likes to help14:01
jelknerbut his time is very limited14:01
jelknerso you need to make sure you try all other means to solve your problem *before* asking him14:01
jelkneranyway, he'll be doing a Summer internship in Arlington for the Summer14:02
jelknerso send him a Zulip message14:02
jelknerHe comes back tomorrow14:02
jelkneranything else, scooper?14:03
scooperwill be send through mail.......14:03
jelkneranything else?14:04
jelknerokay everyone, see you all next saturday!14:05
shmohamudsee you all next saturday!14:05
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jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:05
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