IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-06-08

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shmohamudgood day guys13:01
mulbahGood morning shmohamud13:01
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:03
shmohamudI'm not feeling very well today so we're going to have a quick session13:04
shmohamudfkokoi can you share the homework please?13:04
fkoikoiACTION going to the restroom13:04
fkoikoiI'm back13:05
fkoikoinegative_numbers = 013:06
fkoikoifor numbers in range (-10, negative_numbers):13:06
fkoikoi    print(numbers)13:06
shmohamudgreat job fkoikoi13:07
shmohamudis scooper here?13:07
shmohamudmulbah, do you know how to declare variables in python?13:08
mulbahyeah but not too good13:08
scooperGood morning shmohamud13:09
shmohamuddeclare me a variable comrades_dict and set it equal to a dict with three key value pairs13:09
shmohamudcan you do that mulbah?13:09
shmohamudgood day scooper13:09
mulbahRight now or it is an assignment13:09
scooperhow is your dad doing now shmohamud is he back from the hospital????13:09
shmohamudright now mulbah13:10
shmohamudscooper, he is no longer in the emergency department, but he's still in the general hospital. He's getting better thankfully.13:10
scooperThank God, I m so glad to hear that Shmohamud13:11
shmohamudscooper can you share the homework please?13:11
scooper#I want you to use a for loop to display the numbers between -10 to -113:12
scooper#number = -1013:12
scooperfor numbers in range(-10, 0):13:12
scooper    numbers-=013:12
scooper    print(numbers)13:12
shmohamudscooper, good job. However, can you remove one line without affecting the output?13:13
scooperfor numbers in range(-10, 0):13:14
scooper    #numbers-=013:14
scooper    print(numbers)13:14
scooperwow didn't know it was going to work13:14
shmohamudwhat's 10 - 0?13:14
scooperthat way13:14
shmohamudsubtracting 0 doesn't change anything!13:15
scooperI understand what you mean sh13:15
shmohamudmulbah, how are you doing on comrades_dict?13:15
mulbahI'm coming13:16
mulbah# A dictionary13:17
mulbahmy_dictinary = {1: 'Tiger', 2: 'Leopard'}13:17
mulbah 13:17
mulbahprint("\n", my_dictinary, "\n")13:17
mulbah 13:17
mulbah# Adding key value pair dictionary13:17
mulbahmy_dictinary[3] = 'Jaguar'13:17
mulbah 13:17
mulbahprint("\n", my_dictinary, "\n")13:17
mulbaham I correct13:18
shmohamudI was hoping you named it comrades_dict but this looks good13:19
shmohamudit prints the dict right?13:19
shmohamudSo, back to tuples everyone13:19
shmohamudSince python does not have to build tuple structure to be modifiable, they are simpler and more efficient in terms of memory use and performance than lists13:20
shmohamudSo in our program when we are making "temporary variables" we prefer tuples over lists13:20
shmohamudWe can also put a tuple on the left-hand side of an assignment statement13:21
shmohamudwe can even omit the parentheses13:21
shmohamud(x, y) = (4, "fred")13:21
shmohamudwho can tell me what printing y would give?13:22
shmohamudhow about (a, b) = (99, 98)13:24
shmohamudwhat's a?13:25
shmohamudcorrect, great job13:25
shmohamudI want everyone to create a dict and loop through the keys and values of the dict.items() (call the items method on the dict). Then, print all the key value pairs13:26
mulbahRight now13:26
shmohamudyes, right now13:26
jelknerGood day everyone!13:30
shmohamudgood morning Jeff13:31
fkoikoiGood morning jeff13:31
jelknerfkoikoi, are you ready to tell me what a 501(c)3 is?13:31
fkoikoiJust give me a minute jeff13:31
mulbahHello jeff13:32
jelknerHello mulbah 13:32
fkoikoi_Method_on_dict = {'red': '1', 'blue': '2', 'green': '3'} 13:35
jelknerfkoikoi_, we can talk later13:36
jelkneri only have 25 minutes13:36
shmohamudOk, that's close. That will print out a list of tuples13:36
fkoikoi_alright Jeff13:36
shmohamudI asked you to loop through the key value pairs and print them as you looped through13:36
jelknerscooper, do you need me for anything?13:37
shmohamudJeff I was about to call it a day here, I'm not feeling too well13:37
jelknerif you want to call it a day now, i have time to talk to fkoikoi_ 13:37
sysadmin_displayKeys = {"Shmohamud":"instructor", "Spencer":"student","freen":"student"}13:37
shmohamudOk, I'm going to call it a day. Please complete the assignment we were working on for homework guys. We'll take a look tomorrow13:37
sysadmin_Shmohamud it a dictionary oo13:38
sysadmin_if you add the "type" to know it will tell you dictionary13:38
shmohamudI want you to loop through displayKeys.items() print the keys and values13:38
fkoikoi_Method_on_dict = {'red': '1', 'blue': '2', 'green': '3'} 13:38
fkoikoi_for keys in Method_on_dict:13:38
fkoikoi_    print(Method_on_dict.items())13:38
shmohamudwrite the code that prints the keys and values of dict.items13:38
sysadmin_got you13:38
jelknerguys, this is poor planning13:39
jelkneri now have 20 minutes13:39
sysadmin_sorry Jeff13:39
shmohamudok, I'm going to skate13:39
sysadmin_we were in between two things13:39
shmohamudHave a great rest of your day guys13:39
fkoikoi_I'm I correct shmohamud?13:39
jelkneryes, sysadmin_, that what planning involves13:39
sysadmin_\me about to talk with Jeff13:39
shmohamudclose, try again for homework and print keys and values13:39
jelkneri *only* have 30 minutes13:39
jelknerif you don't plan for that13:39
jelknerwe loose the opportunity13:40
shmohamudTake care everyone13:40
mulbahkdict.items = {"1": "Apple", "2": "Banana", 3: "Orange", None: "NA"}13:40
mulbahk print( dict.items)13:40
sysadmin_Good day Jeff13:40
shmohamudACTION logs off13:40
sysadmin_I m here now13:40
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:40
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jelknerfkoikoi_, what is a 501(c)3?13:40
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:40
jelknersysadmin_, you can answer too13:41
jelknerACTION waits for a response13:44
sysadmin_In the United States, a 501(c)(3) organization refers to a specific type of tax-exempt nonprofit organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The term "501(c)(3)" refers to the section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code that outlines the requirements for these organizations.13:45
sysadmin_501(c)(3) organizations are generally established for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, or other specified purposes. They are exempt from federal income taxes, meaning they do not have to pay taxes on their income or donations received. Additionally, donations made to 501(c)(3) organizations by individuals or corporations are often tax-deductible for the donors.13:45
jelknersysadmin_, your just pasting13:45
jelkneri want you to tell me *in your own words*13:45
jelknerand briefly13:45
jelknerso that i can get a sense of whether you understand or not13:45
fkoikoi_501(c)3 is a organization in the united state that bear interest that is free from state or federal income13:46
jelknerfkoikoi_, why does jelkner want to start one related to our project?13:46
jelknerlet me explain my motivation for asking you these questions13:47
jelknerwe have *a lot* of different things going on with our project!13:47
mulbahkit is an nonprofit organization base in the united stated13:48
jelknersince if we want to start a viable business, we need to:13:48
jelkner1. have a viable product to market13:48
jelkner2. have the skills we need to run a business13:48
sysadmin_501(C) is non profit  organizations that play a significant role in providing services, addressing social issues, promoting education, and advancing various causes in the United States.13:48
jelknerbetter, sysadmin_ 13:48
jelknerso why does jelkner think we need one of these?13:49
jelkneryou can guess if you don't feel you know13:50
sysadmin_Since it primary goal is to provide services to people, Jeff is trying to establish13:50
mulbahkand also it is the organization that we are trying for it to promote us13:50
sysadmin_this organization to help us advance ourself forwarder base on the progress we make13:50
jelknergreat, this is helpful13:51
jelknerbut all these answers are *not correct*! ;-)13:51
jelknerthat's why i wanted to have this conversation13:51
mulbahkJeff I want to us ask a question 13:51
jelknerplease, mulbahk13:51
jelknerthat would be wonderful13:51
jelknerask a question13:52
mulbahkit's on this organization13:52
jelknerwhich organization?13:52
fkoikoi_Jeff need one of these thing in order To make our project work or reach our goals and to be able to empower or provide job opportunities for people in the future to come13:53
jelknergreat, fkoikoi_, but *how* does it "make our project work"?13:53
jelknerok, since i only have 7 minutes13:53
sysadmin_should I come in13:54
jelknerlet me explain a few things before i have to go13:54
jelkneranytime you want, sysadmin_ 13:54
mulbahkThat is the same question i wanted to ask you jeff13:54
jelknerand we can type at the same time13:54
jelknergreat, mulbahk 13:54
jelknerso you understand the two big tasks i listed, yes?13:54
jelknerhave a viable product to market is 113:55
fkoikoi_It make our project work by learning the needed skills and having the able to always be ready to solve problem that we will encounter when working on our project13:55
jelknerwhat is our product?13:55
mulbahkOh! okay I understand13:55
jelknerfkoikoi_, let me check something quickly13:56
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:56
jelkneroops, fkoikoi_ 13:56
jelknerdon't forget to put items on the agenda13:56
jelknersysadmin_ can help you with that13:56
sysadmin_Our project could helping innstitition to development setting technology infrastructure without expecting something in return13:56
sysadmin_since the 501 is against interest or benefit13:56
jelknerok, since we are running out of time, let me end with a few things that will help us continue this conversation tomorrow13:57
jelknera few thoughts for tomorrow's conversation13:57
jelkner1. The *product* of the coop i am hoping to start with you in Monrovia is *Web Application Development*13:58
mulbahkso we are going to promoted by have a viable product to market and having the skills we need to run a business13:58
jelknerYou will start a business in Liberia13:58
jelknerand market your skills through that business13:58
jelknerNOVA Web Development will partner with your business13:59
jelknerSo that customers can come to NOVA Web Development looking for websites13:59
mulbahkthat sound grate13:59
jelknerand NOVA Web Development can contract with your coop to provide the development services13:59
jelknerthe 501(c)3 is something apart from all that13:59
jelknerbell rang14:00
jelknertomorrow i'll explain where that fits in to the plan14:00
sysadmin_Please be inform that Spencer and Freena had already send their UoP Progress report to you email....14:00
mulbahkOkay see you tomorrow Jeff14:00
jelknerACTION logs off for the day14:00
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*** sysadmin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:56
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