IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-06-09

*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)00:05
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:47
shmohamudHey guys, I won't be able to join you today12:54
shmohamudI am taking a bus out of town and am preparing for a trip now12:54
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:57
jelknerGood afternoon, fkoikoi!13:04
jelknerGood morning shmohamud!13:05
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff and shmohamud13:07
jelknerfkoikoi, what is happening with you and UoPeople?13:07
jelknerHave you taken any classes yet?13:08
jelknerAre you scheduled for any next term?13:08
fkoikoiregistration is still in process Jeff13:09
jelknerdid you take any classes this past term?13:09
sysadminGood morning everyone 13:09
fkoikoiI sent you a mail which contain my report for the past term13:09
jelknerGood afternoon scooper 13:10
jelknerACTION goes to look through his email13:10
scooperShmohamud how are you feeling now ????13:11
jelknerfkoikoi, I have scooper's but I don't see yours.13:12
jelknercan you tell me here which class you took?13:13
fkoikoiI sent it on your google account13:13
jelknerand which one you will have next term?13:13
jelkneroh, that's why13:13
jelknerACTION goes to look at his google account13:13
*** shmohamud has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:13
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:21
jelknerscooper, is Signal the best way for us to talk?13:21
scooperright now???13:22
jelknerscooper, are you here?13:38
jelknerfkoikoi, are you?13:38
jelknersysadmin_, you're back13:40
jelknerno, let's not try that13:40
jelknertoo frustrating13:40
sysadmin_I m calling you13:40
jelkneryes, please don't13:40
jelkneri'm not picking up, sysadmin_ 13:40
jelknerhand up13:40
jelknerhang up13:40
sysadmin_meaning I not right13:41
sysadmin_I just aborted the call13:41
jelknerit is too frustrating to try to use voice13:41
jelknerit's not effective13:41
sysadmin_Sorry for the interruption, we had a power shortage not too long13:41
jelkneryes, i understand13:41
jelknerno problem, my friend, chat is better13:41
jelknerwhen you disconnect here, i know it *immediately*13:42
jelknerwhat's even better, LittleWebster records what i type13:42
jelknerso you can look back in the log to see what you missed13:42
sysadmin_OK I dong Introduction to Statistics at UoPeople this term 13:42
sysadmin_MATH 128013:42
sysadmin_why freena is doing "Python"13:43
jelknerMATH 1280 Introduction to Statistics13:44
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:45
jelknerThat's the one fkoikoi_ is taking13:45
jelknersysadmin_, when does it start?13:46
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:46
sysadmin_On the 15 of this month13:46
jelknerfkoikoi_, i can help you with this course the most13:46
sysadmin_and end of the 10 of August13:47
jelknerso prepare to work hard on it!13:47
jelknerthis is the book you'll be using13:47
jelknerif you look here:13:48
fkoikoi_I already have it 13:48
jelkneryou'll see my name13:48
sysadmin_that is the book, you name was even mentioned in it13:48
sysadmin_*your name13:48
jelknerthis book has had a big impact on my life13:48
sysadmin_and you have had a big impact in my life too Jeff13:49
jelkneri translated Allen Downey's original Java version of this book into Python13:49
jelknerAllen learned Python from reading his own book ;-)13:49
jelkneranyway, i'm currently working on my own remix13:50
jelknerAlso, Dr. Chuck made his book by remixing this one13:50
jelknerok, we'll come back to this13:50
jelknerlet's talk about our plan for tomorrow13:51
jelknerand sysadmin_, i want to respond to your comments about reading IRS documents.13:51
jelkner*Don't* do that!13:51
jelknerit will take a long while for us to understand all this13:52
jelknerand you will need to help me understand how things work in Liberia13:52
jelknersince we are going to be doing business together, we need to understand *both*13:52
jelknerLiberia and US rules13:52
scooperBut from the little concept gain while reading Internal Revenue Services docs13:52
jelknerbasically, when you hear IRS, think taxes13:53
jelknernow, what i want you to understand is why i'm trying to start a 501(c)3 organization13:53
jelknerthat's the main thing i am hoping you'll understand at this point13:53
jelknerok, right now, earn a salary from Arlington Public Schools (APS), and I pay taxes on that salary13:54
scooperIs to grow the group in liberia in term of knowledge in programming that will help reducing the unemployment rate...13:54
jelkneryes, but let's talk much more concretely and specifically13:55
jelkneri pay taxes13:55
jelkneri even pay taxes on the $800 i'm sending you each month13:55
jelknerbut since that $800 can be described as a "charitable contribution", i shouldn't have to pay taxes on it13:56
jelknerbut if i send it to you, i have to pay taxes13:56
jelknerhowever, if i send it to a 501(c)3 organization, i don't have to pay taxes13:56
jelknerif i could send it to a 501(c)3 organization named Social Justice Computing13:57
jelknerand Social Justice Computing sent it to you13:57
jelknerthen it would legally be a tax-deductible contribution13:57
jelknereven more importantly13:58
jelknerthere are grants that other people would like to give to help our project13:58
jelknerwe have an excellent project13:58
jelknerwe are helping Liberia develop13:58
jelknerwe are helping young folks further their education13:58
jelknerwe are helping use technology to make the world a better place13:59
jelknera lot of people would like to support us14:00
scooperNow I m grabbing the logical you are pushing gradually....14:00
jelknerthere are even grants available14:00
jelknerbut they can only be given to 501(c)3 organizations14:02
jelknerso we are going to end up with 3 businesses14:02
scooperThis mean that we will be growing the corporate to the extend it fully responsible is to help less fortunately people who are unable  to empower their self academically base on the human capacitity we are  growing every year or months14:02
jelkner1. NOVA Web Development in Virginia - a worker cooperative (*not* a 501(c)3!)14:02
jelkner2. Social Justice Computing (a 501(c)3 registered in the state of Virginia)14:03
jelkner3. A new worker cooperative in Monrovia owned and operated by you all (and named by you too! ;-)14:03
jelknerdoes that make sense14:03
jelknerthe three organizations will collaborate together14:04
jelknerok, we have to switch topics now14:04
jelknerbecause we have a serious issue to deal with14:04
jelknerdoes MCSS use it's mail system?14:04
jelknerbecause i need to tell the Supe, that if we don't get the MCSS mail system moved to an MCSS owned server, they will loose their email in a week!14:05
jelknerI can't keep paying for MCSS mail.14:05
scooperDidn't Aaron migrated the mail server and website together14:06
jelknerIt has not been migrated14:06
jelknerAdrian told me last night that MCSS mail is still on the server that NOVA Web hosts14:06
jelknerI want to shut that down14:06
scooperI believe you, because the day the mcss website when down I thought the mail was not going to work but unfortunately it was still working14:07
scooperIf that is the case what can be done now???14:07
scooperSince MCSS have it own server??14:07
jelknerWell, we need the Supe to set up MCSS ownership14:08
jelknernot you personally14:08
jelknerbut MCSS14:08
jelknerquestion, scooper 14:08
scooperJust tell me what to do then I can 14:08
jelknerhow can you, me and Mr. Zawolo meet?14:08
scooper\me waiting for Jeff question14:08
jelkneri just asked it14:09
jelknerhow can we meet?14:09
jelkneror how should we meet?14:09
jelkneri emailed him14:09
jelknerbut he never replied14:09
scooperTell me your convenience then I will tell he, that Jeff want to meet with us14:09
jelknerso i don't know what his thoughts are on this14:10
scooperand have a serious discussion14:10
jelkneri can give him a call14:10
jelknerbut i want to do it when you are sitting near him14:10
scooperI will inform him and tell him has urgent and significant it's14:10
jelkneris he there now?14:11
jelknertoday would be good14:11
jelknermonday might be good14:11
jelknertomorrow is possible14:11
jelknertuesday would also be good14:11
scooperI done think so.... can you give me a minutes to check in his office14:11
jelknerthehedgeh0g, are you here?14:11
scooper\me going to check on the sup....14:12
jelknerfkoikoi_, still here?14:13
scooper \me going to check on the sup14:13
jelknerwhile scooper is doing that, we can work on the agenda for tomorrow14:13
thehedgeh0gI am here, jeff14:13
fkoikoi_I am here Jeff14:14
jelknerthehedgeh0g, scooper just went to see if Superintendent Zawolo is in the building14:14
jelknerfkoikoi_, we need an agenda14:14
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:14
jelknerdo you know how to add items?14:14
fkoikoi_no Jeff14:15
jelknerthen let me teach you14:15
jelknerfirst, try this command: !help14:15
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove14:15
jelknertry it14:15
jelknerjust type !help14:16
jelknertry it14:16
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove14:16
scooperI m back14:16
jelkneryes, scooper?14:16
scooperThe supe when to the bank14:16
jelknerok, let's check a bit later14:16
jelknerand try to catch him before the two of you leave today14:17
jelknerthehedgeh0g will be leaving for vacation after next week14:17
scooperconsider it done14:17
jelknerso we if don't get this done by then, MCSS email will stop working the week after that14:17
jelknerthanks, my friend14:17
scooperCan this me migrated to the new Server I purchased from Hetzner???14:18
jelkneryes, that's where thehedgeh0g is going to put it14:18
scooperCan I ask a question???14:18
jelknerplease do14:18
scooperIf so what need to be done before this migration take place????14:19
jelkner1. MCSS needs it's own (not yours personally) accounts in Hetzner and Namecheap14:20
jelknerthehedgeh0g, can we transfer ownership of the server?14:20
jelkneror do we need to setup a new one with the MCSS account?14:20
jelknerscooper, i need to be very clear14:21
jelknerwe do not want to do this with your personal account14:21
scooperI m listening Jeff14:21
scooperIf that is the case I m can set up an account for mcss on namecheap and Hetzner14:22
jelknerYou *do not* want to be responsible for this for ever!!!!!!!!14:22
scooperWill that be fine....14:22
jelknerneither does the Supe!!!!14:22
scooperIt has cause lot of inconvenience for more over the past time......14:22
jelknerit *must* belong to MCSS as an institution14:22
jelknerThat way, anyone whom the institution contract to work on it can14:23
jelknernow and in the future14:23
jelknerfor now it will be us14:23
jelknerin the future, who knows?14:23
jelknermake sesne14:23
scooperAt the initial stage I didn't understand thing like this was going to happen....14:23
scooperI reason with you Jeff14:24
jelknerof course you didn't my friend14:24
jelknerthere is so much to learn14:24
jelknersome things you can only learn the hard way ;-)14:24
jelknerby doing them!14:24
jelkneri already made so many, many mistakes14:25
jelknerthat i've learned a few things ;-)14:25
scooperShould I go ahead and create a new account on Hetzner and nameCheap with MCSS Credentials?????14:25
fkoikoi_Jeff we have not plan the agenda for tomorrow meeting yet14:25
jelkneryes, fkoikoi_, i know14:26
scooperNow here is the problem Jeff14:26
jelkneri like to joke with my students that "I can't walk and chew gum at the same time."14:26
jelknerand here i am walking, trying to chew gum, blow bubbles, and juggle all at the same time!14:27
scooperCreating another account on Hetzner will come with a cost14:27
jelknerthehedgeh0g, what's the story on that?14:27
jelknerscooper, i don't know what to tell you14:28
scooperThat mean MCSS will need to migrate again from the previous server I purchased in December to a new Server right? Because those server have a separate IP Address14:28
jelkneri believe that is true14:29
jelknerunless ownership of the account can be migrated from you to MCSS14:29
jelkneryou should contact Hetnzer and ask14:29
scooperI will14:29
jelknerbut please do it soon14:29
scooperAfter our meeting I will do that14:30
jelknerbecause after next week, i will stop paying for the NOVA Web hosted MCSS email server14:30
jelknerand soon MCSS email will stop working14:30
jelknerlet's stop now, then14:30
jelknerand i can work with fkoikoi_ on tomorrow's agenda14:30
scooper\me back to your agenda14:30
jelknerfkoikoi_, ready?14:31
jelknerok, first question, do you know what LittleWebster is?14:32
fkoikoi_not really14:32
jelknergreat, let's start there14:32
jelknerLittleWebster is what is called an Internet bot14:33
jelknertake a look at that article14:33
jelkneri'll wait while you read the first few paragraphs14:33
fkoikoi_it says thar an internet robot runs automatic task14:35
jelknerthat's the main thing to understand14:35
fkoikoi_and helps carryon human activity like messaging 14:35
jelknerLittleWebster is written in Python, by the way14:36
jelknerso when you're Python skills get good enough, you can make it do new things14:36
jelkneranyway, LittleWebster responds to commands that begin with the character !14:37
jelknerso !help causes it to display the help message14:37
jelknerlisting it's current commands14:37
jelknerwhat commands does LittleWebster have?14:37
jelknertwo more14:38
fkoikoi_help and remove14:38
jelkneryou rock, fkoikoi_ 14:38
jelknerso LittleWebster is a nice simple bot14:38
jelknerit just manages our agenda14:38
jelkneryou can add items, remove items, display the list, and print the help message14:39
jelknerthat's it14:39
jelknerbut also, it is responds to the system clock14:39
thehedgeh0gjelkner: Scooper needs to adjust the contact and billing information on the current Hetzner account to be information that goes to MCSS14:39
jelknerso you can tell it to print the agenda (and then erase it from memory) each week at the same time14:40
thehedgeh0gand the billing needs to go to MCSS as well14:40
thehedgeh0gI do apologize for the delay14:40
jelkneroh that's good new, thehedgeh0g 14:40
jelknerscooper, did you see that?14:40
jelknermake things *much* easier14:40
thehedgeh0gnext, scooper, you need to create your own Hetzner account, then the MCSS account can give you access to the mail server so that you can administrate it still.14:40
jelknerok fkoikoi_ i'm back to you14:40
scooperone more thing???14:40
jelknerscooper, thehedgeh0g can you two please handle this, so fkoikoi_ and i can work together?14:41
jelknerfkoikoi_, watch this14:41
jelkner!add Talk about silly things (8 hours)14:41
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Talk about silly things (8 hours)" has been added to the agenda.14:41
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:41
LittleWebsterTalk about silly things (8 hours) (added by jelkner)14:41
jelknerthat's how you add an item to the agenda14:41
jelknerbut this is not a good item14:42
jelknerso i'll remove it14:42
jelkner!remove Talk about silly things (8 hours)14:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Talk about silly things (8 hours)" has been removed from the agenda.14:42
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:42
jelknerfkoikoi_, make sense?14:42
jelknerok, now it's your turn14:42
jelknerwhat do we want on the agenda?14:43
jelknerscooper, thehedgeh0g two conversations can go on at the same time14:43
jelknerirc works fine that way14:43
jelknerso scooper ask your question14:43
jelknerbut just direct it at thehedgeh0g 14:43
jelknernot me14:43
jelknerfkoikoi_, i'm waiting...14:44
fkoikoi_!add Preparation for the Summer class (1hour)14:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Preparation for the Summer class (1hour)" has been added to the agenda.14:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:44
LittleWebsterPreparation for the Summer class (1hour) (added by fkoikoi_)14:44
jelknerthe perfect item!14:45
jelknerok my turn14:45
thehedgeh0gjelkner: we're already talking directly14:45
jelkner!add Ask Shallon if she will be our main point of contact for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project (10 minutes)14:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Ask Shallon if she will be our main point of contact for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project (10 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.14:46
jelknerokie dokie thehedgeh0g 14:46
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:46
LittleWebsterPreparation for the Summer class (1hour) (added by fkoikoi_)14:46
LittleWebsterAsk Shallon if she will be our main point of contact for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)14:46
jelknerfkoikoi_, i am correct that Thomas, Mulbah, Daniel, and Shallon are now graduates, yes?14:47
jelknerThey are finished with high school?14:47
jelknerSo tomorrow we want to figure out what they want to do with us now14:48
jelknerso we can plan our progress14:48
jelkneryou are in the Python group14:48
jelknerShallon heads the web group14:48
jelknerand Thomas and Mulbah are the sys admin group14:48
jelknerI asked Kevin Cole if he would be willing to tutor the sys admin group14:49
jelknerhe said he thought he might like to do that14:49
jelkneri'm going to suggest tomorrow that Thomas and Mulbah email him directly to ask him14:49
fkoikoi_that will be good14:50
fkoikoi_so when will the summer class start, Jeff?14:51
jelkneri'm going to also suggest that Shallon and Daniel, if they agree, complete the CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist certification *before* they start UoPeople14:51
jelknerwhich class, fkoikoi_?14:51
jelknerwhat class are you talking about?14:52
fkoikoi_The summer class that was discuss last Saturday14:52
jelknerdo you mean the one i'm teaching at the community college?14:52
jelknerthat doesn't really matter for us, fkoikoi_ 14:54
jelknersince this is basically the same class you will be taking at UoPeople14:54
jelknerwho besides you and scoop is in the programming team, anyone?14:55
jelkneris Janet working with you?14:55
jelknerwill she have time this Summer?14:55
jelknerSo here is what we need to do14:55
fkoikoi_I will ask her today Jeff14:55
jelknergreat, thanks14:56
jelkneralso, Gabriel has been messaging me that he is interested in learning with us14:56
jelkneri told him he needs to show up in the lab if he wants to do that14:56
jelknerso, we have three learning groups:14:57
jelkner1. fkoikoi_, scooper, and (maybe) janet - Python14:57
jelkner2. Shallon and Daniel - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript14:57
jelkner3. Mulbah and Thomas - System administration14:58
jelknerI can help guide groups 1 and 214:58
jelknerWe'll ask Thomas and Mulbah to email Kevin Cole to ask if he will help guide them14:59
jelknersound good?14:59
fkoikoi_Jeff, I think the first item on the agenda need to be change14:59
jelkneryou know how to change it14:59
jelknergo ahead14:59
jelkneryou could word it differently15:00
jelkneror simply keep it the way it is, but understand that it is really talking about the python group15:00
jelknerup to you15:00
jelkneryou are the meeting chair! ;-)15:00
jelknerok, i have about 30 minutes before my next students arrive15:02
jelknerany python questions for me?15:02
fkoikoi_I said it need to be change because it is not really necessary for the python group to attend the summer class but if things like HTML, CSS etc will be taught them it can remain on the agenda 15:03
jelknerwell, fkoikoi_ the python group should be organizing its own "summer class"15:03
jelkneryou all should meet together15:03
jelknerand i can join you at scheduled times to answer questions15:04
jelkneri'm thinking the best time each weekday for me would be between 7 and 8 am my time15:04
jelknerwhich is between 12 noon and 1 pm your time15:04
jelknerI can meet each Tuesday and Wednesday during that time15:05
jelknerand some Mondays and Wednesdays15:05
jelkneryes, scooper 15:05
scooperI m going to checking on the Supe15:06
jelknerfkoikoi_, we need a schedule15:06
scooperif he is there are you in readiness to talk with him15:06
fkoikoi_but what about the system admins and the Web Developer 15:06
jelknerlet's say the Python group meets for an hour on Tuesday15:06
jelkneryes, scooper 15:07
jelknerand the web group meets on thursday during that time15:07
jelkneri can check in on Monday and Wednesday, but i need to ride my bike over to campus those days, so i can't stay long15:08
jelknerthen the sysadmin group could schedule their own time with Kevin15:08
fkoikoi_okay but I think it will be best if we discuss or plan the schedule during the meeting tomorrow15:08
jelknerwhat is *most* important is that each group schedules *a lot* of time on their own15:08
jelkneryes, i totally agree madam chair15:09
fkoikoi_So the agenda remain the same right?15:09
jelkneri was just trying to get us thinking ;-)15:09
jelkneras long as you can use it to lead the discuss15:09
jelknerit will serve its purpose15:09
jelknergreat, fkoikoi_ 15:10
jelknerit is a pleasure planning with you!15:10
fkoikoi_it's a pleasure working with you too Jeff15:10
scooperThe Sup is engaged with lot of people right now....15:11
jelknerok, no problem15:11
jelknertalk to him when you can15:11
jelkneri need to go15:11
scooperBut Aaron have already given me all necessary instruction to make this happen15:11
scooperI need to ask the sup15:11
jelknerso now, my dear friend, you just have to carry out those instructions15:11
scooperif mcss have a visa card15:11
jelknerfkoikoi_, i still have 15 minutes15:12
scooperthat that is the answer I need from him before proceeding 15:12
jelknerany python questions?15:12
scooperfrom anybody15:12
jelknerfrom anybody, yes15:13
scooperWhy directory name do not print in an order thought it has a key and value pairs????15:13
jelknercan you give me the example?15:14
scooperWhy dictionary do not print in an order though it has a key and value pairs??15:14
jelkneroh, dictionary's are not ordered15:14
jelknerthey are just key-value pairs15:14
jelknerthey map keys to values15:15
jelknercan we talk a bit about work flow?15:15
jelknerhere is what i am hoping the Python group will start doing today:15:15
jelkner1. Use the new book I'm working on:
scooperdictQuestion = {"Jeff":"instructor", "Spencer":"student","freen":"student"}15:16
jelkner2. Use our shared git repo for our code:
jelknerscooper, i'm going to use this example15:17
jelknerto show you how i want to teach you to work15:17
jelknerdo each of you have the repo cloned on your machines?15:17
scooperyou mean the Python Study class15:18
jelknerthe repo i just pasted15:18
jelknerin 2.15:18
jelknerfkoikoi_, do you have it?15:18
scoopercan you please paste it again15:19
jelknerscooper, ask fkoikoi_ 15:19
jelknershe has it15:19
scooperfreena can u please paste it too15:19
fkoikoi_Just give me a minute let me login my git account15:20
jelknerscooper, please learn to use the logs15:21
jelkneryou should try to remember that15:22
jelkneror write it down where you can find it15:22
jelknerwhenever we discuss something here in irc15:22
scoopergot you15:22
jelkneryup, fkoikoi_ 15:22
jelknerthat's it!15:22
jelknerbtw, i'm going to teach everyone to put their ssh key here15:23
jelknersince https makes me enter my password each time15:23
jelknerssh is better15:23
jelknerit doesn't ask for passwords15:23
jelknerdo you have it cloned on your local machine?15:24
jelkneri've only got 5 minutes15:25
jelknerfkoikoi_, do you have it cloned?15:25
scooperit cloned on my computer already15:25
jelkneri just did a git push15:26
jelknerdo a git pull15:26
jelknerand you should get what i just added15:26
scooperIt say already up to date15:27
jelkneryou just cloned it15:27
jelknerso it would be up to date for you15:27
jelknerbut fkoikoi_ had it already15:27
jelknerscooper, type: git log15:28
scooperI just did15:28
scooperAuthor Jeffrey ELkner15:28
jelknerwhat does my last commit message say15:29
fkoikoi_I can't see anything Jeff15:29
scooperAdd solution to exercise15:29
scoopersorry 15:30
scooperAdd Spencers question15:30
jelknerthat's it15:30
jelknerif you look15:30
jelkneri created a directory named Summer202315:30
jelknerin that i created a subdirectory named June915:30
jelknerin that i put a python program named spencer1.py15:31
jelknerit has your question15:31
jelknerok, scooper students are here, i have to go15:32
scooperbefore you leave15:32
jelknergotta go15:32
jelknerstudents here15:32
jelknerACTION logs off15:32
scooperare we using ssh-keygen to genrate the publish key??15:32
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:32
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:33
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:43
*** jelkner has quit (None)16:00

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