IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-06-14

*** Stephen has quit (Remote host closed the connection)01:49
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mulbahHello Stephen12:05
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mulbahGood morning Jeff12:25
mulbahhello Stephen how are you doing12:30
jelknerStephen, good morning12:32
jelknerwow, it's 5:30 am where you are now, yes?12:33
jelknerYou really are an early bird!12:33
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:34
jelknerGood afternoon, fkoikoi!12:37
jelknerIt's the last day of school here.12:37
jelknerA bit chaotic.12:38
jelknerGrades are done, but some students are coming.12:38
jelknerI can be here most of the day.12:39
jelknerBut there will probably be frequent interruptions.12:39
tboimahGood morning Jeff12:39
jelknerGood afternoon, tboimah12:39
tboimahI'm good and you12:40
svayeGood morning Jeff12:41
svayeGood morning Stephen12:41
tboimahGood morning Stephen12:41
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:41
jelknerGood afternoon tboimah and dcammue 12:42
dcammueGood morning Stephen12:42
jelknersvaye, i have the vouchers!12:42
jelknerwe can start CIW today12:42
jelknerStephen hasn't responded12:42
svayeThat's good news Jeff12:42
jelknerit's really early in there (5:40 am)12:42
svayeDid you see the link I sent12:43
jelknerso let's wait 45 minutes and try then12:43
jelknersvaye, is now a good time to try to get you started?12:43
jelknerhmmm..., svaye, what i thought was the enrollment code, isn't12:53
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jelkneri will need to contact them again today12:53
jelknerthey are in arizona12:54
jelknerwhich is the same time zone now as dr. hubbard12:54
svayeOkay Jeff12:54
jelknerso, svaye 12:54
svayeYes Jeff12:54
jelknerexpect and email to your email address tomorrow morning12:54
svayeI am looking forward to it12:55
svayeGood morning shmohamud13:00
shmohamudHey guys, I'm not feeling well today. Just wanted to log on and say we should continue tomorrow13:00
shmohamudGood day Svaye13:00
svayeHope you get well soon shmohamud13:01
shmohamudThank you svaye13:01
shmohamudSee you guys tomorrow13:01
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svayeTake care13:01
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:02
jelknerdcammue, do you know have access to your email now?13:04
dcammueI can access it now13:05
jelknergreat, dcammue 13:12
jelknerexpect an email by tomorrow morning13:12
dcammueokay Jeff 13:13
dcammueI'm awaiting it13:13
jelknerit won't come until later today, dcammue 13:16
shmohamudhey guys I'm back13:17
jelknerGood morning, shmohamud!13:17
shmohamudI'm well enough to have a session today13:17
shmohamudgood morning13:17
mulbahHello shmohamud i have my assignment13:17
shmohamudlet's see it13:17
mulbahokay sir13:18
shmohamudJeff do you want to help me get their git setup?13:18
shmohamudI think with the amount of students now, it's time to start using Git13:19
shmohamudGood day scooper13:19
scooperGood morning shmohamud13:19
scooperhow are you feeling now in health13:20
mulbahhere is it13:20
mulbahfor num in range(1,100):13:20
mulbah    string = ""13:20
mulbah    if num % 3 == 0:13:20
mulbah        string = string + "Fizz"13:20
mulbah    if num % 5 == 0:13:20
mulbah        string = string + "Buzz"13:20
mulbah    if num % 5 != 0 and num % 3 != 0:13:20
mulbah        string = string + str(num)13:20
mulbah    print(string)13:20
shmohamudphysical health is good. Mental health is up and down but that's just life I suppose13:20
scooperok please be strong for us shmohamud.....13:21
shmohamudYes sir <313:22
shmohamudSo mulbah, the code executes as expected. I'm surprised, have you been practicing python for a while now or did you look up the answer?13:22
mulbahkI was practicing python first before going to system administration13:23
shmohamudyou did a great job. Well done on the homework - that is a common interview question for Junior Developers and you knocked it out.13:24
shmohamudOk, so who else has homework for me?13:24
svayeI do13:25
shmohamudsvaye let's see it13:25
svayefor number in range (1, 100):13:25
svaye    number = number +113:25
svaye    if number % 2 == 0:13:25
svaye        print (number)13:25
shmohamudSvaye, it executes as expected, great job. That said, is there a line that you can remove?13:27
shmohamudDoes anyone see a line that can be removed from the solution?13:27
Stephen_Good afternoon.  What is the URL of the website?  I could not find it.13:28
svayeI could remove the number = number +113:28
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:28
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:29
shmohamudexactly Svaye. Otherwise, flawless solution.13:29
shmohamudGood day Fkoikoi13:29
shmohamuddo you have homework to share?13:30
shmohamudStephen, which website are you referring to?13:30
fkoikoinum = 113:31
fkoikoifor value in range(1, 101):13:31
fkoikoi    value = value + 1 13:31
fkoikoi    if value % 3 == 0:13:31
fkoikoi        print("fizz")13:31
fkoikoi        13:31
fkoikoi        if value % 5 == 0:13:31
fkoikoi            print("buzz")13:31
fkoikoi            13:31
fkoikoi            if value % 3 == 0 and value % 5 == 0:13:31
fkoikoi                print("fizzbuzz")13:31
svayeThis is the link Stephen
Stephen_Ah, I just realized that.  Sorry, Stephen Hubbard here.  Good morning, day and afternoon all.  I'm helping Tanaka with the Clean Cooking Website...13:31
jelknerGood morning, Stephen_!13:32
jelknerAs we discussed on the phone13:32
svayeGood morning Stephen13:32
Stephen_Is there a live website?13:32
jelknerto make this work, what we need from Tanaka is *user stories*13:32
jelknerit would be ideal if we could setup a regular meeting (each week or every two weeks, depending on his availability)13:34
jelknerduring the meeting we would present our implementations of user stories from the previous meeting13:34
jelknerand then discuss new ones for the next *iteration*13:34
Stephen_Do you want Tanaka to type out his story here, or Email it later?13:35
jelknergreat question13:35
jelkneri think the easiest thing for Tanaka will be to use email13:35
jelknerwe can take care of putting the stories in our git reop13:36
YaksOkay I will send it before the end of the day13:36
Stephen_Ok, is there a live website currently, or just the GitHub site.13:36
jelknerso it sounds like the first story is: I want a url that I can visit to see the live website.13:36
jelknerHow's that for our first story13:37
Stephen_Mostly, without something to look at, its hard to tell what has been done, and what's needed next.13:37
jelknerYaks, to help put you in the right frame of mind, your user stories should begin with:13:37
jelkner"I want ..."13:37
jelknerIndeed, Stephen_ 13:37
jelknerthat's why i suggested that as the first story ;-)13:38
jelkneri can work with svaye on making that happen13:38
Stephen_I'm on Zoom with Tanaka because He's on his phone, so I am typing for him.13:38
Stephen_Ok, so he will put together the story.13:38
jelknerStephen_, irc is so low resource13:38
Stephen_Is there a way for him to save the chat?13:39
jelknerwhat phone does he have?13:39
jelknerlet's work on communication protocols13:39
jelknersince without that, nothing much else will happen13:39
Stephen_He's got a Samsung Galaxy A1213:39
jelknergive me one minute13:39
Stephen_Ok, thanks.13:41
jelknerhere is the one i have on my LineageOS phone:13:42
jelknerbut i'm an old desktop guy, so i don't use it much13:42
jelknerstill, if Tanaka can install that13:42
Stephen_How do I on a Windows 10 system save the chat Copy & Paste?13:42
jelkneri could help him through the configuration13:43
jelknerno need, my friend13:43
jelknerwe have a bot13:43
jelknernamed LittleWebster 13:43
jelknerthat records everything we type here13:43
Stephen_So how does he access it?13:43
jelknerif you start here:13:43
shmohamudACTION goes to grab coffee13:44
jelknerclick on the link and you'll see the logs by date13:44
Stephen_thanks.  I will work with Tanaka off line from the chat here to get you his user story and what he needs13:44
Stephen_And then we can go from there.13:44
jelknerthank you, Stephen_ 13:45
*** Yaks has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:45
jelkneri think that's all we need from you now13:45
Stephen_Ok, do you still need us on line, or are we done for today?13:45
Stephen_Ok.  Bye.13:45
jelknerand thanks!13:45
dcammueThanks Stephen for your cooperation13:45
svayeThanks Stephen13:46
Stephen_You're welcome.13:46
*** Stephen_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)13:46
jelknerscooper, can you and tmickelson help svaye put clone her git repo onto a web server?13:46
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:46
scooperJeff which one of the web server are you talking about Jeff?????13:49
jelknerscooper, we have a great project based learning opportunity here13:50
jelknerwe have a web server, students.mcssliberia.org13:50
jelknerthat needs admins13:50
jelknerwe have tmickelson, tboimah, and mulbahk as aspiring admins13:50
jelknerwe need to get them sudo on that box13:51
tboimahthat is a essay task i can help her do that13:51
jelknersweet, tboimah 13:51
jelknerlet tmickelson know if you need any help13:51
tboimahsure 13:51
jelknersvaye, tboimah will help you clone the repo onto that server13:52
jelknerthen, your workflow will go like this:13:52
jelkner1. You develop the site on your local machine, making changes you want13:52
svayeOkay Jeff13:52
jelkner2. You git push13:53
jelkner3. You log on to the webserver and git pull13:53
jelknerand low and behold, the website is updated! ;-)13:53
jelknerthat's the workflow13:53
svayeOkay Jeff13:54
scooperPermission denied, please try again.13:54
jelknersystem admin is all about permissions13:54
jelknerbut i'm not sure what you did, scooper 13:54
scooperI m experiencing user credentials deny13:55
jelknerwell, you may not have credentials on that machine13:55
jelkneri don't know about that13:55
jelknerbut without them, you can't admin the box13:55
scooperlogon this server before with Jallah 13:55
jelknerok, i just checked13:58 and are the same machine13:58
jelknerlet's plan this out13:58
jelknerwe need to avoid the "Too many cooks" problem13:59
jelknerToo many cooks, spoil the broth.13:59
jelknerbasically, if we are not careful, we will break the box14:00
jelknersince system administration is complicated14:00
jelknerso let's make a plan14:00
jelkneri propose we appoint *one* person in Monrovia to admin this system14:01
jelknerand only one14:01
jelknerthey will have admin (sudo), and everyone else who needs something will work with them14:01
jelknerscooper, sound good?14:01
scoopergood Jeff14:01
jelknerso, is that person tboimah?14:02
scoopersince they are the sysadmin here without14:02
jelknertboimah, i will help you get started14:02
jelknerbut we will need better sys admins then me (either kevin or stefan-iout), to be your main point of contact14:03
jelknertboimah, can you login?14:04
tboimahlogin into what Jeff14:05
tboimahi did that but they are asking for password14:07
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jelknertboimah, i can set your password14:15
jelknerso can scooper 14:16
jelknerthe admins on that system now are tboimah, scooper, tmickelson, aaron, and jelkner14:16
tboimah_yeah do that please14:16
jelknerthat's really too many14:16
jelkneraaron graduated14:16
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:16
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jelknerso as soon as we figure out how gitea setup works14:16
sysadmin__ssh students.mcssliberia.org14:17
jelknerwe can delete their account14:17
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scooperfreena is login Jeff14:18
jelknertboimah_, who are you now?14:19
jelkneri see tboimah_ and tboimah-14:19's password:14:20
tboimah_I'm tboimah_14:20
scooperthis still failing Jeff.......14:20
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jelknertboimah_, do you see my DM?14:23
jelknerplease let me know when you have updated your password14:26
jelknereveryone, i can't multi-task well (no one can, truthfully, the research shows that)14:27
jelknerso i need to log off so i can focus14:27
jelknerand get things done14:27
jelkneri'll be back on tomorrow morning14:27
jelknerbut i'll wait for tboimah_ to confirm that he changed his password14:27
tboimah_the terminal is responding slow Jeff14:28
jelkneroh, that's a problem14:28
tboimah_i think is from the many attend14:28
jelkneris it blocking you?14:29
jelkneri forget how to fix that14:29
tboimah_ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out14:29
tboimah_that is the message it give me14:29
jelknerno, tboimah_ that won't work14:30
jelkneryou need:14:30
jelkner$ ssh tboimah@students.gctaa.net14:30
jelknerotherwise you are trying to login without a username14:31
jelknerunless you are tboimah on your local machine, then it will try to use that14:31
jelkneri gotta go14:31
jelknerso we will have to continue this tomorrow14:31
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:32
tboimah_it work now Jeff14:32
jelknerplease change your password, and then scooper's14:32
tboimah_I'm going to change the password now14:33
jelkneryou can update me tomorrow on your progress14:33
jelknersee you then...14:33
tboimah_okay thanks again14:33
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:33
shmohamudOk, any questions for me?14:33
scooperNot really from my end.............. But I an assignment to keep me on my toe......14:35
shmohamudTo keep you on your toes, here's a challenge question. I want you to write a program that returns True or False based on whether a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backwards. Example of a palindrome is "racecar" and "hiih". Return True for palindromes, and False for non-palindromes.14:37
tboimah_I need a home work too shmohamud14:38
shmohamudThe above assignment is for Mulbah, Fkoikoi and Scooper14:39
tboimah_because i want to be every where14:39
scooperOK thanks14:39
tboimah_shmohamud are you there14:40
shmohamudTboimah, I'm thinking14:40
tboimah_okay I'm waiting14:40
shmohamudwrite me a function called hello_world that takes in a name and prints "Hello {name} from Monrovia"14:44
shmohamudthe function should be called like this: hello_world("Scooper"). And the output should print "Hello Scooper from Monrovia"14:45
shmohamudIs that doable?14:45
tboimah_sure 14:45
tboimah_that is not bad14:45
shmohamudgreat. I'm looking forward to your submission.14:46
*** tmickelson has quit (None)14:46
shmohamudAny further questions from anyone?14:46
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*** svaye_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:47
*** Stephen has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:47
shmohamudAlright, let's call it a day. See you all tomorrow.14:47
shmohamudHave a wonderful evening.14:47
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