IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-07-20

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svayeGood morning fkoikoi,and scooper10:41
fkoikoiGood morning svaye10:41
svayehow are you10:44
fkoikoiI'm good and you10:45
svayeI am good 10:47
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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, scooper, and svaye!10:59
svayeGood morning Jeff10:59
jelknerWhat's the plan for today?10:59
jelknerI'm working on Python exercises and a final exam for my Summer class.10:59
jelknerWe have only 2 weeks left after today.11:00
fkoikoiWe are working on the gasp project Jeff11:01
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi 11:01
jelknerfor the Summer class, i am having them work in pairs11:01
jelknerand their last project will be Sheet 5: The Robots are Coming!11:02
svayeWe are working on writing a program from the question we missed during the quiz11:02
jelknerbut then i also need to supplement that with quiz questions that evaluate whether they are learning what the sheets have to teach11:02
fkoikoithis is the link to the work I did11:02
jelknersvaye, that is great11:03
jelknerplease be disciplined about making progress each day11:03
jelknerwe have time, and it will take time, but we need to keep moving forward11:03
svayeOkay Jeff11:03
jelknerfkoikoi, i was mentioning that you should not be repeating code in the file11:04
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jelknerso your solution to challenge 111:05
jelkneris improved by your use of an f-string in challenge 311:05
jelkneryou should *change* the code, not include both11:05
jelkneryour commit messages will say what you did11:06
jelknerand then you can view the past versions through the commit history11:06
jelkneri wonder if mulbah and thomas ever got screen sharing working with kevin11:07
dcammueGood morning11:07
jelknerif they did, i could use that to demonstrate the process11:07
jelknerthat would be really helpful11:07
jelknerbut only if the tech works smoothly11:07
jelkneri don't want to spend a lot of time fiddling with the tech11:07
jelknerfkoikoi, can you please ask them?11:08
jelknerscooper, can you help fkoikoi with that?11:08
fkoikoiask them what Jeff11:09
jelknerlook in the log, fkoikoi ;-)11:09
jelknerwhen you get disconnected11:10
jelknerwhich you seem to do a lot11:10
jelkneryou can look in the log to see what you missed11:10
jelknersince scooper is not responding11:10
jelknerfkoikoi, what did i ask you to do?11:10
*** scooper has quit (Read error: No route to host)11:11
sysadmin_Good morning Jeff11:11
jelknersysadmin_, scooper, i presume?11:11
jelknerthat's better11:11
janetGood morning Jeff11:11
scooperI m scooper now11:11
jelknerwhy do you get disconnected so often?11:12
scooperthe network 11:12
scooperis bad11:12
jelknerthat's what i thought11:12
fkoikoiThomas said that they have already done thata11:13
jelknera big problem for us as tech folks11:13
fkoikoi*I mean the screen sharing with kelvin11:13
jelknerJetro Web Development will need reliable bandwidth if it wants to be a successful busniness11:13
scoopercan you review our code and make some suggestion???11:13
jelknerfkoikoi, that is wonderful11:13
jelknerdo you think you can put on the agenda for the last item on saturday that they teach us how to do it?11:14
fkoikoiI am going to make the changes in my program today Jeff11:14
jelknerit would be so nice if we could use that for demonstration lessons11:15
fkoikoisure Jeff11:15
jelknerscooper, i am not sure what to suggest11:15
scooperare the code ok or bad???11:15
jelkneri already suggested that each "challenge" that is not part of the main program should be in a separate file11:15
jelknerso we shouldn't have challenges 6 & 7 and challenge 8 written like that are11:16
jelknerthere are two kinds of challenges:11:16
scooperok got you, that will not repeat itself again11:16
jelkner1. Challenges that are steps in the iterative process of developing the main program11:17
jelkner2. Challenges that are "side experiments" that teach a new concept, but which *do not* have code that will be part of the final program11:17
jelknerAll challenges of the first type should be commits to mathquiz.py11:18
jelknerAll challenges of the second type should be *separate* files, with names like challenge2.py11:18
jelkneror whatever challenge they solve11:18
jelknerprogramming is all about having a plan for what you are trying to do11:19
jelknerand writing code that makes the computer do it for you11:19
jelknerdevelopment takes place iteratively11:20
jelkneryou start with a small program that works11:20
jelknerand then develop it step by step11:20
jelknermaking commits when you get some new feature working11:20
jelkneri could do a lesson where i walk you through the entire process of completing sheet 211:21
jelknerbut it would be great if:11:21
jelkner1. you could see my screen as i type11:21
jelkner2. you could hear my voice as i talk about what i'm doing11:21
scooperright now???11:22
jelknerwe should see if our sys admin team can work with kevin on that11:22
jelknerwe don't have the tech working11:22
jelkneri wish we did11:22
scooperthomas have done it in my present before11:22
jelknerkevin was looking into screen sharing with mulbah11:22
jelknerand thomas11:23
scooperso I m sure he can do it for us11:23
jelknerand he also was exploring mumble for voice11:23
scooperAnd I also did screen sharing the Aaron before....11:23
jelknerscooper, we need to really task them with evaluating our need and seeing if they can help us solve it11:23
jelkneryes, but just because you saw someone do it before does not mean we have solved our problem11:24
jelknerour problem is "solved" when all of us know how to do it easily11:24
jelknerwhen it becomes a tool in our toolboxes11:24
jelknersomething we don't even think about any more because, like a hammer for a carpenter, it's "just there"11:25
jelknerit may be that our bandwidth challenges will prevent this11:25
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jelknersince screen sharing a voice require more and more reliable bandwidth11:25
jelknerif that is the case, we revert to our present practice of relying on irc and git11:26
jelknerwe can do that11:26
jelknerbut it makes it more challenging to explain some things11:27
jelknerlike the process of development i am trying to communicate11:27
jelkneri wish i could "Show you"11:27
jelkneri could write up a step-by-step tutorial11:27
jelknerbut that would be many hours of work for me11:27
jelknerand i am already trying to do more things than i have time for11:28
jelknerthis is important though11:28
jelknerso let's talk about it on saturday11:28
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:28
jelknerscooper and fkoikoi11:29
jelknerwe need you to lead us in planning our agenda11:29
jelknerit's thursday, and there is nothing there11:29
jelknerhow will we move forward if you don't plan?11:29
jelknerok, i need to go11:30
jelknersince it looks like everyone is disconnected anyway11:30
jelknerACTION hopes they will read the log11:31
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sysadminsorry we are back11:39
jelknerscooper, look at the logs11:42
jelknerand let's talk saturday11:42
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:42
fkoikoi_!add Sharing Screen and voice communication (tboimah & mulbah) (15min)11:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Sharing Screen and voice communication (tboimah & mulbah) (15min)" has been added to the agenda.11:42
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:43
fkoikoi_!add Updates from each group (7minutes)11:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates from each group (7minutes)" has been added to the agenda.11:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:44
LittleWebsterSharing Screen and voice communication (tboimah & mulbah) (15min) (added by fkoikoi_)11:44
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (7minutes) (added by fkoikoi_)11:44
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svayeACTION signs off11:45
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mulbahHello shmohamud21:12
mulbahHow are you doing21:12
shmohamudHi Mulbah21:12
shmohamudDoing okay, how are you?21:13
mulbahI'm doing great21:13
shmohamuddo you have any questions for me?21:14
mulbahnot yet but I will tell when I have21:18
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