IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-07-22

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:18
LittleWebsterSharing Screen and voice communication (tboimah & mulbah) (15min) (added by fkoikoi_)10:18
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (7minutes) (added by fkoikoi_)10:18
jelknerGood morning LittleWebster!11:08
jelknerIt's just you and me here.11:08
jelknerBut I'm hoping you'll jot down some notes for me ;-)11:09
jelknerI modelled the beginning of the process using a git repo to complete Sheet2: Turning the Tables11:10
jelknerfrom the GASP Beginners Python Course (
jelknerI created a git repo on Github for it here:
jelknerThe following commits demo the process of beginning Sheet 2:11:13
jelknerI hope the Python team of scooper, janet, and jkoleah can use this to help learn the development workflow11:16
jelknerACTION done11:16
mulbah   Good morning Jeff12:46
jelknerGood morning mulbah 12:47
mulbahHow are you doing and the family as well12:47
jelknerLOL, i don't mean to be rude, my friend, but i'm not going to answer that question.12:48
jelknerit's funny to think about irc culture12:48
jelknerbut the little niceties we do in person don't work so well in online chat12:48
jelknerwhat happens each time is that everyone comes on and types what they would normally say as a standard greeting12:49
jelknerif i actually answer, i will have to answer 10 times!12:49
jelknerthe same question12:49
jelknerso a simple "Good morning" or "Good day" will do12:49
jelknersince it doesn't require a proforma response ;-)12:50
jelknerbasically, it boils down to information theory12:50
jelknerwhat are we trying to communicate?12:50
jelknersomething like, "i am here, my friend, and i care about you"12:51
jelknerthat's lovely, but we need to find a more efficient way to do it in irc12:51
jelknermy fingers will get sore having to say "I'm doing well, and my family is fine too, how about you and yours?" 10 times12:51
jelknerare you in the MCSS office, mulbah?12:52
jelknermulbah: are you in the MCSS office?12:54
mulbahThe traffic is too much 12:55
jelknerSo you are at home?12:55
jelknermulbah: are you at home?12:55
jelknerGood morning, scooper!12:56
scooperGood morning Jeff and Mulbah12:56
mulbahbecause of the traffic12:57
jelkneryou know, scooper, you can create a user on the machine you are on named scooper12:57
jelknerthen when you start hexchat12:57
jelknerit will automatically use that as your username12:57
jelknermulbah: you didn't answer my question12:57
jelknerwhere are you?12:57
mulbahI'm home12:58
scooperMulbah is home12:58
jelknerhow do you get bandwidth?12:58
scooperand the other team will connect from home today.... still we resume JUly 31st 12:58
jelkneri'm asking this because over time we need to a good business strategy for how we can work12:58
mulbahI am using my phone hotspot 12:59
LittleWebsterjelkner : mulbah : thehedgeh0g : scooper13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterSharing Screen and voice communication (tboimah & mulbah) (15min) (added by fkoikoi_)13:00
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (7minutes) (added by fkoikoi_)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
mulbahto connect my computer to the internet13:00
jelknerscooper: not many people made it to the meeting today13:00
jelknerjust 3 of us13:00
jelknerthat's not good13:00
scooperYesterday the MCSS came HR came out with a break for MCSS that all office I closed for the JUly 26 celebration13:00
jelkneri only have a short time13:00
jelknergot you13:00
scooperthey will soon be there13:00
jelknerso maybe we should have cancelled13:00
jelkneri need to get to the post office13:00
scooperbut Dcammue and thomas will not make it today....13:01
jelknerand have to take the bus13:01
jelknerso i can't stay13:01
jelkneri have to send a certified letter to the IRS today13:01
jelknerso SECOSOL can complete its name change13:01
jelknerlet's you and me chat about our ToDo list13:01
scooperWhat is IRS Jeff13:01
jelknerthe Internal Revenue Service13:01
jelknerthe tax collecting agency for the federal government in the US13:02
scooperooh I learn something new today. thanks13:02
jelknerscooper, if we are going to succeed, both you and i will need to learn a lot about how businesses legally operate in both of our countries13:02
jelknerok, scooper task one13:03
mulbahare we waiting for the other to join for the meeting to start13:03
jelknerno, mulbah 13:03
jelknerwe can't wait13:03
jelknerfolks get here on time13:03
jelkneror they miss things13:03
jelknerthey can look in the log13:03
jelkneri won't make it to the post office if we wait13:04
jelknerscooper, i am only going to send $650 this month13:04
jelknersince i need to use $150 to appy to the Kamal Foundation13:04
jelknerto begin the process of building the school13:04
jelknerthe Summer PRIME interns have been amazing, btw.13:05
jelknerThey are helping us get so much done!13:05
jelknerso talk to the team about that when you see them13:05
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff13:05
jelknernext, i did a sample development process for the programming team13:06
mulbahwe understand Jeff13:06
jelkneri posted about it here in irc earlier this morning13:06
mulbahI'm seeing in the agenda that the sysadmin team will be working on the screen sharing for the other to use13:06
jelknermulbah: i bet we can't do that using your phone13:06
jelknerthat's why i asked13:07
jelknernext week, perhaps13:07
jelkneri can't stay13:07
jelknerscooper: take a look at that link13:07
jelknerplease confirm that you see what i posted13:07
scooperthis show that is how you want each work to be done right????13:10
jelknercan you meet with the programming team and go through what i did step-by-step13:10
jelkneri modelled the beginning of the process of completing Sheet 2 up to challenge 413:10
jelkneri can discuss any questions you have about it after you study it13:11
jelknerok, next item13:11
jelknersince i have to leave soon to make it to the post office13:11
jelknerscooper: what are you doing to figure out how to start a worker cooperative in Liberia?13:11
jelknerit is time to start doing that13:11
jelknernow we have a name13:12
scooperI talked with a lawyer already on phone 13:12
jelknerbut we need to turn it into a legal business13:12
jelknerplease keep me informed about that13:12
scooperand he ask me to meet with him physically but in liberia you don't meet with lawyer without having money13:12
jelknerwe will need to budget any legal costs13:12
scooperso I m waiting when the month end13:12
jelkneryes, i understand13:13
jelknerso, a few things13:13
scooperI will be able to reach him with so money from my own allowance 13:13
jelknerhow do we get a "good layer"?13:13
jelknersomeone who we can trust13:13
jelkneri know we will have to pay13:13
jelknerbut we want to build a relationship with someone we can trust over the long term13:14
scooperfirst I need to meet with him13:14
scooperbecause I have already brief him about what we are about to start....13:14
scooperWe need a lawyer that will guard us through the laws of liberia that will protect Jettro Web Dev.13:15
jelkneri have another task for you, scooper 13:15
jelknercontact this organization13:15
scooperafter interns have acquired these skill to stay and work fully13:15
jelknerand find out if Liberia has a national organization that is a member13:15
jelknerwhich interns are you talking about, and which skills?13:16
jelkneri don't understand13:16
scoopereveryone here is an interns including me... and excluding you.....13:17
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scooperI you done Jeff???13:20
scooperare you done Jeff13:20
jelkneri'm on the phone with the bank scooper 13:20
scooperok 13:20
jelknerlast thing scooper 13:22
jelkneri will only be meeting this week on tuesday and thursday13:22
scooperok Jeff13:22
jelknerfkoikoi: why don't you handle the last task13:22
scoopersame time right13:23
jelkner7 am my time13:23
jelkner11 am your time13:23
scooperI see why I usually missed you13:23
jelknerfkoikoi: please investigate
scooperI told before that you will meeting 10am liberia time13:23
mulbahJeff do you want the sysadmin to use mumble for the voice communication and tmate for the screen sharing?13:23
scooperI was told before that you will meet us 10 am liberia time13:24
jelknerit's 4 hours different13:24
jelknerso 7 am here is 11 am there13:24
jelknerthat's the time i have been joining13:24
jelkneranyway, fkoikoi, please look into ICA13:25
jelknerand find out if Liberia has a national affiliate13:25
jelknerif it doesn't, contact the international organization and find out how a local Liberian cooperative can join with them13:25
jelkneri'll ask our PRIME intern to look into it too13:26
jelknerbut she will only be with us for 2 more weeks13:26
jelknerso after she leaves13:26
jelknerwe will need to carry on without her13:26
jelknerok, i need to run to the bank13:26
jelkneri mean post office13:27
jelknerso scooper, i'll see you at 11 am your time on tuesday13:27
jelkneris the MCSS office open then?13:27
jelkneror not?13:27
scooperoffice is closed and will opened on July 3113:28
scooperbut we will be online13:28
scooperI can assured you13:28
jelknerlet's take a holiday, my friend13:28
jelknerit is very hard for people to get online13:28
jelknerthat's why so many of us are missing today13:28
scooperlet we learn fully than one day we can take that holiday Jeff13:29
jelkneri don't think it is a good idea to force13:29
scooperJuly 26 is ok for us to take a break Jeff13:29
jelknerscooper: while i appreciate your drive13:29
jelknerwhich i share with you, my friend, believe me!13:29
jelknerlet's not set ourselves up for failure13:29
scooperthe team have already agreed with me here Jeff13:29
jelkneryes, but they really can't do it13:29
jelknerthey don't have the connectivity13:30
jelknerto make it work13:30
jelknerthey need the lab13:30
jelknerif people connect from their phones like mulbah is doing now13:30
jelknerthey won't have the bandwidth they need to get things done13:30
jelknerand it leads to frustration13:30
jelknerthe best technical solution to that problem is....13:31
jelkneremail !13:31
jelknerwe should work assynchronously13:31
jelknerwhen folks can get something done13:31
scoopersome time when time when they abort all of the bandwidth I normally purhcase, we use my phone for emergency connection Jeff13:31
jelknerthey can send an email13:31
jelknerscooper, like i said13:31
jelkneri really appreciate your drive13:31
jelknerbut i am under a lot of stress here to get things done13:32
scoopergot you Jeff13:32
jelknerand i get more stressed when we try to meet and can't because of technical challenges13:32
jelkneri would rather not do it13:32
jelkneri can get more done for us by focusing on working with the PRIMES while we have them13:33
jelknerand then connecting with you all on July 31st13:33
jelknerwhen you're back13:33
jelknerbut let's think ahead about the future13:33
jelknerimagine it's 2 years from now13:33
jelknerJetro Web Development has 10 to 15 full time work owners13:34
jelknerand is taking in a lot of business13:34
jelknerwe will need then to find a reliable place to work13:34
scooperSecondly the supe will be back from South Korean August 1st.....13:34
scoopergot  you Jeff13:35
scooperthen we can continue where we stop 13:35
jelkneri'm hoping Jetro Web Development can somehow sign a public / private partnership agreement with MCSS13:35
jelknerto give us access to the new, small, solar powered school we are going to build!13:35
jelknerthat would be wonderful13:36
jelknerthat's my current dream ;-)13:36
scooperThe supe said that will not be a problem13:36
scooperhe understand your vision Jeff13:36
jelkneri have to go send the certified letter to the IRS before the post office closes13:36
scooperok safe journey13:36
jelkneryes, scooper, i actually got it in part from him13:37
jelknerso i know he understands13:37
jelknerwe are on the same page13:37
scooperI m happy to be here13:37
jelknerme too!13:37
scooperand it's an honor working with you Jeff13:37
jelknerok, my dear friend, let's plan on a Monrovian holiday until July 31st13:37
scooperok Jeff13:38
scooperACTION signing out13:38
jelknerI will be online briefly that day (since it's a Monday and I need to walk to the college)13:38
jelknerACTION signing out13:38
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scoopermulbah and Fkokoi13:38
scooperAre you guys still there13:39
mulbahI'm here13:39
scooperI think you guys follow the conversation right13:39
scooperthat mean you are not mandatory to come online13:39
scooperbut what become of you and thomas meeting with cole13:40
mulbahwhat do you mean by the scooper13:42
scooperI mean Jeff is saying that since MCSS is closed for the holiday celebration in liberia, you guys shouldn't inconvenient yourself by using you phone like you are doing to get online13:43
scooperthat we should all return  to active activities by July 31st13:44
scoopersince that is the day MCSS office will resume active work.....13:44
scooperdo you understand my respond now13:45
mulbahbut I don't mine using my phone to get online 13:45
mulbahfor class13:46
scooperOk I love that13:46
scooperthat show how committed you are in many sacrificies for us all to succeed13:47
mulbahthanks Mr. Cooper13:47
mulbahMr. Cooper13:48
mulbahIs the sysadmin team going to setup the screen sharing and vice communication 13:50
mulbahon everyone computer13:50
mulbahbecause I saw it on the agenda13:50
mulbahACTION is asking13:54
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