IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-08-10

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fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff10:45
jelknerGood morning, fkoikoi!10:45
jelknerThanks for your email.10:45
fkoikoialright 10:46
jelknerI'm still at home, and I need to go work in my classroom today.10:46
jelknerBut I wanted to talk to you, so I'm glad you're here a few minutes early.10:47
fkoikoiokay 10:47
jelknerfkoikoi, can you please join the NOVA Web Zulip?10:47
jelknerI'm sending you an invite now.10:48
jelknerinvite sent10:49
jelkneryou, scooper, and i need to plan effectively10:49
jelknerwe can use Zulip for you to get to know the NOVA Web folks here that will be working to get the business on a solid footing this year10:50
jelknerGood morning, scooper10:50
fkoikoiokay Jeff10:50
fkoikoiI will install Zulip on my computer today10:50
jelknerYou don't even have to install anything10:51
fkoikoiSpencer just went to the sup office10:51
jelknersince there is a web interface too10:51
jelknerbut the desktop one has more features10:51
fkoikoiso should I just click on the link you sent?10:52
jelknerJust like last year, Thursdays from 3 to 7 pm EST will be the weekly NOVA Web Development work session in my classroom.10:52
jelknerthat is 7 to 11 pm your time10:54
jelknerso it's too late for live collaboration10:54
jelknersome day we will have the new school10:54
jelknerthat will give us electricity and internet 24 hours a day! ;-)10:54
jelknerbut for now, we can't do that10:55
jelkneranother thing about our Zulip is that we are using the free hosting version10:55
jelknerso messages are not archived for a long time10:55
jelknerthat means at some point old messages will disappear10:55
fkoikoiwell understood 10:56
jelknerfor that reason, using this irc channel is still the best for meetings, notes, and things that we want to archive10:56
jelknersince like the message says, "Joining late? Find the missed conversation at"10:56
jelknerbut Zulip is useful for both synchronous and asynchronous short term communications10:57
jelknerand it will be the best way for you to get to know and work with the young folks here in Virginia who are working with NOVA Web10:57
fkoikoiso will we be using Zulip for nova web development meeting Jeff?10:58
jelkneryou'll be using it to send messages directly to individuals (DMs, i recently learned they are called ;-)10:58
jelknerand to groups about projects10:58
jelknersince Zulip works like threaded email10:59
scooperGood morning Jeff10:59
jelknerin fact, it automatically sends and email when you apply @ in front of their user name10:59
jelknerI can teach you how to use it10:59
fkoikoithanks Jeff11:00
jelknerI just received a message saying "Freena S. Koikoi <> accepted your invitation to join Zulip!"11:00
jelknernow sign in, fkoikoi 11:00
jelknerand i can show you a bit about how to use it11:01
fkoikoithat is what I am doing11:01
fkoikoiI'm done Jeff11:03
jelknerscooper, we need to talk about how to set up Jetro Web Development as a worker co-op11:03
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:03
jelknerI see you, fkoikoi11:03
jelknerI am going to create a new "Stream"11:03
jelknerfor Jetro Web Development11:04
scooperOk, are we doing it now???11:04
jelkneri can't walk and chew gum at the same time, scooper 11:05
jelkneras the old saying goes11:05
jelknerbut in a way, yes11:05
jelknerscooper, we need you on the zulip chat too11:05
jelknersince that is where we can most effectively make plans11:05
jelknerGood morning dcammue!11:05
dcammueHow was you night?11:06
jelknerStreams are groups of people working on a particular thing11:06
jelknerunderneath Streams, there are topics11:06
scooperOk I will check my mail I think I once use the Zulip chat when you were here in Liberia.. I sure my login credentials is save in my email 11:07
jelknerYes, scooper 11:07
jelkneryou are listed11:07
jelknerfkoikoi, i'm going to create two topics11:08
svayeGood morning Jeff11:11
jelknerGood morning svaye!11:11
jelknerok, i need to leave soon to travel to my school11:11
jelknerbut since i have dcammue and svaye both here now11:11
jelknerlet's take a few minutes to plan11:11
jelknersvaye and dcammue, i am really hoping you can follow along (or stay ahead of) my web development class this year11:12
jelknerSince you will be learning the same things the students in those classes are11:13
jelkneri have two sections this year11:13
jelkneri made a weekly calendar that i need to tweak a bit11:13
jelknerif you look at it, you can see the goal will be for students to take their final exam (which is the CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist certification)11:14
jelkneron Friday, April 19th, 202411:14
jelknerI will be posting assignments each week11:15
jelknerand making quizzes for them to practice11:15
jelkneri can't give you the quizzes in person11:15
jelknerbut i can send the PDFs to scooper 11:15
jelknerand maybe he can arrange to give you questions11:15
jelknernot sure how that would work11:15
scooperPDF can be convert11:16
jelknerconvert to what?11:16
jelkneri give the quizzes on paper11:16
jelkneri print them11:16
jelknerso that students can't use a computer when they take them11:17
scooperto libra office or 11:17
jelknerthat doesn't help, scooper 11:17
dcammueso, maybe he can give us the same quiz on paper too11:17
jelknerhow will they answer?11:17
scooperyou want them take the test on paper???11:17
dcammueas you do for them there11:17
jelknercan we?11:18
jelknerdo we have printing and paper?11:18
jelknerthen yes11:18
jelknerthat would be what i want11:18
jelknerwhen i make a quiz11:18
jelkneri'll send it to scooper 11:18
jelknerwho will print it and give it to svaye and dcammue to take on paper11:18
jelknerhe will grade it11:18
jelknerand give me the results11:19
dcammuescooper will11:19
jelknerok, i need to go11:19
jelknerso let me finish with fkoikoi before i leave11:19
dcammuealright thanks for your time11:19
jelknerfkoikoi, did you see my message introducing you to Kei?11:20
jelknerI will be seeing her at 3 pm my time today11:20
dcammueHave a nice class day Jeff11:20
jelkneryou too, dcammue!11:20
fkoikoiAre you leaving now Jeff?11:21
jelkneryes, fkoikoi 11:23
jelkneri'll be back on in a bit over an hour11:23
jelknerbut i need to travel to my school11:24
jelkner(and grab my first face on the way ;-)11:24
jelknerfkoikoi, svaye, i just created another thread11:24
jelknercalled "Joining the ICA"11:24
svayeI saw it 11:25
jelknerso with a little bit of use, you'll get the idea of how we can use Zulip to plan11:25
jelknerit supports Markdown in messages, which is really nice11:25
fkoikoiokay Jeff11:27
jelknerok fkoikoi, this is wonderful11:27
jelkneri need to sign off now11:27
jelkneruntil later...11:27
jelknerACTION signs off11:27
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svayeACTION signs off 11:28
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jelknerGood morning shmohamud!13:40
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jelknerfkoikoi, i noticed Sahnun appeared briefly14:44
jelknerbut he didn't reply to my message14:45
jelknerhas he still been meeting with you?14:45
fkoikoiNo Jeff14:51
fkoikoihe didn't reply to my message too14:51
jelknerok, just asking15:00
jelkneri can guide the python group15:01
jelkneri'll be teaching Python this year too15:02
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fkoikoialright 15:34
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