IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-08-25

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:06
fkoikoi!add Update about the discussion with the sup (by scooper)10:07
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Update about the discussion with the sup (by scooper)" has been added to the agenda.10:07
fkoikoi!add Procedures to register a business in Liberia 10:26
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Procedures to register a business in Liberia" has been added to the agenda.10:26
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:36
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)10:36
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)10:36
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, did you enjoy your holiday?10:57
jelknerGood morning dcammue 11:00
dcammueGood morning11:00
dcammueHow was your night11:00
dcammueYes Jeff11:00
jelknerAre you in the office, dcammue?11:00
jelkneri only have 10 minutes11:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:01
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)11:01
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)11:01
jelkner!add School starts Monday, time to start following along.11:01
LittleWebsterSuccess: "School starts Monday, time to start following along." has been added to the agenda.11:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:01
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)11:01
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)11:01
LittleWebsterSchool starts Monday, time to start following along. (added by jelkner)11:01
jelknerdcammue, i won't be at the meeting tomorrow11:02
jelknerSECOSOL has an appointment with the bank, and then we have an all day workshop11:02
jelknerBut I'll read the log when i get home tomorrow11:03
jelknerdcammue, i am hoping you and svaye can get back to the CIW curriculum11:03
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:03
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 11:03
jelkneri'm still at home and i need to get to work11:04
jelknerso i only have a few minutes11:04
jelknerfkoikoi, anything you need from me before we sign off?11:04
fkoikoiNot really Jeff11:04
jelknerok, then i'll read the logs from the meeting tomorrow, and see you Monday at 11 am!11:05
jelknerhave a great weekend!11:05
fkoikoiyou too11:05
jelknerACTION signs off to go to work11:05
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:54
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)11:54
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)11:54
LittleWebsterSchool starts Monday, time to start following along. (added by jelkner)11:54
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:55
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)11:55
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)11:55
LittleWebsterSchool starts Monday, time to start following along. (added by jelkner)11:55
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tboimahGood mornong ubuntourist13:01
ubuntouristHi tboimah 13:01
ubuntouristtboimah, are we waiting for mulbah?13:02
tboimahI think so13:02
ubuntouristOK, we'll wait a few minutes before doing anything too deep.13:02
ubuntouristDo you have questions or other stuff to share?13:03
ubuntourist(In my life, last year I started transcribing music from paper to computer, but then I stopped for several months. Recently, I have resumed that. But it is slow work.13:06
ubuntouristStill, though, I am pleased with the results so far. If you know people who are serious about music, you can share the web page with them:13:07
ubuntouristI'm learning a lot about music and a music typesetting software called LilyPond by working on it.)13:09
ubuntouristWhat's new with you?13:09
tboimah_nothing 13:10
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ubuntouristSo, how far are you in the Linux Command Line book, and do you feel comfortable with the information? 13:11
ubuntouristWhich chapters have you finished reading?13:11
tboimah_I was reading on chapters 10 to understand ps command Good. yeah i feel comfortable reading the book13:13
tboimah_i will be moving to chapter 11 today13:13
ubuntouristOK...  Part 2 of the book is chapter 11, 12 and 13. I will skip Chapter 12: If you or Mulbah have any questions about the vi editor (chapter 12), ask Jeff.13:15
tboimah_But there is also something i want understand in chapter 9 it is the unmask and the chown command13:15
ubuntouristOooo. I have forgotten about unmask !!! What's your question, and I will try to quickly review unmask. (I haven't used it in a very long time.)13:17
tboimah_I really want to know when and how to used it13:18
tboimah_in the terminal13:18
ubuntouristOops. I've really forgotten: When you typed "unmask" I thought "Is that right?" but then I ignored my instinct. I should not ignore my instinct: 13:18
ubuntouristIt is "umask" without an "n" -- not "unmask".13:19
ubuntouristcrank up tmate while I try to do a quick reading on the command.13:19
tboimah_ssh RUZ5nspXGek7Hpwe4gSSAgm98@lon1.tmate.io13:20
ubuntouristFirst, "man umask"13:22
ubuntouristWe should probably permanently set the PAGER to most, so that it's prettier, but we can do that again later.13:23
ubuntouristOK. The reason I don't use umask is because the default permission settings are "good enough" for me.13:24
ubuntouristWe need to go back to that whole binary and octal stuff we talked about to understand umask.13:24
ubuntouristBut first, why use it? What does it do?13:25
ubuntouristWhen a user or an application creates a new file or a directory, the operating system13:25
ubuntouristautomatically sets permissions.13:26
ubuntouristtype "q" to quit.13:26
ubuntouristThere is a command for creating an empty file, or for adjusting the modification date for a file.13:27
ubuntouristthe command is "touch". So, type "touch" followed by the name of a file that does not exist. Any simple file name after the word "touch" is fine.13:27
ubuntouristls -l13:28
ubuntouristWe can see that the file "thomas" has a size of zero: It's an empty file. But we can also see13:29
ubuntouristthe permissions. The default permissions that the operating system has given are "-rw-rw-r--"13:29
ubuntouristSo, you, the owner (user) get read and write permissions. Members of the group "tboimah" also get those permissions.13:30
ubuntouristAll users MUST be a member of some group. By default, users are placed in a group that has the same name as the user.13:31
ubuntouristSo  the user "tboimah" is a member of a group named "tboimah". But that group only has one member.13:32
ubuntouristIt's a little bit silly, but that's the way Unix and Linux evolved.13:33
ubuntouristThe third permission -- for everyone else ("other") is read-only. If a user is not tboimah or a member of the group tboimah13:34
ubuntouristthen they cannot change the contents of the file or delete it. But they can view the contents.13:34
ubuntouristBut, as we mentioned before, if you were working on the server and you wanted to have a file that mulbah could write13:36
ubuntouristto, you have two options:13:36
ubuntourist1. You could give everyone permission to write to the file. This is probably a BAD option, because it would give permission to too many people.13:37
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ubuntourist2. You could create a new group, make tboimah and mulbah a member of the group, and then change the ownership of the file13:38
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ubuntouristso that it is "owned by" the user tboimah (as it is now) and the new group. This is the better choice.13:38
ubuntouristlet's "rm thomas" and do the work on the server, because there are already lots of users on the server.13:39
tboimah_should i ssh into the server13:40
ubuntouristfirst get rid of the emtpy file then ssh to the server.13:40
ubuntouristI am going to also ssh into the server. (I want to be logged in as a different person.13:41
ubuntouristType "w"13:41
ubuntourist(and enter)13:42
ubuntouristNow type it again.13:44
ubuntouristIf it's dropping you every 30 seconds again, this isn't going to work...13:45
ubuntouristYou can see the difference between the first "w" and the second: It lists who is logged in.13:45
ubuntourist"touch thomas" again.13:46
ubuntouristls -l13:46
ubuntouristSo again, we can see that it's empty, and, on this system the default umask is different: the group does NOT have13:47
ubuntouristpermission to write. 13:47
ubuntouristOn your computer we saw "-rw-rw-r--". Here we see "-rw-r--r--".13:48
ubuntouristSo, first, let's make a new group. We will want to get rid of this group later...13:48
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ubuntouristGive me 30 seconds to review the correct way to make a group. (I do it the wrong way because I'm lazy.)13:49
ubuntouristsudo addgroup dummy13:51
ubuntouristsudo adduser tboimah dummy13:54
ubuntouristsudo adduser kjcole dummy13:55
ubuntouristOK. you've just created a new group -- a "dummy" group -- like in automobile crash testing, we have a "crash test dummy" 13:56
ubuntouristYou have added yourself, and me to that group.13:56
ubuntouristYou can see the effect with:13:57
ubuntouristmost /etc/group13:57
ubuntouristan scroll to the bottom.13:57
tboimahokay i can see it13:58
ubuntouristSo, you can see that last line. It tells us there is a group named "dummy" with a numeric group ID "1010" and it has two members.13:58
ubuntouristq to quit13:58
ubuntouristchown tboimah:dummy thomas13:59
ubuntouristls -l13:59
ubuntouristsudo chown tboimah:dummy thomas14:00
ubuntouristls -l14:00
ubuntouristOK. You can see that the group is now "dummy"14:01
ubuntouristThat means the middle permissions ("r--") will be given to anyone who is a member of the group "dummy".14:02
ubuntouristSo, let's give me write permissions. You should already know two ways with chmod -- one way with letters, and one way with numbers.14:02
ubuntouristWe ONLY want to change the GROUP permission to add WRITE. No other permission changes.14:03
ubuntouristls -l14:04
ubuntouristSo, you have now granted permission for me to write to the file.14:04
ubuntouristNow we'll talk a little about "umask"14:05
ubuntouristActually, before we do that, we'll set up a more practical example.14:05
ubuntouristlets get rid of the empty file. We're going to make an empty directory instead.14:06
ubuntouristmkdir thomas14:06
ubuntouristFast you. ;-)14:07
ubuntouristchmod 775 thomas14:07
ubuntourist(Directories are a bit odd: The "x" for directories does not mean "eXecute". I forget why, but if you want to give someone14:08
ubuntouristpermission to write to a directory, you need both the w permission and the x permission. The book probably explains that.14:08
ubuntouristNow, without any spaces or enter, type "Ctrl-Rchown" (type Ctrl-R and when it says "reverse search" type chown) THEN type enter.14:09
ubuntouristls -l14:10
ubuntouristOK, now there is a directory that I can write to.14:10
ubuntouristcd thomas14:10
ubuntouristPut some text in the file and save it.14:11
ubuntouristNope. You have not saved it.14:13
ubuntouristACTION is waiting...14:14
ubuntouristDamn. Server dropped.14:15
ubuntourist(You should really add back the .ssh/conffig to save typiing out the long ssh command...)14:16
ubuntouristAny file name. Don't think too hard.14:16
ubuntouristOK. 14:17
ubuntouristls -l14:17
ubuntouristNow, finally a umask example. umask is kind of "backwards" from "chmod"14:18
ubuntouristWhen not working with computers, sometimes people use the word "mask" to mean "filter".14:19
ubuntouristOne example is photography: When you "mask" something, you are preventing the light from passing through unless there is a hole14:20
ubuntouristin the mask where you want light to get through.14:20
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ubuntouristIn computers, threre is a concept called a "logical bit mask" (Usually, I see "bitmask" all one word.)14:21
ubuntouristumask is a way  of creating a logical bitmask that affects permissions.14:22
tboimah_I am following14:22
ubuntourist(I saw your other username drop.)14:23
ubuntouristThe idea of a bitmask here is to turn OFF bits instead of turning ON bits. (Each binary 1 or 0 is a "binary digit" commonly called a "bit")14:24
ubuntouristSo. Imagine that you had all permissions turned on for a file:14:24
ubuntouristrwxrwxrwx   or, in binary:14:25
ubuntourist111111111    or in octal:14:25
ubuntouristumask turns OFF bits wherever there is a 1 and turns on bits wherever there is a 0.14:26
ubuntouristIf you type:14:26
ubuntouristumask 00014:26
ubuntouristit means that any new file you create will have the permissions set to 777.14:27
ubuntouristTry it.   "umask 000" (enter) and then "touch showme" aand then "ls -l"14:27
ubuntouristumask won't change any file that already exists. It only affects new files.14:28
ubuntouristtouch is spelled wrong.14:28
ubuntouristWhen you typed 111 it meant:14:29
ubuntouristrwxrwxrwx masked with:14:29
ubuntouristThe 111 octal = 001 001 001 binary and it turned off the "x"  because umask starts with the assumption of 777 and turns stuff OFF.14:31
ubuntouristyou're misunderstanding.14:31
ubuntouristumask does not affect single files. It sets the default behavior for future files.14:32
tboimah_Ahhh okay14:32
ubuntouristAny file that you create until you logout will now have the permissions "rw-rw-rw-" because you have told the system14:32
ubuntouristthat you do not want the default behavior that it had before wihc was "rw-r--r--"14:33
ubuntouristThe server has been set up to use a umask 133 for everyone, unless they explicitly change it the way you did when you typed "umask 111".14:34
ubuntouristrwxrwxrwx with a umask of 133 =14:35
ubuntourist001011011 =14:35
ubuntouristThe 1's turned off x for the user, wx for the group and wx for others.14:35
ubuntouristThe reason we created a directory named thomas is because we're going to do one last trick here... 14:36
ubuntouristHold on while I get the exact syntax of the command we're about to try...14:37
ubuntouristcd ..14:38
ubuntouristchmod 2775 thomas14:38
ubuntouristSee the "s" in the permissions?14:39
tboimah_yeah, but what dose it mean14:39
ubuntouristWell, we're about to find out: 14:39
ubuntouristcd thomas14:39
ubuntouristtouch newfile14:40
ubuntourist(don't worry about the spelling of the filename)14:40
ubuntouristls -l14:40
ubuntouristWhat do you notice?14:40
tboimah_i notice that the Group name change from tboimah to dummy14:41
ubuntouristRight! 14:41
ubuntouristThe old directory permissions for "thomas" were already "775" (rwxrwxr-x). But using the "chmod 2775" added a "set group"14:42
ubuntouristThat's the "s" in "rwxrwsr-x"14:43
ubuntouristIt means that any file created in the directory thomas will inherit the group ownership of the directory.14:44
ubuntouristSo, if the directory "thomas" is owned by the group "dummy", then any new files created in thomas will also be in the group "dummy".14:44
ubuntourist(Again this only affects NEW files. The old files retain their original group until you explicitly change those with "sudo chown".14:45
ubuntouristSo now, with ownership, inheritance and umask, you can have directories where ALL new files are automatically shared with a group.14:47
ubuntourist(Maybe we should have named the directory "shared" instead of "thomas")14:47
tboimah_yeah so that i can shared it with mulbah14:49
ubuntouristThe idea is to save you time: By using the "chmod 2775" and "umask 113" you can create lots of files,14:49
ubuntouristand I will always be able to write to files in the "thomas" directory,14:49
ubuntouristLet's go ahead and change the name.14:49
ubuntouristcd ..14:49
ubuntouristmv thomas shared14:49
ubuntouristLater, maybe we'll change the group name from "dummy" to "shared".  Origiinally, I was thinking we 14:50
ubuntouristwould delete the group, and the directory. It's not a great idea to be creating groups on servers as part of an experiment.14:51
ubuntouristIf you need a group it's important to know how to create them and use them. But you do not want to clutter up14:52
ubuntourista server that is shared by lots of people.14:52
ubuntouristHowever, for now, it's okay,  With a name like "dummy" for the group, it will be obvious to all of the systems administrators14:52
ubuntouristthat this group is not intended to be a real, important group.14:53
ubuntourist(What you do in your own directory doesn't matter -- as long as you keep track of it. It is not very professional of me, but14:53
ubuntouristwhen I am frustrated with a problem, I often use vulgar cursing file names. But those are in MY directory. The group names14:54
ubuntouristare "public property" and I would not be vulgar there.14:54
ubuntouristSo, for you, file names like "do_something" or "thomas" or "shared" are all fine. The only person who needs to know what they mean is you.14:55
ubuntouristIMPORTANT: Before we go today: When you used "chmod 2775 shared" (well, "chmod 2775 thomas" really) that is permanent.14:57
ubuntouristIt will stay that way until you use a different "chmod". BUT "umask ..." is TEMPORARY!!!14:57
ubuntouristthe next time you login, umask will be back to its original value 13314:58
ubuntouristIf you want to make a permanent change to umask, you do that by editing a file that gets run every time you login.14:59
ubuntouristAnd that is where the book is headed in chapters 11 and 13...15:00
ubuntouristShare w/ mulbah and see you on Monday. Maybe re-read the section of the book that talks about umask.15:01
tboimah_Mr Cole thanks for today15:01
tboimah_i appreciate15:01
tboimah_and have a nice day15:02
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:16:29
LittleWebsterUpdate about the discussion with the sup (by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)16:29
LittleWebsterProcedures to register a business in Liberia (added by fkoikoi)16:29
LittleWebsterSchool starts Monday, time to start following along. (added by jelkner)16:29
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