IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-08-31

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fkoikoi_Good Morning Jeff10:18
tboimahGood morning Jefff10:23
jelknerGood morning Freena and Thomas!10:52
dcammueGood morning Jeff and everyone11:00
jelknerGood morning Daniel11:00
jelknerfkoikoi_, are you here?11:00
jelknertime for our stand-up meeting11:00
fkoikoi_okay Jeff11:01
jelknerso, what did people decide, are we having a work session tomorrow?11:01
jelkneri would like to meet for 2 hours with the programming and web design teams11:01
jelknerShallon, Daniel, Freena, Spencer, and Janet (if she can)11:02
jelknerI could be here from 11 am to 1 pm your time11:02
jelknersince i am off from work tomorrow11:02
jelknercan we do that?11:02
dcammueYes Jeff, we will be here tomorrow11:03
jelknerdcammue, i am going to add you and svaye to my class11:03
jelkneronce we get you set up tomorrow, you will see your name on this page:
jelknerI'm going to put you in the 5B class since the list is shorter ;-)11:04
sysadmingood morning jeff how's your end it's me gabriel11:04
jelknerGood morning Gabriel, great to see you!11:04
jelknerdcammue, i'll also talk to you about the new channel the tmickelson set up11:04
jelknerand see if you can configure hexchat (if that's what you're using) to auto join it11:05
jelknerit is logging now too11:05
jelknertmickelson is pretty amazing!11:05
jelknerok, fkoikoi_, anything else?11:06
fkoikoi_this is the link to scooper and I git account11:06
jelknerthis is a branch11:07
sysadminjeff can I get connected with you on linkin? i send you a message but it's not going because we're not11:07
jelkneri need to learn more about how branches work11:07
jelkneri don't use it much, fkoikoi_ 11:07
jelkneri don't like these corporate social media things11:07
jelknerfacebook, linkedin, etc.11:07
jelknerso i hardly ever use them11:08
jelknerbut i do have an account11:08
jelknerso i'd be glad to "friend" you, or whatever they call it11:08
fkoikoi_This account contain three branches, master, spencer and fkoikoi11:08
jelknermy friend Matt Gallagher, who comes to our Thursday night meetings11:09
jelkneris an expert on git11:09
jelkneri'll ask him for advice this evening on how best to use it this way11:09
fkoikoi_alright Jeff11:09
fkoikoi_one more thing Jeff11:10
jelknerquick, quick, fkoikoi_, i need to go11:10
fkoikoi_I want you to please accept my excuse because I won't be on the hexchat by 12:0011:10
jelknertomorrow you mean?11:11
jelknerwhat about Monday?11:11
jelkneri have off Monday too11:11
jelknerno students that day11:11
fkoikoi_I will be here11:11
sysadminjeff sorry for these days cause i put python programming on hold and going on with c programming cause that is what we're doing right now in the Alx Software engeerning but hopefully we'll do that for next sprint but am just reading the book you give but not the solution cause i have much to do11:12
jelknerdcammue, do you know if svaye can be here tomorrow?11:12
dcammuenot really11:12
fkoikoi_I will also be here tomorrow but won't stay much long11:12
jelknerfkoikoi_, can you contact her and find out?11:12
fkoikoi_sure Jeff11:12
jelknerlet me suggest this11:12
fkoikoi_let me do it now11:12
jelkner1. tomorrow i meet for one hour, 11 am to 12 noon, with the web development group11:13
jelknerDaniel and Shallon11:13
dcammuebut I will inform her11:13
sysadminjeff can thomas still have to open my account please11:13
jelkner2. on Monday, I meet for 1 hour with the Python (CSC 221) group11:13
jelknerFreena and Spencer (and Janet?)11:13
jelknerplease, fkoikoi_ help organize this11:14
fkoikoi_alright Jeff11:14
jelknerwe don't have time to waste11:14
sysadminjeff am asking you please11:14
jelknerso if we don't use these opportunities well, we won't progress11:14
fkoikoi_I will email you later today11:14
jelknersysadmin, you're asking me what?11:14
sysadminto create an account11:14
jelkneri don't understand11:15
jelknercreate what account?11:15
sysadminfor gitea sever11:15
jelkneryou don't need me for that sysadmin 11:15
jelknertboimah is here11:15
sysadminit me gabriel11:15
jelknertboimah and mulbah are the sys admins11:15
jelknerthey are learning to create accounts and manage systems11:15
jelknerso you should ask them11:16
jelknernot me11:16
jelkneri have to go11:16
jelknersee you tomorrow...11:16
fkoikoi_okay Jeff11:16
sysadmintboimah is doing so for me11:16
dcammueokay Jeff11:16
dcammuehave a nice day11:16
jelknerACTION will display away status now to get ready for class11:16
jelkneryou too dcammue 11:16
sysadminokay jeff have a nice day :)11:17
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mulbahHello Jeff12:49
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rkapplerHi Stefan! I'm Rachel. I'm interested in learning LibreOrganize, is there a particular place I should begin?20:28
Guest1372Hi Rachel! Well assuming you have a decent understanding of Python and Django, you can clone LibreOrganize and set it up using the instructions.20:30
Guest1372oops, irc client got messed up20:30
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sitarabutathere we go20:31
sitarabutaI would look at how the project is laid out (applications are modularized: accounts, events, etc.) and how they all use some common code (look for generic views in core/ for example).20:31
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sitarabutawell windows decided to upgrade while i was using it20:37
sitarabutatyping a message in fact20:37
sitarabutaanyway, moving on20:37
sitarabutaI would focus on what is in the "core" directory. You have the config there, the common views, mixins, urls, etc20:38
sitarabutaMixins are also very important, you can use them when you make your own views in order to add functionality that is usually needed without having to rewrite everything20:39
sitarabutaAuthentication for example, or pulling a model from the database20:39
rkapplerok, that makes sense! I think I already cloned and set up LibreOrganize, so I will double check that and then jump into the core code.20:40
sitarabutaYep. You could also try to make your own app20:40
sitarabutaThat might make it a lot easier to understand stuff than just looking at it20:41
sitarabutaSo you can start with the easy stuff and as you begin to understand how the views work, you can start adding mixins, and then maybe you can see that a generic view might suit that view's needs better20:42
rkapplerI've created some things in Django before, but it's been a bit. I'll probably start with looking over LibreOrganize's code to get a refresh and then move to that20:48
rkapplerThank you for your help! Is there anything else I should know?20:48
sitarabutaNo problem. I am trying to think of something but I am not coming up with anything else20:52
sitarabutaMaybe the fact that LibreOrganize's code is a bit different what you'd find in Django tutorials online20:52
sitarabutaWhat I refer to generic views are our custom built generic views. Django also has generic views which are very very complex, so if you see someone mention them online, they are talking about something else20:53
sitarabutaOtherwise, I think this is about it. Let me know if you have questions. I am sure there is lots of stuff that isn't clear in LibreOrganize20:53
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tmickelsonsitarabuta, is there documentation for the python library that LittleWebster uses?21:09
tmickelsoni found but it doesn't go too in depth on how commands work21:10
tmickelson*the @command plugin21:11
sitarabutatmickelson, it is a bit obscure21:11
sitarabutathat looks like the correct documentation21:12
tmickelsonok, thanks21:12
sitarabutano problem. i would say that a good way to learn about it is to go to where the package installs in the venv and just go through21:15
sitarabutai think there are pretty well documented in the code21:15
sitarabutait might take a bit to figure out what functions are intended for the public-facing api and what is just internal stuff that they use, but i'm sure you'll sort it out ;-)21:16
klariosHey guys we've got a lot to discuss today. 21:41
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jelknerlet's do what we can without our lead developer present21:44
jelknerAnujin will need guidance from Antonio to figure out a plan for the AEA site.21:45
Anujinpath(         "esp-box/", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="resources.html"), name="resources"     ),21:57
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AntonioAbelaHello sorry I'm late my mentor meeting went longer than expected22:11
jelknerHi AntonioAbela, *so* good to see you!22:14
jelknerwe have several customers asking for support22:14
AntonioAbelaWhich ones?22:14
jelkner1. AEA22:14
jelkner2. Mexico Solidarity Project22:14
jelkner3. Claudia Jones School22:15
AntonioAbelaWhat does AEA need?22:15
jelknerFirstly, we need to migrate the site22:15
jelknermattva01 is working with Anujin now to do that22:16
jelknerbut he noticed uncommitted changes22:16
jelknerand Anujin is making changes too22:16
AntonioAbelaThe AEA project is weird because there are a lot of changes you need to make to edit the project22:17
jelknerso mattva01 is concerned about commit conflicts22:17
AntonioAbelayou need to revert a couple things 22:17
jelknerso, lead developer, what's your plan? ;-)22:17
jelkneri will be focused in recruitment22:18
jelkneryou need to help guide the team22:18
jelknerso you have a group of developers that can work together to do business22:18
AntonioAbelaI have screenshots of all the changes they need to revert22:18
AntonioAbelaI just need to find them22:18
jelknerWe don't want to overwhelm you22:18
jelknerso let's focus on moving responsibilities to others22:19
AnujinI think we have access to those screenshots22:19
cbahrambegiYes, all the developers have access to an AEA google doc with changes needed and the pictures of what to add or remove before commiting.22:19
AntonioAbelaI'm in the doc, but I don't see the pictures of the changes that need to be reverted22:20
AntonioAbelaor do you have them separately22:20
cbahrambegiI have them in my camera roll22:20
AntonioAbelaOk great22:20
AnujinWe have them separately but I can add them to the doc22:20
cbahrambegiyou sent them in a zulip group chat22:20
AntonioAbelaTHats what I thought but I couldn't find them22:20
cbahrambegiI don't know which one22:20
cbahrambegiI can try to find the exact group chat22:21
AntonioAbelaAh I found it22:21
AntonioAbelait wasn't a group chat it was the aea stream on zulip22:21
cbahrambegiJust noticed that22:21
AntonioAbelaSo are the commit conflicts not those?22:21
AntonioAbelaOr is that the only problem22:21
cbahrambegiI don't think they are the conflicts22:22
AntonioAbelaSo what are the uncommitted changes?22:23
cbahrambegiI didn't do any of those umcommitted changes22:24
cbahrambegiIt might've been some one else on the team22:25
klariosHey AntonioAbela do you know how to access our Big Blue Button?22:25
AntonioAbelaI can dm you the info22:25
klariosYeah that sounds great22:26
klariosthank you!22:26
AntonioAbelaDoes Anujin have a seperate branch to commit and push changes to?22:27
AntonioAbelaSomething like aea-update22:27
AnujinMatt helped to copy the code over to the AEA linode. He suggests that we now move the database: making a database dump, then transferring the dump and restoring the dump unto the new system22:28
AntonioAbelaIt's up to you but that way you can actually push your changes somehwere and I could look at them22:29
AntonioAbelaAs for the database dumping, I should have access to the AEA database and I should be able to get the dump file22:29
AntonioAbelaActually I need to reach out to Stefan or Adrian because I don't have my ssh keys on the servers22:31
AntonioAbelaSo probably can't do that today22:31
AntonioAbelaActually I forgot I have the general linode login22:32
AnujinOk, so I think I have the aea branch, should I commit to that?22:36
AntonioAbelaIf your changes are final and ready to push to the server then you can do that, but I was sayign when you are working on it having an aea-development branch you can freely push to without worry would be good22:37
AntonioAbelaDoes that make sense?22:37
AntonioAbelaAs for dumping I probably need to do that over the weekend. I need to finish up some homework and message Stefan about the correct way to dump the db22:39
AntonioAbelaI need to go now, but if you have any more questions just message me on zulip22:39
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