IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-09-01

*** Meaticus_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)03:37
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dcammueGood morning Jeff11:02
jelknerGood morning Daniel11:04
jelknerDo you know is Shallon is coming?11:04
dcammueI trying contacting her but she's not peaking up her phone11:05
jelknerAre you in the lab?11:05
dcammueI don't have enough passage to go at the lab today11:06
jelknerI need to discuss that with Spencer and Freena11:07
dcammuewhat is that11:07
jelknerI thought we agreed your passage would be covered.11:07
jelknerdcammue, i must admit to being concerned today.11:08
jelknerwe need to grab every opportunity we have if we are going to be successful.11:08
jelkneri don't have too many days off like i do today11:08
dcammuebut for this month we did contribution toward their school fees11:08
jelkneri was hoping you and Shallon would be here today11:08
jelknerand that we could make real progress11:09
jelknerI asked Freena to try to set that up.11:09
dcammueshallon phone is just ringing but no answer11:10
dcammueAnd freena too11:10
jelknerI appreciate you showing up, Daniel.11:10
jelknerBut I'm *very* busy, and we are not ready to meet today.11:11
jelknerSo I will email Spencer and Freena and try to be clearer about my expectations.11:11
jelknerAnd we can try again another time.11:11
jelknerHave a good weekend, my friend.11:11
dcammueSo we can't make progress today?11:12
jelknerWe need both you and Shallon to be here.11:12
jelknerAnd preferably in the lab.11:12
jelknerSo that we can bring the sys admins into the conversation.11:12
jelknerWe will try again another time.11:13
dcammuewe can make that on monday right?11:13
jelknerI'll ask Spencer to propose a time, and to be responsbile for making sure folks are there.11:13
jelknerI don't know.  I don't want to show again on Monday and have it be like today.11:14
jelkner*If* Spencer emails me asking me to show up on Monday, and he promises to better organize it, I will show.11:14
jelknerOtherwise, I have other things I can do with my time.11:14
jelknerno what?11:15
dcammuewe all will meet on saturday11:15
jelknerI can't meet on Saturday.11:15
dcammueand we will discuss that11:15
dcammueI know11:15
jelknerbring what happened today up at the meeting tomorrow11:15
jelknerlet folks know i was not happy11:15
dcammueI will11:15
jelknerand tell Freena and Spencer they need to take more initiative11:16
jelknerthey can look at the irc logs to see our conversation here now11:16
dcammuesorry what happened today Jeff11:16
jelkneryou showed, dcammue 11:16
jelknerso it is not you who needs to apologize11:16
jelknerwe need better coordination among the team11:16
dcammueI try reading the CIW lesson 2 already11:17
jelkneri want to take a deeper dive into that11:17
jelknerbut i want to do it with both you and Shallon at the same time11:17
jelknerthanks, my friend11:17
jelkneri'll look for an email on Sunday11:17
dcammueThanks too11:17
jelknertalk to you soon11:17
jelknerACTION signs off for today11:18
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ubuntouristACTION tries to wake up after another night of bad sleep...13:00
ubuntouristACTION yawns...13:00
ubuntouristmulbah, good afternoon to you (bad morning to me).13:01
ubuntouristmulbah, were you able to experiment with the e-mail attachments?13:02
ubuntouristmulbah, as we continue, I'll be using e-mail more often. So, reading it regularly will become13:03
ubuntouristmore important as we continue. (For example, there was a hint sent last night -- my time.)13:04
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ubuntouristmulbah, tboimah send me e-mail with your progress or questions. It looks like another day of 13:14
ubuntouristbad connectivity... or no one's there.13:15
ubuntouristI'll try again Monday morning -- though I think I may want to keep that short, since it's a busy Monday coming up.13:16
ubuntouristACTION wanders off to do other things... maybe sleep... ;-)13:16
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*** Meaticus has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)18:42
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