IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2024-07-21

*** experimental-webster has joined #novawebdev18:57
experimental-websterError: Cannot add an empty item to the agenda!19:13
LittleWebsterError: Cannot add an empty item to the agenda!19:13
experimental-websterInvalid arguments.19:13
ledmer!settimezone US/Eastern19:14
experimental-websterSuccess: Timezone set to US/Eastern.19:14
ledmer!settimezone US/Easter19:15
experimental-websterError: Unknown timezone US/Easter.19:15
ledmer!settimezone US/Eastern19:15
experimental-websterSuccess: Timezone set to US/Eastern.19:15
ledmer!starttime 20 15 21 7 *19:18
experimental-websterInvalid arguments.19:18
ledmer!starttime 2019:18
experimental-websterError: Wrong syntax. Example: 'minute hour day(of the month) month day(week)'.19:18
ledmer!starttime 2015217*19:19
experimental-websterError: Wrong syntax. Example: 'minute hour day(of the month) month day(week)'.19:19
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:47

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