IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2024-07-22

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klariosprimes homework/ list  - Make a detailed but lightweight presentation on  1. creating a decidim account 2. having access to the ADMIN of decidim  A. First step is to introduce decidim, can be a guide of what a user sees when they first land on the page.  B. What decidim Is. Explain the concept and introduce the components C. What can be done with decidim (Detail of who and how people can participate with decidim. (you can expl13:08
klariosD. What can ADMINS do with decidim ( What powers do they have, or what things they can create) * you can explain the components of Admin side here*  E. How do you think a governing body should tackle different or multiple decisions, Ideas introduced by people most efficiently.  F. How can A small company and Organization can Use DECIDIM to organize. What are the PROS and CONS to Decidim    - Create something that entizes the u13:08
klarios- Create something that entizes the use of decidim to the general audience (the main audience for this would be people in the non-profit or cooperative world, but it is not limited to small businesses or organizations) this can be up to your imagination, it can be a canva flier *most convinient* and it can include detail from the first assignment.    Lastly, I am assuming you all will do a presentation with all your findings o13:09
klariosAssignments for DEV WORK  If someone is still up to doing the dev work, I will be working with you directly and will have more information on Wednesday, I am still working on the Scripts for the API's, I will let you know when we are ready to do more.    As for anyone else, I recommed you come to the IRC logs or copy this somewhere if you need to revisit it.  In regards to deadline, since you all will be leaving soon, the expe13:09
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