IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2024-09-10

ubuntouristHi. So sorry. I forgot that today was Tuesday.14:25
ubuntouristThis is the problem with retirement.14:26
mulbahhaha no problem14:27
ubuntouristACTION is stepping away for 30 seconds to grab my caffeine. Be right back.14:27
mulbahdid you see my mail14:27
ubuntouristACTION is back14:28
ubuntouristI have noisy neighbors. I live in an apartment building. Last night someone decided that 11:30 PM was the time to start some woodworking project. So, sleep was bad.14:29
ubuntouristI did see your e-mail. Bravo!14:29
ubuntouristTools like rev, cat, tac, grep, awk, sed, and perl, along with find and locate (and locate's partner updatedb)14:31
ubuntouristare your second-best friends as a sys admin. Your best friend should be your editor.14:32
ubuntouristSo, it sounds like you are already becoming quite comfortable with these basic tools.14:32
ubuntouristI have not been spending much time with the book yet, but if you've got questions, let me know. Otherwise, this was a good, quick check-in.14:33
mulbahMr. Cole I think giving me task to do will build my skill up14:34
ubuntouristOK. Where are you in the book?14:35
mulbahchapter 6 to 714:36
ubuntouristBy the way, those practice tests, and probably, some of the resources on the book's web site that you register for would provide some tasks, I think.14:37
ubuntouristOK. I will try to send you a problem via e-mail after reviewing the material myself.14:37
ubuntouristI guess that's all we need to say for today. I will try to be better about reading the book and keeping up. See you next week if there's nothing else.14:41
mulbahAlright see you next week14:42
*** ubuntourist has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:42
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:43
*** anthony_p has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:24

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