IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-09-12

*** jkollie has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:57
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jelknerjamesoconnr, AntonioAbela great to see you!20:35
jelknermy apologies for being late20:35
jelkneranother power strip burned up20:35
jelknerare you here?20:36
AntonioAbelaHello @jelkner!20:36
jelknerso let's talk20:36
jelknerwe have electrical issues here20:36
jelknerpower strips keep burning up20:36
jelknerand lights keep flickering20:36
jelknerit's a mess20:36
jamesoconnrWow, its been like that since last year!20:36
jelknerbut anyway, i just plugged in a replacement strip and i'm ready to go20:37
jelkneryes, jamesoconnr, i think we will suffer with this until the new building is finished20:37
jelknerit's a Dominion Power issue20:37
jelknerand i'm not holding my breath until it's fixed :-(20:37
jelknerjamesoconnr, i have an agenda item for you20:38
jelknerand AntonioAbela i have a separate one for you20:38
jelknerDecidim for jamesoconnr 20:38
jelknerand NOVA Web VT for AntonioAbela 20:38
jelknerwho wants to go first?20:38
jamesoconnrIll go first20:38
jelknerto update you, jamesoconnr, Johan_F will be doing his capstone this year focusing on Decidim20:39
jelknerand you know, there are exactly two projects i want to fund personally through SJC20:39
jelkner1. Jetro Web Development20:39
jelkner2. Decidim20:39
jelknerto bring you up to date jamesoconnr 20:40
jelknerblu and fatima are going to work with jetro web20:40
jelknerto get them to the point within a year where they can take on paying clients20:40
jelknerthey are going to do jetro's own website20:40
jelknerthen the SJC website20:40
jelknerand then the SECOSOL website20:41
jelknerJohan_F will work with Tony and you jamesoconnr 20:41
jelkneron Decidim20:41
jamesoconnrAlright, is Luis still working on Decidim20:41
jelknerapologies for leaving him off20:42
jelkneri'm still waiting for him to get here20:42
jelknerbut yes20:42
jamesoconnrOk, sounds good20:42
jelknerso we need to talk about deliverables20:42
jelknersince that project is more uncharted20:42
jelknerJohan_F has been investigating and exploring the platform20:42
jelkneri've been very impressed with his initiative20:43
jelknerhe has looked at the logs of the PRIME interns20:43
jelknerso he can build on their Summer work20:43
jelknerhe has even installed Decidim20:43
jelknerthough i told him that is not his job20:43
jelknerhe has you 3 devs to do that20:43
jelknerso y'all need to coordinate20:44
jelknersince we need to:20:44
jelkner1. set up the platform for nova web and jetro web20:44
jelkner2. get all members on in20:44
jelkner3. learn how to use it to "decide" things20:44
jelknerthen we can bring it to the DNOVA council20:44
jelknerwithin a year20:45
jelkneri want us to be ready to charge for installation and training on it20:45
jelknerwe need to be20:45
jelknerbecause my funding runs out about then20:45
jamesoconnrAlright, ill definitely need to meet with the existing decidim team at some point soon20:45
jelkneri can set up a list serve for the core folks, or we can use a nova web mail server alias20:46
jelknerwhich do you want?20:46
jamesoconnrprobably the mail alias20:47
jelknerour own infrastructure20:47
jelknerand a good first task for ...20:48
jelknerACTION waits for marin to join20:48
jelknera good first mail server task for Marin 20:48
jelknerMarin, we want decidim@novawebdevelopment.org20:49
jelknerto go to jamesoconnr, luis, Johan_F, jelkner, and Tony20:49
jelknerok AntonioAbela 20:50
jelknerglad to have you back!20:51
jelknerkei and tony are in chicago20:51
AntonioAbelaGood to be back!20:51
jelknerbut i got to catch up with kei20:51
*** fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:52
jelknershe tells me there are opportunities at VT to get support for our business effort20:52
AntonioAbelaThats great20:53
AntonioAbelaI know something about the APEX Center20:53
jelknerso she is going to open a bank account there20:53
jelknerand begin looking into it20:53
jelknerunfortunately, you all are on your own to get business20:53
jelkneri'll be funding the two efforts i just listed20:54
jelknerso you'll be trying to generate your own clients there20:54
jelknerAntonioAbela, you know as well as any of us what we're ready for20:56
jelknerwe aren't ready for Decidim clients20:57
jelknerand our experience with general website clients should give us a lot to reflect about20:57
jelkneri look forward to discussing business strategy and planning with you20:58
AntonioAbelaYes, I still need to meet up with the others at VT20:58
AntonioAbelaHopefully that will happen soon20:58
jelknerso that's your main task then20:59
jelknerdon't know why vrishin isn't here20:59
jelknerved is out of the country20:59
jelknerso we need to have a real planning meeting once he gets back20:59
jelknerkei will be back from the usfwc conference on monday21:00
jelknerhopefully inspired and with ideas from the workshops she'll be attending21:00
AntonioAbelaOk that all sounds great. I'll reach out to Kei and try to set something up for next week21:00
jelknerso that's all i have21:00
jelknerand it's 521:00
jelknerwe want to keep these meetings to 30 minutes21:01
jelkneruntil next week then?21:01
AntonioAbelaSee you then!21:01
jamesoconnrSee you then!21:01
*** jamesoconnr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:01
jelknergreat to see you!21:01
jelknerACTION signs off21:01
*** AntonioAbela has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:01
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:01
*** blu has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:01
*** Johan_F has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:02
*** Marin has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:56

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