IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-03-26

*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev00:36
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:37
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:37
*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev00:38
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 100:38
The event "please work" has been created.00:38
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:38
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:38
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC,00:38
The event has missing arguments.00:38
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC00:39
The event has missing arguments.00:39
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 999999999999999999999999999999900:39
The event has invalid arguments.00:39
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 9999999999999999999999999900:39
The event has invalid arguments.00:39
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 99999999999999999900:39
The event has invalid arguments.00:39
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 99999999999900:39
The event has invalid arguments.00:39
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 9999999900:40
The event "please work" has been created.00:40
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 000:41
The event "please work" has been created.00:41
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -000:41
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:41
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25 10:00, 2020-03-25 11:00, IRC, -100:41
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:41
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 1-00:42
The event has invalid arguments.00:42
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 0-100:42
The event has invalid arguments.00:42
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC,  -100:42
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:42
abuchholz!help event00:42
Little_BrotherAdd Event to LibreOrganize00:42
*** Little_Brother_ has joined #novawebdev00:43
*** Little_Brother_ has joined #novawebdev00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 100:43
The event "please work" has been created.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, 100:43
The event "please work" has been created.00:43
The event "please work" has been created.00:43
The event "please work" has been created.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:43
Little_Brother_Invalid arguments.00:43
*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev00:46
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:46
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:46
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, ''00:49
The event has invalid arguments.00:49
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, ' '00:49
The event has invalid arguments.00:49
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC00:49
The event has missing arguments.00:49
*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev00:51
SITarabuta!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, infinity00:51
The event "please work" has been created.00:51
abuchholz!event please work, for the love of god, 2020-03-25, 2020-03-25, IRC, -100:51
Little_BrotherInvalid arguments.00:51
*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev00:53
abuchholz!help event00:53
Little_BrotherCreate event on novawebdevelopment.org00:53
*** abuchholz has left #novawebdev (None)01:24
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev03:46
SITarabuta!remind Mail was down yesterday ;)03:46
"Mail was down yesterday ;)" added to message queue03:46
SITarabuta!remind Checkout our website for new stuff03:47
"Checkout our website for new stuff" added to message queue03:47
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev12:43
jelkner!remind Getting Logging back for Little_Brother12:44
"Getting Logging back for Little_Brother" added to message queue12:44
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev13:51
abuchholzgood morning jelkner13:51
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:10
abuchholzjelkner it might not go off at 12 today because it is still set to sunday15:13
*** Little_Brother has joined #novawebdev15:25
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:26
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev15:48
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev15:48
*** hrodriguez has joined #novawebdev15:56
*** lbolz has joined #novawebdev15:56
ubuntouristLet's see if Linode's clock is better than WebFaction's. ;-)15:57
SITarabutaLet's hope so :)15:57
abuchholzit should15:57
jelknerubuntourist, we can change the clock on linode15:58
jelknerif it isn't15:59
jelknerwe can't on webfaction15:59
ubuntouristjelkner, there is that. 15:59
ubuntourist$ date says it's on target...15:59
Little_Brother2020-03-26 16:00:01.27590316:00
SITarabutauh oh16:00
SITarabutaIT IS UTC16:00
abuchholzthats a problem16:00
lbolz : hrodriguez : GFbot : @ubuntourist : SITarabuta : nrcerna : abuchholz : +jelkner : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Developing work teams - abuchholz, lbolz, and stefan & nrcerna, GFbot, and zOnny? (jelkner)16:00
Working with Heylin on NOVALACIRO website (jelkner)16:00
Mail was down yesterday ;) (SITarabuta)16:00
Checkout our website for new stuff (SITarabuta)16:00
Getting Logging back for Little_Brother (jelkner)16:00
abuchholzwe can fix the time later16:00
*** zOnny has joined #novawebdev16:00
jelknernrcerna, you're in charge, yes?16:01
nrcernaGood morning everyone16:01
ubuntouristGood afternoon, ;-)16:01
SITarabutaHi there16:01
nrcernayes, I forget that ubuntourist, here still good morning jaja16:02
nrcernaWell the first item: Hello Little Brother (ubuntourist) 16:02
nrcernaI think ubuntourist  started to do it 16:03
ubuntouristSo, That was both a test and an announcement: Big Brother is now Little Brother and living on our new site. Yay.16:03
ubuntouristIt is logging, but the bit that converts the log to HTML on the fly is not in place, and no URL points to the logs yet.16:04
ubuntouristSITarabuta, and abuchholz have poked at it some as well.16:04
jelknerubuntourist, we have near term plans to fix that, yes?16:04
jelknermjsir911, set it up in the first place16:04
jelknerwe could perhaps reach out to him for help?16:04
jelknerhe's here in arlington16:05
SITarabutait is nginx now16:05
jelknernot that it matters16:05
SITarabutanot apache2 anymore16:05
ubuntouristjelkner, my understanding is that Linode is on nginx. WebFaction had a wee instance of apache216:05
GFbotSITarabuta finally.16:05
ubuntouristjelkner, and so, the configuration that drives the irc-log-to-html conversion and finds the path to the logs must be moved 16:06
ubuntouristjelkner, from apache's configuration to nginx's configuration.16:06
ubuntouristACTION is done.16:06
nrcernasince we already started the next item16:06
nrcernaTalk about the IRC Bot (abuchholz)16:06
abuchholzalright so I am pleased to announce that we have a new command, event16:07
abuchholzby typing in !help event you can see the syntax for the event16:07
abuchholz!event Test title, Test Desc, 2020-03-26 11:00, 2020-03-26 12:00, test location, 116:07
The event "Test title" has been created.16:07
SITarabutaQuick, someone log in and delete it haha16:07
abuchholzYou will now see an event that has been created16:07
jelknerall this is too cool!16:07
abuchholzACTION is done.16:08
nrcernathanks abuchholz 16:08
nrcernathe next item16:09
nrcernajelkner, about this I want to know, where is Sameen? 16:09
SITarabutaI want to say OOF so bad, but I won't.16:10
jelknernrcerna, i'm sorry16:10
jelknershe emailed me that she had another class meeting16:10
jelknershe contacted me by email last night16:10
nrcernaOK :(16:10
jelknerAPS is still trying to work out on-line schooling16:11
ubuntouristSomeone should check w/ her re: email setup.16:11
jelknerso the rules are being made up as we go16:11
jelknerubuntourist, i'll follow up with her16:11
SITarabutano need ubuntourist hehe16:11
nrcernaOk lets move to the next item :)16:12
nrcernaDeveloping work teams - abuchholz, lbolz, and stefan & nrcerna, GFbot, and zOnny? (jelkner)16:12
nrcernathis is really great jelkner 16:12
jelknernrcerna, things are going so well already, do we need to add anything at present?16:12
jelknersince this already seems to be in place16:12
nrcernaJust that GFbot and zOnny are going to work together in the business tracker16:13
jelknerbtw, nrcerna, did you eventually get the email with business manager story?16:13
jelknerbusiness tracker, i'm sorry16:13
nrcernaand we are going to meet Alan today as usual16:13
GFbotzOnny i sent you the repo16:13
jelknernrcerna, did you get the email?16:14
GFbotyou should be able to clone and take look of it16:14
nrcernathiis ones jelkner "A complex user story for our business logic app"16:14
jelknerlet's talk about that at the meeting with alan16:14
jelknerACTION done16:15
nrcernawell with this, we have 2 developer teams16:15
GFbotjelkner i got the email too16:15
nrcernanext item: - Working with Heylin on NOVALACIRO website (jelkner)16:16
jelknerlet me be quick16:16
jelknerhrodriguez is here with us16:16
hrodriguezyes jelkner 16:16
jelknershe is an organizer16:16
jelknerbut she can't organize in person under present circumstances16:16
jelknerso now is the time to get NOVALACIRO set up with LOv216:17
jelknershe has 20 hours per week to help test using it16:17
jelknerso we should work that into a schedule16:17
nrcernaI think we need to track if her needs are front or back end and then assign who and how is going to help her16:18
jelkneri heard there is already good news about NOVALACIRO data being ported to LOv2?16:18
jelknernrcerna, +116:18
GFbotjelkner we have the theme ready16:18
jelknerlbolz, would you be willing to coordinate that?16:18
lbolzsure, i guess16:19
abuchholzwe can talk more in the discord lbolz16:19
jelknerlbolz, that means just making sure hrodriguez gets connected with the developers16:19
jelknerand sets up a schedule to test the new site16:20
jelknerbtw. we can bill NOVALACIRO16:20
jelknerso they are a paying customer if we can deliver real value to them16:20
nrcernanext item: Mail was down yesterday ;) (SITarabuta)16:21
jelknerdrum roll please...16:21
SITarabutaI will combine my two reminders.16:21
SITarabutaSo, long story short, we now have a mail server that is accessible at
SITarabutaIf you log in on, and click on the dashboard, you will also see 3 new buttons: MAIL, IRC LOGS, WIKI.16:22
SITarabutaI am trying to unify all of our stuff in one place, so new people won't have issues with finding stuff (like I had hehe).16:22
SITarabutahere you can see the old email reputation vs the new email16:22
SITarabutaEveryone has an account with the password: password. Please log in, go to settings, password, and change it! Pretty please ;)16:22
jelknerThis is AMAZING!16:22
jelknera dream come true16:23
SITarabutajelkner, I wasn't sure what your email was, WebFaction says jeff.elkner, but shouldn't it be jeffrey.elkner?16:23
SITarabutaI made it jeffrey.elkner16:23
SITarabutabut i can change it16:23
nrcernaI cant see the dashboard when I click it SITarabuta 16:23
jelknerjust don't call me late for dinner16:23
SITarabutaWhat do you mean?16:23
nrcernaI just went to our website16:23
abuchholzare you logged in?16:24
nrcernaand then I clicked the dashboard icon 16:24
SITarabutaAdrian can16:24
SITarabutaWeird, anyway, we'll fix that later16:24
SITarabutaNow, there is a little catch with all of this email stuff16:24
jelkneri can't login either16:24
SITarabutawhere jeff16:24
jelknerwe'll need to work the kinks out16:24
nrcernaI cant see it16:24
jelknerlet's do that after the meeting16:24
jelknermy login is my gmail account now, for example16:25
jelkneri'll want to change that16:25
SITarabutaOn the mail jeff,16:25
SITarabutathe login is jeffrey.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org16:25
jelknerit shouldn't be different, SITarabuta 16:25
SITarabutathe login is your email address jelkner16:25
SITarabutawhich is this jeffrey.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org16:25
jelknerSITarabuta, we now have a better option16:26
jelknermy login should be jeffrey.elkner16:26
ubuntouristSITarabuta, login failed. Wrong password.16:26
jelknersince the mail extension is standard16:26
SITarabutathe password is16:26
jelknerit doesn't need to be included16:26
abuchholzyou need to change it to ur password16:26
jelknerlet's talk after16:26
lbolzmine works16:26
ubuntouristSITarabuta, that's what I fed it.16:26
SITarabutaok, i see that jelkner16:26
SITarabutaNow, there is a little catch. To add an alias, such as "everyone", we have to use SQL directly. It is very easy, but yeah, there are 3 solutions to that:1. I could use some software to do that, but I have to setup the whole thing again. It is not hard though, so if you really want it, I can do it.2. Pay the developers of the software in the current16:27
SITarabutasetup to let us use the extra features (Pro version). They give us the source code.3. Just use SQL.So my question is what option should we choose?16:27
ubuntouristSITarabuta, there 't'is. Sorry 'bout that. I wasn't suffixing with ""16:28
SITarabutayep, np ubuntourist16:28
jelknerwe are a web development business16:28
SITarabutaalso, please change your password everyone16:28
jelknerjust use SQL seems the best option to me16:28
SITarabutaok, great16:28
jelknerwhat to others think?16:29
abuchholzthank you stefan16:29
GFbotjelkner sql16:30
jelknerubuntourist, do you agree?16:30
jelknerlet's move on, nrcerna 16:31
nrcernaok 16:32
zOnny1 ? which software?16:32
ubuntouristjelkner, Sorry. Old. Slow. I was catching up (after logging in, changing password, storing new password, etc, etc.)16:33
ubuntouristjelkner, gimme a sec to see what everyone's blathering on about. ;-)16:33
zOnnySITarabuta: It seems that it uses nginx by default16:34
SITarabutawait no16:34
SITarabutai am using iRedMail16:34
SITarabutathe alternative is Modoboa16:34
SITarabutabut both use Nginx16:34
SITarabutaAnd I set it up with postgresql16:34
ubuntouristjelkner, If the question is: Should we use SQL directly instead of paying, I've got no problem with the SQL approach.16:34
SITarabutabecause we love it16:34
SITarabutaubuntourist yes16:35
zOnnySITarabuta: I think the desicion is already made16:35
SITarabutaalright, there it is16:35
jelknerSITarabuta, we will want a talk at some point on the email architecture16:35
jelknerbut for now, it seems clear we are all happy with how you have set it up16:35
SITarabutaso I am setting up the aliases16:36
SITarabutaOH, BE CAREFUL! Your current setup for email WILL NOT work16:36
ubuntouristACTION reserves judgment until he actually USES it. ;-)16:36
SITarabutaYou have to log in here to see email! If you want to use a client, use the smtp and imap server!16:36
jelknerSITarabuta, does that mean everybody is a query returning the list of users?16:36
ubuntouristSITarabuta, hence my earlier question about setting up new people.16:37
SITarabutaNo, it is just an entry in an alias table jelkner16:37
SITarabutaWhere the server looks where to send stuff, but it is a list basically16:37
SITarabutaubuntourist, can you repeat that?16:37
jelknerthis is already and after meeting discussion16:37
jelknerand we are 8 minutes over16:38
ubuntouristSITarabuta, <ubuntourist> Someone should check w/ her re: email setup.16:38
jelknercan we close the meeting and then talk email?16:38
jelknerso folks who don't want to stay for that can leave16:38
SITarabutaok, but they should get their email working though16:38
nrcernawell next item belongs to you SITarabuta - Checkout our website for new stuff 16:38
SITarabutaskip that16:38
jelknerSITarabuta, let's let brave poineers go first16:38
ubuntouristI want to talk about a few things, but they're all semi-techie / post meeting. Still, folks should hang around for it to weigh in if they can.16:39
SITarabutai talked about it16:39
*** hrodriguez has left #novawebdev (None)16:39
SITarabutaok ubuntourist16:39
nrcernathe last one: Getting Logging back for Little_Brother (jelkner)16:40
ubuntouristnrcerna, Already addressed, methinks.16:40
jelknernrcerna, i think we covered that already16:40
nrcernaso we are done16:41
SITarabutaShould Heylin still have an email
ubuntourist(Logging is happening, just not visible to the unwashed masses yet.)16:41
nrcernaOk I think we are done?16:42
nrcernaanyone has anything to add?16:42
ubuntouristWash your hands. Maintain social distancing. ;-)16:43
abuchholzso I know this comment will be frowned upon by some. But might I recommend that we join a discord call/or some other software so that stefan can share his screen and answer any questions about email16:43
nrcernaAbout that ubuntourist, our government discovered to cases in our city,one of them in about 8 blocks from our home16:43
abuchholzhis setup is much easier too see and explain by talking than over text16:44
ubuntouristMy apartment building's infected.16:44
nrcerna:( ubuntourist 16:44
nrcernaACTION drops the bag of gravel16:45
ubuntouristabuchholz, That's part of my post-meeting thoughts.16:45
ubuntouristOK, quickly, three things:16:45
ubuntourist1. Easy fix I think: Functional tests failing due to lack of membership table.16:45
abuchholzyeah i know the exact  problem 16:46
jelknerSITarabuta, no, Heylin doesn't need a NOVA Web email16:46
abuchholzstefan needs to update requirements.txt16:46
ubuntourist2. As jelkner email migration stuff.16:46
SITarabutaok jelkner16:46
jelknerSITarabuta, can i ask a process question?16:46
GFbotzOnny you here?16:47
zOnnyGFbot: I got it16:47
ubuntourist3. as to abuchholz suggestion: Please keep trying to work out bridging between Discord / IRC / (matrix). (matrix) is having issues,16:47
GFbotzOnny cool 16:47
ubuntouristbut perhaps we can run our own instance of matrix to solve that issue.16:47
jelknerSITarabuta, it seems we want this process for email:16:47
SITarabutajelkner sure16:47
jelkner1. The initiated (pioneers, whatever you want to call them) go first16:48
jelkner2. once the kinks have been worked out, we bring in everyone else16:48
ubuntouristPossible to integrate matrix w/ LOv2  perhaps?16:48
jelknerthat saves valuable time16:48
jelknersince in a new system16:48
SITarabutajelkner that is unfortunately not possible.16:48
SITarabutaWith email, it is either off, or on16:48
jelknerso, we agree to turn it off for a few days16:49
GFbotjelkner you want to intagrate business tracker with LO2v i think right?16:49
jelknerfor example, i feel pretty strongly that my login should just be the part before the @16:49
SITarabutaSo, jelkner that means that we shoud use the old system?16:49
jelknerGoogle does that16:49
jelknerit's really nice if we can do it16:49
SITarabutathat is possible jeff16:49
SITarabutai can set it up right now16:50
SITarabutait takes like 3 seconds16:50
jelknerSITarabuta, my fingers are hurting, can i call you?16:50
SITarabutatry now, i made it work without @16:50
ubuntouristSITarabuta, will that be a new account or are you renaming the user for the account we just logged into?16:50
SITarabutasame account, but adding a username16:50
SITarabutai have to add it for everyone though16:50
ubuntouristSITarabuta, will that be an alias? Or a replacement? i.e. will the long one still work?16:51
abuchholzubuntourist hes talking to jeff. I think it will be an alias but not a 100% sure.16:52
SITarabutano alias16:52
SITarabutahold on16:52
ubuntouristnrcerna, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the apartment building is maintaining confidentiality -- with good reason,16:54
ubuntouristnrcerna, but sometimes a little information is worse than none.16:54
ubuntouristnrcerna, A lot of residents (not me) are panicking a bit and want to know who's infected, when was it discovered, where have they been in the building, etc. etc.16:55
nrcernaIts totally normal16:55
nrcernawe always need information, its fear talking16:55
ubuntouristnrcerna, I think, perhaps, it would have been better for the building management not to let anyone know there are cases in the building.16:55
ubuntouristnrcerna, The information we've been provided is nothing we can act upon, really.16:56
ubuntouristACTION is stepping away from the computer for few minutes...16:57
nrcernapeople think that if they know who is infected they are going to stay away and be more careful about their own hygienic behavior16:57
nrcernaI gess16:57
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev17:07
jelknerSITarabuta convinced me we need to use the full email address17:07
SITarabutaThere we go17:07
jelknerSITarabuta, can you stay here a bit while i set this up17:07
jelkneri need to first login to email17:07
jelknerusing jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org17:08
jelknerthen change my password17:08
jelknerthen i need to set up  new account17:08
jelkneron novawebdevelopment.org17:08
jelknerwith the new email address17:08
jelknerSITarabuta, will you then delete the old one?17:08
SITarabutayou don't need a new account17:08
SITarabutajust go to edit account after you log in17:08
SITarabutaand change the email17:08
jelknerand that will change my login?17:09
jelknerACTION goes to try all that17:09
SITarabutaACTION fingers crossed.17:09
jelknerSITarabuta, mail is giving me "Unable to connect"17:12 ?17:13
SITarabutaCan you access that page?17:13
jelkneri'm talking about the button in the dashboard17:13
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev17:13
jelknerwhich trys to load /mail at the end of the url17:14
abuchholzit works for me17:14
SITarabutaIt also works for me17:14
SITarabutajelkner it redirects there that is fine17:14
ubuntouristACTION is back and catching up...17:15 redirects to
jelknerit wont' let me connect17:15
jelknerwith or without /mail17:15
jelknerit did before, but now i'm getting "Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at"17:16
abuchholzok thats with firefox17:16
ubuntouristjelkner, SITarabuta instructions worked for me (once I added the @...)17:16
SITarabutaIt works with my firefox17:16
ubuntouristjelkner, I used Firefox to do it...17:16
SITarabutaJeff, try Shift-Refresh17:17
SITarabutamaybe a caching issue17:17
abuchholzmake sure you are doing https:// not http://17:17
SITarabutaIt doesn't matter, it redirects17:17
jelknernow from chromium: This site can’t be refused to connect.17:18
jelknerChecking the connection17:18
jelknerChecking the proxy and the firewall17:18
SITarabutaWait, is this your laptop or APS?17:18
SITarabutaMaybe they block it..17:18
jelknermy home computer17:18
jelkneri'm at home17:18
jelknerwe aren't allowed at APS ;-)17:19
jelknerso its comcast17:19
SITarabutaOh I know, I thought you used the APS Laptop :)17:19
SITarabutaI doubt it is comcast..17:19
ubuntourist(I just went back to and tried again from the dashboard, to see if there was some weird issue, but it seems to be working fine still.)17:20
ubuntouristjelkner, Any weird proxy settings in your browsers?17:20
jelkneri hate computer neworking! :-(17:20
jelkneri just checked three different browsers17:20
jelknerhold on, let me check my phone17:21
SITarabutaTry this going to this ip directly17:21
SITarabutaIt should say Security Issue17:21
ubuntouristjelkner, Yeah, but it doesn't mean you didn't change settings in three browsers... (When I've needed proxy stuff, I have to set all my browsers to be aware.)17:21
jelknerubuntourist, same issue on my android phone!17:23
SITarabutaare you on the home wifi?17:23
SITarabutaDid you try using the Celluar data?17:23
SITarabutaMaybe your home wifi is messed up :/17:23
ubuntouristjelkner, "$ mtr" -- assuming you have mtr installed -- to see if there's a breakdown in communication?17:24
ubuntouristjelkner, (or a name resolution failure -- though SITarabuta 's suggestion would have gotten you past that hump.)17:26
jelknerso i was able to see the page if i explicitly add the https protocol17:26
jelkneron my phone17:26
jelknerbut that still doesn't work on my desktop17:26
jelknertraceroute is showing me a 15 hop table17:27
SITarabutafor me http also works. interesting - it just redirects to https17:27
jelknerwith 11 being 17:27
jelknerand 12-14 all ???17:28
jelknerbut 15 is mail.novawebdevelopment.org17:28
jelknerthis is really annoying17:28
SITarabutaMTR is only showing me this:  1. mail.novawebdevelopment.org17:28
SITarabutaOh, maybe your router has weird DNS caching.17:29
SITarabutaYou could try to restart it17:29
SITarabutaThis really is annoying.17:29
jelkneri could, and as a backup plan, i could try setting up Evolution17:29
jelkneranyway, i know the mail is waiting for me there later17:29
SITarabutahehe :)17:30
ubuntouristjelkner, I get 17 hops.  14, 15, and 16 are ??? but 13 is and 17 is
jelknerACTION is going to shut everything down17:30
jelknerand restart the home router17:30
ubuntouristjelkner, maybe restart your home router 17:30
jelknerbb soon17:30
ubuntouristSo. Discord <--> IRC bridge? Anyone investigate? (I have not.)17:31
abuchholzi mean I can17:31
abuchholzI just dont think its that practical to be honest17:32
ubuntouristabuchholz, Fair 'nuf.17:33
ubuntouristabuchholz, SITarabuta you've made part of the case for discord as "all the cool kids are using it". So, I imagine a switch to something else with the same features would not be an easy sell:17:35
ubuntouristPeople are already invested and comfy with Discord, yes?17:35
ubuntouristjelkner and I have been poking around with Riot.IM, but it uses a server that is having problems bridging to IRC, ATM.17:36
ubuntouristIt uses "matrix". It would be nice to integrate some sort of video-chat capability into LibreOrganize, either by leveraging matrix or getting down and dirty w/ WebRTC directly.17:37
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jelknerSITarabuta, i rebooted the router and the computer17:46
jelknerstill no dice17:46
jelkneri should try connecting with Evolution17:46
jelknerso let me grab lunch17:47
jelknerwhile i wait for instruction on doing that17:47
jelknerwhich you can send to my personal email address ;-)17:47
jelknerSITarabuta, ping18:01
jelkneri just tried now, and i can get to the mail web interface18:01
jelknerbut i can't login18:01
jelkneri need to reset my password again, perhaps18:01
SITarabutahow come it works now?18:02
SITarabutaAlso, your  password is password18:02
SITarabutaso and password18:02
jelkneri have no forking idea18:03
SITarabutaand now that everyone can see the account, it should make you change the password fast ;)18:03
SITarabutawell.. it works18:03
jelkneri tried jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org18:03
jelknerwith password password18:03
jelknerbut permission denied18:03
jelknerso next step is getting in18:03
SITarabutaon email, right?18:04
SITarabutaor on libreorganize18:04
jelkneron mail.novawebdevelopment.org18:04
jelkneri'm logged in to LO18:05
SITarabutamaybe i misstyped the password18:05
SITarabutatry again, i reset it18:05
jelknercan you reset it for me please?18:05
SITarabutaACTION done18:06
jelknerThis is sooo annoying!18:08
SITarabutacan you tell me exactly what is it saying18:08
jelknerthat's the correct username, yes?18:08
jelknerwow, now it is giving me unable to connect again18:09
jelkneri had the login screen18:09
jelknerbut not now18:09
SITarabutathen it is your internet for sure - i tried logging in your account and it worked.....18:09
jelknerok, let me try setting up evolution18:09
SITarabutaok, one second18:09
SITarabutai will send instructions in about 15 min18:10 u are missing a b from this jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org18:11
jelknernrcerna, ping18:45
jelkneri just tried to call you18:45
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Little_BrotherAvailable commands: !event, !help, !ping, !remind, !time20:39
abuchholz!help remind20:39
Little_BrotherRemind about events20:39
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