IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-08-12

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scooperGood morning Shmohamud11:32
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scooperACTION will going to the rest room12:08
scooperACTION going to the rest room12:08
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tboimahGood morning Jeff12:29
jelknerGood afternoon janet, mulbah, tboimah, and scooper12:29
scooperGood morning Jeff12:30
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:30
janetGood morning Jeff12:30
svayeGood morning everyone12:34
jelknerGood afternoon, svaye 12:34
svayeHow are you Jeff12:34
jelknerLOL, i don't mean to be rude, svaye, but i generally don't answer that question ;-)12:35
svayeIt's okay Jeff, it's just my habit to ask12:36
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:38
jelknerGood afternoon, fkoikoi12:39
jelknerYes, indeed, svaye, i understand that12:39
jelknerthe reason i don't answer is that just think about how that "habit" plays out here on irc12:40
jelknereach time someone knew logs in, they would ask me that same question (it's their habit too)12:40
jelknerand i would have to answer again!12:40
jelknermy poor fingers will get sore12:40
jelknerand we won't really have conveyed any meaningful information12:41
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:44
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group on what they have been doing for the past weeks(5minutes each) (added by fkoikoi)12:44
LittleWebsterFinancial Report(done by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)12:44
LittleWebsterUpdates on the task the was given by Jeff before the break (done by Freena Koikoi) (added by fkoikoi)12:44
jelknerfkoikoi, as i mentioned yesterday, let's please move this agenda at a brisk pace12:44
jelkneri only have 30 minutes12:44
jelknermy brother will be arriving from Puerto Rico around 9:30 am, and we will be starting our family gathering12:45
jelknerand celebrating my son Louis's 30th birthday12:45
jelknerso i'm *really* getting old! ;-)_12:45
jelkneranyway, i will need to sign off at 9:30 am sharp12:45
scooper!add Asking Interns if they want to enrolled in UoPeople12:45
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Asking Interns if they want to enrolled in UoPeople" has been added to the agenda.12:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:46
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group on what they have been doing for the past weeks(5minutes each) (added by fkoikoi)12:46
LittleWebsterFinancial Report(done by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)12:46
LittleWebsterUpdates on the task the was given by Jeff before the break (done by Freena Koikoi) (added by fkoikoi)12:46
LittleWebsterAsking Interns if they want to enrolled in UoPeople (added by scooper)12:46
fkoikoiShould we only discuss two items on the agenda for today?12:46
jelkneryou're the boss, fkoikoi. you tell me ;-)12:47
jelkneri keep hoping that more and more you will think about our project from a broad perspective12:47
scooperOh you once told me about this August family celebration.... I wish you a happy togetherness Jeff12:47
jelknerthanks, scooper 12:47
jelknerand think about:12:47
jelkner1. What do we need to do to move our project forward?12:48
jelkner2. What do we need to do in the next few weeks to move toward our longer term goals?12:48
jelkner3. In concrete terms, *who* should be doing *what* to fit into our overall plan?12:49
jelknerto be a coop, fkoikoi, we all need to learn to think like leaders12:49
jelknerit is up to us, all of us, to make things happen12:49
jelknerlike any good solidarity activist, my job is to make myself irrelevant.12:51
jelkneri will only have succeeded when you don't need me anymore12:51
jelknerso the more leadership you take, fkoikoi, the happier i am!12:52
dcammueGood morning everyone12:52
jelknerGood afternoon dcammue 12:52
dcammueHow was your night Jeff?12:53
dcammueand you all?12:53
jelknerLOL, take a look at the irc logs, dcammue 12:53
fkoikoi!remove Updates on the task the was given by Jeff before the break (done by Freena Koikoi)12:59
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates on the task the was given by Jeff before the break (done by Freena Koikoi)" has been removed from the agenda.12:59
LittleWebsterjelkner : mulbah : tboimah : svaye : scooper : dcammue : janet : fkoikoi13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group on what they have been doing for the past weeks(5minutes each) (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterFinancial Report(done by scooper) (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterAsking Interns if they want to enrolled in UoPeople (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
scooperGood morning everyone and welcome again to our regular Saturday meeting. As we proceed in today meeting kindly click the link to understand the financial report for the month of August. 13:00
jelknerThere is $150 missing from the budget, scooper 13:01
jelknerA check written to the Kamal Foundation13:01
jelknerIn the name of Jetro Web Development13:02
scooperIf I include it our budget will raise to 80013:02
jelknerthat item should appear in Jetro's budget13:02
scooperI m giving a report on 650 that was received13:02
scooperbut nevertheless I will include it13:03
scooperSecondly, after going through that report, it has been noticed that some member who were served a writing communication to state their intent for being part of this journey who but up till now those names that where mentioned haven’t yet respond. Please do and learn to be responsible by following instruction.13:04
scooperACTION done for now13:04
fkoikoiAlright thanks scooper13:06
fkoikoiJeff, that was the financial report. 13:07
fkoikoiso before we move forward, is there anything that someone have to say about the financial report?13:08
fkoikoimulbah, tboimah, janet and svaye13:10
fkoikoialright than lets proceed13:11
fkoikoiwe now move to updates from each group13:12
scooperthe present update Jeff 13:12
jelknerthanks, scooper 13:13
fkoikoinext is the sysadmin group13:14
jelknerdear friends and comrades, this is moving *way too slowly*!13:15
jelknerfkoikoi, i need to leave in less than 15 minutes13:15
jelknercan i ask a question before i leave?13:15
jelknerfirst, a quick comment13:16
jelknersince i know football is the national sport in Liberia13:16
tboimahOkay for the system admin we been working with Mr. Cole every Monday and Friday. you check the server for scriptreplay you will see some of what we been working on.13:16
jelknerwe need to think about what we are doing like we're training for football13:16
jelknerwe need to run fast, pass with agility, and pay attention to what's happening on the field13:17
jelknerso, i'll be away now for 4 days13:17
jelkneri start work again on Thursday, August 17th13:17
jelknerthat will be the beginning of the new school year for me13:17
jelknerwe need to decide when we will have our meetings during the week13:17
jelkneri have a proposal13:17
tboimahthe scriptreplay is like a movie you will just sat and witch what we have been doing by just using the scriptreplay command13:17
scoopershoot it13:18
jelkneri'd like to meet each morning at 11 am your time13:18
jelkner(7 am my time)13:18
jelknerbut it would have to be what we call in agile computing a "stand up meeting"13:18
scooperFor me,that schedule is tight Jeff13:18
jelknertight means bad, scooper?13:19
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jelknerfkoikoi, what about for you?13:19
jelkneri can't think of a better time scooper 13:20
jelknersince i teach all day13:20
jelknerthat is the time in the morning before i start work13:20
scooperI understand13:20
jelkneri understand that you are at your MCSS job then13:20
jelknerthat's why i said you needed an assistant13:20
jelknerfkoikoi, can you be in the lab at that time?13:20
scooperthat is the issue I m faced with right now13:21
scoopergot you13:21
jelknerthis isn't a problem, scooper, it's an opportunity13:21
jelknermy proposal is that fkoikoi and jelkner meet each morning at 11 am13:21
jelknerfor 10 minutes13:21
fkoikoialright Jeff13:21
jelkneri'll look for more links, fkoikoi, but here is one13:22
fkoikoithanks Jeff13:22
jelknerthey call it a "stand up meeting", because when people meet in person, they have to stand up during the meeting, and not sit down13:23
jelknerthe reason is that we want the meeting to be short and to the point13:23
jelknerwe don't want to get too comfortable13:23
jelknersince then we get slow13:23
jelknerfkoikoi, you may want to figure out how reports to you from each team13:23
jelknermy hope is that this year, we can do a lot more collaboration between students in Virginia who are working with NOVA Web Development13:24
jelknerand Jetro Web Development in Monrovia13:24
fkoikoithat's good13:24
jelkneri'm glad to see that svaye, mulbah, and fkoikoi are on Zulip13:25
jelknerwe will use NOVA Web's Zulip for that communication13:25
jelknerfkoikoi, did you see kei messaged you, yes?13:25
jelknershe is trying to become the business manager of NOVA Web Development13:25
jelknerit would be a huge help if you two could work to get to know each other13:25
jelknerso you can work together13:26
fkoikoisure jeff13:26
jelknershe will be doing the billing and payments, and customer service for NOVA Web13:26
jelknerok, one other thing13:27
jelkneri will be teaching web development this year13:27
jelknersvaye and dcammue_, i am hoping you will either stay ahead of or at least keep up with that class13:27
jelknerwhen i give tasks to my students in Virginia, you should do them too13:28
jelknerso that by April, you can take your certification exam13:28
dcammue_sure Jeff13:28
jelknermulbah and tboimah, you are the only group i can't guide13:28
jelknerso hopefully, Kevin will continue to do that13:28
jelknerkeep me informed13:28
fkoikoiJeff, you also mentioned helping the python group13:29
jelknerpython programmers, i'll be teaching 2 sections of python13:29
jelknerso you can follow that class too13:29
jelknerok, i need to go13:29
fkoikoialright jeff13:29
scooperThanks Jeff13:29
fkoikoiThans for the time13:29
jelknerfkoikoi, i'll see you at 11 am on thursday13:29
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi think about an agenda for next saturday that builds on this plan13:29
jelknerACTION done13:29
dcammue_Have a nice day Jff13:29
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:30
fkoikoiokie dokie13:30
jelkneryou too everyone13:30
jelknersee you thursday!13:30
jelknerACTION signs off13:30
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scooperACTION signing up too13:31
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